2015, then-president of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences He Fuchu (贺福初) argued that biotechnology will become the new “strategic commanding heights” of national defense, from biomaterials to “brain control” weapons. All Marx supplied humanity with was a dualistic deviance paradigm with ‘unscrupulous’ methods – terror-violence to eliminate one side. Then what, a thousand whispers, chaos - Coronavirus appeared Predicted Poss. biowarfare ploy. #WHO #CIA is it?

#LiWenliang is the death knell of the "unscrupulous" Marx #Chinese #Communist rationale system as Chinese Citizen Li Wenliang was silenced for detailing the Emperor's failure and deception, his memory rises from the grave to lead Rebellion against #XiJinping and his official's tyranny.

"A healthy society should not have only one voice," Dr. Li Wenliang 
Second evacuation flight delayed, as Chinese authorities fail to grant clearance, SMH, By Eryk Bagshaw and Anthony Galloway, February 7, 2020 

"The Chinese Communist Party has once again proved that authoritarianism is dangerous — not just for human rights but also for public health."
Warning: Chinese authoritarianism is hazardous to your health, Yje Washington Post, Chen Guangcheng, Feb. 7, 2020

Training or worse, a country that can develop the means to effectively contain a viral outbreak in its own space, in the new dangerous world of #biowarfare, to disable-kill the enemy culture Ideology and preserve their infrastructure whilst dissimulating under a 'natural' event. =

Worse=|'The story of how China announced the death of Dr Li Wenliang & then allegedly told doctors to put his body on life support & say he was ‘critical’. A grotesque end to the story of a brave man who tried to warn about the coronavirus & has now died from it."

#China refused to release the isolated #coronavirus, Australia had to do it-did not inform the world earlier preventing early preventative measures-has a biowarfare lab right were the coronavirus appeared Predicted Poss. biowarfare ploy. #WHO #CIA is it?

"Xiangguo Qiu — who was escorted out of the Winnipeg lab in July amid an RCMP investigation into what's being described by Public Health Agency of Canada as a possible "policy breach" — was invited to go to the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences twice a year for two years, for up to two weeks each time."

"Citizens blame officials for claiming for weeks that the virus was manageable and ignoring as well as covering up obvious signs that the outbreak was serious. ...

A doctor in Wuhan, who tried to warn colleagues and friends about the virus in December before being silenced by police, said on Saturday that he had been infected.

Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist at Wuhan central hospital, was one of eight doctors that local police punished for “rumour-mongering” when they attempted to sound the alarm about the virus in December, weeks before officials admitted the seriousness of the outbreak.

“Everything is settled now. It’s finally confirmed,” Li wrote on Weibo, delivering news that angered yet more Chinese. He wrote in another post: “I have seen a lot of support and encouragement for me online, which has really helped my emotional state. Thank you everyone.
Fury in China as footage appears to show officials taking doctors' face masks, The Guardian, Lily Kuo in Beijing, Mon 3 Feb 2020

"In 2010’s War for Biological Dominance (制生权战争), Guo Jiwei (继卫), a professor with the Third Military Medical University, emphasizes the impact of biology on future warfare.  

In 2015, then-president of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences He Fuchu (
贺福初) argued that biotechnology will become the new “strategic commanding heights” of national defense, from biomaterials to “brain control” weapons. Maj. Gen. He has since become the vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences, which leads China’s military science enterprise. 

Biology is among seven “new domains of warfare” discussed in a 2017 book by Zhang Shibo (
张仕波), a retired general and former president of the National Defense University, who concludes: “Modern biotechnology development is gradually showing strong signs characteristic of an offensive capability,” including the possibility that “specific ethnic genetic attacks” (特定种族基因攻) could be employed. 

The 2017 edition of Science of Military Strategy (
战略学), a textbook published by the PLA’s National Defense University that is considered to be relatively authoritative, debuted a section about biology as a domain of military struggle, similarly mentioning the potential for new kinds of biological warfare to include “specific ethnic genetic attacks.”

Chinese policy intention to explore the use of genetics in warfare has to be taken seriously. Even if this is a virus naturally derived without human intervention, one must expect one will be and the virus must be treated as a real BioWarfare attack to prepare for even worse attacks, multiple sourced, either directly or via third parties. China is not the only Biology/Culture Ideology willing to sacrifice even some of its own adherents to achieve hegemony.

"If you look at the last chapter of my Eighteenth Brumaire you will find that I say that the next attempt of the French revolution will be no longer, as before, to transfer the bureaucratic-military machine from one hand to another, but to smash it, and this is essential for every real people's revolution on the Continent. .... If they are defeated only their “good nature” will be to blame. They should have marched at once on Versailles, after first Vinoy and then the reactionary section of the Paris National Guard had themselves retreated. The right moment was missed because of conscientious scruples. They did not want to start the civil war, as if that mischievous abortion Thiers had not already started the civil war with his attempt to disarm Paris. Second mistake: The Central Committee surrendered its power too soon, to make way for the Commune. Again from a too “honorable” scrupulosity!"

"In the midst of the factional fights, Mao started the “Cleansing the Class Ranks Campaign ( 阶级队伍运动)” in May 1968 and made new revolutionary committees carry it out. The campaign was “a purge designed to eliminate any and all real and imagined enemies” and “provided whoever happened to be in power with an opportunity to get rid of opponents” (MacFarquhar and Schoenhals 2006, 253). Although it originally had a well-defined target, that target became blurred and the process became uncertain. As MacFarquhar and Schoenhals (2006, 256) observe, “Local officials invariably broadened its scope and used it has an excuse to intensify the level of organized violence in general.”"
Wang, Y 2017, 'For Whom the Bell Tolls: The Political Legacy of China's Cultural Revolution'.

"The rural autonomous communes would be a monster with a thousand suckers attached to the flank of the Revolution.
No! Thousands of mutes and blind are not fitted to conclude a social pact. Weak, unorganised, bound by a thousand trammels, the people of the country can only be saved by the towns, and the people of the towns guided by Paris. The failure of all the provincial insurrections, even of the large towns, had sufficiently testified this."
History of the Commune of 1871, LISSAGARAY, 1902

Mao Zedong said on 27th February, 1957:
”What should our policy be toward non-Marxist ideas? So far as unmistakable counter-revolutionaries and wreckers of the socialist cause are concerned, the matter is easy; we simply deprive them of their freedom of speech.”

"..more important than any purely numerical increase, carefully picked cadres were built up of hardened revolutionaries, completely reliable men who could be counted on to act promptly and correctly in any emergency and whose influence on their fellows was out of all proportion to their numbers. It was the practical application of Lenin’s old theory of the revolutionary elite. At the same time, particular attention was paid to the infiltration of the Armed Forces, and a section of the Party machine devoted specially to this work. Propaganda, too, of all kinds, was intensified and the Proleter, the Party newspaper, which hitherto had appeared abroad, was now clandestinely printed and distributed in Jugoslavia."
Maclean, F 1957, Disputed barricade: the life and times of Josip Broz-Tito, Marshal of Jugoslavia, J. Cape.

Both Russia and China have been advancing their interests into other people’s territories or contested territories against international law just as others have done before. Both utilising the shield of nuclear holocaust, once a deterrence to such actions now an enabler as both Russia and China promise and even detail how their nuclear arsenals will used against anyone daring to oppose them in earnest.

Time to realise such an approach has to end in a nuclear war because as both China and Russia have no intention of stopping their flagrant breach of international law and norms there will be a point of no return as with all such cultures determined to subjugate others to their own interest.

As the past has clearly proved appeasement of such cultures for fear of retaliation only gives such cultures time, resources, and space to develop and enact strategies-means which will overwhelm those stupid enough to follow a Strategy of Patience. It was only by mere luck Democracies survived WWII. Some cultures have learnt the lessons of history clearly some have not.

No matter what fear of repercussions you have of confronting the likes of China and Russia now think back and you will realise it is nothing compared to what will be your fate in the future if both China and Russia are allowed to continue to Dissimulate, Adapt, Discover, Improvise and Overcome.

“The lessons here are:
(c) That peace cannot be brought by appeasement; that it is far better in the long run to challenge at an early stage rather than allow an aggressor to go on from strength to strength until the inevitable war begins with the defender at a dangerous disadvantage.
If you make the deductions from your intelligence reports fit your preconceived notions about what the enemy is or ought to be doing, you are almost bound to be surprised.”
MIDDLE EAST 1939-43, DIRECTORATE OF MILITARY TRAINING, Military Board Army Headquarters, Melbourne, 31/8/1959

In terms of weaponry, I suggest there are much more insidious, and from an attackers view to preserve the infrastructure and assets of the attacked culture, much more effective ways of removing Other from this earth despite how much military hard/software the attacked culture may possess, with the added bonus of deniability of delivering via intermediaries or even from their own space which does not result in at least immediate attempts of counter annihilation, by which time it would be too late anyway.

“Mongol armies besieging the Black Sea port of Kaffa catapulted plague-ridden corpses over the battlements” A ‘catapult’ maybe a bit obvious but as with religious texts it will no doubt be analogised into another more effective form – maybe in the form of a “package” from who knows where.

The war has started on many fronts and the Western Marxist-Socialist intellectual elite beavering away at colonialism, neo-colonialism and neoliberalism denial and self-flagellation ‘Brutal Rurals’-Populist deviance paradigm has left the West politically visionless to what is happening.

There is no reason at all to believe any of the above as China has just officially adopted Confucius and Putin officially the Orthodox Church. Both have discovered religion nothing to worry about. mmm.

Confucius 551-479 BC
To lead an uninstructed people to war is to throw them away.

Sun Tzu 544-496 BC
The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.

We are informed by our National Security Marxist-Socialist derived elite it is blasphemous to question any cultures faith, particularly the dangerously delusional Culture/Not Culture paradigm underlying internal/external national security policy.

"..I think it’s blasphemous to the extent that I can comment on someone else’s religion." Director General of ASIO, Duncan Lewis
Terror alert: Australia’s top spy chief warns rift with Muslims could weaken national security, December 13, 2015 Samantha Maiden, National Political Editor, The Sunday Telegraph

Maybe a check of history is warranted.

“A nation, like man, is the creature of its past."
THE REVOLUTIONARY IDEA IN FRANCE, 1789-1871, By Lord Elton, 1923.

Is there any substance to a comment made in the 1500’s “When the Emperor joins hands with the Pope blood flows from their grasp.”? Note the word Pope could be replaced with Marx’s “unscrupulous” methods or any other number of purveyors of cultural ethic-behavioral templates.

The problem with ‘religion’-ideology, be it secular or religious, is not the contained moral-ethical-value-belief constructs in and of themselves for every cultures ideological ‘rational’ model are fallible human inventions which must contain some correlated construct with the human aspiration trilogy Peace(Absence of War/Bullies)-Freedom(Absence of tyranny/ heteronomy)-Prosperity(Absence of poverty/Free riders) otherwise such an ideology would have no or very few human adherents.

The problems are three-fold firstly the immediate natural and cultural environment context limit the ability to maximise each aspect of the aspiration trilogy as mutually exclusive of each other and are required to be aligned to inform a non-contradictory cultural rational model. Existent cultural constructs will necessarily inform any new cultural framework as the key components of which will be an elite hierarchy, categorisation of free riders, bullies and altruist-true believers ready to sacrifice their lives for the cultural good.

Secondly the altruistic-true believer sacrifice requires a diminishment of the individual aspiration trilogy, for some cultures to zero-death and will be negatively correlated with the significance of the difference between a cultures rational system and those of other cultural rational systems in the same space at the cultures conception.

Thirdly the political/social process of conversion of Other and internal cultural enforcement processes-methods framed and analogised from inherent deviance paradigms necessarily created due to categorisations of Other necessary to maintain internal adherence to the cultures rational constructs and have Other cultures, if not actively subverted-converted at least neutralised in their potential efforts to challenge the cultures ownership of political/social/economic space. Note the fact some cultures altruistic punishers perpetrate more violence against their own as the Oxford book on prosocial behaviour determines is normal as the cultural norms and rules pertain to adherents first and foremost to maintain the cultural aspirational trilogy.

Understand culture is a virus its strength dependent upon attributes inherent in any virus its DNA–ethic-moral-value-belief-motivation social/political method and the enabling/disabling context it finds itself in.

Let’s take Marx’s as an example, free-riders, those who take advantage of others for their own benefit and bullies who utilise violence or the threat of it inherent in the hierarchy of State interlinked non-State actors to enable these free-riders to do what they will, i.e. the Bourgeoisie free-riding and bullying the Proletariat, is clearly counter to what evolutionary social psychology/sociology would determine as fundamental values of human social animal. These values determined as each human fairly shares resources, a capability to equitably utilise contextual-environmental objects to satisfy a need or want, inclusive of sexual mates, and autonomy to be able to determine one’s own future.

Trouble is as the Russian, Chinese and other peoples found out Marx was not wise enough to understand although yes different economic systems inform the exploited and the exploiters, it is not this simple it is much more a symbiotic relationship, in any human system, there is an imperative of hierarchy that rules, directs and by holding such power derives some benefit for doing so, otherwise all that would exist would be a thousand whispers, peoples would soon be at each other’s throats for these whispers have no way of constituting one voice which is required to define strategy for policy direction to maximise the aspiration trilogy for an individual let alone a group of individuals.

All Marx supplied humanity with was a dualistic deviance paradigm with ‘unscrupulous’ methods – terror-violence to eliminate one side. Then what, a thousand whispers, chaos and once utilising ‘unscrupulous’ methods terror-genocide to realise the destruction of the Bourgeoisie and their easily led ‘Brutal Rurals’-Populists of course the hierarchy is usurped by the only power in the field to do so ‘unscrupulous’ method.

Those encouraging supporting the Marxists, Trotskyists, Socialists to start demonstrating against the status quo or even populists may need to check history and if in fact their current cultural rational system will do fine for now. The alternative we already know. Everything can be improved but violent revolution, pretending exploitative hierarchy can be done without or their return for services rendered can be reduced to common parity, does not appear to be a wise choice, in fact, Russia and China are clear examples of the dangerous end-game Marx informs, millions upon millions sacrificed simply to create infamy in a much more virulent form.

It is not economics stupid which determines the degree exploited are subject to free-riders and bullies it’s the cultural ethical-moral-value-motivation social/political method and also what in the end these non-contradictory rational systems have in store for Other. You will find a clear indication in the cultures codex believe it, and not the denials it's medieval and not at all modern there is nothing to fear. Remember the Romans/Greeks and other cultures determining the obvious benefits of their cultures rules-based ethos will in time 'neutralise' the attacking culture. They have their own rules.

I do not suggest I demand the Western intellectual elite within human science psychology, anthropology, sociology cease utilising Marx as a basis for determining right and wrong as Marx was simply another dangerous nihilist blaming the universe for his own condition and intent on destroying his own culture via another invented “unscrupulous” dualistic deviance paradigm which inevitably leads to terror-genocide as does any other ideology religious or secular based upon dualistic certainty of what constitutes justice.


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