Marxist Socialist Education turned to 1984 indoctrination of an unquestioning single unchallengeable thought.

 "By despising himself too much a man comes to be worthy of his own contempt.” (Amiel, 1909, p. 180)

‘Indoctrination’: Dan Andrews slammed for controversial Voice to Parliament curriculum introduced to Victorian classrooms, Skynews, Amy Landsey, February 8, 2023

Education turned to 1984 indoctrination of an unquestioning single unchallengeable thought.

Marxist socialist 'progressive' certainty paradigms enforced by severe deviance labelling with livelihood and criminal penalty replaces a Democratic freedom of speech to challenge.

State removal of parental control of moral precepts, enforced imbuing within children by State propaganda and silencing of speech via proven collusion between public and private communication systems as revealed in the US Twitter release of background communication thereby forcing social disconnection from Democratic discourse, an act if Democracy is to survive must be criminalised. 

It is no use having freedom of speech for communication media platforms if there is no freedom of speech for citizens.

“Those who are most effective in claiming the moral high ground have been able to rally their people, dehumanise the target and take what they want.” The Master Strategist, Ketan J. Patel, 2005

When a Prime Minister with political forces in a Democracy seek to ostracise brand citizens disagreeing as malicious spreaders of misinformation, as radical” “corrosive insidious forces”, fifth columnists, seeking to undermine Democracy by starting a “cultural war” he and the socialist ‘progressive’ elites started, 

1. lying to get into power by promising an increase in real incomes along 

2. with a decrease in energy costs, not informing citizens of significant policy directions of the 

3. destruction of Equal Voice to Power Democracy by deligitimising British-European biology/culture ideology of colonialisaton of Australia turning it to shame rather than the reality of triumph of human endeavour making a prosperous thriving secure society and at the same time a thankless task of endeavoring to raise stone age culture bands, tribes  to a rapidly changing modernity, whilst being pilloried for this stone age cultures lack of culpability, responsibility for their own behavior and condition.

4. a Marxist top-down command economy euphemistically called value-based capitalism, 

5. returning those involved in terror-genocide into our streets, 

6. allowing refugees who arrived by boat to bring their families to Australia creates a pull force for asylum seekers arriving on OZ shores leading to security threats and loss of control of our borders.

7. re-engagement with China which the NATO head determined as problematic,

8. daily stoking their cultural war against citizens with forced acceptance of antithesis constructs of sex, 

9. forcing our children to be subject to their socialist moral abstracts

you know you have arrived at the doorstep of a 1984 Marxist regressive one thought gulag.

When is enough enough, when is a threshold reached of lying, ostracizing, economic vandalism, destruction of Equal Power Democracy, imposition of policies not foretold prior to the election which would have most probably determined a different result demand the Governor General to protect the citizens from further Marxist Socialist tyranny of one thought?


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