Cricket body dropping word 'Australia Day'; Sydney council to cancel Australia Day celebrations -The same logic would have the US cancel the 4th of July, Independence Day. I ask Australian Aborigines to reflect on their own sacred myths, and accept the truth about themselves before they go rubbing fellow Australians sacred myths in their face.

Sydney council to cancel Australia Day celebrations,, 06/11/2019

Scott Morrison attacks Cricket body for dropping word 'Australia Day', ABC, 21-01-2021

“...the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions"
IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America
For the US war of 'Independence' was a war in major part to decide who would control the resources-land, Indian land.
Some Indians thought the English King was the lesser of two evils as the King wanted to restrict access to Indian lands-at that time.
The Patriots massacred Indians simply because they were Indians, a case in point Indians converted to Christianity who had lost their previous homeland and wanted to stay neutral, after the first Patriots savage massacre of course no longer neutral these particular Indian’s teamed up with the British the Patriots were in turn savaged.
Indians did not achieve Independence on the 4th of July, in fact, the reverse, the Indians as the African slaves did not obtain Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, nor the right to pursue happiness, albeit the US Independence Declaration meant in time the blatant contradiction could not stand unless the US societal founding ethics contained within the Independence Declaration were deleted, one could argue this was the defining moment which determined the Indians demise. As the 26 January marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales, and the raising of the Flag of Great Britain at Sydney Cove by Governor Arthur Phillip, could mark the demise of the Australian aboriginal.
BUT it could be argued any day in the calendar of one year could mark a defining moment which determined the fate of the American Indians, Australian Aboriginals, South American Indians, ... the invention of the boat, agriculture, metallurgy, chemistry, religion, the wheel, compass .. the evolution date of any number of diseases, European navigator discovery dates of the land in question. , Anglo-French Wars, the Irish problem, the English judicial system, the concept of empire and the means to create it.., human needs and wants, ego, … thirst, hunger, desire …. there is no day of the year which is devoid of sin.
Both the 4th July the United States Independence Day and 26th January Australia Day celebrate the start of new Nation-states whose originators were not of the original indigenous population – this is not unusual in fact it is how the human race acts as groups one could claim since the beginning. The Australian Aboriginals cannot claim to be any different, there is no such thing as the noble savage. It is therefore pure hypocrisy to demand of others what you do not demand of your own. For how one asks did the aboriginal tribes obtain, retain or lose their space, through win-win non-violent means? Of course not.

“The place was all surrounded by bush, and hundreds of Gundagai aborigines used to camp close by. And well do I remember many of the fights in which they participated.
About the year 1850 a big battle took place just behind where the old brick mill on Morley’s Creek now stands. One morning we were awakened at daylight by piteous begging of a blackfellow to be let into our house. My husband gave him entry, and then he let a number of others in. They told us the Lachlan tribe had swooped down on them in the night, and had massacred some of the Gundagai tribe. The last black fellow to come in had a long spear sticking out of his stomach-and, really, I wasn’t sorry as he was a cheeky dangerous man. Next morning ??? went to see what the damage was, and found two blacks -Motogee and Mecky, dead while a large number were wounded. A number of gins were speared. One of them Kitty, escaped by swimming Morley’s Creek carrying her two piccaninnies, and […] the ??? Ark, which stood below where […]. The marauding band also speared dogs and did other damage. They took away with them the legs of the dead blackfellows, cutting the limbs off at the thigh. They also carried away the dead men’s kidney fat.
[…] After this slaughter the Gundagai blacks thirsted for revenge. They made elaborate preparations, and, leaving their gins behind, set out to pay back the debt they owed their Lachlan enemies. After being away some days, they returned laden with trophies of war-the most prized of which were the legs and kidney fat of some of their opponents. At night they made a big fire on the Flat, and roasted the flesh of the Lachlan victims, and partook of a cannibal feast.
The blacks never murdered any white folk. I recollect the last big fight between the tribes. An old man named Billy Pemberton was walking down our main street early one morning when a mob of strange blacks accosted him with, ‘’Where blackfellow camped?’’. Billy directed them the wrong way and ran and warned the local tribe. A lot of them raced to our place for shelter. My husband was away at the time-only myself and two babies were in the house. I let a couple of blackfellows in and they got under the bed. Others planted in the outhouse; in Turnbull’s store in Lindley's yard and one got under a cask. But he forgot his dog, which started scratching outside the barrel and when the “invaders” came along the dog's antics directed their attention to the barrel and they hauled out the planted man, and I don’t think there was an inch of his body into which they did not put spears.”
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Sat 18 May 1912 Page 3 Sixty Years Ago.

Clearly, no massacre excuses another, violence against another Biology/Culture Ideology to resolve conflict is something we must leave behind, and remove as quickly as possible any Culture Ideology informing systemic violence from our midst, but to claim the high ground for a period when your own aboriginal Biology/Culture Ideology was intensively involved in massacring Other aboriginals, eating them and demand non-aborigines face their shame and relinquish their celebration day for behavior your own were, under current moral framework, shamefully systemically informing is sickening hypocrisy.
Evil happens, there is no human endeavor of consequence which does not inform negative as well as positive; actions are taken which may be regretted, based upon previous contexts and belief systems, and differences in power. The egg cannot be unscrambled trying to do so is an absurd endeavor.
As each person has a past, if you have lived long enough, which contains behavior less than a favorable reflection of their character so it is with families, communities, institutions, and nations. Each develops myths, to enable the celebration of their achievement rather than their failures, no individual or group is immune from this. To be eternally accusatory, regretful are despondent states of little value, rubbing a culture ideologies face into a nation’s myth contradictions is not, is not going to lead to a pursuit of happiness, the opposite, shit happens all sides learn from it and move on. Do not create anymore you will be covered in it.
We celebrate our beginnings or we diminish each Other leading to schism, for it leads nowhere else, the war continues. Just what we need more division.

So what happens:

"Indigenous screenwriter Nayuka Gorrie said she thought violence was “okay” in the context of the oppression of Aboriginal people and declared “let’s burn stuff”.

Minister for Communications Paul Fletcher said the investigation was “appropriate”.

“This week’s episode of Q&A on ABC television, in which some panellists used offensive language and called for or endorsed violence. has generated significant community concern,” he said."

ABC pulls Q&A episode over provocative language after launching investigation,
Stephanie Bedo,, NOVEMBER 8, 2019

To claim special status because of genocide is ridiculous in reflected history for who, which biology/culture ideology in the historical past within the temporal existent moral context has not been subject to the notion of reality expounded by the Greeks to Melian citizens "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must", or justified as the moral righteous cause, still meaning exactly the same thin, Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Union campaign address (1860) reverses the phrase: "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it". One has to ask whose 'right’.

“We have mentioned them in passing with the campaigns; various reasons why these actions of terror, these atrocities were committed. It is difficult to estimate how many people were killed or died as a result of the Mongol campaigns, the great Mongol conquests. Numbers run up to fantastic levels, far beyond what we suspect the population of the world was at the time. There are comparisons, sometimes very facile comparisons, which are made literally to the scientific genocidal extermination of populations by the Nazis or by Stalin with the great purges and the collectivization. Again, the Mongols never practiced slaughter quite on that level, and a term such as holocaust can be essentially belittled by calling every massacre atrocity a holocaust. The Holocaust, in my mind, is really quite exceptional among all atrocities.

On the other hand, we do have some potential numbers of what the destruction involved. For instance, it has been estimated that at least 500,000 people, Russians, died as a result of the campaigns of Batu over a course of about five years. Many of these were killed in the sacks of Russian cities; many more probably died of exposure, starvation, and the privations that followed after a Mongol army had swept through, burned all the villages and ¿ elds, had turned agriculture to pasture. Again, there are suspicions that there were very high losses of population in the Northern Chinese areas, regions that had been under the Jin emperor, the so-called 16 prefectures; that Genghis Khan’s campaigns that climaxed in the conquest of the Jin capitals of Northern China in 1215 had a similar destructive level on Northern China as Batu’s campaigns in Russia. All agree that the destruction wrought against the Islamic cities in Transoxiana by Genghis Khan, later by Hulagu, the destruction of Baghdad, those are colossal numbers of destruction. Hundreds of thousands were slain and died in the aftermath of those destructive invasions.

Last but not least, we do have information on the kingdom of Hungary; that was the campaign in 1241. After defeating the Hungarian army, Batu’s soldiers seized the royal treasury and the seal; and the Mongols through the whole of the summer of 1241 sent out letters that resulted in the surrender of cities, and towns and huge numbers of captives were rounded up, large numbers that are exaggerated in the medieval chronicles. Then, in 1241, when Batu had to return to Saray and get involved in that election of the new Great Khan, these captives were slaughtered; and again, we get fantastic numbers of Hungarians slain in the retreat by the Mongol army. We have a lot of anecdotal material about the destruction of cities.

Perhaps one should suffice; and that is the former capital of Muhammad Shah, near the Aural Sea at the lower Oxus River. That capital, the city of Urgench, was put under siege by Genghis Khan’s sons and the city was essentially leveled. The course of the river was changed in order to undermine the walls, and as a result, the Oxus River actually À owed into the Caspian Sea for the next couple of hundred years. The city lost its water supply; everything was chopped down, the mulberry trees for silk; the irrigation ditches were deliberately destroyed; and the city was turned into a desert and ruins and was never rebuilt.”

Pax Mongolica and Cultural Exchange, The Barbarian Empires of the Steppes, Kenneth W. Harl, Ph.D., Professor of Classical and Byzantine History, Tulane University, 2014
In the context of the 1800s it is preposterous to impose twentieth century developed morals to justify diminishing democracy by imposing a louder voice, equalling more power, for one group over another, as for the constructed notion of prior ownership of a piece of land defines superior rights is absurd for it seeks to diminish the connection to a spatial environment within which all came to existence at the same time, how is it one is more connected than another, it is a spurious political constructed assumption, also it ignores the fact each of us exist in a landscape which we all pass through and life events which determines ownership ephemeral at best and non-existent at least, the notion of a greater spiritual link is an insulting and erroneous unsubstantiated notion taken as an assumption to underwrite gaining more resources and power, for I, born in the same land are to be determined less connected is a notion which bears no weight of examination.

Just because I set fire to my surroundings to clear undergrowth to have better access to food sources, can dig up grubs and yams and live off the land in part or in whole, determined spiritual creatures inhabit my surroundings as the Greeks and others in the past and present, does not assign me a special status other than a skill in alternative survival methods and a curious set of spiritual beliefs in landscape formation defying scientific reality. Can Christians claim as their God created the world therefore engendering sole spiritual connection and sacredness of all lands as to their own divination?

Worse could have been the lot of Australian aborigines given the nature of other biology/culture ideologies past and present moving into the Australian aboriginal space, yes Australian Aborigines, should deem themselves fortunate they were not completely wiped out. One has to reflect on the Belgium congo, the Mongol hordes, Islam-Muslims wherever they went-we already have Muslim terror in Australian streets. In the context of the 1800s the British hand was relative to some other Biology/Culture Ideologies morally bounded. Disease inevitably would arrive to decimate the Australian Aborigines, be it from any of other Nation-states moving in to assume sovereignty which was inevitable due to the distinct technological-power imbalance and moral context or from connection with Indonesian traders linked into other biology/culture ideology nation-states disease profiles.

Australian Aborigines have to reflect on their own relative circumstance as we know the Nobel-savage is non-existent it is another Western confabulation, as seen above, Aboriginal life was much closer to Hobbes version of a natural state:

“In such condition, there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth; no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving, and removing, such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”

Where I ask would Australian aborigines be compared to the opportunities of the advanced developed Australian nation which the Europeans and others laid the foundations for which Aborigines now seek to exploit and admonish for doing what biology/culture ideologies, even their own did and do? You have no more rights than I or anyone else other than those you and others make assumptions for which frankly are erroneous.

No Day can excuse, or forget and nor should it. But no Biology/Culture Ideology - Nation, if it has existed for some time, can with any conscience determine itself devoid of the blood of Other on its hands, and demand of Other what it does not demand of itself.

There is no such thing as a noble savage, as there is no such thing a Biology/Culture Ideology–Nation which does not invent myths about its creation which enable the Nation to celebrate its continuing existence, and move forward. I ask Australian Aborigines to reflect on their own sacred myths and accept the truth about themselves before they go rubbing fellow Australians sacred myths in their face.

Pat Turner: One Vote = One Voice = Democracy, anything else is the tyranny of the few over the many. B.. off
BlackLivesMatter is a demand "Resources-Money for nothing, and respect for free." Racism is an absurd construct and anyone using it should be ignored.

In a Democracy every voice must be given equal weight otherwise it ceases to be. No culture should be given precedence over another, each individual must have equal opportunity to affect the direction their society takes


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