We Learn from History or are Buried in History.

We Learn from History or are Buried in History.

“A nation, like man, is the creature of its past.”
THE REVOLUTIONARY IDEA IN FRANCE, 1789-1871, By Lord Elton, 1923

Antithesis Biology/Culture Ideologies repeatedly Dissimulate (Adapt, Discover, Improvise) until they reach thresholds to Overcome or are allowed to survive to repeat the process.

We were lucky to survive WWII which is why the US developed its military might to intervene at the start of a conflict not at its end or isolate itself from the trenches by pretending simply being the supplier of weapons to the attacked would in the end save it from mortal combat with even greater damaging consequence.

There are two factors that have placed the West in mortal danger:

Firstly the control of our educational indoctrination higher learning in humanities being allowed to be controlled by Marxist Postmodern eating away, denigrating self-belief in the positive nature of the  Western Democracies biology/culture ideology, history, and

Secondly the fallacy
"We are more alike than different and those differences make us stronger." which has not only been demonstrated as dangerously flawed in our own streets with Muslim terror but also the rampant anti-Jewish prejudice being brought into Western Democracies and supercharged by our Marxist Postmodern in our universities raising antithesis biology/culture ideologies and minorities above the interests security and otherwise of the majority Western derived moral foundations.

We have also been hobbled by our own view the benefits of a Western Democratic framework are so manifest it will cause mass defections from antithesis biology/culture ideologies, this is due to Eisenhower’s Strategy Legacy of Patience, “change through rapprochement”, adopted right across the West, albeit for the best of intentions predicated upon the experienced horror of two world wars, has enabled Biology/Culture Ideologies to Dissimulate(Adapt, Discover, Improvise and Overcome) utilizing economic-military duplicity/blackmail/theft to build soft-hard power=Enlightenments demise.

“That long time approach, known as “Wandel durch Annäherung” (“change through rapprochement”) and developed in the 1960s to ease Cold War tensions, was straightforward. If Germany helped to improve the economy and civil society in Russia, it would modernize and become more democratic and cooperative. Close economic ties would lessen the risk of armed conflict and give Germany political leverage.”
Is Germany Turning Against Russia? New York Times, Anna Sauerbrey, Oct. 14, 2020

Did it work, could it work? No. Why?

Any antithesis biology/culture ideologies conception to death development system has to be destroyed root and branch, and replaced with you own moral framework scripts political economic, as the West had to do with Germany and Japan, every other war the West has lost, from Korea onwards as Machiavelli warned, do not be so stupid to think you can leave an existing antithesis culture ideology intact, and survive, it will only result in having to deal repeatedly with the monster that has learnt from their, and your mistakes until as Lincoln told us, only they or you exist in the socialscape.

“The outstanding feature of the opening phase of the Middle East (WWII) was the unreadiness of both sides to undertake operations. This dangerous state of affairs had been forced on the British Service authorities by Government policy, which resulted in the first instance from general public apathy towards defence, and secondly from the attempt to appease the imperialistically minded dictators by weakly acquiescing in the early acts of aggression.

The lessons here are:

(a)   That once Service strengths have been allowed to run down, they cannot be restored quickly.

(b)   That the restoration of Service strengths requires much more than giving them the necessary manpower; it requires an immense and sustained effort involving every aspect of national life.

(c)   That peace cannot be brought by appeasement; that it is far better in the long run to challenge at an early stage rather than allow an aggressor to go on from strength to strength until the inevitable war begins with the defender at a dangerous disadvantage. […]

If you make the deductions from your intelligence reports fit your preconceived notions about what the enemy is or ought to be doing, you are almost bound to be surprised.”
MIDDLE EAST 1939-43, DIRECTORATE OF MILITARY TRAINING, Military Board Army Headquarters, Melbourne, 31/8/1959.

In December last I was asked to address the American Sociological Congress on “the effect of war and militarism on social values.” In sending my answer I pointed out that infinitely the most important fact to remember in connection with the subject in question is that if an unscrupulous, warlike, and militaristic nation is not held in check by the warlike ability of a neighbouring non-militaristic and well-behaved nation, then the latter will be spared the necessity of dealing with its own “moral and social values” because it won’t be allowed to deal with anything. Until this fact is thoroughly recognised, and the duty of national preparedness by justice loving nations explicitly acknowledged, there is very little use of solemnly debating such questions as the one which the sociological congress assigned to me – which, in detail, was “How war and militarism affect such social values as the sense of the preciousness of human life; care for child welfare; the conservation of human resources; upper-class concern for the lot of the masses; interest in popular education; appreciation of truth-telling and truth-printing; respect for personality and regards for personal rights.”

It seems to me possibly comic to fail to appreciate, with the example of Belgium before our eyes, that the real question which modern peace-loving nations have to face is not how the militaristic or warlike spirit within their own borders will affect these “values,” but how failure on their part to be able to resist the militarism of an unscrupulous neighbour will affect them. Belgium had a very keen sense of the “preciousness of human life” and of “the need for the care of child welfare and the conservation of human resources,” and there was much “concern” by the Belgian “upper classes for the lot of the masses,” great “interest in popular education and appreciation of truth-telling and truth-printing and a high respect for personality and regard for personal rights.” But all these “social values” existed in Belgium only up to the end of July 1914. Not a vestige of them remained in 1915. To discuss them as regards present-day Belgium is sheer prattle, simply because on August 4, 1914, Belgium had not prepared her military strength so that she could put on her frontiers at least half a million thoroughly armed and trained men of fighting spirit.”

“... to apply force to the resolution of social conflict. The fact that he gets better at killing is not likely to make him stop.” [...]

“There is a rough and uneasy parity between the two major alliances in weaponry,” he explains. “Anything which changes this to destabilise the international situation brings conflict closer. I am as deeply concerned as anyone that there should not be a nuclear war, but I discern in what the so-called peace movements are doing, a destabilising influence which could be highly dangerous if it were successful. It is not for nothing that the Soviet Union is so much in favour of Western peace movements.”

Does that make peace movement supporters Soviet tools? “Well, Lenin himself invented the phrase ‘useful fools.’ There are a lot of useful fools in the peace movement.”
The General (Sir John Hackett) and the Future War, the age, 15th October 1983

I would argue “‘useful fools.’ There are a lot of useful fools in the peace movement.” for a Palestinian biology/culture ideology, the antithesis of Western Democratic culture – ideology, whose conflict resolution methodology is slaughter, vivisection, rape, beheading, burning alive, torture, kidnapping, execution of hostages. Condemning Israel for its response for such atrocities is the same logic as condemning Britain for resisting with total war against the Nazi in WWII.

Is it any wonder the “Outplayed: Regaining Strategic Initiative in the Gray Zone” report sponsored by the Army Capabilities Integration Centre in Coordination with Joint Staff J-39/Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment Branch reveals the reality which has led inexorably to WWI. WWII, “profound and paralysing risk-confusion” regards enemy cultures utilising “combinations of influence, intimidation, coercion, and aggression. At the same time, exploiting, free-riding on, or are propelled by the generalized erosion or outright failure of traditional political authority.”

The same elite philosophy driven policy of appeasement of enemy cultures, determining well-constructed argument under a Western rationale model will surely convince internal cultures tearing societies apart and external cultures battering Western democratic walls to accept the obvious benefits of the Western Worldview. And worse having our own Marxist Postmodern elite creating a paradigm which encourages defection of our own not as a traitorous deviant act but as commendable behaviour requiring to be rewarded with increased status.

Marxist Postmoderns are the 20th century Norman Hillson and 21st century Dan Cruickshank.

"Experience has taught me that all argument is useless with fanatical young Nazi of this kind, and so I say nothing." Norman Hillson “I speak of Germany”, London 1937

Despite the clear evidence in his own writings of Other missing from the German streets Norman Hillson continues
“the Germans (inclusive of the Nazi) that great unified people are looking for peace and see friendship with Britain as a basis for peace not only for themselves but for everyone else”. Norman Hillson “I speak of Germany,” London 1937

We assure ourselves 'moderates' are in charge for did they not tell us they were such, things could be worse?

“In fact if the extremist’s elements had prevailed. I have not the least doubt that disruption would have been more drastic and that we should have real reason by now to fear German aggression from both a military as well as political point of view.” Norman Hillson “I speak of Germany,” London 1937

“It (Damascus-Syria) has seen empires and tyrants come and go; it offers a fantastic object-lesson in how people can live together creatively and in harmony. It is a wonderful city in which to be. …. a fantastic object-lesson in how people can live together creatively and in harmony"
British Historian Dan Cruickshank BBC series "Cruickshank's Adventures in Architecture, Episode 5 - Connections, Syria, Damascus 2008, First aired on BBC Two in April 2008.

This is the reality of our circumstance, as all no longer existing empires before, we refused to listen to, refused to implement in policy as we have consumed ourselves into pretending this easy life without sacrificing significant proportion of our wealth to defence infrastructure, maintenance of a martial spirit and the construct of warrior as an honoured altruist role defending a socialscape for which one would make the ultimate sacrifice.

The true measure of the West’s failure and moral danger is that we can no longer develop altruists willing to lay down their lives to defend the socialscape the Marxist Postmodernists have created and nor discern who are our mortal enemies and friends as revealed in Biden’s demand Israel negotiate peace with Palestinian terrorists before Israel has won the war based upon a view the Palestinian terrorists will relinquish their governing power in the future and “Australian National University lecturer Dr Emily Corner, who found the assessment was unable to accurately predict a person’s “specified risk with anything other than chance”. When the assessment is of a Muslim who has expressed support of terror and the clear probability, they will either inform terror or support those that do by moving straight back into the Biology/Culture ideology which created and imbued them with hatred of Other and the extreme terror conflict resolution methodology justified and authorised by their Quran codex.

To understand the danger of Biden’s demand, it is the same logic as determining peace should have been declared before German Nazis and Japanese imperialists were vanquished in WWII. Have both German Nazis and Japanese imperialists negotiate their relinquishment of power when they still have reins of power and military still existing dedicated to continuing the war.

I repeat for the dangerous dullards.

“A nation, like man, is the creature of its past.”
THE REVOLUTIONARY IDEA IN FRANCE, 1789-1871, By Lord Elton, 1923

Antithesis Biology/Culture Ideologies repeatedly Dissimulate (Adapt, Discover, Improvise) until they reach thresholds to Overcome or are allowed to survive to repeat the process.

The return of Confucius in Marxist China determining the leader paramount and the return of the Russian Orthodox church underpinning divine rule did not make it blindingly obvious?

"As Chairman Mao said, "In old China it was a crime to talk about reforms, and offenders would be beheaded or imprisoned."
(History-Departments-of-Futan-University-and-Shanghai-Teachers'-University, 1976, p. 117)*

”What should our policy be toward non-Marxist ideas? So far as unmistakable counter-revolutionaries and wreckers of the socialist cause are concerned, the matter is easy; we simply deprive them of their freedom of speech.”
Mao said on 27th February, 1957:

“Confucius, a native of the state of Lu (present-day Shantung), was born in the last years of the spring and autumn. (770 – 476 B.C.), the second son and his family. A thinker of the declining slave – owning aristocracy, he was the founder of the Confucian school of thought. Living in a period of great social upheaval during the collapse of the slave system and the rise of feudalism, Confucius dedicated his life to retrieving the former. He concocted a whole system of reactionary ideology with "jen" (benevolence) as its core and advocated "restraining oneself and returning to the rites" – a program for restoring the old order. He taught the idea of the "mandate of heaven" and preached apriorism through such fallacies as "life-and-death are predestined, and riches and honours come from heaven," and that some people "born with knowledge." In his reactionary educational ideas, he demonstrated deep contempt for productive labour, declaring that "he who excels in learning can be official." For some 2,000 years from the Han dynasty on, in China's feudal and semi-feudal, semi-colonial society, Confucius' reactionary ideology, embellished and developed by the rulers of the various regimes, was used to shield reactionary rule and shackle the working people's minds."
(History-Departments-of-Futun-University-and-Shanghai-Teachers'-University, 1976, pp. 16-17)

“[…]Confucianism and other doctrines that exist in Chinese history adhere to the principles of practical application and pay attention to the educational function of the people, to combine the education of the individual and society with the governance of the state, to achieve mutual complementarity and mutual promotion the goal of.

From the historical point of view, the excellent elements of Chinese traditional ideology and culture, including Confucianism, have never been interrupted for the formation and continuation of the development of Chinese civilization for many years and the formation and maintenance of China's unity and unity of the political situation, To consolidate the multi-ethnic and all-family family of China, to form and enrich the spirit of the Chinese nation, to encourage the Chinese people to safeguard national independence, against foreign aggression, to promote China's social development and progress, promote social interests and social relations balance, have played a very Important role.”

On September 24th, 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping attended an opening speech at the Great Hall of the People to commemorate the 2565th anniversary of the birth of Confucius and the opening ceremony of the fifth session of the International

XI's Oath:
“The Chinese military will be absolutely loyal, pure, reliable and resolutely follow the orders of Central Military Commission (CMC) Chairman Xi Jinping,”
Chinese military pledges total loyalty to Xi, BEIJING, NOV 6, 2017

So as not to miss the significance of the lesson of history.

Hitler's Oath:
"I swear to God this sacred oath that to the Leader of the German Empire and people, Adolf Hitler, supreme commander of the armed forces, I shall render unconditional obedience and that as a brave soldier I shall at all times be prepared to give my life for this oath."

Taliban to impose their interpretation of Sharia law in Afghanistan, By Sahar Akbarzai, Shafi Kakar and Rhea Mogul, CNN, 15-11-2022.

‘What Have We Done With Democracy?’ A Decade On, Arab Spring Gains Wither, NYT, By Vivian Yee, Oct. 10, 2021

“Khomeini nonetheless reassured his liberal revolutionary compatriots — just months before the revolution, while in Paris exile — that “women [would be] free in the Islamic Republic in the selection of their activities and their future and their clothing.”
The Ayatollah Under the Bed(sheets) In the Islamic Republic of Iran, all politics may not be sexual, but all sex is political. BY KARIM SADJADPOUR APRIL 23, 2012

History has so many examples of biology/culture ideology duplicity and dangerous impact of determining ‘It is impossible for a war in this time and age.” As has emanated out of the Marxist Postmodern denigrator of Western civilisation the ABC, it beggars belief we again have fallen into the same trap.

We must understand a crucial reality which has been integral to humanity from the start of our journey applicable to every species. It is not a matter of right or wrong, or determining it should never occur being the same rationale tides must be determined deviant.

Since the beginning there are no owners of land, there has never been a right to anything we colonise and are colonised we pass through, pass on. One resides, does not own. One is attached emotionally positively or negatively this does not matter, human and natural environmental events determine residence not ownership. Try as hard as we may to believe we own anything life death reveals the starkness of our folly.

Be prepared to defend or move or be buried in History.


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