#VoteNo saves Equal vote equal voice to power democracy. In fact, saves Democracy from being subverted by a minority.

No citizen should have more rights to influence policy than any other citizen.  It becomes a tyranny of the few against the interests of the many which is an antitheists  to what a Democracy represents.

Does the world care about what Australia thinks about them? No. So why would we care what the world thinks about us? Indeed the point is to create a politic that works for Australia, not for the world at large. As with the claims the Voice will solve anything there is no evidence to support the claim. As it is with the claim voting no will ruin our world reputation there is no evidence to support the claim.

"[...] Cape York communities reel from gang-rape of a five-year-old boy in July and signs of a resurgence of youth sexual violence [...]  violence there forced closure of the local school and evacuation of teaching staff [...] He highlighted the importance of reducing sexual violence for the future of Aboriginal communities."
'Restore axed youth sex violence plan', David Murry, Michael Mckenna, The Australian, 31-8-2020

"What activists fail to admit is that the No1 cause for high rates of incarceration for Aboriginal Australians is due to violent assaults and acts intended to cause injury. And the primary victims of these assaults are other Indigenous people." Jacinta Nampijinpa Price
Showcasing our beloved Boorowa: Word in the Street, Boorowa News, John Snelling, JUNE 15 2020

Alice Springs ambulances attacked with rocks, as paramedics 'traumatised' by sustained abuse, ABC Alice Springs / By Charmayne Allison and Stewart Brash, 1-3-2023.

The ''despair and hopelessness'' of the Indigenous people is due to their own behavior, determining outside forces are responsible for their social outcomes not themselves, result nothing changes. Rewarding such negative behavior with greater voice to power than any other citizen encourages the behavior it does not stop it for what is the motivation to change, there is none.

Why I am voting no and firmly believe the Australian nation has nothing to apologise for, nothing to be reconciled with regards the Australian Indigenous citizens is the counterfactual present for the Indigenous citizens today if not for colonisation by the British-Asian (i.e., Chinese shortly thereafter) would be a violent knowledge-wisdom poor stone age.

My belief is a Nation whose founding narrative is a lie, a fabricated shame, based upon a WOKE Marxist Dialectic Pathological Altruist compassion policy to assign more power to a minority for whatever reason in a Democracy of supposed equals, where more emphasis is placed on their needs and wants than the majority of citizens, more resources per capita and power to exert control of the majority to distort their history and denigrate their ancestors and their descendants and determine new colonisers allowed through the gates as mere visitors not fully joint sovereign in their own Nation has no inspiration to guide it into the future other than to deal with a never-ending demand for unearned unjustified entitlement. A condition that will never be satisfied, never enough recompensed wealth, never enough transferred power, never enough repentance.

The Australian Nation needs inspiration not a debilitating ideological WOKE Marxist Dialectic Pathological Altruist compassion invented unjustified guilt and shame founding narrative.

A Nation needs to celebrate the reality colonialism is a force which has existed out of Africa without it we would still be flinting in Africa, as would the present Indigenous citizens, it brings cathartic grief but has also enables the transfer of knowledge-wisdom, political institutions from across the globe it motivates strengthening of political processes and technologies in a competing world of Biology/Culture (ideologies) seeking to maximise their survival potential into the next generation. Colonialism is not evil it just is and always will be as long as scarcity exists you understand this, or you put your own colonised landscape socialscape space in jeopardy of being colonised by another biology/culture ideology.

The WOKE Marxist Dialectic Pathological Altruist compassion paradigm is based upon a belief in the Marxist oppressed and the oppressor and the oppressed prejudice, needs and wants take precedence over the prejudice, needs, and wants of the oppressor who are determined deviant and their political beliefs in error requiring re-education. The travels of the Marxist WOKE have in time turned the previously defined working class as the victims of the capitalist system as oppressors themselves as the Marxist WOKE not satisfied with the big picture concerned themselves with the wonder of the minutia of every hurt every prejudice. As with any ideology adherents move inexorably to place this re-education process where new generations will be imbued with their worldview to harmonise non-contradictory dialog and networks political social to secure the ideology as dominant.

It is pretty hypocritical to proceed with such a Marxist WOKE policy of child dialectic indoctrination of the oppressed and the oppressor encouraging shame and guilt in Australian children for which they are not culpable nor are their ancestors when castigating colonialists for doing the same regards Indigenous children where without doing so would have current indigenous citizens without any means of moving through a modernity landscape-socialscape.

The 20 January 1788 is the day both the Indigenous and Colonialist ancestors started on the road to forge a new Nation together, as my own ancestors experienced helping each other through cathartic grief Colonialism and the incredible joint achievement subject to the restrictive contingencies at each point in time in history enabling indigenous citizens to have fourteen indigenous descendants in our highest legislative body the Parliament of Australia.

There is no denying the cathartic grief all of our ancestors through time and space out of Africa have been repeatedly subject to and subject others to, but in this process here in Australia, we are forging a life together due to forces as individuals and even at biology/culture levels of the push and pull of colonisation of which we have little control and have to create if we can to the best of our ability a history we can be proud of and inspire us to greater achievements to secure what we have built and are building for future generations in security.

We take culpability for our own behaviours, our own biology/culture ideology child-death development failure to achieve better outcomes and we cross the line as equal firsts in equal power to influence our, our families, our communities, and our Nation’s future.

For those trapped in the WOKE Marxist Dialectic Pathological Altruist compassion paradigm as to why you mistakenly determine those who #VoteNo are irrational.

Check your assumptions with a not-to-be-asked question from outside the paradigm. A nigh impossible task in reality.

"Scientists do not question the paradigm. They teach their students how to act according to it, and challenging it is considered a challenge to rationality itself. Rationality, Kuhn argues, exists only within the paradigm. Because the paradigms tells us what is real and how it works, to question the paradigm is to question the structure of the world itself, according to those within the paradigm that leads to nonsense, to think about the paradigm rather than through the paradigm is not to engage in science but philosophy.

Occasionally, however, anomalies pop-up..."
Professor Steven Gimbel, Professor of Philosophy. Gettysburg College, 2015

The VOICE contains so many anomalies and threats to our Australian Democracy cohesion it is a dangerous act to vote yes and a patriotic and rational action to #VoteNo.

The anomaly that colonialists did not listen, do not listen, and do not care for indigenous Australians is the attached image for if what is claimed to support the Voice were true this image would not exist. Voting for a policy based on a lie will inevitably lead Australia to what?


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