
Showing posts from 2019

Cricket body dropping word 'Australia Day'; Sydney council to cancel Australia Day celebrations -The same logic would have the US cancel the 4th of July, Independence Day. I ask Australian Aborigines to reflect on their own sacred myths, and accept the truth about themselves before they go rubbing fellow Australians sacred myths in their face.

Sydney council to cancel Australia Day celebrations ,, 06/11/2019 Scott Morrison attacks Cricket body for dropping word 'Australia Day' , ABC, 21-01-2021 “...the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions" IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America   For the US war of 'Independence' was a war in major part to decide who would control the resources-land, Indian land.   Some Indians thought the English King was the lesser of two evils as the King wanted to restrict access to Indian lands-at that time.   The Patriots massacred Indians simply because they were Indians, a case in point Indians converted to Christianity who had lost their previous homeland and wanted to stay neutral, after the first Patriots savage massacre of course no longer neutral these particular Indian’s teamed up with the British the Pat

Pat Turner, Noel Pearson: One Vote = One Voice = Democracy, anything else is the tyranny of the few over the many. B.. off

Pat Turner, Noel Pearson: One Vote = One Voice = Democracy, anything else is the tyranny of the few over the many. B.. off "Panellist Pat Turner, a legendary figure in Indigenous affairs: “We survived here for 60,000 years before the last 200 and we’ve been devastated more in the last 200-plus than the 60,000 years before that ... we want to have the right to share the power and to make the decisions about the future of our people in our own country.” ABC, Q&A, 2019 Pat Turner, you already have the right to 'share the power and to make the decisions about the future of our people in our own country' – it is called a vote-no one, no one is going to have more power than my one vote to decide my, and my country-nations future. Aboriginals have no more right than I born in the same time period to have more of a say over my country, my Nations future. So what, Australian aboriginals have been dispossessed of land, language, have been devastated by genocide, d

In a Democracy every voice must be given equal weight otherwise it ceases to be. No culture should be given precedence over another, each individual must have equal opportunity to affect the direction their society takes

No culture should be given precedence over another, each individual must have equal opportunity to affect the direction their society takes, by granting or demanding one culture privilege over the rest ignores the reality each of us came into the space that is Australia which determined our origins, all of us including aborigines as originating genetically from elsewhere, to claim just because your ancestors came to Australia 40,000 years ago rather than last week is ridiculous - for there were even different waves of what now constitutes Australian aborigines - are we to claim it is only the earliest wave which must be given privilege. One vote one value. I was born on Australian soil as any aboriginal as of the same date and yet it is demanded I have less of a say. What makes an aboriginal more worthy of determining the direction of our nation, simply it is claimed date of arrival- We were here first, well Australia is not disconnected from the rest of the world from whence we are