Pat Turner, Noel Pearson: One Vote = One Voice = Democracy, anything else is the tyranny of the few over the many. B.. off

Pat Turner, Noel Pearson: One Vote = One Voice = Democracy, anything else is the tyranny of the few over the many. B.. off

"Panellist Pat Turner, a legendary figure in Indigenous affairs: “We survived here for 60,000 years before the last 200 and we’ve been devastated more in the last 200-plus than the 60,000 years before that ... we want to have the right to share the power and to make the decisions about the future of our people in our own country.”
ABC, Q&A, 2019

Pat Turner, you already have the right to 'share the power and to make the decisions about the future of our people in our own country' – it is called a vote-no one, no one is going to have more power than my one vote to decide my, and my country-nations future.

Aboriginals have no more right than I born in the same time period to have more of a say over my country, my Nations future. So what, Australian aboriginals have been dispossessed of land, language, have been devastated by genocide, disease, and assimilation - ‘devastated’ - welcome to the human condition. I can say with relative confidence there is not one human group who have not been subject to the same if not worse i.e. complete annihilation, and it continues for some groups particularly those under Muslim rule, it does not make it right, but nor does it give any group an inalienable right (in truth there is no such thing) to special status.

Aboriginals exploited the land, the resources they moved into with the technology to hand fire, stone and wooden weapons, Australian aboriginals were no more custodians of the Australian landscape than open cut miner exploiters are today. It’s is claimed they wiped out the large mammals which existed when they arrived, only those mammals with or able to develop fleet of foot survived the flaming technique - it’s called exploitation, not custodianship. And what of the environment when Aboriginals arrived has it been cared for, protected to the present in its original pristine state, there were Aboriginal Landcare groups dedicated to the regeneration of plant species wiped out by fire, animal welfare officers protecting our once existent large wombats? Custodianship is a fabricated political fantasy.

As for a special connection over Other to the Australian land via Dreamtime, it is simply a cultures mythology as the Greeks with a chariot of fire as the sun crossing the sky each day, and giants living in the mountains- it gives special connection to the land as sacred as a burnt stick, it’s simply a quaint misunderstanding of reality touted as a special attribute. I claim my subjective connection to the Australian land within which I was raised and my forebears are buried is of equal worth to anyone else's perception of connection, to claim otherwise is simply self-serving political abstract.

We are all humans as you are Pat Turner you already have the right to ‘share the power and to make the decisions’ = One Vote = One Voice = Democracy. You can try to impose your BS based on fabricated political ‘special case’, well history determines Aboriginals are not a ‘special case’, I for one will have no bar of this grab for power. B.. off


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