Do Not Agree to a Referendum it is based on a Lie. Do Not Create a First and Second Citizen, Nor Grant Indigenous Citizens Political Privilege No Other Citizen or Citizen Group Will Possess, For it Means the Destruction of Equal Voice to Power Democracy, Increasing Schism and Demand for More Power and Resources.

"“I think it will get up, but I don’t think it means that much. I don’t believe it will change the lives of Aboriginals living in Yuendumu and outlying settlements. I don’t think their lives will change at all,” Mr Richardson told Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell"

The cost of failure, costly new bureaucracy in wealth, schism and destruction of Equal Voice to Power Democracy. VOTE NO.

When a beggar confronts you in the street hold out their hands blackmailing you with emotionalism begging "Release me from my "despair and hopelessness. Hand over your power and wealth". Telling you such a gracious and generous request on their part and your positive compliance will ameliorate your conscience and fill your "spiratual emptiness" accusing you of being totally responsible for the persons behavior which placed them in such a condition not their own negative behavior, requiring your repentance when the person begging is Stan Grant, Noel Pearson, Lidia Thorpe, Linda Burney, and thousands of others have managed from the same once stone age culture to attain a quality of life far above the average citizen in your modernity socialscape and possibly even yourself rationally you have to know your being scammed.

Yet here we are with too many Australians imbued with the Regressives nonsense colonialism is a nonnormative human activity which has existed since the beginning of human groups and continues to this very day, whether we like it or not, and have been led to believe a stone age civilisation can be turned into an advanced modernity civilisation without cathartic grief that has to be experienced to change from such at state in only three hundred years, and further the very stone age culture so raised from a violent wisdom-knowledge poor past can demonise the culture who raised them from such state and ask for recompense

It is a Regressives distorted fabricated history framing the present to determine a  biology/culture raised from the stonr age to modernity and the significant quality of life potential as a hapless beggar victim. 

Kafka and Orwell together would be hard-pressed to replicate such madness.

"Underdog stories can inspire groups to achieve their goals. Leaders can use such stories to craft a collective identity that increases motivation, well-being, and creativity. However, when used improperly, the same basic story can also justify bad behaviour and foment outgroup bias."
Underdog stories can inspire us to greatness (or to break the rules), BIG THINK, THE LEARNING CURVE — FEBRUARY 21, 2023

the father of a teenager accused of stabbing a 20-year-old bottle shop worker to death said his son was just another victim of a “racist system” that caused young indigenous kids to lose hope in their futures. His grandmother, who asked not to be named, told the Australian that the young man was left neglected and starving in the Tiwi islands before he moved to Darwin as a toddler.” 
[…] “mum was in the stolen generations, my grandmother was in the stolen generations, then we’ve got to deal with the f—king racism and all that shit,” he said.
Keith Kerinaiua was on bail after being charged with aggravated assault with a weapon, for allegedly stealing a bag, watch and hat."
Keith Kerinaiua’s family on Declan Laverty bottleshop’s death, Zizi Averill, Mercury, March 27, 2023

"the government says its strategies are deliberately designed to target a cohort of “serious repeat offenders”.
More than 95% of north Queensland children on internal police ‘blacklist’ are indigenous, The Guardian, Ben Smee, Saturday 18 March 2023

Yes campaign launch in Western Australia hears anger over indigenous incarceration and child removal, The Guardian, Narelle Towie in Perth, Friday 24 February 2023

Welcome to Country these are my ancestors and descendants traditional lands of Sheehan, Quinn, Mcgarvey, O'brien, Luff, Devlyn, Toomy, Smith, .... Who owned and developed this land from its stone age socialscape to a nation indexed ninth in quality of life.

Australian indigenous citizens owe my colonial ancestors not the other way around. As colonialism held the only means by which indigenous peoples could move to modernity. For 65000 years since their immigration into the Australian landscape their accumulated wisdom-knowledge still held them in the grip of a stone age socialscape. External applied Colonial wisdom-knowledge-based policy requires a cathartic transgenerational change of socialscape for Australian indigenous peoples moving from a seventeen eighty-eight stone age existence to modernity and with it improved quality of life, if Indigenous people assimilate the norms, and behaviours of the colonisers which enable improvements in the quality of life otherwise they will continue to suffer less favourable outcomes than citizens aligning to these norms and behaviours.

The Indigenous peoples alternative 2023 present without outside force to change would be the stone age, a state of existence reflected in Thomas Hobbes book Leviathan, as well as the behaviour of the Australian Indigenous peoples themselves recorded by colonialists, and Indigenous peoples detailed below revealing the absurdity of claiming on balance Indigenous peoples are worse off in 2023 because of colonialism, rather than being left to their own wisdom-knowledge in 1788 onwards to change their own circumstance without an outside Colonial force of wisdom-knowledge to enable change to modernity to occur.

“In such condition, there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth; no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving, and removing, such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, April 1651

As it is a condition that will never be satisfied, never enough recompensed wealth, never enough transferred power, never enough repentance.

"The Indigenous body will speak to ‘all parts of the government’ including the cabinet, ministers, public servants as well as the RBA, says top referendum working group member Megan Davis."
Politicians ‘won’t shut Indigenous voice up’, The Australian, 1st April 2023

“The Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation is preparing to enter the final stage of its epic court battle with Fortescue Metals Group, estimating its financial compensation claim for mining the Solomon Hub could amount to $500 million a year — dwarfing the miner’s previous best offer of $4 million a year.”
Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation wants 125 times more cash than $4m offered by Fortescue Metals Group, Rebecca Le May, The West Australian, Fri, 24 February 2023

“Greens senator Lidia Thorpe has welcomed a government assurance that the Indigenous Voice to parliament will not cede First Nations sovereignty.”
Lidia Thorpe welcomes assurance on Sovereignty, remains unconvinced on Voice, NATIONAL INDIGENOUS TIMES, Giovanni Torre - January 31, 2023

Queensland takes next step on path of Indigenous treaty, Fraser Barton, AAP Wed, 22 February 2023

I have gone beyond disturbed. I am a rabbit frozen in the headlights of an oncoming Marxist, Socialist, Labor socialscape disaster.

I argue the failure of Indigenous citizens to attain a comparable quality of life to most other Australian citizens is a moral issue of entitled, bestowed verses earned, worked for life, First in line verses Second in line citizens not an institutional or resource issue. And therefore, the Voice is a waste of scarce resources as well as creating a First citizen destroying Equal Voice to Power Democracy.

I also venture to explain how we have arrived at an absurd political position of having to apologise to a biology/culture for having saved them from a stone age existence and how the Marxist derived intellectual elite developed in our Western education institutions have erroneously concluded colonialism is an evil instead of an inevitable consequence of competing hegemonic biology/culture ideologies where assimilation of existing peoples into the roles, rules, behavioural expectations is a necessity if the dominant biology/culture ideology wants to avoid continual schism regards resources and sovereignty, impeding the potential maximised utilisation of resources to improve the quality of life for all inhabitants and weld into one nation with undivided intent.

If a biology/culture increasingly informs systemic negative outcomes it has nothing to do with the lowest level of Maslow's hierarchy of need and everything to do with the absence of a supporting moral base which makes any attainment of resources a wasted short-term tactic-effort.

Imbuing Soviet style entitlement into citizens is proven to lead to a worse outcome. Fix the Indigenous moral base informing significant violence and criminal behaviour derived from the indigenous biology/culture moral templates surrounding the indigenous children or it is simply Linda Burney MP and the rest of the elite driving a gravy status train over the potential lost.

Assimilate the colonialist moral codex and socialscape which we know generates the motivation required to achieve improved quality of life where life is earned rather than bestowed, otherwise no amount of increased power or resources will change the facts on the ground. The Voice will simply inform greater demands for resources and sovereignty as it fails to deliver which has to be taken from other Australian citizens to support an elite self-serving process.

The Voice is
"Nothing More Nothing Less" than nothing to do with closing the quality of life gap for indigenous citizens, there is nothing "modest" about creating two nations in one space with the inevitable political social schism of fighting over resources, sovereignty, enforcing upon all citizens the political, resource objectives of a minority to destroy One Vote One Political Value Equal Voice to Power Democracy.

NT crime worse than ever despite over 200 recommendations implemented,, March 21, 2023

"The government says its strategies are deliberately designed to target a cohort of “serious repeat offenders”.
More than 95% of north Queensland children on internal police ‘blacklist’ are Indigenous, The Guardian, Ben Smee, Sat 18 Mar 2023

"The use of force and violence is more commonplace and prevalent in some families, communities, religions, cultural/ethnic groups and societies based on the views and values about adult prerogatives with children espoused. They may also be based upon the sociopathy of the perpetrators."
Treatment of Complex Trauma Courtois/Ford, 2016

 “He said that’s the effing main reason, that’s why all the kids are running amok, they’re just sick of the effing racism,” Mr Bolt said.

“So it’s the whites’ fault that they’re being stabbed?”
Father of alleged killer of Declan Laverty says his son is the ‘victim of a racist system’, Bolt,, 28-3-2023

“The father of a teenager accused of stabbing a 20-year-old bottle shop worker to death said his son was just another victim of a “racist system” that caused young Indigenous kids to lose hope in their futures.
His grandmother, who asked not to be named, told The Australian that the young man was left neglected and starving in the Tiwi Islands before he moved to Darwin as a toddler.
His grandmother said she had been the primary caregiver since he was two, with her grandson diagnosed with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and ADHD.
“(He was) getting neglected and not getting fed and always starving,” she said.
“When he was growing up, he always asked me ‘Why doesn’t my mother love me?’.
“I couldn’t really answer it, I could never answer it properly.”
She told The Australian her grandson only started drinking at 17, and that fateful night was the first time he was out late in months.

“He was just hanging around the wrong crowd, I suppose. He’s one of those boys where he’s very easily led.”

His father Fabian Clarke said he felt immense guilt for Mr Laverty’s death, having left a blade in the car.
Mr Clarke said he was a knife collector, and had left the blade behind after sharpening it the day before.
“It’s my fault that the young fella’s dead,” Mr Clarke said.
“If the knife wasn’t in the car, the young fella wouldn’t have got stabbed, and I put it there.”
Mr Clarke said Indigenous kids were being lost and disillusioned by their encounters with the “racist system”.
“Mum was in the Stolen Generations, my grandmother was in the Stolen Generations, then we’ve got to deal with the f—king racism and all that shit,” he said.
“Whatever they do, whenever they try to move forward, they ­always get pushed back, no matter whatever they do.”
“That’s why all the kids are running amok, they just sick of the f—king racism, that’s what it is,” he said.
The construction worker said in his own life everyday choices, like going to work or the shops, could bring him face-to-face with racist attitudes.
“We go down to the shops, we get followed around as if we’re going to steal,” he said.
“This happens all our lives, walk through the neighbourhood, people looking at us (as if we’re) going to break into their houses.”
Mr Clarke said he feared the weight of the crime angst would fall on his son, who would be made an example of by the courts.
“With all the shit going on in Alice Springs and everything else, they need to blame somebody for something,” he said.
Keith Kerinaiua was on bail after being charged with aggravated assault with a weapon, for allegedly stealing a bag, watch and hat. […]
Keith Kerinaiua’s family on Declan Laverty bottleshop’s death, Zizi Averill, Mercury, March 27, 2023

Yes campaign launch in WA hears anger over Indigenous incarceration and child removal, The Guardian, Narelle Towie in Perth, Fri 24 Feb 2023

"[...] Cape York communities reel from gang-rape of a five-year-old boy in July and signs of a resurgence of youth sexual violence [...]  violence there forced closure of the local school and evacuation of teaching staff [...] He highlighted the importance of reducing sexual violence for the future of Aboriginal communities."

'Restore axed youth sex violence plan', David Murry, Michael Mckenna, The Australian, 31-8-2020

"What activists fail to admit is that the No1 cause for high rates of incarceration for Aboriginal Australians is due to violent assaults and acts intended to cause injury. And the primary victims of these assaults are other Indigenous people." Jacinta Nampijinpa Price
Showcasing our beloved Boorowa: Word in the Street, Boorowa News, John Snelling, JUNE 15 2020

Alice Springs ambulances attacked with rocks, as paramedics 'traumatised' by sustained abuse, ABC Alice Springs / By Charmayne Allison and Stewart Brash, 1-3-2023.

Negative prejudice and bias against a biology/culture is rational if the biology/culture represent a significant threat level relative to themselves and other biology/cultures in the same socialscape. Past behaviour predicts future behaviour, and the more consistent, repetitive the negative behaviour emanating from the biology/culture group, rationally the greater the strength of reactive prejudice and bias even in the offending biology/culture against its own.

"Yuendumu resident Theresa Napurrurla Ross says there is a culture of covering up domestic and family violence in the community because ‘the mob will come after you’.”
Theresa Napurrurla Ross is speaking out – but she’s scared., By LIAM MENDES, The Australian, FEBRUARY 10, 2023

Your biology/culture systemically behaves in a threatening anti-social manner the rationally derived cognitions of prejudice and bias by security necessity will be applied to you by association.

To argue otherwise is to demand the impossible of a human, one must ignore observed repeated significant negative experiences of an entity category and demand despite that categories previous damaging behaviour one must not assume a defensive cognition, behaviour to protect one-self, family, or community from a member(s) of that category entering your socialscape. 

It is the exact same regressive logic determining rationally derived prejudice against biology/cultures as deviant, even criminalised which has Germany with only a third of its military hardware serviceable for war and not enough ammunition even if a war started which it has in Ukraine, and clearly the potential to widen quickly. 

"The Bundeswehr is facing recruitment issues that are even worse than its lack of equipment, a top official has said. Commissioner Eva Högl said a plan to boost personnel numbers is "unattainable.""
German military facing recruitment gap, says commissioner, DW, 2-4-2023

The most horrendous example of the incredible cost in precious lives and treasure of determining rationally derived prejudice deviant and cultural indoctrination training a grotesque regressive imposition by our Marxist Socialist derived 'intellectual' elite is Afhganistan.

"What have they come up with? America was defeated in Afghanistan because the country and its army had become “too woke”.

The West has lost its spirit to impose order, and its armies have lost their capacity to fight because the latter are giving troops lectures on appropriate use of pronouns, and the West as a whole is so bowed down with guilt over past colonial imperialism that it cannot act in a resolute fashion. It’s a consoling myth that covers the far more complex forces of our recent history, and obscures the paradoxes at the heart of this vast failed mission."

The nowhere war? Why the West has actually gone backwards in Afghanistan, Crikey, Guy Rundle, 25-8-2021

Rational prejudice, bias is a good not an evil, for developed prejudice and bias informs Other there are core beliefs, values which must be changed, removed by soft/hard power from the network social development of the Biology/Culture causing the prejudice and bias. Otherwise no reactive action to address the core causes will occur, nothing changes or gets worse because the sub-standard behavior is not deincentivised. 

Demanding despite their per capita anti-social record that they must not be regarded as a threat relative to the threat already experienced by citizens demand the impossible. Clean up your moral fabric and with it your subsequent behaviour or you will be rightly determined at the very least initially as a potential threat.

A State assigned the responsibility for security and welfare of all of its citizens including children under threat of violence, neglect, moral injury, if they take their responsibility seriously must remove children so threatened from their families and communities if there are no services and particularly templates of behaviour which would favour a better outcome for the children.

“The culture in which one is immersed influences how one behaves towards others on all levels: and individual to another individual, as members of a group towards members of another group, as an individual or group member to the institutionalised social will. Implicit default assumptions about others influence individual cultural worldviews and habit which in turn shape the culture of child rearing that adults provide influencing the next generation and so on."
Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality, Darcia Navais, 2014

"Culture, of course, is related to violence in general and not only to structural violence. For example, culture influences the determination of "thresholds" which pressure on a person must overcome in order to move that person from being controllable, or even positive, to being negative (that is, into violence)." The Culture of Violence, Chp 3. On the relationship between violence and culture - Galtung's concept

Clearly in the past authorities had to remove children for the same reasons as the Indigenous grandmother above who was forced to intervene and take her “neglected […] and always starving” grandson off her own daughter. This is protection not stealing. Particularly when research has provided evidence the contribution of the mother in engendering anti-social behaviour in her children may be significant.

“Results indicated that low maternal care was significantly associated with greater total callous-unemotional traits (CU) traits and uncaring and callousness dimensions, even after controlling for the effects of various types of childhood abuse and neglect. Furthermore, there was a significant interaction between CU traits and care, such that aggression was highest among youths scoring high on CU traits who were exposed to low levels of maternal care. These findings draw attention to the importance of maternal bonding to CU traits and related aggressive behaviors among antisocial youth."
Maternal care, maltreatment and callous-unemotional traits among urban male juvenile offenders callous-unemotional traits, ER Kimonis, B Cross, A Howard - Journal of Youth Adolescence, 2013

"Analyses provided support for a direct influence of maternal hostile attributions on the development of child hostile attributions and aggressive behaviour."
A Longitudinal Investigation of Maternal Influences on the Development of Child Hostile Attributions and Aggression, Sarah J. Healy , Lynne Murray , Peter J. Cooper , Claire Hughes & Sarah L. Halligan,18 Nov 2013

But the move from Tiwi Islands to a new landscape did not change the socialscape Indigenous family and community templates of negative behaviour.

“Northern Territory Police needs another 300 officers to meet skyrocketing demand as it actively lobbies the Territory Government for $500m worth of infrastructure funding, an inquest has heard.

Deputy Commissioner Smalpage told the court the territory had seen a 30 per cent increase in overall crime over the past 10 years, with a 126 per cent increase in family and domestic violence and 52 per cent increase in unlawful entries.

He said around 65 per cent of all jobs that police responded to were related to domestic and family violence.”
Northern Territory police need 300 more officers, Deputy Commissioner Murray Smalpage tells Kumanjayi Walker inquest, ABC, By Melissa Mackay, 1-3-2033

“Alice Springs has a population of 28,000 yet the region recorded a staggering total of 2823 assaults recorded, 1886 domestic assaults, 1521 alcohol-related assaults and 79 sexual assaults in 2022.

In property-related offences there were 959 house break-ins, 834 commercial break-ins, 408 motor vehicle thefts and 3631 cases of property damage.

Demonstrating the police concern at the crimes was Commander Danny Bacon who said family violence was the community’s “primary” offence.”
Staggering Alice Springs crime statistics reveal alcohol related assaults and domestic violence both up more than 60 per cent,, February 18, 2023

“...cultural acceptance of violence, either as a normal method of resolving conflict or as a usual part of rearing a child, is a risk factor for all types of interpersonal violence. It may also help explain why countries experiencing high levels of one type of violence also experience increased levels of other types. Social tolerance of violent behaviour is likely learned in childhood, through the use of corporal punishment or witnessing violence in the family, in the media or in other settings." Changing cultural and social norms that support violence, by World Health Organization - 2009

One must therefore place themselves in the position of State policy makers 1788 onwards confronting such indigenous children’s physical, health, education and moral wellbeing given the States task of protecting Indigenous peoples from themselves and others and raising indigenous peoples from their stone age existence to a common understood language, categories and precepts to participate in a political process as equal citizens.

Which necessitated providing Indigenous children with the necessary education base which future generations could use as template exemplar learning and moral behaviour, to achieve in subsequent generations a higher quality of life, impossible to be obtained if these children were to be left in the stone age socialscape. To believe this could be achieved without dislocation, grief, hardship is appallingly arrogant perspective shifting twenty-first resources and knowledge into the past.

Without colonisation, without the intervention of an outside knowledge force there is no evidence to suggest Australian Indigenous people would have achieved a transition from a stone age existence to rapidly shifting modernity on their own and be able to generate a national sovereignty capable of sustaining defending their landscape-socialscape from any colonial power in existence at the time. It is absurd to suggest this was possible in any other way given the contingencies at the time, or history could be any different than what it was, colonialism was the way forward out of the stone age, a positive not negative occurrence.

The colonialist cultures are not responsible for the inherent violent nature and lack of assimilation of colonialism normative beliefs, behaviours which prevent Indigenous citizens improving their quality of life and security from each other.

"People respond to incentives. No premise is more central: If you reward a behaviour, people will do more of it and more intensely; if you penalize it, they’ll do less of it."
Thinking like an Economist: A Guide to Rational Decision Making, Professor Randall Bartlett, 2010

The quality of life gap for indigenous citizens will only change when they change their conception to death development socialscape externalised locus of control, entitlement, morality, economic, criminal, violent, predatory, health behavioural templates in their families, communities and institutions imbuing them with cognitions inevitably leading to failure in all social measures.

It means a ground up acceptance of what works, a complete assimilation of socialscape ethical, behavioural, economic template norms which enable nonindigenous citizens to achieve their higher quality of life. No amount of unearned taken from, unequal power with fellow citizens will resolve the Indigenous citizens condition.

Marxist-Socialist-Labor- ‘Progressive’ has caused Western Democracies to splinter by gazing at minutia determining colonialism evil rather than good and the reality all biology/cultures of every immigrants ancestors into the Australian landscape, including indigenous Australians have been subject, ferreting out every possible hurt to hurt to degrade the moral base of Western Democracies to defend its survival from attack from within and without.

"While 70 percent of Americans in 1998 said patriotism was “very important” to them, that number dropped to 60 percent in 2019 and to just 38 percent today — about half of where it was a quarter-century ago. We’ve also seen sharp drops on views about religion, having children and community involvement."
That jarring new poll on 'patriotism’, The Washington Post, Aaron Blake, March 27, 2023

Marxist, Socialist, Labor, postmodern, 'progressive' 'intellectual' elites continual denigration of the values, beliefs, history which built Western Nations quality of life unparalleled in humanities history have turned citizen against citizen where terror, violence as a conflict resolution method rather than words envelop our streets. Where antithesis biological/culture ideology enemies are praised, invited into our midst despite clear evidence of their developing and delivered terror and tyranny, creating First and Second Citizens with significantly less Voice to Power and those defending core precepts which are the foundations for a Democratic Western quality of life condemned as deviant exploiters and phobics and with this condemnation the motivation-patriotism-nationalism to defend our Democratic politic from enemies within, even against our own elites, and from without dangerously diminished.

New generations are developed determining self-identity entitlement and prejudice of the minorities take priority over group-identity defence-promotion and prejudice of the majority, determines our biology/culture ideology is not long for this world. For whom is left to determine it is worth defending such a fractious destructive society?

It is more important how policy is determined for it defines the relative power of citizens to control their destiny. Citizens invented democracy to give citizens equal say in their future as far from autocracy-dictatorship as possible.

The Voice destroys equality of power, it is the ranking of a minority as first in power, first in line for resources, first in line to influence all citizens futures, it has nothing to do with closing the gap for the exact same policy answers and institutions and consultation process which develop, deliver and monitor policy exist now.

Aboriginal sovereignty is not recognised in the Australian Constitution or Australian law nor international law. For indigenous Australians to claim sovereignty when they do not have a permanent population just various separate tribes as when the British first arrived, no central governing body, nor a defined territory, cannot act independently without the resources and governance of the Commonwealth of Australia, not the highest authority within the borders in which they reside, it is therefore fallacious for indigenous citizens along with demanding the Voice to claim they are the sovereign owners of the Australian landscape within which all Australians reside.

International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, a government not under another, independent and hold the highest authority within their own borders and has the capacity to interact with other sovereign states. It is also normally understood that a sovereign state is independent. Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a sovereign country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands.

Would anyone demand of Turkey the return of Turkey to Greek Byzantines or Pakistan to an Indian Rajah. Sovereignty resides in the power to resource creation of policy and enforcement of laws and protect one’s borders.

Australian landscape as well as the socialscape ownership resides in the sovereignty of the Nation State the Commonwealth of Australia not in the hands of any minority. Indigenous claims to sovereignty ceased when the British commenced colonisation of Australia. Australia belongs to all Australians not just to the Indigenous citizens. Dispossession as occurs in any colonisation process removes whatever sovereignty rights for control of territory by an indigenous population.

It is only by the consent of the sovereign State that such power would be stupidly relinquished, for in doing so the moral injury which drove the European colonisers to improve the condition of indigenous people would cease to be a motivating force able to override indigenous objections regards the way they bring up children which has resulted in children being removed as they were in the past to protect them from harm, claiming as they do now that their development process is different than the white man and therefore we must allow the failure of each new generation to achieve their potential in a rapidly changing modernity, but still be accused of not providing enough resources to prevent each new generation from being atrophied in a sub-optimal quality of life as the templates for breaking out of a cycle of depravation simply do not exist in the development socialscape within which each new generation resides.

"PRIME MINISTER Albanese: That is not what it is about. The Voice is not about defence policy. It's not about foreign affairs policy. It's not about the8se issues. The Voice is about issues that directly affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people." 27-3-2023

"Today we are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Justin Mohamed as Australia’s inaugural Ambassador for First Nations People.
Mr Mohamed will lead the Office of First Nations Engagement in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Together they will work in genuine partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to progress Indigenous rights globally, and help grow First Nations trade and investment.
Elevating the perspectives of First Nations people – this land’s first diplomats – enables deeper engagement with many of our closest partners including the Pacific family.
This new position ensures, for the first time, that Australia will have dedicated Indigenous representation in our international engagement."
Ambassador for First Nations People, Department of Foreign Affairs Australia, Joint media release with:
The Hon Linda Burney MP, Minister for Indigenous Australians
Senator Patrick Dodson, Special Envoy for Reconciliation, and Implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, 07 March 2023

Indigenous not sovereign

What is untrue with my claim, as the Indigenous biology/culture is a minority in society having a representative in a foreign policy institution Boorowa a small rural town is a minority and therefore should have the same?

The objection to such a position being created for a specific minority has to do with Equal Voice to Power Democracy. You convince yourself it is hate to object but it is not true. Why should any minority in our Democracy have such a representative in our Foreign affairs Department. It is absurd, unearned entitlement and power. That is why not hate.

The Voice policy on country education, Reliable drinking water, New remote housing, Regional food security is a strategy of atrophy and schism.

“When you congregate stragglers – disadvantaged kids – together, there’s a proven effect on the levels of achievement, and that clearly comes out in the data.” CHRIS BONNOR, Education researcher
It’s a big day for students, teachers and the wider education community today, as NAPLAN results are released., The Daily

The strategy of indigenous on country education is to create enclaves of indoctrinated indigenous children imbued with the Marxist Socialist Labor progressive imbued Entitlement which prevents them from being motivated to diligently improve their own behaviours, attitudes and with them their level of quality of life, a condition which will never be satisfied, never enough recompensed wealth, never enough transferred power, never enough repentance.

Indigenous on country education is a mercenary thirst for power of an Indigenous elite purposefully creating and managing a political force, a force of segregation not assimilation of moral and behavioural changes which will enable Australia to move forward peacefully and at the same time improve the quality of life for indigenous peoples.

It is an old ploy elites set up enclaves where they create populations they can manipulate for political ends which informs increasing schism and bases from which political action can be launched.

“the Provisionals developed a twin pronged strategy: they sought to create Catholic enclaves in Londonderry and Belfast, from which the security forces were excluded, so that they could begin to assert their political leadership over Catholics there and to create a home base from which they could mount their attacks. From those enclaves, they planned to prosecute a deep battle against the city centres, mainly with car bombs.”
Urban Warfare in the Twenty-first Century, Anthony King, 2021

I am not of the opinion, although violent threats have been made, Indigenous people would bomb anyone. I am of the opinion for the elite to justify sovereignty they have to control of landscape and a captive population within, which will be moulded via on country policy whose primary aim is not closing the gap, it is developing political base, claiming children are much more comfortable being indoctrinated in the indigenous space than attending education with non-indigenous children. This for me is simply a ploy to keep indigenous children trapped on country for political ends.

Anyone who thinks indigenous on country education is generous, open hearted, culturally sensitive policy for the benefit of indigenous children or the Australian society which will have to deal with its consequences need to reflect on history and the Naplan results.

"3 ways we'll close the gap:
Reliable drinking water.
New remote housing.
Regional food security."
Linda Burney, MP 12-3-2023 Twitter

Boorowa NSW country town would love to have reliable drinking water as would thousands of towns why should any citizen group be given biased priority of an essential service over other citizens.

Remote housing simply atrophy's entitlement keeps indigenous people locked in a template of continuing cycle of substandard outcomes as there is no incentive to work and pay to build your own home. As there is no personal investment these houses, as the others fall to pieces. This is also another policy of enclaving for which other Australians will have to finance.

Regional food security is all about securing Indigenous population enclaves so they can atrophy where they are to be paid for by other Australians. The Voice is all about creating elite Indigenous controlled population enclaves to use as a political force to demand more and more.

Equal Voice to Power Democracy has already been weakened now for the final Voice blow. These are policies of enclaving for which other Australians will have to finance as these on country settlements as with other country towns are not subject to their economic viability to provide a sustainable reason for their existence.

As with freely provided housing, water supply, education finance per student, and now food security which no other town can hope to obtain nor should it otherwise Australian society would run out of wealth very quickly are designed to secure justification for a Clayton's sovereignty which we all will have to pay for in significant treasure and political strife.

Strategy of Labor and Supporters of the Voice to cajole, persuade citizens to accept the Voice:

To utilise shame, deviance labelling based on a lie colonialism was an evil Imposed on Indigenous peoples rather than the reason some have already achieved quality of life parity with most Australians and the rest will if they stop believing colonialism is the cause of their condition rather than its cure, and take responsibility for their own behaviour and stop externalising locus of control, culpability for their own behaviour to outside forces.

“Those who are most effective in claiming the moral high ground have been able to rally their people, dehumanise the target and take what they want.” The Master Strategist, Ketan J. Patel, 2005

When a Prime Minister with political forces in a Democracy seek to ostracise, brand citizens disagreeing as malicious spreaders of misinformation, as
“radical” “corrosive insidious forces”, subversive fifth columnists, seeking to undermine Democracy by starting a “cultural war” he and the socialist ‘progressive’ elites started years ago, utilising dialectic emotionalism, “pretentious diction, and high-flown rhetoric” doublespeak meant to make truth more palatable and assign inverse derogatory labels to those who object, using public and private organisations such as the Digital Industry Group Inc. (DIGI) to silence citizens across Democratic media discourse platforms you know you have arrived at the doorstep of a 1984 Marxist regressive one thought gulag.

If we are to survive as Democracies in the West and not simply trade it for a shoddy tyranny of good intentions armed with Marxist deviance silencing paradigms which tear us internally apart and make us easy prey for tyranny of a different form, we cannot afford our humanity institutions to keep pouring out these destroyers of our biology/culture ideology.

The Voice is a means to an end, an end which cannot be voiced before they have the political power to enforce. Whatever form it takes it is not in the interest of preserving Equal Voice to Power Democracy nor increasing the quality of life for any Australian as it is a self-enhancement not a self-improvement strategy of an elite.

VOTE NO TO UNEARNED ENTITLEMENT As it is a condition which will never be satisfied, never enough recompensed wealth, never enough transferred power, never enough repentance.

Racism a failed social handgrenade abstract utilised to avoid providing coherent argument. There exist biology/culture ideology prejudice-bias against other biology/culture ideologies. Natural to be prejudiced-biased against a biology/culture ideology seeking to subvert your own or informs significant per capita anti-social behaviour.

How have we arrived at an absurd political position of having to apologise, and hand over power-resources for free to a biology/culture for having saved them from a stone age existence?

"Underdog stories can inspire groups to achieve their goals. Leaders can use such stories to craft a collective identity that increases motivation, well-being, and creativity. However, when used improperly, the same basic story can also justify bad behaviour and foment outgroup bias."

Underdog stories can inspire us to greatness (or to break the rules), BIG THINK, THE LEARNING CURVE — FEBRUARY 21, 2023

“By despising himself too much a man comes to be worthy of his own contempt.”
 (Amiel, 1909, p. 180)

“We assume that the laws and mores of our own age have eternal and universal validity” Historicism, Frederick Beiser

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” ― George Orwell

“Blow in!” “You’re a coloniser!” Lidia Thorpe

We all Blow in. None of us as individuals, as biology/cultures, simply appear whole in a landscape-socialscape, at least according to Darwin’s theory of evolution, history, and scientific research to this point.

As individuals we Blow in when we are born, start a new job, move to a new town, a new school, new relationships, new landscape, new socialscape. As biology/culture ideologies we Blow in utilising soft and/or hard power into other landscape and socialscape when we immigrate to assume permanent residency in another landscape bringing our socialscape knowledge and life perspective with us. Why we do, how we do depend on historical context-forces. Force to emigrate is push force to immigrate is pull.

The history of human immigration is one of colonisation and recolonisation by other biology/culture ideology groups who have the soft/hard power to do so. Colonisation is the action, process of a living entity establishing itself in an area, of appropriating a place or domain for one's own use. It is the nature of human existence to be subject to and subject others to, it is not right or wrong it just is, force-power in contingency context.

Historically the results of immigration-colonisation have been mixed for the existing human groups and those immigrating into their space. For such events involves both seeking to improve their quality of life simultaneously competing for acquiring-retaining ownership of resources and with them increased-decreased power to control to change their habitat conditions to their benefit.

The immigrants will exploit the landscape-socialscape environment relative to their power and imported socialscape knowledge, beliefs, and relationship precepts in their codex regards the nature of those already resident in the landscape. A resident people are fortunate if the immigrants have no binding codex determining existing resident people inherently deviant, justifiably deserving of subjugation, elimination or complete exclusion from the landscape and or dominant political-resources socialscape within which they reside and immigrants seek to increase the productivity of the existing resources to improve the quality of life for all rather than simply divide resources in existence or take destroy and move on.

How have we arrived at an absurd political position of having to apologise, and hand over power-resources for free to a biology/culture for having saved them from a stone age existence?

In Australia as elsewhere founded on a post WWII hegemony in humanities the Marxist, Leninist, Socialist, postmodernist intellectual elite determined all history fabricated literature to enforce capitalists, colonialist version of reality then proceeded to fabricate their own version of reality to control the narrative of the present and in doing so have taken control of the narrative of the past, changing colonialism into a grotesque malign myth, a weakening of history, where specific things, being male-white, British form of governance, protective policy for children, rules on alcohol, provision of education, exclusive indigenous space; assimilation away from tribal atrophy of entitlement and externalised locus of control a must to achieve parity all mythologised into an official line of evil.

Yet one has to consider the alternative, the counterfactual reality of the indigenous Australians in 1788 as a stone age culture being left as they are, as it was supposedly 65000 years prior they immigrated to the Australian continent with relatively little change in their culture clearly made them unready for the rapidly changing modernity about to engulf them with the arrival of any number of nations; the alternative Nation states such as Belgium and their draconian impact on indigenous populations who could have arrived on Australian shores would have in all probability informed a much more oppressive outcome for indigenous Australians.

The reality of the positive effect of British colonialism and subsequent Asian and European immigration is Australia in 2023 is ranked ninth in the Quality-of-Life Index country list. Seven Indigenous Australians were elected to the 47th Australian parliament 2022. On any rational measure the opportunity such colonialisation which has enabled in Australia has to be determined a benefit not a negative for the potential of Indigenous people to improve their quality of life to a level unimaginable from a stone age context not three hundred years ago.

Given the contingencies of the time 1788 onwards the resources, the knowledge, the policy intent from the start to protect indigenous people from themselves and non-indigenous exploitation inevitably meant although elements of harm reside within any such transitions and the time to move from a stone age existence; subject to a large landscape difficult to fully police; significantly differing belief, governance, knowledge rationale systems, the potential for Indigenous Australians to continue to improve their condition utilising a European driven culture-knowledge created advanced society cannot be in any rational sense determine a stone age state preferable, which was the alternative.

For history to reflect reality and importantly to create a society which have values each citizen believes are worth dying to protect the Marxist, Leninist, Socialist, postmodernist intellectual elite has systematically taken apart Western Culture with a hatred imbued with a self-destruct mentality and are a clear and imminent danger to the survival of Western Democracies. Their Marxist objective of throwing all into the air has achieved at great and continuing cost.

"And in the end it was only because they had destroyed themselves by their own internal strife that finally they were forced to surrender." Thucydides

This following excerpt from Socialization and Hegemonic power, by Kenberry, G. J., & Kupchan, C. A. (1990) clearly establishes a fact of life for eons more powerful Nations seek to dominate others landscape-and/or socialscape via soft and hard power to have the citizens within conform to the goals of these more powerful Nations. This process is occurring now to the detriment and benefit of Australia and clearly being attempted by Russia in the main with hard power against Ukraine.

This same process in Australia flowing from the initial colonisation of Australia by the British and subsequent flow of Asian and European peoples regards the Indigenous population occurs at the biology/culture ideology group levels within a Nations borders in the form of “coercion. Inducements and sanctions” seeking to have Other accept their culture-ideology perspective as the norm, i.e. transvestites as women, terror as normative, silencing citizens dissent as normative as with Twitter and other media platforms.
This is life on our planet it is no use complaining, no use claiming the impossible the past could have been different than it was, or this is not how human groups interact or should interact. Unless a hegemonic biology/culture ideology want eternal societal schism, as Machiavelli rightly observed, the 'hegemonic power, … works at the level of substantive beliefs rather than material payoffs. Acquiescence .. the result of the socialization of Indigenous peoples/leaders. Indigenous elites and peoples buy into and internalize norms that are articulated by the hegemon and therefore pursue policies consistent with the hegemon's notion moral and behavioural order' or the conflict will continue.

“Most historical ages are marked by the presence of great powers, nations capable of dominating the course of international politics. An ongoing task of scholarship is to explore the nature of the shadow that hegemonic nations cast. How do hegemons assert control over other nations within the international system? Through what mechanisms does control get established, and by what processes does it erode? How is compliance achieved, and how is it maintained?

Most observers would argue that the manipulation of material incentives­ the use of threats and promises to alter the preferences of leaders in secondary nations-is the dominant form through which hegemonic power is exercised. Power is directly related to the command of material resources. Acquiescence is the result of coercion. Inducements and sanctions are used by the hegemon to ensure that secondary states prefer cooperation to non-cooperation.

But there is also a more subtle component of hegemonic power, one that works at the level of substantive beliefs rather than material payoffs. Acquiescence is the result of the socialization of leaders in secondary nations. Elites in secondary states buy into and internalize norms that are articulated by the hegemon and therefore pursue policies consistent with the hegemon's notion of international order. The exercise of power-and hence the mechanism through which compliance is achieved-involves the projection by the hegemon of a set of norms and their embrace by leaders in other.” (Kenberry & Kupchan, 1990)

Biology/Culture ideologies under whatever categorisation Imperialism, Colonialism, etc which take over other Biology/Culture ideologies landscape and impose their power-control over the socialscape of the inhabitants, are able to protect their borders expanded or otherwise are the rulers, are the sovereign power.

No amount of complaining, “I was here first 65,000 years or one week ago.” make any difference. It is not a matter of right or wrong as no one has an inalienable right to anything even life itself, it is a matter of power in context. You can invent/use made up human abstracts to justify such claims, scam enough citizens by convincing them it’s a “simple”, “moderate”, “generous” “enriching” “profound grace” offer raising you from your “powerless torment” to go along with these fabrications, but it will not change your relative power and importantly competency to rule to advance the quality of life for all, not just you and your own biology/culture.

Power is dependent upon resources and ability to utilise them to improve your quality of life. Power therefore must be given up by fellow citizens to realise your biology/culture ideology’s goal of sovereignty and fellow citizens diminishment of sovereignty for clearly landscape and resources for their own quality of life will be taken from them. The Voice and its associated claim of sovereignty is no free simple generous lunch.

Indigenous elites and supporters accusing others of massacring to utilise “Underdog” victim status to gain power-resources is pure hypocrisy when Australian Indigenous peoples were massacring their own at the same time they and the Marxist, Socialist, postmodernists "crafted story" of colonialism as a newly invented White European exploitative social construct commencing in 1492 with Columbus when it is the nature of biology/culture ideology human group interaction since the beginning, fabricating Australian indigenous as “underdog victims” to externalise culpability for Indigenous behaviour, imbuing a cognitive regression of self-enhancement rather than the much harder and beneficial self-improvement, demanding unearned entitlement, rather than face the reality in 1788 of a violent knowledge deficient Stone age culture who in no way had the capacity to develop a policy frame work to change their atrophied tribal culture who committed-committing even now more violence against themselves than others, as colonialism continues to provide the means resources, expertise in a concerted attempt to raise them into a rapidly changing modernity.

“The place was all surrounded by bush, and hundreds of Gundagai aborigines used to camp close by. And well do I remember many of the fights in which they participated.

About the year 1850 a big battle took place just behind where the old brick mill on Morley’s Creek now stands. One morning we were awakened at daylight by piteous begging of a blackfellow to be let into our house. My husband gave him entry, and then he let a number of others in. They told us the Lachlan tribe had swooped down on them in the night and had massacred some of the Gundagai tribe. The last black fellow to come in had a long spear sticking out of his stomach-and, really, I wasn’t sorry as he was a cheeky dangerous man. Next morning ??? went to see what the damage was, and found two blacks -Motogee and Mecky, dead while a large number were wounded. A number of gins were speared. One of them Kitty, escaped by swimming Morley’s Creek carrying her two piccaninnies, and […] the ??? Ark, which stood below where […]. The marauding band also speared dogs and did other damage. They took away with them the legs of the dead blackfellows, cutting the limbs off at the thigh. They also carried away the dead men’s kidney fat.

[…] After this slaughter the Gundagai blacks thirsted for revenge. They made elaborate preparations, and, leaving their gins behind, set out to pay back the debt they owed their Lachlan enemies. After being away some days, they returned laden with trophies of war-the most prized of which were the legs and kidney fat of some of their opponents. At night they made a big fire on the Flat, and roasted the flesh of the Lachlan victims, and partook of a cannibal feast.

The blacks never murdered any white folk. I recollect the last big fight between the tribes. An old man named Billy Pemberton was walking down our main street early one morning when a mob of strange blacks accosted him with, ‘’Where blackfellow camped?’’. Billy directed them the wrong way and ran and warned the local tribe. A lot of them raced to our place for shelter. My husband was away at the time-only myself and two babies were in the house. I let a couple of blackfellows in and they got under the bed. Others planted in the outhouse; in Turnbull’s store in Lindley's yard and one got under a cask. But he forgot his dog, which started scratching outside the barrel and when the “invaders” came along the dog's antics directed their attention to the barrel and they hauled out the planted man, and I don’t think there was an inch of his body into which they did not put spears.”
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Sat 18 May 1912 Page 3 Sixty Years Ago.

Reality of positive aspect of colonialism for which there is no alternative counterfactual context for any biology/culture starting from a Stone Age socialscape could have achieved:

"Owning more than 40% of the country is nothing? Multimillions $ of income from projects on their country is nothing? Record numbers of Indigenous learning their language & culture is nothing? Record numbers attending University & graduating is nothing?" Nyunggai Warren Mundine AO

My ancestors colonised Australia, as the Turks colonised the Byzantine landscape/socialscape, as the Norman's colonised England, as the Romans colonised, as the Aztecs colonised, as the Chinese colonised, as the Muslims colonised, as the Christians colonised, as the Hindu colonised,   as the Mongol golden horde colonised, as the Persians colonised, as the Greeks colonised, as the Zulu colonised, as the Japanese colonised, as the Australian aboriginals colonised assimilated other tribes landscape and socialscape.

E********* @A******* Jan 14 Twitter
Replying to @******Aus
“Sorry bruz, but you clearly no nothing. My grandfathers tribe got so big because it wared with neighbouring tribes and absorbed them. The last tribal war they fought was in the 1920’s against the Bundjalung people, we still have a shield from that war with spear tip holes.”

One must ask what is the difference between the moral precepts of the above effect with imperialism the power to take others landscape "wared with" and colonialism the power to assimilate others socialscape "absorbed them"?

It is therefore hypocrisy of any Indigenous person or group claiming their own imperialist, colonialist actions against each other have no correlation with European Imperialism/Colonialism or entailed comparatively no grief, no moral injury, no soft/hard power taking landscape and assimilating socialscape of other Indigenous peoples.

The result of the Marxist, Socialist, postmodern fabrication of colonialism as evil rather than a positive enabling force for stone age cultures is encapsulated in the following a quintessential ‘progressive’ lie expounded by Labors Tickner Former Australian Minister in Hawke and Keating Governments; author; humanitarian campaigner; nuclear weapons ban and prison reform advocate:

“The report documents, in a way never before achieved, the impact of European settlement upon Australia’s indigenous peoples, their dispossession and subordination within a dominant and often hostile society frequently motivated by self-interest, the development of racist attitudes both overt and hidden and the way in which these attitudes became institutionalised in the very practices of legal, educational, welfare and Aboriginal assistance authorities.”
Act now on enduring disgrace of Indigenous deaths in custody, By The Age's View, March 5, 2023

And the actual cause lack of indigenous culpability for their own behaviour. Of course, significantly higher per capita negative behaviour across all social measures leads inevitably to negative outcomes per capita. You are entitled to outcomes you inform.

The view expressed by Labors Tickner relieves Indigenous citizens of culpability for their criminal acts, their health physical and psychological wellbeing blaming colonisation which is the inevitable and normal result of a hegemonic power immigrating into your landscape to which no biology/culture has not been subject, instead of their own behaviour. It is an appalling misalignment of culpability. It also claims dispossession is the cause which is the inevitable consequence facing any colonised biology/culture. The Irish arriving in this country were not only dispossessed but also transported across the world in chains to work in chain gangs.

Being shackled is not the preserve of only one biology/culture. If dispossession of landscape is inherently the cause of a biology/culture propensity to inform negative behavioural outcomes everyone would be informing the same because no biology/culture has been immune from dispossession.

Also of course prejudice, hostility will be rationally created against any biology/culture informing negative outcomes impacting on others to demand otherwise denies the reality of how humans as individuals and groups derive threat to themselves and others. Are the citizens of Alice Springs and elsewhere to be positively enamoured with that to which they are subject?

There has been no institutionalised prejudice if you behave badly bad things will result, if you fail to turn up to class and fail to have appropriate behavioural templates to encourage success you will fail to achieve. If you utilise the provision of welfare payments, services, and housing in a deleterious manner it is not welfare provision which has failed it’s your misuse of the same.

The claim war was endemic is another colonialism myth sporadic conflict yes, a war that pitted nation against nation no. Isolated tribal-band conflict yes but not across the whole of Australia. Clearly there were indigenous tribes/bands not at all interested in waging a conflict with Europeans as Europeans did not.

First European settlement of Young New South Wales, 376 km west of Sydney via the Hume Freeway

“Cobern Jackey     
When James White was unable to get a Government Land Grant he decided to find land for himself in the unsettled area along the newly discovered route of Hume and Hovell. He travelled through Goulburn and came to  the  Boorowa River, from here he headed west and came to the  junction of two creeks, he decided to camp here for the night. As he was boiling his billy he was confronted by an imposing Aborigine, who claimed he was the Chief of the Lachlan River Tribe.

There was a moment of hesitation and uncertainty but James gave his new acquaintance respect and produced some gifts from his pack horse. The aborigines told White that the name of the place was Burrowmunditroy and the creek was called Bulla. Jacky belonged to the Wiradjuri tribe and originally came from Cabonne near Orange, so James White named him Coborn Jacky.

White returned to Sydney to get more supplies and to bring workmen and his stock back to his new home. He brought with him gifts for the natives and a crescent-shaped breast plate on a chain for Jacky, on which was inscribed ''Coborn Jacky, Chief of the Burrrowmunditroy''.

A corroboree was held 1826 in White's honour after which White was shown a better place for a homestead. Near a deep running sandy creek which the natives called ''Burrangong''; ''Burran'' meaning ''meeting place of kangaroos'' and ''Gong'' meaning '' water'' or ''creek''.” Information board Young historical society, 2023

Consultation is taking place now because colonialism has enabled this to occur via creating a mutual discourse space where concepts are understood. You cannot gain knowledge by staring at a book nor can it occur without biology/culture dislocation transition grief. As it has always been and will be.

In the beginning as a stone age culture how would you be able to develop the educational infrastructure policy and resources to improve quality of life without European knowledge without a grasp of a European language to increasingly provide feedback mechanisms of consultation?

Unless the Marxist, Socialist, Labor, ‘progressive’ cease imbuing indigenous citizens with a belief they are not responsible for their debilitating behaviour nothing will change and nor will the rhetoric of externalising culpability. As it has become an industry

Those shouting, “You’re a colonialist!” are hypocrites as they have a stunted postmodern imbued understanding of what colonialism is, its positive historic and continuing force rather than as a one-sided negative abstract. Hypocrisy as there is no biology/culture who has not applied the same methodology to other biology/culture. I also argue albeit anecdotal, the Indigenous people perpetrated much more harm against each other as they do now than in conflict with Europeans. Indigenous citizens need to seek repentance, forgiveness and recompense from each other.

Which reinforces my view colonialism was/is on balance a positive factor and in essence the only way to improve indigenous quality of life which had to be directed, managed and imposed by an outside colonial policy force to achieve positive change otherwise there was as the 1920s inter-indigenous conflict reveals a continuance of violence templates for continuing generations.

Imperialism and colonialism simply did not commence with the increased capacity of Europeans to project power from 1492 with Columbus, biology/cultures have sought imperialist ambition to take others space, to exploit resources within, to colonise-assimilate populations into their own cultures. This is the norm and clearly such ambition of imperialist colonialist hegemony have not ceased. The naivety of Merkel, the naivety of the Western Democracies deleting prejudice, deleting nationalism running down their military, inviting antithesis biology/culture ideologies into their midst who deliver terror and create increasing schism are easily manipulated by altruists within and without, causing inevitable reactive violence, as well as the imposition of antithesis moral constructs on citizens creating increasing aggression and outlier violence becoming normative as the progressive elites deviance paradigms bite deeply into the societal psychic.

For these purveyors of destructive intent against that which sustains them, present cascading regressive policies for actual improvement of indigenous peoples, as they must, encouraging unrealistic reality of based upon First and Second Citizens, a fallacious notion history could have been very different, the present would reflect that Marxist, Socialist, Postmodern fantasy. Such difference raising expectations of Entitlement Free Respect, Free Resources, Free Power without putting shoulder to the wheel. Cases where parity with non-indigenous citizens in almost every social measure have clearly not been reached, there has been unremitting Marxist, Socialist, Postmodern push back on outside protective governance handing more power to decide by indigenous communities themselves have resulted in disaster and reimplementation of policy or worse fear of reimplementing because it crosses the grotesque Marxist, Socialist, Postmodern myth making line.

Be proud of your Australian colonialist ancestors they built this country from a stone age landscape socialscape in less than three hundred years.

Yes, my ancestors were colonisers carrying on the tradition of what more powerful biology/culture ideologies have always done, are doing and will do.

Colonialism saved the Australian Indigenous people from their violent stone age existence, they seriously want to return? Also, they engaged in the same process of taking other tribes’ landscape and assimilating them into their socialscape. So, it is pure hypocrisy to shout such idiocy across the aisle.

"You’re a coloniser!" Lidia Thorpe

Answer: "So whose biology/culture has not taken Others landscape and assimilated the people into their own socialscape as yours has done as well? "You’re a coloniser Lidia Thorpe, welcome to humanity”

Welcome to country these are my ancestor’s traditional lands of Sheehan, Quinn, McGarvey, O'Brien, Luff, Devlyn, Toomy, Smith, .... who developed this land from its Stone Age landscape, socialscape to a Nation indexed ninth in Quality of Life.

And you were saying?"

If we accept "Existing explanations ascribe norm violations either to insufficient socialization or to interest misalignment between providers and recipients." then as the "insufficient socialization" is the responsibility of the biology/culture family, community and its institutions clearly they have no knowledge of what would constitute sufficient socialisation as they would be already be applying that knowledge therefore their Voice is useless in contributing to a resolution of the gap, other than acquiescing to an outside developed positive socialisation policy.

Also given the existence of "misalignment between providers and recipients" the assumptions as to the cause of the failure of closing the gap are either false or suboptimal requiring significant reflection of the veracity of the paradigm and those who champion its integrity the providers and the receiver indigenous peoples who are either unaware a misalignment exists or unable to develop an alternative. Either way the Voice is a useless Marxist-Socialist clown change vehicle. Plenty of noise, smoke, plastered smirks, and floppy large red shoes.

All that occurs with the acceptance of the Voice is the indigenous elite gain more power, with it more resources and become less culpable for the failures which inevitably will follow as the same assumptions of colonialism as the cause of the indigenous condition rather than their socialist imbued Entitlement which prevents them from being motivated to diligently improve their own behaviours, attitudes and with them their level of quality of life.

It is a grotesque myth of historic reinterpretation to claim a society which has achieved ninth on the quality of life scale 2023, created by European colonialism is a failure when the alternative was a continuance of a stone age existence or given the historic context colonisation by another imperialist nation being inevitable, it just so happened the British arrived.

There has been no white supremacy it has been a relative difference in knowledge which is power which colonialism policy from the start sought to remedy, to give Indigenous people the knowledge to be able to participate fully in societal decision making. How else do you claim transfer of knowledge to indigenous people could be achieved given the context?

As the Marxist, Socialist, Labor, ‘progressive’ imposed fabricated status of Indigenous Australians is a lie so must be the Marxist, Socialist, Labor, ‘progressive’ determination the very biology/culture system systemically creating substandard behaviour has the answer for and the motivational force to hold themselves accountable without an outside political force making sure resources and expertise are appropriately applied and justified to achieve increasing quality of life. The Voice is delusion as to its capacity to achieve change, it will simply self-enhance, enrich the elite in unearned power and wealth.

To expect any members of a biology/culture transgenerational development system, particularly an elite whose aim is always to maintain-increase power and the access to resources via fabricated beliefs of entitlement, to develop policy, resource, implement, monitor, review, assume culpability to internalise locus of control and bear the costs of such cathartic dislocation change to achieve parity is delusion.

Voice is a self-management template straight out of the failed Marxist Socialist, Leninist, Mao rule book. How many lives and resources have already been sacrificed across the world when any society allows such a broken-down vehicle to deliver a rising quality of life?

A cancer patient may participate-collaborate in a cure, as in the choice of their doctor and procedure of cure but they cannot cure themselves. The Voice is a pretence the patient can not only take on the role of surgeon, but they will also assume responsibility for running the hospital.

There is more work to be done for to believe in a few generations thousands of years of cultural beliefs, behaviours could be changed in just 235 years is absurd.

Even more absurd is believing the very people imbedded in a system informing substandard results on any social measure as a cultural individual, family, community group have the answer themselves or the incentive to change when they are imbedded in the regeneration of transgenerational behaviour having no idea how to create a policy and generate the incentivised motivation to change learned habits is damaging delusion.

No system can or will change without an outside force insisting that change take place, if a social system is accountable only to the elite within as they have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo, their power in the system and the myths which sustain the resources base they intend to continue to exploit.

All this is because of the relentless WOKE Marxist, Leninist, Socialist, postmodernist intellectual elites search for new victims of the capitalist system new perpetrators, even once determined victims the working class are now ignorant oppressors along with the bourgeoisie, as Burke said any political system will have victims trying to resolve all of them is an impossible task. It destroys the capacity of a society to defend itself not only from outside forces but from itself.

Australian citizens must react decisively to reject and reframe the never ending divisive, dividing conflict of Marxist Socialist Labor Progressive made up dialectic materialism paradigm of the oppressed and oppressor imbued within Australian citizens of aboriginal ancestry belief of Entitlement.

The Voice is a force of segregation not assimilation of moral and behavioural changes which will enable Australia to move forward peacefully and at the same time improve the quality of life for indigenous peoples. Yes, culture is important as it is for the Irish, Greeks, Hungarians, Germans but to create to separate First and second peoples leads to conflict that will become increasingly costly. No biology/culture has an inalienable right to place themselves above other biology/cultures in a Democracy, and this is exactly what the Voice does.

Do not agree to a referendum creating a First and Second citizen, nor grant Indigenous citizens political privilege no other citizen or citizen group will possess for it means the destruction of Equal Voice to Power Democracy, increasing schism and demand for more power and resources.


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