Patriatism, Martial Spirit a critical motivation for altruists to sacrifice their lives for their nation lies dead in the Marxist WOKE Regressive Pathological Altruist compassion paradigm ditch.

Directive to defence force cadets for Wear it Purple Day could amount to ‘unlawful order’, says soldier-turned MP Phillip Thompson

This is the reason applications to the military have fallen dramatically across the Western Democracies. The construction of what it means to be a warrior as a real man real woman not man-woman woman-man determined as perversion is normalised with the usual Marxist WOKE Regressive Pathological Altruist compassion paradigm vengeance against not only those who rationally reject such perverse construction of warrior but the dangerous effect on patriatism, martial spirit such a policy has on existing military personnel and those potential altruists prepared to lay down their lives for their nation based upon a perception their social constructs are worth their ultimate sacrifice. 

The WOKE vision forced on us and the military isn't for me any longer worth anyone sacrificing their life for.


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