The Voice and BlackLivesMatter is a demand "Resources-Money for nothing, and respect for free." Racism is an absurd construct and anyone using it should be ignored.
Friday essay: we are the voice – why we need more Indigenous editors
Sandra Phillips, Associate Dean (Indigenous Engagement), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Queensland, Fri, 9 September 2022
No, you are a voice like the rest of us Australian citizens you are no more worthy of a louder voice than any other citizen in a Democracy.
Respect for nothing and resources for free. It is not fairness its fraud.
Respect and increased access to resources have to be earned. You have no more right to a louder voice than I or any other citizen. I was born in this land as you, my ancestors on this earth as long as yours
It is scurrilous to suggest advice of a particular biology/culture ideology group will not contain any political content which is seen to be advantageous or gives preference to that group over other biology/culture ideology groups advice which is not given the same privilege.
Aboriginals need to understand how the word genocide played out elsewhere where not one human of the existent biology/cultures continued to exist, reflect on those who have arrived on these shores ancestral history, you will soon see in a historical context particularly given the relative development of the nation of Australia you stand in how fortunate in reality you had English Europeans arrive on Australian shores. What is this noble savage wisdom this exploitation of the environment not custodianship for where are the animals which existed when you arrived the natural environment when you arrived has it been preserved? Setting fires from a hunter gather perspective clears the space so you can move through the country more easily to hunt nothing more. The fact that the setting of fires continually since aborigines arrived to change the landscape is not custodianship its exploitation of resources for survival.
“The place was all surrounded by bush, and hundreds of Gundagai aborigines used to camp close by. And well do I remember many of the fights in which they participated.
About the year 1850 a big battle took place just behind where the old brick mill on Morley’s Creek now stands. One morning we were awakened at daylight by piteous begging of a blackfellow to be let into our house. My husband gave him entry, and then he let a number of others in. They told us the Lachlan tribe had swooped down on them in the night, and had massacred some of the Gundagai tribe. The last black fellow to come in had a long spear sticking out of his stomach-and, really, I wasn’t sorry as he was a cheeky dangerous man. Next morning ??? went to see what the damage was, and found two blacks -Motogee and Mecky, dead while a large number were wounded. A number of gins were speared. One of them Kitty, escaped by swimming Morley’s Creek carrying her two piccaninnies, and […] the ??? Ark, which stood below where […]. The marauding band also speared dogs and did other damage. They took away with them the legs of the dead blackfellows, cutting the limbs off at the thigh. They also carried away the dead men’s kidney fat.
[…] After this slaughter the Gundagai blacks thirsted for revenge. They made elaborate preparations, and, leaving their gins behind, set out to pay back the debt they owed their Lachlan enemies. After being away some days, they returned laden with trophies of war-the most prized of which were the legs and kidney fat of some of their opponents. At night they made a big fire on the Flat, and roasted the flesh of the Lachlan victims, and partook of a cannibal feast.
The blacks never murdered any white folk. I recollect the last big fight between the tribes. An old man named Billy Pemberton was walking down our main street early one morning when a mob of strange blacks accosted him with, ‘’Where blackfellow camped?’’. Billy directed them the wrong way and ran and warned the local tribe. A lot of them raced to our place for shelter. My husband was away at the time-only myself and two babies were in the house. I let a couple of blackfellows in and they got under the bed. Others planted in the outhouse; in Turnbull’s store in Lindley's yard and one got under a cask. But he forgot his dog, which started scratching outside the barrel and when the “invaders” came along the dog's antics directed their attention to the barrel and they hauled out the planted man, and I don’t think there was an inch of his body into which they did not put spears.”
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Sat 18 May 1912 Page 3 Sixty Years Ago.
Clearly, no massacre excuses another, violence against another Biology/Culture Ideology to resolve conflict is something we must leave behind, and remove as quickly as possible any Culture Ideology informing systemic violence from our midst, but to claim the high ground for a period when your own aboriginal Biology/Culture Ideology was intensively involved in massacring Other aboriginals, eating them and demand non-aborigines face their shame and relinquish their celebration day for behavior your own were, under current moral framework, and as well demand greater power as paymet for being rasied from a stone age violent existence to one of the most advanced societies known to this world, via a fabricated closer connection to earth and sky, wisdom born of 60,000 years where your form of wisdom and human existence was as a primative, stone age and violent biology/culture shamefully systemically informing worse in moral terms than those you accuse of babarism is sickening hypocrisy.
"Locus of control is the degree to
which people believe that they, as opposed to external forces (beyond their influence),
have control over the outcome of events in their lives.
Your locus of control can have a major impact on your life, from how you cope with
stress to your motivation to take charge of your life. In many cases, having an
internal locus of control can be a good thing. It means that you believe that your
own actions have an impact."
We can, and must, stop the violence and dysfunction, The Australian, NYUNGGAI WARREN MUNDINE, 11:00PM MARCH 18, 2022
"In 2018, she travelled to Canberra to speak to federal politicians about the prevalence of domestic violence in Central Australia.
She spent years campaigning in capital cities and remote parts of the Northern Territory, where domestic violence rates are the highest in the country.
A post-mortem examination revealed Ms Rubuntja had suffered all her limbs being broken, broken ribs, head injuries, fractures to her spine, punctured lungs and abrasions to 40 per cent of her body.
The court heard Abbott had an extensive history of violent behaviour towards women.
In 1997 he was convicted of manslaughter for stabbing a woman in the chest, killing her, and also stabbing a second woman.
He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
In 2009, Abbott was sentenced to another five years in prison for stabbing his then-partner three times.
Abbott was sentenced to 15 months' prison for hitting his sister-in-law, who was also his partner at the time, in 2014.
Four years later, Abbott was handed a twelve-month prison sentence for stabbing his partner and punching her in the lip while holding a sharp piece of metal.
“There are disturbing similarities with the earlier matters of serious domestic violence,” Justice Trevor Riley said during sentencing on Friday."
Malcolm Abbott pleads guilty to murdering his partner who was a prominent anti-domestic violence campaigner, ABC, By Saskia Mabin, Fri 1 Apr 2022
Liberation ideology has a lot to answer for by moving the culpability and importantly the locus of control externally for acts of violence even terror emanating from certain Biology/Culture Ideologies development floors.
The generated narrative of victimhood rather than perpetrator does nothing but perpetuate and systemize the violence/terror excusing it as a manifest social reaction to colonisation.
Gad, it does not excuse it but who-which group across history have not been subject to colonisation, attempted genocide, expulsion from the land into which they took their first breath? Mine were from all my ancestral sources.
History did not commence three hundred years ago. Nothing changes nor can it change until biology/culture ideology groups internalise locus of control, take responsibility for what walks from their development floors into their groups behavoral variance.
Adults Take Responsibility
The reality
Racism: Equalities minister says anti-discrimination
drives can ‘create prison for black people’, Independent, Andrew Woodcock, 29-10-2020
Edmund Burke was correct in arguing rationally derived prejudice is a good, not
evil, for it is a million-year-old tool by which we determine threat, without
it we will be at the least inconvenienced or at the worst in extreme danger.
Pathological altruism is not a good basis upon which to base policy.
raw data input to rational development of relative prejudice:
“In 2018, based on data from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting
(UCR) Program, black people were overrepresented among persons arrested for nonfatal
violent crimes (33%) and for serious nonfatal violent crimes (36%) relative to
their representation in the U.S. population (13%) (table 1). 1 White people were
underrepresented. White people accounted for 60% of U.S. residents but 46% of
all persons arrested for rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and other assault, and
39% of all arrestees for nonfatal violent crimes excluding other assault.
Hispanics, regardless of their race, were overrepresented among arrestees for
nonfatal violent crimes excluding other assault (21%) relative to their
representation in the U.S. population (18%). “
Race and Ethnicity of Violent Crime, Offenders and Arrestees, 2018, Allen J.
Beck, Ph.D., BJS Statistician, U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice
Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, January 2021
The reality:
"Individuals with higher levels of education are more likely to be employed in higher paying jobs—such as those in management, professional, and related occupations—than are individuals with less education. Median earnings of people 25 years and older increased with educational attainment across all major race and ethnicity groups. Among full-time wage and salary workers, median usual weekly earnings for Blacks ($1,065) and Hispanics ($1,101) with a bachelor’s degree and higher were lower than Asians ($1,465) and Whites ($1,342). (See table 17.)"
No person or group can claim unjustified societal prejudice when as a group they deliver significant criminal behavior across the whole spectrum of crime categories, particularly violent crime, and sub-standard education achievement both of which in themselves have to inform justified bias-prejudice even by the group itself against each other, let alone Other groups prejudice having to pay societally for such negative contribution to their society.
Black African Americans addressing Black African Americans significant systemic crime across all criminal categories, in particular, violent crime, and sub-standard education, is a Black African Americans moral imperative; it will make the US economy stronger and safer for the benefit of all, particularly Black African Americans. Only Black African Americans can change their character and therefore change negative outcomes to positive.

The supposed positive discrimination has Governments in Australia create Aboriginal own space in an industry where companies are created under the auspices of being Aboriginal enterprises linked inextricably to non-aboriginal entities which create them, having nominal aboriginal(s) 'working' for them who in one case does art-work in building management firm, is completely inept, does not turn up, comes in reeking of alcohol, and unable to be fired with not one aboriginal in the executive of the company, another competent Asian origin person having to be fired because of the cost of the aboriginal. And no aboriginal wants to work in the firm or does not have the qualifications nor aptitude. When the supervisor demands the aboriginal is failing to deliver and be fired the company refuses and the supervisor regarded as a trouble maker particularly when this person points out there is not one aboriginal on the executive. This is an example of money for nothing and respect for free. This is a contributing raw input to a rational stereotype.
Western Democracies have ceased being able to determine internal/external threat because bias-prejudice against biology/culture ideologies informing dangerous antithesis, criminal deviance and terror is determined deviance=#racism #China #Muslims #BlackLivesMatter
It's not #privilege its earned status based upon the fact White peoples, as well as Other groups, do not inform the same Black African American significant criminal deviance and sub-standard education achievement which means Black African Americans earn justifiable negative outcomes.
Justifiable as even tragic outliers can be explained by the understandable rational response to Black African American significant criminal deviance.
There has been a clear tendency for researches to blame those with bias-prejudice against biology/culture ideologies of suffering at least from misunderstanding or of being irrationally pathological regards their bias- prejudice against Other, be it against minorities or otherwise.
Western Democracies are splintering internally and being externally attacked relentlessly from antithesis forces, no one’s manning the barricades of Freedom, Equality, and Fraternity because each has been found to be suspect because they are all based upon one core untruth ‘We are more alike than different.’, in other words, our human moral code determined as core drivers of human behaviour defining the behavioural boundaries where evil begins is not the same. Each different Biology/Culture Ideology may and do inform significant differences, even antithesis regards moral precepts of Other Biology/Culture Ideologies they come in contact with, each informs a differing definition of Freedom, Equality and Fraternity, each informs differing standard of education achievement which has been found in major part to be directly equated to biology-IQ distribution, resulting in earned differences in resource allocation within societies, causing internal and external attacks against which Western Democracies are now defenceless because evil has been redefined by the intellectual psychology, social psychology, sociologist’s elite as the responsibility of Others in the main White Karen and White Bob, from a spectrum of illness not evil, psychopath, sociopath, humiliated, impoverished, marginalised, where the groups from which was once deviant behaviour systemically arise, systemic criminal behaviour, even terror now excused as understandable reactions to White Karen and Whites Bobs oppression.
"A man charged with the murder of a Brisbane teenager in a violent gang brawl will have to wear a tracker and not install social media apps on his phone while on bail.
Yohana Wal Wal, 19, is one of 13 people charged over the death of Girum Mekonnen at a park in Zillmere on September 13.
Mekonnen, 19, died from stab wounds after he was allegedly bashed and stabbed by a group armed with weapons.
Yohana and his brothers Santo, 32, Kresto, 24, and Gabreal, 27, were among the group arrested and charged over Mekonnen’s death."
Zillmere brawl: Murder accused to wear GPS tracker, have 24hr curfew while on bail, Blake Antrobus, NCA NewsWire, OCTOBER 22, 2020
Groups demanding resources and respect as a group are informing once what was determined as evil and excused as sickness needing psychologists rather than the criminal system, kindness, bail, and understanding instead of punishment and removal from society's streets. So what continues.
Morals have been determined as innate, not Biology/Culture Ideology culturally manufactured which they have to be, as Muslims behavior in recent years, since the beginning has clearly demonstrated, and the Australian Aboriginal behavioral variance, for if this were not true every Biology/Culture Ideology driven by the exact same moral code would be delivering proportionally the exact same deviance - they are not.
This excusing of evil behavior as sickness has to end, genocide as well, as systemic rape-violence are not 'understandable' behaviors needing an informative talk. Groups claiming oppression when they themselves are significantly oppressing each other and Others must be treated in a derisive manner until they fix their behavioral variance, Other cannot do it for them. They are either participatory citizens responsible for the outcomes they inform, or negative consequences bias and prejudice rightly earned will, in fact has to lead to negative outcomes.
"[...] Cape york communities reel from gang-rape of a five-year-old boy in July and signs of a resurgence of youth sexual violence [...] violence there forced closure of the local school and evacuation of teaching staff [...] He highlighted the importance of reducing sexual violence for the future of Aboriginal communities."
'Restore axed youth sex violence plan', David Murry, Michael Mckenna, The Australian, 31-8-2020
"What activists fail to admit is that the No1 cause for high rates of incarceration for Aboriginal Australians is due to violent assaults and acts intended to cause injury. And the primary victims of these assaults are other indigenous people." Jacinta Nampijinpa Price
Showcasing our beloved Boorowa: Word in the Street, Boorowa News, John Snelling, JUNE 15 2020
I have yet to see, a research paper which determines the reason bias-prejudiced persons are unable to be educated either by close contact, or other methods is because the bias-prejudice is justified, and the object group subject to bias-prejudice needs to change its significant deviant group behaviour delivering terror, significant criminal deviance and sub educational achievement to mediate justifiably earned bias-prejudice.
“Interracial anxiety plays a major role in the dynamics and outcomes of intergroup encounters between Whites and Blacks (Stephan & Stephan, 2000). […]
Substantial resources are currently being devoted to programs designed to reduce intergroup prejudice and discrimination (Stephan & Stephan, 2001). Yet the effectiveness of anti-bias interventions generally has been questioned. For example, Kalev, Dobbin, and Kelly (2006) found that anti-bias education interventions had little impact on the representation of women and racial/ethnic minorities in leadership positions in subsequent years. Our research further suggests that some forms of anti-bias education may also have some detrimental effects, if the interventions increase bias awareness without also providing skills for managing anxiety (van Ryn & Saha, 2011). It is also possible that interventions that increase self-efficacy regarding ability to overcome bias in encounters will reduce or eliminate any unintended impact of bias awareness. This hypothesis has yet to be tested.”
The Joint Effect of Bias Awareness and Self-Reported Prejudice on Intergroup Anxiety and Intentions for Intergroup Contact, Sylvia P. Perry,a John F. Dovidio,b Mary C. Murphy,c and Michelle van Rynd, Published online 2014 Aug 11. doi: 10.1037/a0037147
“In short, Abraham Maslow’s theory argues that humans have a series of needs, some of which must be met before they can turn their attention toward others. Certain universal needs are the most pressing, while more “acquired” emotions are of secondary importance.
Maslow classifies the needs that humans need as follows:
1. Physiological
2. Safety
3. Belonging and Love
4. Esteem
5. Self-Actualization
Safety Needs
The level immediately above physiological is safety, which helps ensure the physical survival of the person.
Safety includes things like physical security, employment security, confidence that the resources needed to meet the body’s physiological needs will be achieved, and so on. In short, the person wants to be sure that their physical well-being is protected.
According to Maslow, only when the needs included in the physiological and safety levels are met can someone attempt to do more on a day-to-day basis.”
Humans security behaviour by approaching/welcoming that which is of benefit and avoiding/defending against that which is negative.
“The first thing to know, however, is that this anxiety is normal. It doesn’t matter how crazy or excessive the anxiety is. It comes from a normal place, and it’s more likely due to how much you care rather than something actually being wrong or threatening. Let me explain. If you want something and don’t get it, or care about something and it goes wrong, we have at least emotional pain. Embarrassment, loss, sadness. Sometimes there are financial consequences or missed opportunities and experiences. Sometimes pain and injury. Bad stuff can happen. And while there is always a positive side of what we could accomplish or experience, there is always a dark and scary side of what will happen if we don’t. Our mind won’t let us be unrealistically positive and just forget about these possibilities. And in fact, the more we try to ignore it, the more our mind may draw attention to it.
You see, your brain is always scanning the environment looking for something to go wrong, so it can warn you. When you want to cross the street, what is the first thing you think of? I hope, “Better look both ways so I don’t get hit by a car.”
It isn’t likely, but your brain has to let you know what to watch out for. In every area of your life that you care about, and if you care a lot—guess what happens?—your brain will warn you more often or more strongly or more creatively about all the threats that are there, no matter how remote the chances of them of actually occurring. The more you care, the more the threat of being hurt, so the more you may focus on the threats. Helpful, right? Well, yes. Because you have to at least consider the possibility. […]
We are basically built to approach pleasure and avoid pain. The deepest parts of our mind don’t care about happiness, not compared to protecting ourselves from physical or emotional harm. This is why it is so hard for us to make good, evolved, intentional decisions for our lives and future. We’d be better at saving for retirement, exercising and eating our vegetables, and treating each other more kindly if we weren’t so self-protective in the moment.
So, this “negative thinking” doesn’t help you, but I want to challenge that term, “negative thinking”, because it isn’t always negative in the traditional detrimental sense.”
The Psychology of Performance, How to Be Your Best in Life, Eddie O’Connor, Ph.D, 2017
""[W]e do not want adversaries in our supply chain," Lord said Thursday at a Professional Services Council conference. "We don't want further theft of intellectual property."
Among Lord's concerns: Chinese companies gobbling up companies that make critical weapon parts. New data from Govini, an artificial intelligence-driven analysis firm, shows China's increasing presence in the Pentagon's supply chain."
Defense One, Global Business Brief, Marcus Weisgerber, August 13, 2020
"1. Intelligence increases the ability to fool yourself with elaborate stories about why something happened.
Those with high IQ scores aren’t always fast learners, because they often try to cram the real world into the theories they’ve been taught, while average folks are better at accepting the real world at face value."
Money psychology expert: Why the smartest people make bad decisions—compared to those with average IQ, Jun 25 2020, Morgan Housel,
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character." Martin Luther King Jr.
We judge the potential Character of a person, their inherent threat/benefit by the content of their Biology/Culture Ideology behavioral variance, and treat them according to this earned bias-prejudice.
What is the content of the Character-threat/benefit of Black African Americans based upon fact, not fiction?
"I have a dream that one day Black African Americans will live in a nation where they will judge themselves responsible/culpable for the bias-prejudice and negative outcomes which result from their significant criminal deviance, low educational achievement content of their character which has to result in achieving less positive societal opportunities, plus outlier tragedies and fix it.”
Only Black African Americans can fix their Character, Other cannot do it for them.
I do wish Other could wave a wand, invent a vaccine to cure Black African Americans of significant criminal deviance, and low educational achievement equalling as they must earned negative outcomes and outlier tragedy, but it ain't going to happen. Other does not own a wand nor a vaccine for deviance and poor education performance, Other is not responsible.
Humans develop bias-prejudice against individuals and groups based upon their threat behavior. Black and African Americans as a Biology/Culture change their significant per capita criminal social/violent deviance or they will earn the outcomes of justified bias-prejudice.
"Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown said as of Monday morning, responding units have arrested more than 100 people so far on charges ranging from disorderly conduct to battery against police. He added that 13 officers were hurt in the unrest, including a sergeant struck in the face with a bottle and an officer who had his nose broken while scuffling with a group of looters.
“This was not an organized protest. Rather, this was an incident of pure criminality," Brown told reporters. "This was an act of violence against our police officers and against our city.
The unrest began Sunday afternoon after police responded to a report of a man with a gun in the city’s Englewood neighborhood. While being pursued by police, the man, who was on foot, “turned and fired shots” at officers before being struck himself and taken to a local hospital, Deputy Chief Delonda..”
Widespread looting in Chicago caught on video after police-involved shooting, By Greg Norman, Edmund DeMarche | Fox News, 11-8-2020
'inequities' that are differences in resource distribution and negative reactive behavior can derive justifiably from reaction to significant deviance behavior by groups (biology/culture ideologies). In the case of Black African Americans as a group these negative reactions to their behavior are inevitable, clearly rightly earned, this does not excuse outlier violence, but the fact is if your biology/culture ideology informs significantly more violence, crime per capita than Other, violence and also outlier violent acts will be visited upon you. Black African Americans change their group deviant behavior, or even fellow Black African Americans will be very concerned if more enter their social space.
You know very well groups are more dangerous than individuals, bias-prejudice is being defused by the construct of racism, this is a very dangerous thing to do as groups deliver terror, and crime to humanity streets.
My argument is this, as with personal character if the behavioral variance includes unacceptable deviance you will be justifiably within the deviance paradigm be subject to negative outcomes, the same applies to groups for very good reason, groups are much more dangerous than individuals. I am sure even google scholar will provide enough support if you apply yourself.
“The black 15-year-old, identified by her middle name "Grace", has been in juvenile detention since May.
"I miss my mom," Grace reportedly told the court on Monday. "I can control myself. I can be obedient."
But the judge said detention was in her best interests for now. The case has sparked protests and claims of racism.
Judge Brennan also said police had responded to multiple incidents between the mother and daughter, and that her detainment was a result of that.
"She was not detained because she didn't turn her homework in... She was detained because she was a threat to her mother," the judge said."
Michigan judge refuses to free girl in missed homework case, BBC, 21-7-2020
Campaigners demand reform as official figures show one in five found guilty of cannabis possession is black, Independent, Kate Devlin, 3-8-2020
Defusing bias-prejudice developed as a biology/Culture Ideology internal/external defense mechanism is a bloody dangerous act. The above quotes exemplify the dangerous stupidity utilising the current definition of race, just because a person is black as well as other biology/Culture Ideologies, such as Muslims delivering significant levels of crime-violence and even terror has been utilised to excuse their behavior and determine them the oppressed rather than informing significant violence-crime and be held accountable as a group because it is the group delivering this systemic deviance.
“Using data from the 2005 to 2006 world values study, Henry S. James, an economist at the University of Missouri, found that people living in the four largest economies of the Western hemisphere—that’s the US, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil—who don’t justify unethical actions have higher reported well-being than those who justify them. Controlling for other factors that have been shown to predict happiness and well-being, these folks came out ahead in terms of happiness. And pretty much all of the world’s religious and philosophic traditions agree that behaving ethically is an essential ingredient in living life well. Yet people in modern societies often view conventional ethical codes with some suspicion, as though they are vestiges of pre-scientific, even oppressive orthodoxies.
In Western psychology, ethics have been seen as more the province of religious traditions. In fact, scientific psychology likes to distinguish itself from religion with a strong ethical focus. And furthermore, therapists, in particular, see ethical strictures as a source of a lot of psychological distress. Psychotherapists generally put a lot of effort into trying to help their clients or patients feel comfortable with sexual and aggressive feelings, with wants, longings, impulses of all sorts that may not be socially sanctioned, and that may violate ethical codes. They work hard to help their patients or clients not view their inner experience as sinful.
So many therapists avoid ethical discussions and they worry that these discussions would actually make people less comfortable with these inner aspects of their mammalian nature. At its extreme, mental health researchers and professionals may associate morality with sexual inhibition, with dishonesty, with the inability to freely express needs and wants. They see them as threatening a hallmark value of many modern societies, which is individual freedom. Recent research developments, though, are really challenging this position. We’re discovering that there’s a bilateral relationship between morality and well-being.”
The Science of Mindfulness: A Research-Based Path to Well-Being. Professor Ronald D. Siegel, Harvard Medical School/Cambridge Health Alliance, 2014
Of course, given previous behavior law enforcement and the judiciary on an individual and group level rationally act on developed bias prejudice based on experience, not how we would like individuals and groups to act.
BlackLivesMatter is a demand "Resources-Money for nothing, and respect for free."
"In 2018, the latest year for which such data have been published, African-Americans made up 53% of known homicide offenders in the U.S. and commit about 60% of robberies, though they are 13% of the population. ...
a police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer."
"The use of force and violence is more commonplace and prevalent in some families, communities, religions, cultural/ethnic groups and societies based on the views and values about adult prerogatives with children espoused. They may also be based upon the sociopathy of the perpetrators." Treatment of Complex Trauma Courtois/Ford 2016
If your Biology/Culture informs significantly higher criminal and social deviance, bias and prejudice along with negative outcomIes commensurate with that deviance will rightly exist against you as a member of that group. That is the reality of how humans evaluate and deal with threat.
Change behavior or nothing changes. Claiming increased resources will fix the problem when your Biology/Culture continues to squander scarce resources is fantasy land.
I repeat the Biology/ Culture behaviour changes or continue to get outcomes you have earned.
The rigorous arts faculties 'intellectual' confabulations, distortions of the 'real world' contained in the attempted re-categorization of race, and other abstracts such as feminism, left-right wing, minorities, the necessity of turning the oppressed workers into populist fascists through a Marxist power distribution lens will be determined as the death knell of the maximized capacity of the individual to realize their potential, the end of Liberal Democracy.
No Biology/Culture Ideology rationale system exists for the benefit of all, there will always be elites, the dominant and the dominated. Why? Resources are scarce other biology/culture ideologies exist in the same geographical/social space competing for scarce resources, some of whom prefer you would cease to exist, some who actively work to that end dissimulating, discovering, adapting and overcoming obstacles to attempt to make sure you do cease to exist either by conversion, ejection, or elimination. Bias and prejudice are essential survival mechanisms, not deviance, though as with anything, too much can have negative consequences. The trick is to make sure the very mechanism developed over millions of years to protect you and yours are not defused so as to determine your security compromised or worse destruction - internal or external.
Each Biology/Culture Ideology rationale system categorises threat internal and external, the antithesis to its continuing security even existence, bias and prejudice, based upon the determinants of true believer behaviour, beliefs, assumptions, of adherents, and Other contained in their relative codex (text-symbols-language and exemplar templates).
For instance, as Christianity’s categorization of the equal status of the individual to other humans no matter their other social position in the hierarchy of society informs an assumption of equal right to determine their social/political fate, some would argue Christianity informed the creation of liberal democracy. So, what will happen when the individual determination antithesis is encompassed politically/socially by tight system elite determinism.
Believers Forced to Choose Between Faith or Survival, 06/06/2020, BITTER WINTER, TANG ZHE
China's Communists Aim to Rewrite the Bible to 'Create a New Version of Christianity', PJ media, BY TYLER O'NEIL, JUN 11, 2020
Of course, the Chinese Communist Party will rewrite the bible and of course, they force the choice between faith-adherence to the Chinese Communist Party rationale system or the antithesis.
Asio raids home of NSW Labor MP Shaoquett Moselmane over alleged links to China, The Guardian, Anne Davies, and Daniel Hurst, 26 Jun 2020
The Chinese Communist Party know three truths we are not more alike than different, differences do not make us stronger and there is no such thing as a 'lone wolf'... The dangerous morons who promote such lies are pathological altruists a danger to themselves and Other. This is not a moral deficit as far as reality is concerned it is what has always been and is. Which is why the antithesis of all other Biology/Culture Ideologies the Muslim/Islam rationale system adherents including children have not been spared from being separated for the family, community and institutional development system which churns our systemic Muslim altruist terrorists in space and time all over the world, stabbing to death on bridges, shooting, beheading, burning in cages blowing to bits in buses, genocide of Other and even their own. Of course, the Chinese Communist Party has determined Muslims have the choice to adhere to the Chinese Communist Party biology/culture Ideology rationale system or else suffer the consequences of a defector, free-rider. The Chinese Communist Party clearly understands children's notion of out-groups and the level of bias and prejudice develops -0-7 years of age nigh impossible to change thereafter so what have they rationally done given their own Chinese Communist rationale system would always as it has in the past suffer the consequences of antithesis Islam in their midst?
In China’s Crackdown on Muslims, Children Have Not Been Spared, NYT, Amy Qin, Dec. 28, 2019
Just because psychologists now know why we do what we do does not mean human nature can be changed particularly regards the nature of groups which automatically define in-out members bias-prejudice and in some cases, such categorizations lead to severe consequences not only for adherents but Other. Why? Resources will continue to be scarce relative to needs and wants, humans will coalesce in groups in an attempt to maximize access to scarce resources, as humans are social animals relying on a moral framework to determine, free-riders, defectors, they need to create reason for existence, and justification and authorisation for why their right to resources supersedes Other to underwrite moral-shifting to defend and obtain resources instead of Other, and from other.
We are in continual war with antithesis biology/culture ideologies for scarce resources, Western Democracies have been led down a dangerous path of self-flagellation by art faculties Left Marxist abstract impossible paradise of the magic pudding of never-ending wealth and anyone can cross our borders it is OK. Well we have Muslim terror in our streets and we are not in a position to effectively push back against China and its allies, and still, they tell us to cut not only internal security spending but external as well.
Unless we develop mutual defence pacts now with all Democracies including Taiwan and utilize overwhelming force military and economic future generations may not even know the bible existed.
The problem we face in Western Democracies is the move from a soft system to a tight system elite determinism where an individual's right to choose their belief system becomes smaller and smaller and worse the very antithesis of their rationale systems such as Islam-Muslim system are protected to deliver terror-genocide to citizens streets and the inevitable reactive violence is blamed upon the newly created abstract populist-fascists, also the very groups delivering significantly higher deviance are determined as oppressed and deserving of respect when their behaviour in aggregate criminal and or terrorist behaviour determines them a threat to the health and wellbeing not only against their own but Other as well.
Bias and prejudice developed for very good reason is determined as deviant, the perpetrator group the good, it really is completely against the principle of the priority of security for survival.
"Three people have died and three others injured in a stabbing in a park in Reading
Police say the attack has been 'declared a terrorist incident'
One eyewitness told the BBC he saw a man move from group to group stabbing people in the park|
The PM condemns the "appalling incident" and the home secretary says it was a "senseless attack on people simply enjoying a Saturday evening""
Counter-terror police take over investigation, BBC, 21-6-2020
Counter-terror police must now establish if Reading attacker acted alone - former military adviser, LBC, Seán Hickey, 21 June 2020
As there are no "alone" Nazis terrorists there are no "alone" Muslim terrorists as they both walk-created -0 to event straight from the 'good' biology/culture ideology family, community, and institutions development floors of Nazism, and Islam.
“Although religious hostilities affect countries throughout the world experience, Muslim-majority countries consistently have higher levels of a range of religious hostilities than other countries and by wide margins. For instance, Muslim-majority countries are more than three times more likely than other countries to have religion-related war, terror or sectarian violence, ...” Pew Research 2012
"The use of force and violence is more commonplace and prevalent in some families, communities, religions, cultural/ethnic groups and societies based on the views and values about adult prerogatives with children espoused. They may also be based upon the sociopathy of the perpetrators." Treatment of Complex Trauma Courtois/Ford 2016
We determine bias-prejudice regards entities, positive or negative, based upon biological/cultural ideology lenses for good reason, we want to survive as well as our own. We actually traverse the world whether consciously aware or not evaluating threat and benefit. If an entity, be it individuals or groups inform high deviance levels, we will tend to form a bias-prejudice against that entity, those claiming this is not true are simply denying reality. In fact, acting against this principle when dealing with any human group which systemically informs greater harm than Other determines you a pathological altruist, a very dangerous state not only for yourself but those around you.
Of course, individuals in interaction are quite nice over a cup of tea but individuals are not an island they are part of a biology/culture ideology rationale system with roles, schemas, scripts, beliefs, values and something called moral shifting, it is what walks from their development floors in the aggregate which has to be a true measure of an individual’s threat level.
For instance, as we see with China we are dealing with a biology/culture ideology which contains billions of individual nice people but these nice people in networked aggregate are enabling the rise of a tyranny which is and will have diabolical consequences for Other in particular Democracy rationale systems and their people.
The thousands COVID19 have killed and the Indian soldiers killed with nailed clubs, thrown over cliffs on the Indian border are only the start. It is therefore rational from my rationale perspective to be biased-prejudiced against the Chinese rationale system and their adherents.
But one has to be careful to differentiate, simple biological connection, i.e. facial features, as well as culture i.e. adherence to cultural norms without establishing an individual connection to the ideology, is wrong. i.e. insulting Chinese looking people determine you a problem, not the ones you attack, even then one does not wish to become what one seeks to oppose, a cogent objection is warranted without violence. Though in the end alas open warfare rather than the grey zone/phony war will occur as China, as the Nazis and Japanese in WWII believed the appeasement at every turn meant weakness and attacked before being fully prepared for the response. I do not believe Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, North Korea, Pakistan, ... are going to make the same mistake.
It is also absurd for groups such as the Black and African Americans as well as Australian aborigines to complain about negative bias-prejudice against themselves and the negative consequence which results if their criminal deviance is significantly greater not only against themselves but Other as well.
Of course, if the deviance per/capita is significantly greater than per-capita deviance of Other the negative consequences will tend to be greater and because all humans, as well as their systems, are never perfect the chances of inexcusable outlier tragedies will exist. This is in no way condones outlier tragedies, but I am claiming it will always be inevitable as long as the Black and African Americans, as well as Australian aborigines, continue to deliver the significantly higher deviance that they clearly do.
At an individual level, we tend to put aside to a degree depending on the relationship context our developed bias-prejudice against others - and we should, but if the levels of criminal deviance, in particular, do not change Other will continue to be negatively biased-prejudiced against Black and African Americans as well as Australian aborigines. To demand otherwise is a wasted effort, as humans utilise real-life data to develop bias-prejudice not some abstract nonsense racism made up to excuse biology/culture ideologies for the harm they continue to inform.
Note: Derogatory labels are not the exclusive domain of Aborigines it is how we respond to labelling which will determine the character of society, we live in.
We either adhere to 'Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me'. or we descend into violence.
We become biased-prejudiced based upon the information we receive from the world around us our culture, our ideology even our biology, therefore, racism is an absurd construct and anyone using it should be ignored. Yes, bias-prejudice can and does lead to negative consequences but unless the actual reason for the bias-prejudice being developed in the first place does not change i.e. significantly high criminal behaviour, bias-prejudice will not change, the negative consequences will not change no matter what derogatory label is invented.
Accusing someone of racism is not going to change the bias-prejudice, as the reasons for its existence, are not resolved. Such deviance labelling in my view will make it worse, for the recipient of the label will become emotionally aroused regards such negative character accusations without actually receiving convincing knowledge as to why such bias-prejudice is invalid, why the threat evaluation is invalid when the data is telling them significant criminal deviance or even terror systemically walks from certain biology/culture ideology development floors. I believe we have already seen and are seeing the consequences of throwing racism hand grenades as the resultant heightened emotional state of attempted silencing and character denigration leads to holders of such bias-prejudice to express their frustration and anger in negative ways and possibly joining very destructive groups.
I am not an expert in the field of bias-prejudice development I simply believe the construction and use of racism as a social control device is flawed in fact dangerously simplistic and that it is allowing violence to be projected into our streets, as it is a do-nothing mechanism regards cause, a media, and elite verbiage excusing deviant behaviour of groups under the cover of the word racism – when in fact certain groups have earned the bias-prejudice and negative consequences because of their criminal deviant behaviour. Yet they are determined the good and those objecting to such lunacy deviant racists. Their behaviour will not change nor will the bias-prejudice nor the negative outcomes until they clean up their biology/culture ideology behavioural variance.
It is dangerous to start from the premises we are more alike than different, and the differences that do exist make us stronger as it is a very dangerous lie. Our biology/culture ideologies determine we can be anything but alike and the differences are the very cause of criminal and terrorist activity, and war between biology/culture ideologies internal and external.

Anderson AO
Amidst our increasingly fragmented societies, we
need to focus on what unites us, rather than what separates us.
It is too late, the disintegrators of Western Democratic societies are now the intellectual
elite, pathological altruists, in control of our universities churning out indoctrinated
psychologist, sociologists, lawyers who have redefined the hard Earned Status of
White Karen and White Bob as unworked for inherited Privilege, and those who inform
significant criminal deviance, sub-standard education and terror, earning as they
must negative consequences and outlier tragedies, as the oppressed victims of White
Karen and White Bob. Even terror is excused as due to victims words of complaint
who are categorized now as inciters, perpetrators of their own bloody fate, by our
security elite.
"Words are dangerous weapons."
New South Wales Attorney-General Gabrielle Upton, 2015.
True "Words are dangerous weapons."
"words matter" Australian Federal
Police Commissioner Andrew Colvin 2015
True "words matter"
"Words are a weapon - and a gateway to much
greater harm." Ginger Gorman,
True "Words are a weapon - and a gateway to
much greater harm."
“Some churches “weaponize scripture and religion to do very deep damage on the psyche,”
one pastor says.”
When Religion Leads to Trauma, NYT, By Richard Schiffman, Feb. 5, 2019
These indoctrinated now determine the once perpetrators of evil are actually the
victims, and once rational defensive bias-prejudice against such persons, groups
pathological racism.
The only way out of this is to take back control of the definition of deviance and
have rationally derived bias-prejudice, the critical mechanism which drives defensive
behavior and policy regarded as essential for the survival of Western democratic
biology/culture ideology otherwise we will continue to splinter from within and
be left without defense from external attack from antithesis biology/culture ideologies
as any alarm raised are responded to with the racist psychological hand grenade.
"the identity of opposites principle “establishes
the identity among parts of a whole by casting them not as exclusive contradictions
as in the split epistemology but as differentiated polarities (i.e., coequals) of
a unified (i.e., indissociable), inclusive matrix – as a relation” (Overton, 2010,
p. 14, emphasis in original). According to this principle, culture is biology and
biology is culture: they are coequal and inseparable. Both are part of the matrix
of evolution, adaptation, and transformation. Culture and biology are constantly
engaged in a co-constructing feedback loop, in a reciprocal codetermination (Overton
& Reese, 1973)"
Causadias, Jose M., Eva Telzer, Nancy Gonzales. The Handbook of Culture and Biology.
Wiley-Blackwell, 2017-08-30.
There is a contradiction of reality the good have nothing to do with the once determined
evil which walk systemically in significant numbers from their groups floors, so
we have the very groups delivering significant criminal deviance, even terror being
accepted as rightfully demonstrating, understandably justified in looting, burning,
killing in the streets due to inevitable earned reactive White Karen and White Bobs
State and citizen response, complaint.
"The use of force and violence is more commonplace
and prevalent in some families, communities, religions, cultural/ethnic groups and
societies based on the views and values about adult prerogatives with children espoused.
They may also be based upon the sociopathy of the perpetrators."
Treatment of Complex Trauma Courtois/Ford 2016
"Pathological altruism is found in any pattern
of altruistic behavior that results in severe harm to oneself or others. However,
the pathological altruists thinking is also irrational and distorted. That is to
say, his or her thinking appears to be characterised by a suspension of logic and
reason and respect to the outcomes of their actions.
Pathological altruism victimizes the altruists themselves, as well as those in their
Pathological Altruism, Oxford University Press, 2012
We create our world of relationships and what constitutes deviance and the consequences
so unless the psychologists, social psychologist, sociologists and lawyers the definers
of such matters realise they are destroying Western Democracies with their dangerous
confabulations, which I doubt they will being so convinced of their goodness by
the webs they have weaved so diligently we are destined to suffer so much more.
Abandoning complexity, abstraction and forgiveness is unenlightened, John McWhorter, NYT, October 26, 2021
Teenage gang members have brutally attacked a partially blind grandfather
Thugs repeatedly stomped on the elderly man's head in a Melbourne park
After bashing the grandfather the 16-year-old boys stole his phone and shoes
Disturbing moment blind grandfather is assaulted by a gang of youths in a Melbourne park – who punch and kick him before stealing his phone and SHOES, Daily Mail, By KIRSTEN JELINEK FOR DAILY MAIL AUSTRALIA, 18 March 2021
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