Moral, Rational, Pragmatic Reality argument against Voice. VOTE NO TO UNEARNED ENTITLEMENT As it is a condition which will never be satisfied, never enough recompensed wealth, never enough transferred power, never enough repentance.
Moral, Rational, Pragmatic Reality argument against Voice
Welcome to country these are my ancestors traditional lands of Sheehan, Quinn,
McGarvey, O'Brien, Luff, Devlyn, Toomy, Smith, .... who developed this land
from its Stone Age socialscape to a Nation indexed ninth in Quality of Life.
UNEARNED ENTITLEMENT As it is a condition which will never be satisfied, never
enough recompensed wealth, never enough transferred power, never enough
Australian indigenous citizens owe my
ancestors not the other way around. The alternative:
"The Indigenous body will speak to ‘all parts of the government’ including the cabinet, ministers, public servants as well as the RBA, says top referendum working group member Megan Davis."
Politicians ‘won’t shut Indigenous voice up’, The Australian, 1st April 2023
I have gone beyond disturbed. I am a rabbit frozen in the headlights of an oncoming Marxist, Socialist, Labor socialscape disaster.
My responce is not a matter of fear, it is completely outrageous for who is sovereign who is running the Government? It is divided power being an ex public servant the public service if the Voice is approved serves two masters its unworkable, and totally inappropriate for any person or group in a Democracy to have such inordinate power over fellow citizens future lives.
I argue the failure of Indigenous citizens to attain
a comparable quality of life to most other Australian citizens is a moral issue
of entitled, bestowed verses earned, worked for life, First in line verses
Second in line citizens not an institutional or resource issue. And therefore the
Voice is a waste of scarce resources as well as creating a First citizen destroying
Equal Voice To Power Democracy.
I also venture to explain how we have arrived at
an absurd political position of having to apologise to a biology/culture for
having saved them from a stone age existence and how the Marxist derived intellectual
elite developed in our Western education institutions have erroneously
concluded colonialism is an evil instead of an inevitable consequence of
competing hegemonic biology/culture ideologies where assimilation of existing peoples
into the roles, rules, behavioural expectations is a necessity if the dominant biology/culture
ideology wants to avoid continual schism regards resources and sovereignty, impeding
the potential maximised utilisation of resources to improve the quality of life
for all inhabitants and weld into one nation with undivided intent.
If a biology/culture increasingly informs systemic negative outcomes it has nothing
to do with the lowest level of Maslow's hierarchy of need and everything to do with
the absence of a supporting moral base which makes any attainment of resources a
wasted short-term tactic-effort.
Imbuing Soviet style entitlement into citizens is proven to lead to a worse outcome.
Fix the Indigenous moral base informing significant violence and criminal behaviour
derived from the indigenous biology/culture moral templates surrounding the indigenous
children or it is simply Linda Burney MP and the rest of the elite driving a gravy
status train over the potential lost.
Assimilate the colonialist moral codex and socialscape which we know generates the
motivation required to achieve improved quality of life where life is earned rather
than bestowed, otherwise no amount of increased power or resources will change the
facts on the ground. The Voice will simply inform greater demands for resources
and sovereignty as it fails to deliver which has to be taken from other Australian
citizens to support an elite self-serving process.
The Voice is "Nothing More Nothing Less"
than nothing to do with closing the quality of life gap for indigenous citizens,
there is nothing "modest" about creating two nations in one space with
the inevitable political social schism of fighting over resources, sovereignty,
enforcing upon all citizens the political, resource objectives of a minority to
destroy One Vote One Political Value Equal Voice to Power Democracy.
NT crime worse than ever despite
over 200 recommendations implemented,, March 21, 2023
"The government says its strategies are deliberately
designed to target a cohort of “serious repeat offenders”.
More than 95% of north Queensland children on internal police ‘blacklist’ are Indigenous,
The Guardian, Ben Smee, Sat 18 Mar 2023
"The use of force and violence is more commonplace
and prevalent in some families, communities, religions, cultural/ethnic groups and
societies based on the views and values about adult prerogatives with children espoused.
They may also be based upon the sociopathy of the perpetrators."
Treatment of Complex Trauma Courtois/Ford,
"People respond to incentives. No premise is more central: If you reward a behaviour, people will do more of it and more intensely; if you penalize it, they’ll do less of it."
Thinking like an Economist: A Guide to Rational Decision Making, Professor Randall Bartlett, 2010
The quality of life gap for indigenous citizens will only change when they change their conception to death development socialscape externalised locus of control, entitlement, morality, economic, criminal, violent, predatory, health behavioural templates in their families, communities and institutions imbuing them with cognitions inevitably leading to failure in all social measures.
It means a ground up acceptance of what works, a complete assimilation of socialscape ethical, behavioural, economic template norms which enable nonindigenous citizens to achieve their higher quality of life. No amount of unearned taken from, unequal power with fellow citizens will resolve the Indigenous citizens condition.
Marxist-Socialist-Labor- ‘Progressive’ has caused Western Democracies to splinter by gazing at minutia determining colonialism evil rather than good and the reality all biology/cultures of every immigrants ancestors into the Australian landscape, including indigenous Australians have been subject, ferreting out every possible hurt to hurt to degrade the moral base of Western Democracies to defend its survival from attack from within and without.
"While 70 percent of Americans in 1998 said patriotism was “very important” to them, that number dropped to 60 percent in 2019 and to just 38 percent today — about half of where it was a quarter-century ago. We’ve also seen sharp drops on views about religion, having children and community involvement."
That jarring new poll on 'patriotism’, The Washington Post, Aaron Blake, March 27, 2023
Marxist, Leninist, Socialist, Labor, postmodern, 'progressive' 'intellectual' elites continual denigration of the values, beliefs, history which built Western Nations quality of life unparalleled in humanities history have turned citizen against citizen where terror, violence as a conflict resolution method rather than words envelop our streets. Where antithesis biological/culture ideology enemies are praised, invited into our midst despite clear evidence of their developing and delivered terror and tyranny, creating First and Second Citizens with significantly less Voice to Power and those defending core precepts which are the foundations for a Democratic Western quality of life condemned as deviant exploiters and phobics and with this condemnation the motivation-patriotism-nationalism to defend our Democratic politic from enemies within, even against our own elites, and from without dangerously diminished.
New generations are developed determining self-identity entitlement and prejudice of the minorities take priority over group-identity defence-promotion and prejudice of the majority, determines our biology/culture ideology is not long for this world. For who is left to determine it is worth defending such a fractious destructive society?
This following excerpt from Socialization and Hegemonic power, by Kenberry, G. J., & Kupchan, C. A. (1990) clearly establishes a fact of life for eons more powerful Nations seek to dominate others landscape-and/or socialscape via soft and hard power to have the citizens within conform to the goals of these more powerful Nations. This process is occurring now to the detriment and benefit of Australia and clearly being attempted by Russia in the main with hard power against Ukraine.
This same process in Australia flowing from the initial colonisation of Australia by the British and subsequent flow of Asian and European peoples regards the Indigenous population occurs at the biology/culture ideology group levels within a Nations borders in the form of “coercion. Inducements and sanctions” seeking to have Other accept their culture-ideology perspective as the norm, i.e. transvestites as women, terror as normative, silencing citizens dissent as normative as with Twitter and other media platforms.
This is life on our planet it is no use complaining, no use claiming the impossible the past could have been different than it was, or this is not how human groups interact or should interact. Unless a hegemonic biology/culture ideology want eternal societal schism, as Machiavelli rightly observed, the 'hegemonic power, … works at the level of substantive beliefs rather than material payoffs. Acquiescence .. the result of the socialization of Indigenous peoples/leaders. Indigenous elites and peoples buy into and internalize norms that are articulated by the hegemon and therefore pursue policies consistent with the hegemon's notion moral and behavioural order' or the conflict will continue.
The Voice is a force of segregation not assimilation of moral and behavioural changes which will enable Australia to move forward peacefully and at the same time improve the quality of life for indigenous peoples. Yes, culture is important as it is for the Irish, Greeks, Hungarians, Germans but to create to separate First and second peoples leads to conflict that will become increasingly costly.
“Most historical ages are marked by the presence of great powers, nations capable of dominating the course of international politics. An ongoing task of scholarship is to explore the nature of the shadow that hegemonic nations cast. How do hegemons assert control over other nations within the international system? Through what mechanisms does control get established, and by what processes does it erode? How is compliance achieved, and how is it maintained?
Most observers would argue that the manipulation of material incentives the use of threats and promises to alter the preferences of leaders in secondary nations-is the dominant form through which hegemonic power is exercised. Power is directly related to the command of material resources. Acquiescence is the result of coercion. Inducements and sanctions are used by the hegemon to ensure that secondary states prefer cooperation to non-cooperation.
But there is also a more subtle component of hegemonic power, one that works at the level of substantive beliefs rather than material payoffs. Acquiescence is the result of the socialization of leaders in secondary nations. Elites in secondary states buy into and internalize norms that are articulated by the hegemon and therefore pursue policies consistent with the hegemon's notion of international order. The exercise of power-and hence the mechanism through which compliance is achieved-involves the projection by the hegemon of a set of norms and their embrace by leaders in other.” (Kenberry & Kupchan, 1990)
As it is a condition which will never be satisfied, never enough recompensed wealth, never enough transferred power, never enough repentance.
“The Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation is preparing to enter the final stage of its epic court battle with Fortescue Metals Group, estimating its financial compensation claim for mining the Solomon Hub could amount to $500 million a year — dwarfing the miner’s previous best offer of $4 million a year.”
Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation wants 125 times more cash than $4m offered by Fortescue Metals Group, Rebecca Le May, The West Australian, Fri, 24 February 2023
“Greens senator Lidia Thorpe has welcomed a government assurance that the Indigenous Voice to parliament will not cede First Nations sovereignty.”
Lidia Thorpe welcomes assurance on Sovereignty, remains unconvinced on Voice, NATIONAL INDIGENOUS TIMES, Giovanni Torre - January 31, 2023
Queensland takes next step on path of Indigenous treaty, Fraser Barton, AAP Wed, 22 February 2023
It is more important how policy is determined
for it defines the relative power of citizens to control their destiny. Citizens
invented democracy to give citizens equal say in their future as far from autocracy-dictatorship
as possible. The Voice destroys equality of power, it is the ranking of a minority
as first in power, first in line for resources, first in line to influence all citizens
futures, it has nothing to do with closing the gap for the exact same policy answers
and institutions and consultation process which develop, deliver and monitor policy
exist now.
If we accept "Existing
explanations ascribe norm violations either to insufficient socialization or to
interest misalignment between providers and recipients." then as the "insufficient socialization" is
the responsibility of the biology/culture family, community and its institutions
clearly they have no knowledge of what would constitute sufficient socialisation
as they would be already be applying that knowledge therefore their Voice is useless
in contributing to a resolution of the gap, other than acquiescing to an outside
developed positive socialisation policy.
Also given the
existence of "misalignment between providers and recipients" the assumptions
as to the cause of the failure of closing the gap are either false or suboptimal
requiring significant reflection of the veracity of the paradigm and those who champion
its integrity the providers and the receiver indigenous peoples who are either unaware
a misalignment exists or unable to develop an alternative. Either way the Voice
is a useless Marxist-Socialist clown change vehicle. Plenty of noise, smoke, plastered
grins and floppy large red shoes.
All that occurs with the acceptance of the
Voice is the indigenous elite gain more power, with it more resources and become
less culpable for the failures which inevitably will follow as the same assumptions
of colonialism as the cause of the indigenous condition rather than their socialist
imbued Entitlement which prevents them from being motivated to diligently improve
their own behaviours, attitudes and with them their level of quality of life.
It is a grotesque myth of historic reinterpretation
to claim a society which has achieved ninth on the quality of life scale 2023, created
by European colonialism is a failure when the alternative was a continuance of a
stone age existence or given the historic context colonisation by another imperialist
nation being inevitable, it just so happened the British arrived.
There has been no white supremacy it has been a relative
difference in knowledge which is power which colonialism policy from the start sought
to remedy, to give Indigenous people the knowledge to be able to participate fully
in societal decision making. How else do you claim transfer of knowledge to indigenous
people could be achieved given the context?
The claim war was endemic is another colonialism
myth sporadic conflict yes, a war that pitted nation against nation no. Isolated
tribal-band conflict yes but not across the whole of Australia. Clearly there were
indigenous tribes/bands not at all interested in waging a conflict with Europeans
as Europeans did not.
First European settlement of Young New South
Wales, 376 km west of Sydney via the Hume Freeway
“Cobern Jackey
When James White was unable to get a Government
Land Grant he decided to find land for himself in the unsettled area along the newly
discovered route of Hume and Hovell. He travelled through Goulburn and came to the Boorowa
River, from here he headed west and came to the
junction of two creeks, he decided to camp here for the night. As he was
boiling his billy he was confronted by an imposing Aborigine, who claimed he was
the Chief of the Lachlan River Tribe.
There was a moment of hesitation and uncertainty
but James gave his new acquaintance respect and produced some gifts from his pack
horse. The aborigines told White that the name of the place was Burrowmunditroy
and the creek was called Bulla. Jacky belonged to the Wiradjuri tribe and originally
came from Cabonne near Orange, so James White named him Coborn Jacky.
White returned to Sydney to get more supplies
and to bring workmen and his stock back to his new home. He brought with him gifts
for the natives and a crescent-shaped breast plate on a chain for Jacky, on which
was inscribed ''Coborn Jacky, Chief of the Burrrowmunditroy''.
A corroboree was held 1826 in White's
honour after which White was shown a better place for a homestead. Near a deep running
sandy creek which the natives called ''Burrangong''; ''Burran'' meaning ''meeting
place of kangaroos'' and ''Gong'' meaning '' water'' or ''creek''.”
Information board Young historical society, 2023
Consultation is taking place now because colonialism has enabled this to
occur via creating a mutual discourse space where concepts are understood. You cannot
gain knowledge by staring at a book nor can it occur without biology/culture dislocation
transition grief. As it has always been and will be.
In the beginning as a stone age culture how would you be able to develop
the educational infrastructure policy and resources to improve quality of life without
European knowledge without a grasp of a European language to increasingly provide
feedback mechanisms of consultation?
![]() |
Which reinforces my view colonialism was/is on balance a positive factor and in essence the only way to improve indigenous quality of life which had to be directed, managed and imposed by an outside colonial policy force to achieve positive change otherwise there was as the 1920s inter-indigenous conflict reveals a continuance of violence templates for continuing generations.
Yes campaign launch in WA hears anger over Indigenous incarceration and child removal, The Guardian, Narelle Towie in Perth, Fri 24 Feb 2023
On country education is a strategy of
atrophy and schism
“When you congregate stragglers – disadvantaged kids – together, there’s
a proven effect on the levels of achievement, and that clearly comes out in the
data.” CHRIS BONNOR, Education researcher
It’s a big day for students, teachers and the wider education community today, as
NAPLAN results are released., The Daily
The strategy of indigenous on country education is to create enclaves of
indoctrinated indigenous children imbued with the Marxist Socialist Labor progressive
imbued Entitlement which prevents them from being motivated to diligently improve
their own behaviours, attitudes and with them their level of quality of life, a
condition which will never be satisfied, never enough recompensed wealth, never
enough transferred power, never enough repentance.
Indigenous on country education is a mercenary thirst for power of an Indigenous
elite purposefully creating and managing a political force, a force of segregation
not assimilation of moral and behavioural changes which will enable Australia to
move forward peacefully and at the same time improve the quality of life for indigenous
It is an old ploy elites set up enclaves where they create populations they can
manipulate for political ends which informs increasing schism and bases from which
political action can be launched.
Anyone who thinks indigenous on country education is generous, open hearted, culturally sensitive policy for the benefit of indigenous children or the Australian society which will have to deal with its consequences need to reflect on history and the Naplan results.
"3 ways we'll close the gap:
Reliable drinking water.
New remote housing.
Regional food security."
Linda Burney, MP 12-3-2023 Twitter
Boorowa NSW country town would love to have reliable drinking water as would thousands of towns why should any citizen group be given biased priority of an essential service over other citizens.
Remote housing simply atrophy's entitlement keeps indigenous people locked in a template of continuing cycle of substandard outcomes as there is no incentive to work and pay to build your own home. As there is no personal investment these houses, as the others fall to pieces. This is also another policy of enclaving for which other Australians will have to finance.
Regional food security is all about securing indigenous population enclaves so they can atrophy where they are to be paid for by other Australians. The Voice is all about creating elite indigenous controlled population enclaves to use as a political force to demand more and more.
Equal Voice to Power Democracy has already been weakened now for the final Voice blow. These are policies of enclaving for which other Australians will have to finance as these on country settlements as with other country towns are not subject to their economic viability to provide a sustainable reason for their existence.
As with freely provided housing, water supply, education finance per student, and now food security which no other town can hope to obtain nor should it otherwise Australian society would run out of wealth very quickly are designed to secure justification for a Clayton's sovereignty which we all will have to pay for in significant treasure and political strife.
To expect any members of a biology/culture transgenerational development system, particularly an elite whose aim is always to maintain-increase power and the access to resources via fabricated beliefs of entitlement, to develop policy, resource, implement, monitor, review, assume culpability to internalise locus of control and bear the costs of such cathartic dislocation change to achieve parity is delusion.
And the actual cause lack of indigenous
culpability for their behaviour. What are you forever children? Grow up. Of course,
significantly higher per capita bad behaviour across all social measures leads inevitably
to bad outcomes per capita. You are entitled to outcomes you inform.
For such a finding relieves Indigenous citizens
of culpability for their criminal acts, their health physical and psychological
wellbeing blaming colonisation instead of their own behaviour. It is an appalling
misalignment of culpability. It also claims dispossession is the cause which is
the inevitable consequence facing any colonised biology/culture. The Irish arriving
in this country were not only dispossessed but also transported across the world
in chains to work in chain gangs.
Being shackled is not the preserve of only
one biology/culture. If dispossession of landscape is inherently the cause of a
biology/culture propensity to inform negative behavioural outcomes everyone would
be informing the same because no biology/culture has been immune from dispossession.
Also of course prejudice, hostility will
be rationally created against any biology/culture informing negative outcomes impacting
on others to demand otherwise denies the reality of how humans as individuals and
groups derive threat to themselves and others. Are the citizens of Alice Springs
and elsewhere to be positively enamoured with that to which they are subject?
There has been no institutionalised prejudice
if you behave badly bad things will result, if you fail to turn up to class and
fail to have appropriate behavioural templates to encourage success you will fail
to achieve. If you utilise the provision of welfare payments, services and housing
in a deleterious manner it is not welfare provision which has failed it’s your misuse
of the same.
Unless the Marxist, Socialist, Labor, ‘progressive’
cease imbuing indigenous citizens with a belief they are not responsible for their
debilitating behaviour nothing will change and nor will the rhetoric of externalising
culpability. As it has become an industry.
"PRIME MINISTER Albanese: That is not
what it is about. The Voice is not about defence policy.
It's not about foreign affairs policy. It's not about these issues.
The Voice is about issues that directly affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people." 27-3-2023
"Today we are pleased to announce
the appointment of Mr Justin Mohamed as Australia’s inaugural Ambassador for First
Nations People.
Mr Mohamed will lead the Office
of First Nations Engagement in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Together they will work in
genuine partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to progress
Indigenous rights globally, and help grow First Nations trade and investment.
Elevating the perspectives
of First Nations people – this land’s first diplomats – enables deeper engagement
with many of our closest partners including the Pacific family.
This new position ensures,
for the first time, that Australia will have dedicated Indigenous representation
in our international engagement."
Ambassador for First Nations
People, Department of Foreign Affairs Australia, Joint media release with:
The Hon Linda Burney MP, Minister
for Indigenous Australians
Senator Patrick Dodson, Special
Envoy for Reconciliation, and Implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart,
07 March 2023
Indigenous not sovereign ∴
What is untrue with my claim, as the Indigenous
biology/culture is a minority in society having a representative in a foreign policy
institution Boorowa a small rural town is a minority and therefore should have the
The objection to such a position being created for a specific minority has to do with Equal Voice To Power Democracy. You convince yourself it is hate to object but it is not true. Why should any minority in our Democracy have such a representative in our Foreign affairs Department. It is absurd, unearned entitlement and power. That is why not hate.
VOTE NO TO UNEARNED ENTITLEMENT As it is a condition which will never be satisfied, never enough recompensed wealth, never enough transferred power, never enough repentance.
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