The demand for Sovereignty, Voice, treaty, moving Australia Day, for ever increasing resources to ameliorate significant negative behavior are the cutting edge of Australian citizens of Aboriginal ancestry expression of their Entitlement based on being First, not on relative contribution to the building of Australia to a Nation State of wealth and power.


Entitlement: a right to “full entitlement to rent and maintenance should be offered".

All of us including the Australian citizens of Aboriginal ancestry migrated into this Australian continent.

There are no First no Second in an Equal Voice to Power Democracy.

This is the counterfactual reality of being so stupid to claim colonialism is bad. We would not have the wealthy relatively safe society without our British heritage and the OZ indigenous would still be spearing each other cutting off legs and kidney fat having a cannibal feast. 

“The place was all surrounded by bush, and hundreds of Gundagai aborigines used to camp close by. And well do I remember many of the fights in which they participated.
About the year 1850 a big battle took place just behind where the old brick mill on Morley’s Creek now stands. One morning we were awakened at daylight by piteous begging of a blackfellow to be let into our house. My husband gave him entry, and then he let a number of others in. They told us the Lachlan tribe had swooped down on them in the night and had massacred some of the Gundagai tribe. The last black fellow to come in had a long spear sticking out of his stomach-and, really, I wasn’t sorry as he was a cheeky dangerous man. Next morning ??? went to see what the damage was, and found two blacks -Motogee and Mecky, dead while a large number were wounded. A number of gins were speared. One of them Kitty, escaped by swimming Morley’s Creek carrying her two piccaninnies, and […] the ??? Ark, which stood below where […]. The marauding band also speared dogs and did other damage. They took away with them the legs of the dead blackfellows, cutting the limbs off at the thigh. They also carried away the dead men’s kidney fat.
[…] After this slaughter the Gundagai blacks thirsted for revenge. They made elaborate preparations, and, leaving their gins behind, set out to pay back the debt they owed their Lachlan enemies. After being away some days, they returned laden with trophies of war-the most prized of which were the legs and kidney fat of some of their opponents. At night they made a big fire on the Flat, and roasted the flesh of the Lachlan victims, and partook of a cannibal feast.
The blacks never murdered any white folk. I recollect the last big fight between the tribes. An old man named Billy Pemberton was walking down our main street early one morning when a mob of strange blacks accosted him with, ‘’Where blackfellow camped?’’. Billy directed them the wrong way and ran and warned the local tribe. A lot of them raced to our place for shelter. My husband was away at the time-only myself and two babies were in the house. I let a couple of blackfellows in and they got under the bed. Others planted in the outhouse; in Turnbull’s store in Lindley's yard and one got under a cask. But he forgot his dog, which started scratching outside the barrel and when the “invaders” came along the dog's antics directed their attention to the barrel and they hauled out the planted man, and I don’t think there was an inch of his body into which they did not put spears.”
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Sat 18 May 1912 Page 3 Sixty Years Ago.

The demand for Sovereignty, Voice, treaty, moving Australia Day, for ever increasing resources to ameliorate significant negative behavior are the cutting edge of Australian citizens of Aboriginal ancestry expression of their Entitlement based on being First, not on relative contribution to the building of Australia to a Nation State of wealth and power.

The notion of Entitlement has been imbued within a considerable number of Australian citizens of Aboriginal ancestry to make them believe they can treat non-Australian citizens of Aboriginal ancestry with derision, hatred, roaming streets committing crimes roaming the hall of power and wealth created by others demanding resources, respect, power for free.

Australian citizens have to react decisively to reject and reframe the never ending divisive, dividing conflict of Marxist Socialist Labor Progressive made up dialectic materialism paradigm of the oppressed and oppressor imbued within Australian citizens of aboriginal ancestry belief of Entitlement.

As it is a condition which will never be satisfied, never enough recompensed wealth, never enough transferred power, never enough repentance. It is a Marxist postmodern supercharged victimhood which externalises locus of control and continues to do so because the new oppressive paradigm is the postmodern distorted interpretation of reality so resources flow to perpetuate negative conditions as it pays so well in present policy to prevent the hard realty of culpability and cathartic change required to achieve socialscape outcome parity.

The tragic state of affairs we face are many Australian citizens of Aboriginal ancestry who have achieved more than parity with other Australian citizens in social status, power, economic have turned against the Australian socialscape network system which provides evidence by their very achievements the potential of the very system they express contempt for which has enabled them to achieve a life condition above parity with other citizens.

A life condition made possible for any Australian citizen or citizen group if they accept, they are responsible themselves to progress their social condition. The promotion by of Australian citizens of aboriginal ancestry benefiting from the very society they condemn claiming Entitlement externalises locus of control, culpability for one’s behavior to outside factors a state which will never be ameliorated, changed to the good.

Australian citizens of aboriginal ancestry have to face a hard truth they are situated in a long process commenced 26th January 1788 to raise their ancestors and subsequent generations from a Stone age existence to modernity of knowledge and ethical paradigms in a few generations, this by any measure is a very cathartic dislocation change of immense consequence.

It necessarily means assimilation to the degree moral injury of significant gaps of socialscape life outcomes, knowledge and ethical paradigms preventing full participation and opportunities of improved condition diminish over time. To determine assimilation is an evil is to petrify the opportunities for a flourishing life of each new generation within a delimited tribal framework.

European entry into the Australian landscape despite the traumas always associated with interactions of significant differential of biology/culture ideology power, ethical behavioral paradigm outcomes determined by existing resource and mindset contingency, in historic comparison of reality of such interactions at the same time frame elsewhere provides improving resources, institutions and governance mindsets seeking to improve Australian citizens of aboriginal ancestry potential to improve their condition, not as is erroneously claimed a continuing policy of genocide expounded by Lidia Thorpe “They are still killing us. They are still stealing our babies. They are killing our men. They are still raping our women...”

These so called intellectuals providing support for Australian Citizens of aboriginal ancestry Entitlement rather than the reality of existing contingency all along the time frame from 26th January 1788 raising a Stone age civilisation to modernity utilising an assumption of equal social capacity of knowledge and ethical frameworks of the now to preclude the application of policy as it occurred at the time given the transient movement across the Australian landscape with the associated intertribal violence flowing through European communities, as well as the moral injury experienced still today of the harm to children such deleterious parenting behavior resulted in, excused as simply the Australian parents of aboriginal ancestors parenting style claiming it was just stealing children, a charge repeated today, rather than an effort to protect children from worse has led and will continue to do so unless reframed to reality of assimilation of a stone age culture to modernity to improve their condition, to increasing conflict as unearned Entitlement will be rightly fought against all along its unjustified path.

The resolution entails seeking to work together equal in voice to power. Understanding no one is First no one is Second. Coming to terms with the hard reality we are all still situated in a difficult process of change from Stone age behaviours and beliefs networked systems whose nodes of control want to keep that control and secure their power at the expense of keeping their biology/culture ideology in stasis and a victimhood mentality. This is why social systems cannot/will not change unless an outside force applies continual pressure and template to do so.

Whereas it took many thousands of years for the Western Democracies to arrive at the first industrial age just in its infancy in 1788 to rapidly gain pace, expectation catchup could be achieved for Australian aboriginals without at times tragic consequence jumping thousands of years of foundation knowledge and ethic formulation to deal with the knowledge existing at the time let alone the new to enable Australian citizens of Aboriginal Ancestry to achieve parity is an unachievable accusation-demand. There are still many more years to go before this parity can be accomplished.

To claim this can be achieved by the Voice which will only be the same echo of the same demand of Entitlement, same solutions which have not worked and never will work because it will allow the existing systems to remain, this is because we are informed the Voice will take direction from those within the social systems who have a vested interest to make sure the system within which they currently hold nodes of power  remains as close as possible to the same known culture which is the very reason it will fail to close the gap.

Each Australian Citizen of Aboriginal ancestry individual and group within their socialscape will have differing levels of parity, those who have achieved parity cannot expect further assistance as this simply strips away potential resources which can help those still on this difficult journey. It also is inequitable with fellow Australian citizens of the same socioeconomic status creating enmity and a social force for those who are not of Australian Aboriginal ancestry to seek the same status and with it privilege.

The social force to remain in an assisted state has to be countered by examination of socialscape and the opportunities available to all citizens within that socialscape if found to enable achievement of parity which are not being utilised for a justifiable reason the entitlement is removed. If the present socialscape does not provide the core requirements to enable parity to occur, education, economic opportunities the socialscape be examined to ascertain if it is economically feasible to create the services, employment opportunities if so do so but if not those in this substandard socialscape are to be encouraged to move to a socialscape which provide such opportunity.

It is unrealistic and inequitable for non-aboriginal and aboriginal socialscape with the same social deficits to be treated differently to be given significant resources to raise their standards of living while others are expected to continue to suffer the same deficits..

Compulsory schooling pre-school to year 10 whose education curriculum seeks to equip students with the means to achieve parity by their own efforts not petrified stasis in the same socialscape preventing parity and opportunity.

Unemployed working age populations must be subject to the same employment seeking conditions-assistance which apply to all Australians otherwise this becomes another self-perpetuating enmity and stasis point.

The strategy must be to firstly question every assumption underlying gap amelioration in particular that those within a system are the best to formulate solutions this is impossible for they would have already been identified and resolved. Be honest this must be an outside force utilising data of significant identified gaps proposing solutions within a system having feedback from those within the system in so much as it assists solution process. Those in a system cannot be the final arbitrators of the success of the solution but be involved in determining what measures will indicate success over time.

Parity means parity of social outcomes and parity of social responsibilities and benefit.


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