
Showing posts from August, 2019

Pat Turner, Noel Pearson: One Vote = One Voice = Democracy, anything else is the tyranny of the few over the many. B.. off

Pat Turner, Noel Pearson: One Vote = One Voice = Democracy, anything else is the tyranny of the few over the many. B.. off "Panellist Pat Turner, a legendary figure in Indigenous affairs: “We survived here for 60,000 years before the last 200 and we’ve been devastated more in the last 200-plus than the 60,000 years before that ... we want to have the right to share the power and to make the decisions about the future of our people in our own country.” ABC, Q&A, 2019 Pat Turner, you already have the right to 'share the power and to make the decisions about the future of our people in our own country' – it is called a vote-no one, no one is going to have more power than my one vote to decide my, and my country-nations future. Aboriginals have no more right than I born in the same time period to have more of a say over my country, my Nations future. So what, Australian aboriginals have been dispossessed of land, language, have been devastated by genocide, d