Theodore Roosevelt: No nation can permanently retain any “social values” worth having unless it develops the warlike strength necessary for its own defence. Reality 200-100-50-20-7-2-1
Theodore Roosevelt asked by the American
Sociological Association to provide a response at the American Sociological Congress,
Washington, DC, December 1915 for the following question:
“How war and militarism affect such social
values as the sense of the preciousness of human life; care for child welfare; the
conservation of human resources; upper-class concern for the lot of the masses;
interest in popular education; appreciation of truth-telling and truth-printing;
respect for personality and regards for personal rights.”
American Sociological Association
Theodore Roosevelt’s response.
In December last I was asked to address
the American Sociological Congress on “the effect of war and militarism on social
values.” In sending my answer I pointed out that infinitely the most important
fact to remember in connection with the subject in question is that if an unscrupulous,
warlike, and militaristic nation is not held in check by the warlike ability of
a neighbouring non-militaristic and well-behaved nation, then the latter will be
spared the necessity of dealing with its own “moral and social values” because it
won’t be allowed to deal with anything. Until this fact is thoroughly recognised,
and the duty of national preparedness by justice loving nations explicitly acknowledged,
there is very little use of solemnly debating such questions as the one which the
sociological congress assigned to me – which, in detail, was “How war and militarism
affect such social values as the sense of the preciousness of human life; care for
child welfare; the conservation of human resources; upper-class concern for the
lot of the masses; interest in popular education; appreciation of truth-telling
and truth-printing; respect for personality and regards for personal rights.”
It seems to me possibly comic to fail
to appreciate, with the example of Belgium before our eyes, that the real question
which modern peace-loving nations have to face is not how the militaristic or warlike
spirit within their own borders will affect these “values,” but how failure
on their part to be able to resist the militarism of an unscrupulous neighbour will
affect them. Belgium had a very keen sense of the “preciousness of human life”
and of “the need for the care of child welfare and the conservation of human
resources,” and there was much “concern” by the Belgian “upper classes
for the lot of the masses,” great “interest in popular education and appreciation
of truth-telling and truth-printing and a high respect for personality and regard
for personal rights.” But all these “social values” existed in Belgium
only up to the end of July, 1914. Not a vestige of them remained in 1915. To discuss
them as regards present-day Belgium is sheer prattle, simply because on August 4,
1914, Belgium had not prepared her military strength so that she could put on her
frontiers at least half a million thoroughly armed and trained men of fighting spirit.
In similar fashion the question of the
internal reformation of China at this moment is wholly secondary to the question
whether any China will remain to be reformed internally. A Chinese gentleman wrote
to me the other day that he had formerly been absorbed in plans for bringing China
abreast of the modern movement, but that the events of the past year had shown him
that what he really ought to be absorbed in was the question whether or not China
would be able by military preparation to save itself from the fate of Korea. Korean
“social values” now have to be studied exclusively through a Japanese medium.
At this moment the Armenians, who for
some centuries have sedulously avoided militarism and war, and have practically
applied advanced pacifist principles, are suffering a fate, if possible, worse than
that of the Belgians; and they are so suffering precisely and exactly because they
have been pacifist whereas their neighbours, the Turks, have not been pacifist but
militarists. They haven’t the vestige of us “social value” left, to be “affected”
by militarism or by anything else.
In the 13th century Persia had become
a highly civilised nation, with a cultivated class of literary men and philosophers,
with universities and with great mercantile interests. These literary men and merchants
took toward the realities of war much the same attitude that is taken in our own
country by gentleman of the stamp of Messrs.. David Starr Jordan and Henry Ford.
Unfortunately for these predecessors of the modern pacifists, they were within striking
distance of Genghis Khan and his Mongols; and, as of course invariably happens in
such a case, when the onrush came, the pacifist theories were worth just about what
a tissue paper barrier would amount to against a tidal wave.
Russia at the time was slowly struggling
upward toward civilisation. She had become Christian. She was developing industry,
and she was struggling toward individual freedom. In other words, she was in halting
fashion developing the “social values” of which the foregoing extract speaks.
But she had not develop military efficiency; she had not developed efficiency and
war. The Mongols overwhelmed her as fire overwhelms stubble. The two centuries the
Russians were trodden underfoot by an alien dominion so ruthless, so brutal, that
when they finally shook it off, all popular freedom had been lost in the soul of
the nation seared by torment and degradation; and to this day the scars remain on
the national life and character. The chief difficulties against which Russia has
had to struggle in modern times are due ultimately to the one all-essential fact
that in the early part of the 13th century she had not developed the warlike strength
to enable her to hold her own against the militaristic neighbour. The Russian Jew
of today is oppressed by the Russian Christian because that Christians ancestor
in the 13th century had not learned efficiency and war.
There are well-meaning people, utterly
incapable of learning any lesson taught by history, utterly incapable even of understanding
aright what has gone on before their very eyes during the past year or two, who
nevertheless wish to turn this country into an occidental China – the kind of China
which every intelligent Chinaman of the present-day is seeking to abolish. There
are plenty of politicians, by no means as well is well-meaning, who find it to their
profit to pander to the desire common to most men to live softly and easily and
avoid risk and effort. Timid and lazy men, men absorbed in money-getting, men absorbed
in ease and luxury, and all soft and slothful people naturally hail with delight
anybody who will give them high sounding names behind which to cloak their unwillingness
to run risks or to toil and endure.
Emotional philanthropists to whom thinking
is a distasteful form of mental exercise enthusiastically champion this attitude.
The faults of all these men and women are of highly non-militaristic and un-warlike
type; and naturally they feel great satisfaction in condemning misdeeds which are
incident to lives that they would themselves be wholly unable to lead without an
amount of toil and effort that they are wholly unwilling to undergo. These men and
women are delighted to pass resolutions in favour of anything with a lofty name,
provided always that no demand is ever made upon them to pay with their bodies to
even the smallest degree in order to give effect to these lofty sentiments. It is
questionable whether in the long run they do not form a less desirable national
type that is formed by the men who were guilty of the downright inequities of life;
for the latter at least have in them elements of strength which, if guided right
could be used to good purpose.
Now, it is probably hopeless ever to
convince the majority of these men except by actual disaster that the course they
follow is not merely wicked, because of its subordination of duty to ease, but from
their own standpoint utterly short-sighted – as the fate of the Armenians and the
Chinese of the present-day shows. But I believe that the bulk of our people are
willing to follow duty, even though it be rather unpleasant and rather hard, if
it can be made clearly evident to them; and, moreover, I believe that they are capable
of looking ahead, and of considering the ultimate interests of themselves and their
children, if only they had can be waked up to vital national needs. The members
of the sociological societies and kindred organisations, and philanthropists, and
clergyman, and educators, and all other leading men, should pride themselves on
furnishing leadership in the right direction to these men and women who wish to
do what is right.
The first thing to do is to make these
citizens understand that war and militarism are terms whose values depend wholly
upon the sense in which they are used. The second thing is to make them understand
that there is a real analogy between the use of force in international and the use
of force in intra-national or civil matters; although of course this analogy must
not be pushed too far.
In the first place, we are dealing with
matter of definition. A war can be defined as violence between nations, as a use
of force between nations. It is analogous to violence between individuals within
a nation – using violence in a large sense is equivalent to the use of force. When
this fact is clearly grasped, the average citizen will be spared the mental confusion
he now suffers because he thinks of war as in itself wrong. War, like peace, is
properly a means to an end – righteousness. Neither war nor peace is in itself righteous,
and neither should be treated as of itself the end to be aimed at. Righteousness
is the end.
Righteousness when triumphant brings
peace; but peace may not be righteous. Whether war is right or wrong depends purely
on the purpose for which, and the spirit in which, it is waged. Here the analogy
with what takes place in civil life is perfect. The exertion of force or violence
by which one man masters another may be illustrated by the case of a black-hander
who kidnaps a child, knocking down the nurse or guardian; and it may also be illustrated
by the case of the guardian who by violence withstands and thwarts the black-hander
in his efforts to kidnap the child, or by the case of the policeman who by force
arrests the black-hander or white-slaver or whoever it is and takes his victim away
from him.
There are, of course, persons who believe
that all force is immoral, that is always immoral to resist wrongdoing by force.
I have never taken much interest in the individuals who profess this kind of twisted
morality; and I do not know the extent to which they practically apply it. But if
they are right in their theory, then it is wrong for a man to endeavour by force
to save his wife or sister or daughter from rape or other abuse, or to save his
children from abduction and torture. It is a waste of time to discuss with any man
a position of such folly, wickedness, and poltroonery. But unless a man is willing
to take this position, he cannot honestly condemn the use of force or violence in
war – for the policeman who risks and perhaps loses or takes life in dealing with
an anarchist or a white-slaver or black-hander or burglar or highwayman must be
justified or condemned on precisely the same principles which require us to do differentiate
among wars and to condemn unstintingly certain nations in certain wars and equally
without stint to praise other nations in certain other wars.
If the man who objects to war also objects
to the use of force in civil life as above outlined, his position is logical, although
both absurd and wicked. If the college presidents, politicians, automobile manufacturers,
and the like, who during the past year or two have preached pacifism in its most
ignoble and degrading form are willing to think out the subject and are both sincere
and fairly intelligent, they must necessarily condemn a police force or a posse
comitatus just as much as they condemn armies; and they must regard the activities
of the sheriff and the constable as being essentially militaristic and therefore
to be abolished.
There are small communities with which
I’m personally acquainted where general progress has been such as really to permit
of this abolition of policeman. In these communities – and I have in mind specifically
one in New England and one in the Province of Québec – the constable and sheriff
have no duties whatever to perform, so far as crimes or deeds of violence are a
concern. The “social values” in these communities are not in any way affected
by either the international militarism of the soldier or by the civilian militarism
of the policeman, and on the whole good results; although I regret to say that in
each of the two communities I have in mind there have been some social developments
that are not pleasant.
We ought all of us to endeavour to shape
our action with a view to extending so far as possible the area in which such conditions
can be made to obtain. But at present the area cannot as a matter of plain fact,
be extended to most populous communities, or even to ordinary scantily peopled communities;
and to make believe that it can be thus extended is a proof, not of goodness of
heart, but of softness of head.
As a matter of practical common sense
it is not worthwhile spending much time at this moment on discussing whether we
ought to take steps to abolish the police force in New York, Chicago, San Francisco,
or Montréal, because no police force is needed in a certain Vermont town or a certain
Québec village. Such a discussion would not help us in the least toward an appreciation
and development of the “social values” of any one of the big cities in question.
Exactly the same principle, only a fortiori,
applies as regards war. On the whole, there is a much greater equality of intellectual
and moral status among the individuals in a great civilised community than there
is between the various nations and peoples on earth. The task of getting all the
policemen, all the college professors, all the businessmen and mechanics, and also
all the professional crooks, in New York to abandon the reign of force and to live
together in harmony without any police force would be undoubtedly very much easier
than to secure a similar working agreement among the various peoples of Europe,
America, Asia, and Africa.
One of the commonest failings of mankind
is to try to make amends for failure to perform the duty at hand by grandiloquent
talk about something that is afar off. Most of our worthy pacifists friends adopt
in this matter the attitude Mrs. Jellyby took towards foreign missions when compared
with her own domestic and neighbourhood duties. Instead of meeting together and
passing resolutions to affect the whole world, let them deal with a much easier
task of regulating their own localities. When we have discovered a method by which
right living may be spread so universally in Chicago and New York that the two cities
can with safety abolish their police force, then, and not till then, it will be
worthwhile to talk about “the abolition of war.” Until that time the discussion
will not possess even academic value.
The really essential things for men to
remember, therefore, in connection with war are, first, that neither war nor peace
is immoral in itself, and, secondly, that in order to preserve the “social values”
which were enumerated in the quotation with which I began this chapter it is absolutely
essential to prevent the dominance in our country of one form of militarism which
is surely and completely fatal – that is, the military dominion of an alien enemy.
It is utterly impossible to appreciate
social values at all or to discriminate between what is socially good and socially
bad unless we appreciate the utterly different social values of different wars.
The Greeks who triumphed at Marathon on in Salamis did a work without which the
world would have been deprived of the social value of Plato and Aristotle, of Aeschylus,
Herodotus, and Thucydides. The civilisation of Europe, America, and Australia exists
today at all only because of the victories of civilised man over the enemies of
civilisation, because of victory stretching through centuries from the days of Miltiades
and Themistocles to those of Charles Martel in the eighth century and those of John
Sobieski in the 17th century. During the thousand years that included the careers
of the Frankish soldier and the Polish king, the Christians of Asia and Africa proved
unable to wage successful war with the Moslem conquerors; and in consequence Christianity
practically vanished from the two continents; and today nobody can find in them
any “social values” whatever, in the sense in which we use the words, so
far as the sphere of Mohammedan influence and the decaying native Christian churches
are concerned.
There are such “social values”
today in Europe, America, and Australia only because during those thousand years
the Christians of Europe possessed the warlike power to do what the Christians of
Asia and Africa had failed to do – that is, to beat back the Muslim invader. It
is of course worthwhile to sociologists to discuss the effect of this European militarism
on “social values,” but only if they first clearly realise and formulate the fact
that if the European militarism had not been able to defend itself against and to
overcome the militarism of Asian and Africa, there would have been no “social
values” of any kind in our world today, and no sociologists to discuss them.
The Sociological Society meets at Washington
this year only because the man after whom the city was name was willing to go to
war. If he and his associates had not gone to war, there would have been no possibility
of discussing “social values” in the United States, for the excellent reason
that there would have been no United States. If Lincoln had not been willing to
go to war, to appeal to the sword, to introduce militarism on a tremendous scale
throughout the United States, the sociologist to listen to this chapter, when it
was read to them, if they existed at all, would not be considering the “social
values” enumerated above, but this “social values” of slavery and of
such governmental and industrial problems as can now be studied in the Central American
It is a curious fact that during the
thirty years prior to the Civil War the men who in the Northern and especially Northeastern
States gradually grew to take most interest in the anti-slavery agitation were almost
equally interesting in anti-militaristic and peace movements. Even a causal glance
at the poems of Longfellow and Whittier will show this. They were strong against
slavery and they were strong against war. They did not take the trouble to think
out the truth, which was that in actual fact slavery could be abolished only by
war; and when the time came they had to choose between, on the one hand, the “social
values” of freedom and of union and, on the other hand, the “social value” of
peace, for peace proved incompatible with freedom and union. Being men fit to live
in a free country, they of course chose freedom and union rather than peace. I say
men; of course I mean women also. I am speaking of Julia Ward Howe and Harriet Beecher
Stowe just exactly as I am speaking of Longfellow and Lowell and Whittier.
Now, during the thirty years preceding
the Civil War these men and women often debated and occasionally in verse of prose
wrote about the effect of war on what we now call “social values.” I think
that academically they were a unit in saying that this effect was bad; but when
the real crisis came, when they were faced by the actual event, they realised that
this academic discussion as to the effect of war on “social values” was of
no consequence whatever. They did not want war. Nobody wants war who has any sense.
But when they moved out of a world of dreams into a world of reality they realised
that now, as always in the past has been the case, and as undoubtedly will be the
case for a long time in the future, war may be the only alternative to losing, not
merely certain “social values,” but the national life which means the sum
of all “social values.” They realised that as the world is now it is a wicked
thing to use might against right, and an unspeakably silly, and therefore in the
long run also a wicked thing, to chatter about right without preparing to put might
back of right. They abhorred a wanton or an unjust war and condemned those responsible
for it as they ought always to be condemned; and, on the other hand, they realised
that righteous war for a lofty ideal may and often does offer the only path by which
it is possible to move upward and onward.
There are unquestionably real national
dangers connected even with a successful war for righteousness; but equally without
question there are real national dangers connected even with times of righteous
peace. There are dangers attendant on every course, dangers to be fought against
in every kind of life, whether of an individual or of a nation. But it is not merely
danger, it is death, the death of the soul even more than the death of the body,
which surely awaits the nation that does not both cultivate the lofty morality which
will forbid it to do wrong to others, and at the same time spiritually, intellectually,
and physically prepare itself, by the development of stern and high qualities of
the soul and the will no less than in the things material, to defend by its own
strength its own existence; and, as I at least hope some time will be the case,
also to fit itself to defend other nations that are weak and wronged, when in helpless
misery they are ground beneath the feet of the successful militarism which serves
evil. At present, in this world and for the immediate future, it is certain that
the only way successfully to oppose the might which is the servant of wrong is by
means of the might which is the servant of right.
Nothing is gained by debate on non-debatable
subjects. No intelligent man desires war. But neither can any intelligent man who
was willing to think fail to realise that we live in a great and free country only
because our forefathers were willing to wage rule war rather than accept peace that
spells destruction. No nation can permanently retain any “social values”
worth having unless it develops the warlike strength necessary for its own defence.
The Sociological Imagination of sociologists
have allowed what through the gates to normalise misogyny and terror-genocide within
once peaceful societies? Your failure to listen is the cause of the bloody piles
in our streets and broken women subject to Mans tyranny - The 'good' as Theodore
Roosevelt rightly determined doing evil.
Humanity have not learnt its lesson
- how many times does the same mistake have to be made? Change the Architect
and Builder or Change Nothing.
""Since the first Central Intelligence
Agency paramilitary teams entered Afghanistan in November 2001, 2,350 service members
have given their lives and almost $900 billion in taxpayers' money has been spent.
Meanwhile, the country is less politically stable and less secure from all forms
of insurgent and criminal predation," writes CFR's Micah Zenko."
Honest About U.S. Military Strategy in Afghanistan, by Micah Zenko, February
9, 2017
"A U.S. government watchdog warned
in a new report that death rates among Afghan security forces are "shockingly
high" and civilian deaths reached a record 11,418 in 2016, the highest number
since the United Nations began monitoring in 2009. In the first six weeks of 2017,
807 Afghan security personnel
were killed (Bloomberg). The report states that 61 percent of the $71
billion the United States has spent (WaPo)
on Afghan reconstruction since 2002 has gone to training and equipping security
forces. John Sopko, the U.S. special inspector general who authored the report,
also noted high levels of illiteracy among Afghan security forces and an attrition
rate of 35 percent. Afghan units took responsibility for the
country's security (Al Jazeera) from NATO in 2015."
Council on Foreign Relations, 1-5-2017
“The outstanding feature of the opening
phase of the Middle East (WWII) was the unreadiness of both sides to undertake operations.
This dangerous state of affairs had been forced on the British Service authorities
by Government policy, which resulted in the first instance from general public apathy
towards defence, and secondly from the attempt to appease the imperialistically
minded dictators by weakly acquiescing in the early acts of aggression.
The lessons here are:
(a) That once Service strengths have
been allowed to run down they cannot be restored quickly.
(b) That the restoration of Service strengths
requires much more than giving them the necessary manpower; it requires an immense
and sustained effort involving every aspect of national life.
(c) That peace cannot be brought by appeasement;
that it is far better in the long run to challenge at an early stage rather than
allow an aggressor to go on from strength to strength until the inevitable war begins
with the defender at a dangerous disadvantage.
If you make the deductions from your
intelligence reports fit your preconceived notions about what the enemy is or ought
to be doing, you are almost bound to be surprised.”
MILITARY TRAINING, Military Board Army Headquarters, Melbourne, 31/8/1959
‘preconceived notions-invalid dangerous
assumptions’='moderate', 'peaceful and law abiding' refugee adherents
or otherwise of a genocide construct crossing your borders first, second, third
generations do not represent an increasing terror risk to Other cultures and will
not inform burning buildings, broken bodies and lives this culture systematically
informs, with bloodied bodies already in your own streets.
"... to apply force to the resolution of social conflict. The fact
that he gets better at killing isn’t likely to make him stop.”..
“There is a rough and uneasy parity between
the two major alliances in weaponry,” he explains. “Anything which changes this
to destabilise the international situation brings conflict closer. I am as deeply
concerned as anyone that there shouldn’t be a nuclear war but I discern in what
the so-called peace movements are doing, a destabilising influence which could be
highly dangerous if it was successful. It is not for nothing that the Soviet Union
is so much in favour of Western peace movements.”
Does that make peace movement supporters
Soviet tools?
“Well, Lenin himself invented the phrase
‘useful fools’. There are a lot of useful fools in the peace movement.”
The General (Sir John Hackett) and the
Future War, the age, 15th October 1983
Is it any wonder the "Outplayed: Regaining Strategic Initiative in
the Gray Zone" report sponsored by the Army Capabilities Integration Center
in Coordination with Joint Staff J-39/Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment Branch reveals
the reality which has led inexorably to WWI. WWII, "profound
and paralyzing risk-confusion" regards enemy cultures utilising "combinations
of influence, intimidation, coercion, and aggression. At the same time,.. exploiting,
free-riding on, or are propelled by the generalized erosion or outright failure
of traditional political authority." the same elite philosophy driven
policy of appeasement of enemy cultures, determining well constructed argument under
a Western rationale model will surely convince internal cultures tearing societies
apart and external cultures battering Western democratic walls to accept the obvious
benefits of the Western Worldview.
It is demanded of Western citizens to
simply 'grow' with Muslim derived systemic terror-genocide in a "confident
manner". Politicians and the intellectual elite redefining terror as a generic
crime not the inter-cultural war it is and always has been.
"We have to grow with the threat, and
we have to do it in a confident manner,” Professor Siracusa said. (Human Security
and International Diplomacy)
“We cannot eliminate entirely the risk
of terrorism any more than we can eliminate the risk of any serious crime."
Malcolm Turnbull
Malcolm Turnbull tells parliament 'ISIL is
in a fundamentally weak position' 9 NEWS November 24, 2015
"The message of Muslims for Progressive Values [MPV] is that all
people are equal regardless of race, gender, faith or sexual orientation."
Australian Muslims share progressive values, Michael Gorey, CT, FEBRUARY 3, 2017
The reality:
Below is another image of 'progressive values' adoption of Western paradigm, what it hides is the Islam-Muslim cultures propensity and certainty of moral shift to terror and the underlying Islam-Muslim justification and authorisation for that shift. How is the image above any different from the one below is the sacred poetic source of both participants the Quran and Muhammad's exemplar behavior which enables the horror Muslims inform not the same-as with the Nazi cultural-ideology where we rightly do not excuse a notion of 'I am a progressive Nazi.' with Nazi terror in the streets? Yet here we are excusing membership of a culture that has, does will equal terror-genocide. There are no innocents mother, father or child of such adherence.
Below is another image of 'progressive values' adoption of Western paradigm, what it hides is the Islam-Muslim cultures propensity and certainty of moral shift to terror and the underlying Islam-Muslim justification and authorisation for that shift. How is the image above any different from the one below is the sacred poetic source of both participants the Quran and Muhammad's exemplar behavior which enables the horror Muslims inform not the same-as with the Nazi cultural-ideology where we rightly do not excuse a notion of 'I am a progressive Nazi.' with Nazi terror in the streets? Yet here we are excusing membership of a culture that has, does will equal terror-genocide. There are no innocents mother, father or child of such adherence.
"Omar Mateen’s wife told FBI agents
she knew her husband was going to attack the Pulse nightclub after he spoke about
jihad, visited a shooting range and scouted his target in the months leading up
to the mass shooting, according to a handwritten statement.
“I knew when he left the house he was going to Orlando to attack the
Pulse nightclub,” Salman said in the released statement obtained by the Orlando
Handwritten statement from Orlando nightclub shooter's wife details
preparations: 'I knew the time to attack the club was close', JESSICA CHIA,
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, January 6, 2018
“. children are sharp eyed, lacking in empathy, and willing to commit
atrocities their elders would shrink from.”
D 2010, Counterinsurgency, Oxford University Press.
"..meta-analysis summarizes 113 research reports worldwide (121
cross-sectional and 7 longitudinal studies) on age differences in ethnic, racial,
or national prejudice among children and adolescents. Overall, results indicated
a peak in prejudice in middle childhood (5–7 years) followed by a slight decrease
until late childhood (8–10 years)."
of ethnic, racial, and national prejudice in childhood and adolescence: A multinational
meta‐analysis of
age differences, T Raabe, A Beelmann - Child development, 2011
"Experiment 1 demonstrated that
mothers had a significant impact on children's cognitive bias and fear. More precisely,
children who had received a negative parental training displayed an increase in
negative information search bias and fear, whereas children who had received a positive
parental training showed an increase in positive information search bias and a decrease
in fear. In Experiment 2, it was found that children's information search biases
after working together with their mothers were predicted by their mothers' initial
cognitive bias scores. These findings can be taken as support for the intergenerational
transmission of cognitive biases from mothers to children."
Transmission of Cognitive Bias and Fear
From Parents to Children: An Experimental Study,Danielle Remmerswaal, Peter Muris
& Jorg Huijding, Pages 642-654, 06 Feb 2015
"Despite deeply conservative and
gendered regulation, brutal violence, and widespread coverage of the group’s use
of rape, more than 600 women have left Western countries to join Daesh. Researchers
explain this recruitment primarily through women’s desire for romantic adventure,
deception on social media, and anti-Western sentiment spurred by discrimination
and violence in their home states. Using an original dataset of social media activity
from seventeen Western female recruits between 2011-2015, we evaluate these arguments
and offer a new explanation centered on a religious and political ideology that
necessitates a physical hijra (migration) to Iraq or Syria. We find consistent evidence
that anti-Western sentiment and ideological commitment drive women’s migration.
This finding has valuable implications for counterterrorism policy and security
studies, which tend to treat women’s mobilization as separate from general extremism.
Our findings suggest female recruits should be taken seriously as motivated insurgents
intent on establishing an Islamic caliphate."
Explaining Extremism: Western Women
in Daesh, Meredith Loken University of Washington Anna Zelenz University of Washington,
April 1, 2016
"There is a steadily growing body
of evidence showing that parental modeling and threat information transmission can
promote fear and anxiety in children."
Cognitive Bias as a Mediator in the
Relation Between Fear-Enhancing Parental Behaviors and Anxiety Symptoms in Children:
A Cross-Sectional Study, Lorraine Fliek, Pauline Dibbets,Jeffrey Roelofs,Peter Muris,
Child Psychiatry & Human Development, February 2017, Volume 48, Issue 1, pp
"The eight-year-old son of Australian
ISIS terrorist Khaled Sharrouf has been filmed wearing a suicide vest and reciting
threats to Australians. "
of Australian terrorist Khaled Sharrouf filmed wearing suicide vest, 9 News,
April 30, 2017
The certainty:
The certainty:
Research clearly shows and this image
above with billions of others provides irrefutable evidence 'all people are
not equal regardless of race, gender, faith or sexual orientation.’ Some cultures,
people inform tragic consequences for humanity, believing otherwise is dangerous
Of what use are so called 'progressives'
of a culture delivering terror-genocide to humanities streets, and in the Muslims
case tragic misogynistic outcomes as well, when their very contribution to the continuation
of their ideology means the terror-genocide and tragic misogynistic outcomes continue,
and may be informed from their very family, community and institutional space, it
is pure madness to congratulate members of a culture systemically delivering terror
and whose demeanor-physical appearance reflecting Other cultures norms in no way
reflects the normative behavoral demands of the ideology to which they claim adherence.
It is a dishonest reporting of reality, it appears fact checking only applies in
one direction. Where are the images of horror linked directly via the 'progressives'
Islamic/Muslim categorisation of Other and women leading to such tragic consequences
for humanity?
"The use of force and violence is
more commonplace and prevalent in some families, communities, religions, cultural/ethnic
groups and societies based on the views and values about adult prerogatives with
children espoused. They may also be based upon the sociopathy of the perpetrators." Treatment of
Complex Trauma Courtois/Ford @2016
"Culture, of course, is related
to violence in general and not only to structural violence. For example, culture
influences the determination of "thresholds" which pressure on a person
must overcome in order to move that person from being controllable, or even positive,
to being negative (that is, into violence)." The Culture
of Violence, Chp 3. On the relationship between violence and culture - Galtung's
The existence of 'progressives' individuals
of 'conscience and sense of responsibility' adherents of
a cultural codex containing a terror-genocide construct of Other lasts how long
and is in the end of what consequence when inevitably the space Other cultures provide
to express such sentiments diminishes as the cultures altruistic enforcers justified
and authorised by their cultural codex and exemplar behavior increasingly enforce
the cultures-actual political/social worldview?
No merriness here: mosque puts fatwa on Christmas,
smh, Natalie O'Brien, DECEMBER 23 2012
"The group (Islamic Party of Australia
Hizb-ut Tahrir), which reportedly described last week the slaying of the magazine
staff by Parisian terrorists as a "cure".."
Hizb ut-Tahrir holding public meeting
in Lakemba over Charlie Hebdo by Natalie O’Brien smh, January 18, 2015
"Communities tend to be guided less
than individuals by conscience and a sense of responsibility. How much misery does
this fact cause mankind! It is the source of wars and every kind of oppression,
which fill the earth with pain, sighs and bitterness." (Albert Einstein,
"Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had backed
plans for the protest, drew tens of thousands of people.
The accusation of blasphemy against Jakarta
Gov. Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama, an ethnic Chinese and minority Christian
who is an ally of Jokowi"
President Cancels Trip Abroad After Deadly Protest, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS,
NOV. 5, 2016
Shariah Experiment Becomes a Model, Indonesia’s Secular Face Slips, NTY, By
JON EMONT, JAN. 12, 2017
What in reality does the religious ideology
now and in time, to which these Muslim 'progressives' adhere to, deliver and be delivered from these
all so 'progressive' described adherents of the Islamic/Muslim codex to humanity?
"The family have lived in White
City since they fled the civil war in Sudan in 1993. Elsheikh’s parents were communists
and liberal Muslims, described as “progressive” by their friends."
My Son The
ISIS Executioner, BuzzFeedNews, Jane Bradley, May 24, 2016
4 bloggers killed in Bangladesh in 2015
and the rest…
“Although religious
hostilities affect countries throughout the world experience, Muslim-majority countries
consistently have higher levels of a range of religious hostilities than other countries
and by wide margins. For instance, Muslim-majority countries are more than three
times more likely than other countries to have religion-related war, terror or sectarian
violence, ...”
Pew Research 2012
"Saudi Arabia has stepped up arrests,
prosecutions, and convictions of peaceful dissident writers and human rights advocates
in 2017"
Arabia: Intensified Repression of Writers, Activists, Human Rights Watch, Monday,
February 6, 2017
And the inevitable counter terror and
increased violence as a conflict resolution societal punishment method as cultural
gatekeepers inaction proves terror, extreme violence works. The World Health Organisation is well aware you allow the utilisation of violence in one area of society it will inevitably be used in the same society elsewhere.
“Cultural and social norms are highly influential in shaping individual behaviour, including the use of violence. Norms can protect against violence, but they can also support and encourage the use of it. For instance, cultural acceptance of violence, either as a normal method of resolving conflict or as a usual part of rearing a child, is a risk factor for all types of interpersonal violence. It may also help explain why countries experiencing high levels of one type of violence also experience increased levels of other types. Social tolerance of violent behaviour is likely learned in childhood, through the use of corporal punishment or witnessing violence in the family, in the media or in other settings.”
World Health Organization 2009, 'Changing cultural and social norms that support violence'
gets 30 years for setting fire to Orlando gunman's mosque CNN, By Jamiel Lynch, February 6, 2017
Park Mosque attacker, identified as Darren Osborne, 47, being held for terrorism,
attempted murder, ABC, 20-6-2017
"A 15-year-old boy has been charged
with two counts of attempted murder and six counts of recklessly endangering life,
after allegedly trying to run down people in Melbourne's CBD on grand final day.
Police Acting Superintendent Wayne Newman
said yesterday the boy was believed to have had a history of mental illness and
said the incident was not linked to terrorism."
charged with attempted murder after allegedly trying to run down people in Melbourne
CBD, ABC, 1-10-2017
"A gunman opened fire on the country music festival from the 32nd floor in the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino at about 10.20pm local time.
The perpetrator, who slaughtered
at least 50 people, has been identified as a 64-year-old white man."
Woman chillingly said 'everyone is going
to die' to Las Vegas reveller celebrating her 21st birthday"
The witness said a woman and a man were escorted
away by security after threatening people at the concert 45 minutes before the shooting,
2 OCT 2017
The claim "not linked to terrorism" even if this is true give the action clearly indicates
a terror action, ignores the fact the template for the action comes straight for
a Muslim terrorist method, which if it did not exist would not have been utilised
as a method. You authorise one cultures utilisation of extreme violence other cultures
adherents will utilise the same for whatever grievance with whatever comes hand.
Utilising so called Muslim 'progressive' facade reflecting
back Western civilisations own ethics-beliefs social/political method from one extreme
end of the Muslim behavoral variance to assure citizens there is nothing to fear,
which in no way represents core Islamic/Muslim beliefs existent in Islamic/Muslim
codex nor exemplary behavior, as well as the resultant Islamic/Muslim behavoral
variance systematically informing terror-genocide and tragic misogynistic outcomes
for women, is totally and dangerously dishonest.
Doing so, demands of Western citizens
respond to each new inevitable bloody pile and tragic misogynistic outcome as disconnected
from a 'progressive' Muslim/Islamic identity therefore having no connection to the
'real' Islamic/Muslim ethics-beliefs, nor have citizens determine the involvement
of such 'progressives' by their adherence and support of such a culture enables
anything but 'progressive' 'peaceful and law abiding' actions emanating
from the very same Muslim families, communities, and institutions to which they
are connected, and enable to continue to exist. Muslim terrorists walking from self-determined
'progressive' 'peaceful and law abiding' families, and
therefore are a threat not a benefit not benign.
"What is worth noting in this observation,
however, is that the more complex an A.I.s deep learning system is, the more aggressive
it becomes. The researchers noted that, since the process of shooting requires complex
strategies, smarter A.I.'s tend to be more aggressive and shoot its competition
earlier and more frequently to get ahead of the game regardless of the apple supply"
Of The Fittest AI: Google DeepMind Reveals AIs Choose Aggression Or Cooperation
In Social Dilemmas, Luan Chan Tech Times, 12 February 2017
“The means of attack and warfare have
always been in advance of the means of defence.”
CLEAR THINKING, R. W. Jepson, 1936
“I also dislike the Communist doctrine
– in the habit of acting on this belief – that all future history must follow a
set course, proceeding through more war into world revolution, then a dictatorship
of the proletariat, and at last the utopian withering away of the state. This strikes
me as an even more grandiose and suspect attempt to carpenter the facts of life
to fit a preconceived theory than in recent American foreign policy has been.”
Because of the doctrinaire nature of
communism, I think the Communist rule is unavoidably authoritarian.”(Peck, 1950,
p. 709)
“In the published plans, they have abandoned
the Russian technique of with drastic moves towards socialism, having apparently
learn from their rapid expansion during the wartime United Front period. That moderate
policies were more successful in China. They say they now want a period of “New
Democracy,” allowing other political parties and private enterprise to survive until
more Chinese are educated or indoctrinated, and China is industrialised enough,
to move smoothly on to state socialism. They claim this period may last as long
as half a century. I believe they mean what they say, since a more radical course
could plunge China into chaos even greater than the Russian Communist faced at the
end of their civil war, and might bring on a counterrevolution.”(Peck, 1950,
p. 713)
“It was also an old Chinese tradition
that the winning side in an argument should be most polite to the losing faction,
even pretending in words that the losers had won.”(Peck, 1950,
p. 642)
Peck, G. (1950). Two Kinds of Time (2008
ed.): Houghton Mifflin.
NZ and China
'will be able to scale the highest peaks', RNZ, Sharon Brettkelly, 28 March
"New Zealand has become the first
'Western' country to join China's Silk Road initiative; Wellington's eagerness to
develop relations with China should serve as an example for other developed nations,
analyst Wang Zhimin told Sputnik."
Road: New Zealand's Rapport With China 'Sets Example for Western Countries',
Sputnik , 01.04.2017
"The primary problem is a new strain
of genetically modified seed that comes from China, which allows poppies to be grown
year round. The so-called Chinese seeds began appearing in 2015, according to the
UNODC, leading to a massive 43 percent surge in production last year."
Afghanistan’s relentless opium woes have a
'new seed in town,' and it comes from China, CNBC, Mariam Amini, 26-3-2017
"The outbreak of avian flu that
decimated farmed and wild birds around the world and in Germany in 2016 doesn't
show signs of letting up in 2017. But experts disagree on the causes behind the
flu will continue to flare into 2017, DW, 03.01.2017
"Bill Gates, who has put much of
his sizable financial resources as well as his brainpower into public health, wrote
in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2015: “Of all the things that could kill
more than 10 million people around the world, the most likely is an epidemic stemming
from either natural causes or bioterrorism.” More recently, at this year’s Munich
Security Conference, on the possibility of terrorist-engineered viruses he noted:
“They are probably the only thing that can kill a billion.”"
Real Threat to National Security: Deadly Disease, NYT, By MICHAEL T. OSTERHOLM
"If you consider how much China
steals with old-fashioned spies buried in U.S. companies, the total theft figure
climbs by billions more. Half of the 165 private companies surveyed by the FBI were
victims of economic espionage or trade secrets theft. Fully 95 percent of the attacks
come from China.
For example, American steel manufacturer
U.S. Steel announced in April that it had discovered Chinese-backed hackers stole
decades' worth of research on advanced steel production technologies, and turned
those discoveries over to Chinese competitors.
Similarly, in 2014, five hackers affiliated
with the Chinese military were indicted in a federal court on charges of stealing
documents from U.S. Steel and Alcoa, among others."
must stop cheating and stealing now or face real consequences, Washington Examiner,
"BEIJING — A Chinese-born professor
at an Australian university who has often criticized Beijing’s crackdown on political
dissent has been barred from leaving China and is being questioned by state security
officers as a suspected threat to national security.."
Bars Professor at Australian University From Leaving, Lawyer Says, NYT, By CHRIS
Tell us the
charges or free Taiwan activist, Taipei tells Beijing, Reuters, Wed Mar 29,
"To a Nation like the United States, with its far-flung merchant marine, the submarine is perhaps the greatest menace to successful prosecution of war. That is to say, if and when we should get into another war our backs will be immediately be up against the wall if the powers arrayed against us have a powerful submarine force.
It is obvious that the submarine will enjoy, in relation to another submersible, those same advantages which all subs always have had. That is, surprise, the ability of concealment, and so on. With one difference: since the hunt is to take place in the natural environment of the submarine, either on may become the hunter or the hunted. Prior detection will assume much greater importance than ever before - if that is possible. There is no question but it will still be a nerve-racking occupation."
Submarine!, Commander Edward L. Beach, United Sates Navy, 1953 p226, 227
I would assume the submarine to be effective returning to a established home base in the next war may be nigh impossible as these will most surely can be assumed to be known and be wiped out in the initial attack or response, and the main task of a submarine has to be the hunting of other submarines possibly where the external communication capability to enhance function will be reduced, in fact one must assume the submarine has to be able to operate independently for a particularly long time initially, where other means are not possible, to gain dominance of the ocean as one has to of the sky otherwise, as one reflects on the devastating losses a single submarine can cause, particularly with nuclear weapons, let alone conventional weapon systems, having the capability to destroy enemy submarine fleets immediately becomes a very high priority. Of course I am a mere civilian but these are my thoughts.
"To a Nation like the United States, with its far-flung merchant marine, the submarine is perhaps the greatest menace to successful prosecution of war. That is to say, if and when we should get into another war our backs will be immediately be up against the wall if the powers arrayed against us have a powerful submarine force.
It is obvious that the submarine will enjoy, in relation to another submersible, those same advantages which all subs always have had. That is, surprise, the ability of concealment, and so on. With one difference: since the hunt is to take place in the natural environment of the submarine, either on may become the hunter or the hunted. Prior detection will assume much greater importance than ever before - if that is possible. There is no question but it will still be a nerve-racking occupation."
Submarine!, Commander Edward L. Beach, United Sates Navy, 1953 p226, 227
I would assume the submarine to be effective returning to a established home base in the next war may be nigh impossible as these will most surely can be assumed to be known and be wiped out in the initial attack or response, and the main task of a submarine has to be the hunting of other submarines possibly where the external communication capability to enhance function will be reduced, in fact one must assume the submarine has to be able to operate independently for a particularly long time initially, where other means are not possible, to gain dominance of the ocean as one has to of the sky otherwise, as one reflects on the devastating losses a single submarine can cause, particularly with nuclear weapons, let alone conventional weapon systems, having the capability to destroy enemy submarine fleets immediately becomes a very high priority. Of course I am a mere civilian but these are my thoughts.
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