Massacring their own at the same time they accuse others is pure hypocrisy. Australia Day: Salvation Day 26 January 1788 or Invasion Day 26 January 1788?

 “By despising himself too much a man comes to be worthy of his own contempt.” (Amiel, 1909, p. 180)

Australia Day: Salvation Day 26 January 1788 or Invasion Day 26 January 1788?

This was my Irish-English-Danish ancestors land they are buried in its earth they built this nation through their sweat and blood, I to and my children have bent our lives to continue with their legacy this is my land and no one is going to tell me it is not and I have to pay rent.

Massacring their own at the same time they accuse others is pure hypocrisy.

“Attempted genocide is not something to celebrate. Decision from Vic Government not to hold a parade on 26 Jan is a small step in right direction. We need holidays that bring us together as equals, not rub salt into wounds.”
First peoples Assembly of Victoria, Twitter, @firstpeoplesvic, 23-1-2023

There are no First people no Second people in an Equal Voice to Power Democracy.

Hyperbole misrepresenting reality and cause of inevitable tragedies which have to arise from the 1788 context transition from a stone age violent knowledge poor biology/culture to enable assimilation into a rapidly changing modernity to deliver less violence, social disfunction, better health and economic opportunities.

There was/is no State policy of attempted genocide, there was/is a continuing attempt to raise indigenous peoples from a violent knowledge deficient stone age culture to be able to deal with an ever-changing modernity. Any such transitions hold tragedy it does not equal genocide.

The continued utilisation of dialectic emotionalism simple, small, right, gracious... to justify complex, huge, wrong, cynical… assignment of unjustified rights-resources over every other citizen has gone past sickening.

No one has an inalienable right to anything, or any social state, such things are entirely dependent upon resource contingency and fellow citizens within the same socialscape determining such rights normative with the power to enforce.

To say non-indigenous citizens have to come to terms with their ancestors past behavior which is not their own nor could be in the present socialscape ideas, ideals and precepts is absurd progressive fabrication. It determines the past can be reinvented as having the same socialscape ideas, ideals and precepts as the present and therefore the present generations must be judged by the present normative rules for past ancestors behaviors based upon very different socialscape ideas, ideals and precepts and more importantly a significant lack of resources to achieve transition of the ancestors themselves and the Stoneage indigenous peoples without grief such a cathartic transition given the context limitations of the time necessarily brings.

To claim in hindsight it could have been different, yes it could very well be if we were able to transfer the total socialscape of the present day to the past with all its resources. Given this is impossible. How was knowledge-ethics to be transferred to prevent Indigenous people killing each other and the moral injury of watching indigenous children being subject to a development process which petrified them into a tribal Stoneage existence which in no way prepared them for the rapidly changing modernity which was to engulf them?

The political nature of the times determined if it were not the British, it could have been Leopold II of Belgium, and this would be a very different story. Easy from 2022. Read below what policy would you suggest? After reading my conclusion was it was Salvation Day 26 January 1788 for Australian Citizens of Indigenous of ancestry. For what was the alternative? It was to remain as it was.

Salvation Day 26 January 1788 for Australian Citizens of Indigenous ancestry by a British culture in a 1788 context trying the best they can to raise Stoneage tribe ancestors to modernity to stop them from being speared to death maimed have legs and kidney fat cut off for a feast.

“The place was all surrounded by bush, and hundreds of Gundagai aborigines used to camp close by. And well do I remember many of the fights in which they participated.
About the year 1850 a big battle took place just behind where the old brick mill on Morley’s Creek now stands. One morning we were awakened at daylight by piteous begging of a blackfellow to be let into our house. My husband gave him entry, and then he let a number of others in. They told us the Lachlan tribe had swooped down on them in the night and had massacred some of the Gundagai tribe. The last black fellow to come in had a long spear sticking out of his stomach-and, really, I wasn’t sorry as he was a cheeky dangerous man. Next morning ??? went to see what the damage was, and found two blacks -Motogee and Mecky, dead while a large number were wounded. A number of gins were speared. One of them Kitty, escaped by swimming Morley’s Creek carrying her two piccaninnies, and […] the ??? Ark, which stood below where […]. The marauding band also speared dogs and did other damage. They took away with them the legs of the dead blackfellows, cutting the limbs off at the thigh. They also carried away the dead men’s kidney fat.
[…] After this slaughter the Gundagai blacks thirsted for revenge. They made elaborate preparations, and, leaving their gins behind, set out to pay back the debt they owed their Lachlan enemies. After being away some days, they returned laden with trophies of war-the most prized of which were the legs and kidney fat of some of their opponents. At night they made a big fire on the Flat, and roasted the flesh of the Lachlan victims, and partook of a cannibal feast.
The blacks never murdered any white folk. I recollect the last big fight between the tribes. An old man named Billy Pemberton was walking down our main street early one morning when a mob of strange blacks accosted him with, ‘’Where blackfellow camped?’’. Billy directed them the wrong way and ran and warned the local tribe. A lot of them raced to our place for shelter. My husband was away at the time-only myself and two babies were in the house. I let a couple of blackfellows in and they got under the bed. Others planted in the outhouse; in Turnbull’s store in Lindley's yard and one got under a cask. But he forgot his dog, which started scratching outside the barrel and when the “invaders” came along the dog's antics directed their attention to the barrel and they hauled out the planted man, and I don’t think there was an inch of his body into which they did not put spears.”
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Sat 18 May 1912 Page 3 Sixty Years Ago.

Clearly, no massacre excuses another, violence against another Biology/Culture Ideology to resolve conflict is something we must leave behind, and remove as quickly as possible any Culture Ideology informing systemic violence from our midst, but to claim the high ground for a period when your own aboriginal Biology/Culture Ideology was intensively involved in massacring Other indigenous peoples, eating them and demand non-Indigenous face their shame and relinquish their celebration day for behavior your own were, under current moral framework, shamefully systemically informing is sickening hypocrisy.

Evil happens, there is no human endeavour of consequence which does not inform negative as well as positive; actions are taken which may be regretted, based upon previous contexts and belief systems, and differences in power. The egg cannot be unscrambled trying to do so is an absurd endeavour.
As each person has a past, if you have lived long enough, which contains behavior less than a favourable reflection of their character, so it is with families, communities, institutions, and nations. Each develops myths, to enable the celebration of their achievement rather than their failures, no individual or group is immune from this. To be eternally accusatory, regretful are despondent states of little value, rubbing a culture ideologies face into a nation’s myth contradictions is not, is not going to lead to a pursuit of happiness, the opposite, terrible things happen all sides learn from it and move on.

We celebrate our beginnings or we diminish each other leading to schism, for it leads nowhere else, the conflict continues, there is never enough justice, never enough recompense, never enough transferred power. The result, responsibility for negative behavior is externalised someone else is responsible, change to ameliorate-solve the issues never occurs, in fact cannot occur.

The failure to thrive is blamed on others, aggression replaces reasoned reflection to admit you are responsible for your condition and it is you who must change and no amount of wealth draining-result failure institutional proliferation is going to resolve the problem you.

So what happens:

"Indigenous screenwriter Nayuka Gorrie said she thought violence was “okay” in the context of the oppression of Aboriginal people and declared “let’s burn stuff”.

Minister for Communications Paul Fletcher said the investigation was “appropriate”.

“This week’s episode of Q&A on ABC television, in which some panellists used offensive language and called for or endorsed violence. has generated significant community concern,” he said."

ABC pulls Q&A episode over provocative language after launching investigation, Stephanie Bedo,, NOVEMBER 8, 2019

To claim special status because of genocide is ridiculous in reflected history for who, which biology/culture ideology in the historical past within the temporal existent moral context has not been subject to the notion of reality expounded by the Greeks to Melian citizens "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must", or justified as the moral righteous cause, still meaning exactly the same thing, Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Union campaign address (1860) reverses the phrase: "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it". One must ask whose 'right’.

E********* @A******* Jan 14 Twitter

Replying to @******Aus

“Sorry bruz, but you clearly no nothing. My grandfathers tribe got so big because it wared with neighbouring tribes and absorbed them. The last tribal war they fought was in the 1920’s against the Bundjalung people, we still have a shield from that war with spear tip holes.”

“We have mentioned them in passing with the campaigns; various reasons why these actions of terror, these atrocities were committed. It is difficult to estimate how many people were killed or died as a result of the Mongol campaigns, the great Mongol conquests. Numbers run up to fantastic levels, far beyond what we suspect the population of the world was at the time. There are comparisons, sometimes very facile comparisons, which are made literally to the scientific genocidal extermination of populations by the Nazis or by Stalin with the great purges and the collectivization. Again, the Mongols never practiced slaughter quite on that level, and a term such as holocaust can be essentially belittled by calling every massacre atrocity a holocaust. The Holocaust, in my mind, is really quite exceptional among all atrocities.

On the other hand, we do have some potential numbers of what the destruction involved. For instance, it has been estimated that at least 500,000 people, Russians, died as a result of the campaigns of Batu over a course of about five years. Many of these were killed in the sacks of Russian cities; many more probably died of exposure, starvation, and the privations that followed after a Mongol army had swept through, burned all the villages and fields, had turned agriculture to pasture. Again, there are suspicions that there were very high losses of population in the Northern Chinese areas, regions that had been under the Jin emperor, the so-called 16 prefectures; that Genghis Khan’s campaigns that climaxed in the conquest of the Jin capitals of Northern China in 1215 had a similar destructive level on Northern China as Batu’s campaigns in Russia. All agree that the destruction wrought against the Islamic cities in Transoxiana by Genghis Khan, later by Hulagu, the destruction of Baghdad, those are colossal numbers of destruction. Hundreds of thousands were slain and died in the aftermath of those destructive invasions.

Last but not least, we do have information on the kingdom of Hungary; that was the campaign in 1241. After defeating the Hungarian army, Batu’s soldiers seized the royal treasury and the seal; and the Mongols through the whole of the summer of 1241 sent out letters that resulted in the surrender of cities, and towns and huge numbers of captives were rounded up, large numbers that are exaggerated in the medieval chronicles. Then, in 1241, when Batu had to return to Saray and get involved in that election of the new Great Khan, these captives were slaughtered; and again, we get fantastic numbers of Hungarians slain in the retreat by the Mongol army. We have a lot of anecdotal material about the destruction of cities.

Perhaps one should suffice; and that is the former capital of Muhammad Shah, near the Aural Sea at the lower Oxus River. That capital, the city of Urgench, was put under siege by Genghis Khan’s sons and the city was essentially leveled. The course of the river was changed in order to undermine the walls, and as a result, the Oxus River actually flowed into the Caspian Sea for the next couple of hundred years. The city lost its water supply; everything was chopped down, the mulberry trees for silk; the irrigation ditches were deliberately destroyed; and the city was turned into a desert and ruins and was never rebuilt.”

Pax Mongolica and Cultural Exchange, The Barbarian Empires of the Steppes, Kenneth W. Harl, Ph.D., Professor of Classical and Byzantine History, Tulane University, 2014

“Until the 1960s, approximately one million Jews lived in Iran and other Arab countries having arrived in the region more than 2,000 years before. Nowadays, it is estimated that only around 15,000 remain, as the majority of the Jewish population in Muslim lands were forced to flee their homes in the years following the establishment of the State of Israel. […]

Despite the positive influence that Jews brought to the places where they lived, more than 850,000 Jews were forced to leave their homes in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Morocco, and several other Arab countries in the 20 years that followed the Arab-Israeli war of 1948. Another major forced migration took place from Iran in 1979–80, following the Iranian Revolution and the collapse of the shah’s regime, adding 70,000 more Jewish refugees to this number.”
The expulsion of Jews from Arab countries and Iran – an untold history, World Jewish Congress, 02 Feb 2021
In the context of the 1800s it is preposterous to impose twentieth century developed morals to justify diminishing democracy by imposing a louder voice, equaling more power, for one group over another, as for the constructed notion of prior ownership of a piece of land defines superior rights is absurd for it seeks to diminish the connection to a spatial environment within which all came to existence at the same time, how is it one is more connected than another, it is a spurious political constructed assumption, also it ignores the fact each of us exist in a landscape which we all pass through and life events which determines ownership ephemeral at best and non-existent at least, the notion of a greater spiritual link is an insulting and erroneous unsubstantiated notion taken as an assumption to underwrite gaining more resources and power, for I, born in the same land are to be determined less connected is a notion which bears no weight of examination.

Just because I set fire to my surroundings to clear undergrowth to have better access to food sources, can dig up grubs and yams and live off the land in part or in whole, determine spiritual creatures inhabit my surroundings as the Greeks and others in the past and present, does not assign me a special status other than a skill in alternative survival methods and a curious set of spiritual beliefs in landscape formation defying scientific reality. It is not conservation of landscape or animals for where are the large mammals when Australian Indigenous peoples arrived, was there ever a conservation plan for any plant or animal other than for survival? Its exploitation of environment to survive. Can Christians claim as their God created the world therefore engendering sole spiritual connection and sacredness of all lands as to their own divination?

Worse could have been the lot of Australian Indigenous peoples given the nature of other biology/culture ideologies past and present moving into the Australian indigenous space, yes Australian Indigenous citizens, should deem themselves fortunate they were not completely wiped out. One must reflect on the Belgium Congo, the Mongol hordes, Islam-Muslims wherever they went.

In the context of the 1800s in Australia the British relative to their actions elsewhere which caused millions to die particularly in India(a) having forced the population to grow cotton instead of food crops were morally bounded by policy which I believe had much to do with the Australian Indigenous peoples peaceful natures regards the settlers
“The blacks never murdered any white folk.”, much more prone to attack each other than European settlers. The impediment at least initially to exploit resources to the extent it excited political economic pressure to feed into the rapidly expanding industrialization in the home country; those Europeans moving into the interior were intent initially on subsistence survival not capable of enforcing any form of control of the aboriginal peoples nor of a status experienced in doing so themselves extradited from their lands to a foreign shore relying on Australian indigenous peoples for help in developing a new life particularly as things went awry.


(a) "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" (Sir Walter Scott, 1808)

How we and I have been deceived without questioning perceived source veracity into believing the colonialist version of reality the worst of my biology/culture ideology?

It appears colonialism research is a search for support for fabrication derived from the surface rather than the underlying reality. Is it any wonder levels of reactive aggression to obvious distortion of reality promoted as truth to impose undeserved attacks on the character of citizens culture ideology in the here and now.

"Accusations that Britain drained India of resources and starved Indians to death are nothing new in some circles, but at the moment they are being spread with religious zeal. Al Jazeera, the media conglomerate funded by the Qatari government, has recently joined in. But this accusation has long been disproved, and the truth is that British rule in India mitigated famine."

Colonialism did not cause the Indian famines - History Reclaimed

More and more postmodernists accusation historic text are mere prejudiced novel fabrications of those bent on creating a distorted reality to continue their oppression is plain to see as these postmodern imperialist colonialists post-whatever 'intellectual' elite have turned it into an art form.

More so regards the European Australian Indigenous peoples postmodern derived historic interaction. They have discarded traditional history as fabrications of the elite and created their own on a grander scaled disequilibrium. The search for inequity overrides balanced perspective to creates a Marxist evil world of the oppressed and the oppressor a world where the defined oppressed can never be convinced it simply is not true and they are responsible for their condition because they refuse to accept based on a postmodern Marxist interpretation they owe rather than they are owed.

It is a condition which will never be satisfied, never enough recompensed wealth, never enough transferred power, never enough repentance. It is a Marxist postmodern supercharged victimhood which externalises locus of control and continues to do so because the new oppressive paradigm is the postmodern distorted interpretation of reality so resources flow to perpetuate negative conditions as it pays well.

Worse they insist indigenous child development cannot be viewed through a Western lens. Indigenous parents just develop their children in a different way. It is claimed more children are being removed from parents now than ever were with the so-called stolen generation whose removal were predicated upon the same fears regards the harm their present context was causing. Anyone seriously going to claim these children have been stolen as well?

Postmodernists claim the Child development paradigms is/were an imposed Western colonialist/post colonialist constructs, removal of children is/was an evil not a good seeking to protect the children from development harm.

So now those who know this to be a lie, are in a position to create policy and enforce it are prevented from doing so due to the postmodernist deviance paradigms against anyone challenging the claim Australian indigenous peoples must be left to decide what’s best for their children despite the prevalence of child predation, violence, drug use, deficits in health, education, criminality of the very young for which there can be no resolution without outside force changing the normative operation of the development system.

Indigenous children driven by postmodern dogma are b
eing petrified into a tribal development way of life which will never close the gap. It is an unsustainable paradigm of the Marxist postmodernist noble savage whose petrification in victimhood must be maintained as evidence of their evil vs good dialectic materialism.

So, nothing changes.

I would contend examination of the relative per capita expenditure comparison and its trajectory will reveal the true nature of the postmodern paradigm not as a good but as ball and chain not only grinding to a halt the society as a whole as a new inevitable evil is found but the 'victims' who now have no incentive to improve their condition, as they are incentivised to remain as they are.

So much practice these Marxist Socialist Progressives are having to weave at their own societies expense a web of a cognitively internalised despised state within citizens against their own biology/culture ideology. The Merkel naivety endemic in Western once Democratic culture they have deleted prejudice and bias to impose their own inverted version only to find we are internally defenceless having accepted terror as a normative state, and externally as we have not learnt from history the advice of our very own who found out the hard way,

“The lessons (WWII) here are:
(a) That once Service strengths have been allowed to run down they cannot be restored quickly.

(b) That the restoration of Service strengths requires much more than giving them the necessary manpower; it requires an immense and sustained effort involving every aspect of national life.

(c) That peace cannot be brought by appeasement; that it is far better in the long run to challenge at an early stage rather than allow an aggressor to go on from strength to strength until the inevitable war begins with the defender at a dangerous disadvantage.

If you make the deductions from your intelligence reports fit your preconceived notions about what the enemy is or ought to be doing, you are almost bound to be surprised.”

MIDDLE EAST 1939-43, DIRECTORATE OF MILITARY TRAINING, Military Board Army Headquarters, Melbourne, 31/8/1959

For such history has been determined by postmodern progressives indoctrinating in our elite education institutions as capitalist elite invention to keep the proletariat in a delusional state. So, what do these Labor socialist progressives do? They seek to delete access to our delusional inducing historic memory they defundTrove. Trove is the National Library repository of “digital copies of newspapers, Government Gazettes, maps, magazines and newsletters. Or books, pictures, photographs, archived websites, music and interviews. Even information about famous Australians, including copies of letters, diaries and personal archives.”

Want to keep our historical memory intact
please sign petition "Fully Fund Trove"_

“Greens’ First Nations spokeswoman Lidia Thorpe says Australia is “still at war” and that an Indigenous voice to parliament is not the answer to ending that conflict.” The Australian, 25-1-2023

Colonialist paradigm invention. Conflict yes, War no.

“To be classified as a war, the conflict must be widespread, intentional, and declared. It requires mobilization of personnel and fighter or soldiers moving to front positions to defend territories.”
Difference Between War and Conflict

There has never been a declaration of war “issued officially by any British or Australian government/state against the Australian indigenous peoples. There have been at the most sporadic conflict where in general at the time Australian indigenous peoples were potentially in conflict more with fellow indigenous peoples than European settlers.


Disease inevitably would arrive to decimate the Australian Indigenous peoples, be it from any of the other Nation-states moving in to assume sovereignty which was inevitable due to the distinct technological-power imbalance and moral context or from connection with Indonesian traders linked into other biology/culture ideology nation-states disease profiles.

Australian Indigenous citizens have to reflect on their own relative circumstance as we know the noble savage is non-existent it is another Western confabulation, as seen above as evidence who can justifiably deny Aboriginal life was much closer to Hobbes version of a natural state:

“In such condition, there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth; no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving, and removing, such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”

Despite the inevitable transition trauma such meeting of biology/culture ideologies incur, where I ask would Australian citizens of Indigenous ancestry be compared to the opportunities of the advanced developed Australian nation which the Europeans and others laid the foundations for which Australian Indigenous citizens now seek to exploit and admonish for doing what biology/culture ideologies, even their own did and do? You have no more rights than I or anyone else other than those you and others make assumptions for which frankly are erroneous.
No Day can excuse or forget and nor should it. But no Biology/Culture Ideology - Nation, if it has existed for some time, can with any conscience determine itself devoid of the blood of Other on its hands, and demand of Other what it does not demand of itself.

There is no such thing as a noble savage who hold more connection to the land within which they were born than those who were born in the same land at the same time. Nor any status First above others in a Democracy simply because they were first through the door, residing in the same space.

A Biology/Culture Ideology–Nation invents myths about their creation which enable the Nation to celebrate its continuing existence and move forward. I ask Australian Indigenous citizens to reflect on their own sacred myths and accept the truth about themselves before they go rubbing fellow Australians sacred myths in their face.

I am not of the opinion social systems or any other system can change without external force being consistently applied until the required result is realized. Yes, one needs to interact with the internal components of the system and utilize their potential to affect positive change but this force for change will not be generated internally and nor can it due to the resistance internal to the system. 

So, giving the internal social components more control for me simply embeds the problem even more. One simply has to examine Japan post war with its democratization to realise leaving oversight responsibility to the internal structures already in place would see them seek to maintain their status in the system.

So the Voice is a retrograde step for it will entrench rather than resolve gaps for the same Indigenous system paradigm remains it will always be someone else’s fault, not enough power, not enough resources which have to be taken from other citizens. It is much better if the ministries and other institutions already in existence do the job they were created for and apply consistent pressure for change ignoring postmodernists paradigms, holding Australian Indigenous citizens responsible for their condition otherwise nothing will change, not unleashing resources which will be dissipated achieving nothing but the same failure.

OZ needs a Mandela who cared less who came first who came last where everyone is sovereign. About realising OK the nature of the past was not so good but neither was it all bad. 

It could not have been anything else other than it was and is everything along any human timeline outcomes are contingent on the nature of the socialscape it was and is a plethora of different biology/culture ideologies doing the best they can good and bad with the resources knowledge motivations of the specific time context.

Lets work together as equals, no First no Second no sovereign this or that we were all born in the same time period 65000 years to one month is meaningless in an Equal Voice to Power Democracy.

It may not work out the way you wanted, feelings are hurt its Democracy.

"Tears water our growth." 

Alas for all in time it must be an ocean of tears as the stairs are twisting, steep and far-reaching. 

Hold fast, one step at a time.

No one else can take the step for you only with you.


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