Both Russia and China have been advancing their interests into other people’s territories or contested territories against international law just as others have done before.

Eisenhower's Strategy Legacy of Patience, “change through rapprochement”, albeit for the best of intentions, has enabled Biology/Culture Ideologies to Dissimulate, Adapt, Discover, Improvise and Overcome utilizing economic-military duplicity/blackmail/theft to build soft-hard power=Enlightenments demise. 

"That longtime approach, known as “Wandel durch Annäherung” (“change through rapprochement”) and developed in the 1960s to ease Cold War tensions, was straightforward. If Germany helped to improve the economy and civil society in Russia, it would modernize and become more democratic and cooperative. Close economic ties would lessen the risk of armed conflict and give Germany political leverage."
Is Germany Turning Against Russia?
NYT, Anna Sauerbrey, Oct. 14, 2020

Both Russia and China have been advancing their interests into other people’s territories or contested territories against international law just as others have done before. Both utilising the shield of nuclear holocaust, once a deterrence to such actions now an enabler as both Russia and China promise and even detail how their nuclear arsenals will be used against anyone daring to oppose them in earnest.

“You see, man is a contentious animal. He is always likely to apply force to the resolution of social conflict. The fact that he gets better at killing isn’t likely to make him stop.”..
“There is a rough and uneasy parity between the two major alliances in weaponry,” he explains. “Anything which changes this to destabilise the international situation brings conflict closer. I am as deeply concerned as anyone that there shouldn’t be a nuclear war but I discern in what the so-called peace movements are doing, a destabilising influence which could be highly dangerous if it was successful. It is not for nothing that the Soviet Union is so much in favour of Western peace movements.”
Does that make peace movement supporters Soviet tools?
“Well, Lenin himself invented the phrase ‘useful fools’. There are a lot of useful fools in the peace movement.”
The General (Sir John Hackett) and the Future War, the age, 15th October 1983

"In December last I (Theodore Roosevelt) was asked to address the American Sociological Congress on “the effect of war and militarism on social values.” In sending my answer I pointed out that infinitely the most important fact to remember in connection with the subject in question is that if an unscrupulous, warlike, and militaristic nation is not held in check by the warlike ability of a neighbouring non-militaristic and well-behaved nation, then the latter will be spared the necessity of dealing with its own “moral and social values” because it won’t be allowed to deal with anything. Until this fact is thoroughly recognised, and the duty of national preparedness by justice loving nations explicitly acknowledged, there is very little use of solemnly debating such questions as the one which the sociological congress assigned to me – which, in detail, was “How war and militarism affect such social values as the sense of the preciousness of human life; care for child welfare; the conservation of human resources; upper-class concern for the lot of the masses; interest in popular education; appreciation of truth-telling and truth-printing; respect for personality and regards for personal rights.”

It seems to me possibly comic to fail to appreciate, with the example of Belgium before our eyes, that the real question which modern peace-loving nations have to face is not how the militaristic or warlike spirit within their own borders will affect these “values,” but how failure on their part to be able to resist the militarism of an unscrupulous neighbour will affect them. Belgium had a very keen sense of the “preciousness of human life” and of “the need for the care of child welfare and the conservation of human resources,” and there was much “concern” by the Belgian “upper classes for the lot of the masses,” great “interest in popular education and appreciation of truth-telling and truth-printing and a high respect for personality and regard for personal rights.” But all these “social values” existed in Belgium only up to the end of July, 1914. Not a vestige of them remained in 1915. To discuss them as regards present-day Belgium is sheer prattle, simply because on August 4, 1914, Belgium had not prepared her military strength so that she could put on her frontiers at least half a million thoroughly armed and trained men of fighting spirit.
Theodore Roosevelt asked by the American Sociological Association to provide a response at the American Sociological Congress, Washington, DC, December 1915.

Theodore Roosevelt in the same speech underlines how easily cultures 'forget' lessons which in cultural temporal terms happen a second ago.

"In similar fashion the question of the internal reformation of China at this moment is wholly secondary to the question whether any China will remain to be reformed internally. A Chinese gentleman wrote to me the other day that he had formerly been absorbed in plans for bringing China abreast of the modern movement, but that the events of the past year had shown him that what he really ought to be absorbed in was the question whether or not China would be able by military preparation to save itself from the fate of Korea. Korean “social values” now have to be studied exclusively through a Japanese medium."
Theodore Roosevelt reference to China in response to the American Sociological Congress, Washington, DC, December 1915.

Time to realise such an approach has to end in nuclear war because as both China and Russia have no intention of stopping their flagrant breach of international law and norms there will be a point of no return as with all such cultures determined to subjugate others to their own interest.

As the past has clearly proved appeasement of such cultures for fear of retaliation only gives such cultures time, resources, and space to develop and enact strategies-means which will overwhelm those stupid enough to follow a Strategy of Patience. It was only by mere luck Democracies survived WWII. Some cultures have learnt the lessons of history clearly some have not.

No matter what fear of repercussions you have of confronting the likes of China and Russia now think back and you will realise it is nothing compared to what will be your fate in the future if both China and Russia are allowed to continue to Dissimulate, Adapt, Discover, Improvise and Overcome.

“The lessons here are:
(c) That peace cannot be brought by appeasement; that it is far better in the long run to challenge at an early stage rather than allow an aggressor to go on from strength to strength until the inevitable war begins with the defender at a dangerous disadvantage.
If you make the deductions from your intelligence reports fit your preconceived notions about what the enemy is or ought to be doing, you are almost bound to be surprised.”
MIDDLE EAST 1939-43, DIRECTORATE OF MILITARY TRAINING, Military Board Army Headquarters, Melbourne, 31/8/1959

In terms of weaponry I suggest there are much more insidious, and from an attackers view to preserve infrastructure and assets of the attacked culture, much more effective ways of removing Other from this earth despite how much military hard/software the attacked culture may possess, with the added bonus of deniability of delivering via intermediaries or even from their own space which does not result in at least immediate attempts of counter annihilation, by which time it would be too late anyway.

“Mongol armies besieging the Black Sea port of Kaffa catapulted plague-ridden corpses over the battlements” A ‘catapult’ maybe a bit obvious but as with religious texts it will no doubt be analogised into another more effective form – maybe in the form of a “package” from who knows where.

The war has started on many fronts and the Western Marxist-Socialist intellectual elite beavering away at colonialism, neocolonialism and neoliberalism denial and self-flagellation ‘Brutal Rurals’-Populist deviance paradigm have left the West politically visionless to what is happening.

There is no reason at all to believe any of the above as China has just officially adopted Confucius and Putin officially the Orthodox Church. Both have discovered religion nothing to worry about. mmm.

Confucius 551-479 BC
To lead an uninstructed people to war is to throw them away.

Sun Tzu 544-496 BC
The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.

We are informed by our National Security Marxist-Socialist derived elite it is blasphemous to question any cultures faith, particularly the dangerously delusional Culture/Not Culture paradigm underlying internal/external national security policy.

"..I think it’s blasphemous to the extent that I can comment on someone else’s religion." Director General of ASIO, Duncan Lewis
Terror alert: Australia’s top spy chief warns rift with Muslims could weaken national security, December 13, 2015 Samantha Maiden, National Political Editor, The Sunday Telegraph

"..from directing Chinese student associations, threatening Australian-based Chinese dissidents and seeking to influence academic inquiry, to co-opting community groups and controlling most Chinese-language media."

"The rural autonomous communes would be a monster with a thousand suckers attached to the flank of the Revolution.

No! Thousands of mutes and blind are not fitted to conclude a social pact. Weak, unorganised, bound by a thousand trammels, the people of the country can only be saved by the towns, and the people of the towns guided by Paris. The failure of all the provincial insurrections, even of the large towns, had sufficiently testified this." History of the Commune of 1871, LISSAGARAY, 1902

 Mao said on 27th February, 1957:
”What should our policy be toward non-Marxist ideas? So far as unmistakable counter-revolutionaries and wreckers of the socialist cause are concerned, the matter is easy; we simply deprive them of their freedom of speech.”

"Monday night's episode of Four Corners lined up an array of academics, bureaucrats and politicians expressing alarm about China's attempts to influence Australia through clandestine activities."

“The man who allegedly assaulted Tony Abbott has explained his motivation for the act, saying it had “nothing to do with” same-sex marriage and the former PM “got off lightly”.”

“It did get unfortunately a bit out of hand,” he said. “We kept encouraging our people to not respond the way they are responding. We are all for free speech and them protesting but to get violent and make threats … It’s a shame we can’t stand on campus and have an opinion.”
Yes, No camps clash at University of Sydney, by SIMONE FOX KOOB, The Australian, September 14, 2017

Maybe a check of history is warranted.

“A nation, like man, is the creature of its past."
THE REVOLUTIONARY IDEA IN FRANCE, 1789-1871, By Lord Elton, 1923.

Is there any substance to a comment made in the 1500’s “When the Emperor joins hands with the Pope blood flows from their grasp.”? Note the word Pope could be replaced with Marx’s “unscrupulous” methods or any other number of purveyors of cultural ethic-behavioral templates.

"When the Jugoslavs, ideological correct as ever, protested that, with no industry, there would be no foundation on which to build socialism, he retorted with brutal directness: 'What do you want with a heavy industry? We have everything you need in the Urals."  Yatrov, The chief Soviet negotiator (Maclean 1957, p. 346-347)

A similar claim was made to Julie Bishop by China regards Australia's manufacturing industry the nature of intended control and subjugation does not change.


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