"Today—almost everything you and I believe in is under attack." Andrew Hastie, Member for Canning. Shadow Defence Minister. True. Why? It is the Age of the oxymoron Progressive Socialist Freedom! Apologitica!


"Today—almost everything you and I believe in is under attack." Andrew Hastie, Member for Canning. Shadow Defence Minister



"I left school very anxious, very nervous, very depressed and sad," Rockwell, now 29, recently told the New York Post. “I saw everything through the lens of oppression and bias and victim hood. I came to the school as someone who saw everyone equally. I left looking for injustice wherever I could and automatically assuming that all White men were sexist. My thoughts were no longer my own."(Wallace, 2022)

The age of the oxymoron Progressive Socialist Freedom! Apologitica! has proved itself “naïve” (German Chancellor Olaf Scholz) where every oppression, every inequity, every environmental hazard is identified, culpability sheeted home to their own biology/culture ideology. Culminating with derision-exclusion of any intellectual, ordinary citizen daring to challenge these post-modern, post-colonial, dialectic materialist web weaving abstract fanatics, thereby leaving the cognitive-emotional-knowledge field of indoctrination of the unasked question to reinforce the paradigm to the exclusion of the not to be asked question to challenge paradigms the hallmark of a Wisdom.

Friedrich Nietzsche would possibly determine dialectic materialism and dialectic emotionalism “hope-love against hate”, “kindness and compassion” against meanness and heartlessness are the same, “will to power”, as a struggle for resources, power to control. Each of the supposed emotional opposites are at their core the same “hope-love” is hate of the opposing political paradigm, “kindness and compassion” is a meanness and heartlessness utilised against those existing in an opposing political paradigm. It has nothing to do with hope, love, kindness, compassion, dignity, freedom(no such thing) it is to do with generating a facade to fool the fools they are on the side of all these wonderful cliches and if not they are the antithesis.

There is no limit to the cost incurred if hope, love, kindness, compassion, dignity, reverence, freedom are to be realised and if there are costs economic, social they will at worst be equalled by positive returns, this we are assured despite the pain will be worthy of the sacrifice.

If you object, and you need to see an unbiased as possible analysis of the potential outcomes the input variables upon which these policy claims base their assumptions, and the economic social cost/benefit effect upon other facets of policy, i.e. continuing affordability, labour, capital, infrastructure, debt, debt servicing, crime, terror, potholes within other policy areas, if this is at all possible, and if subsequently you determine it’s a disastrous policy, blaspheme against progress-modern, given the current progressive socialist conflict resolution method you may find yourself your group silenced, utilising a twitter term shadowed, or possibly lose your livelihood, you’re friends.

The whole point is to manufacture a herd mentality, no one wants by choice to be alone, fear works, and the good are so good at engendering fear from their towering pulpits, “phobia, hate, meanness, heartlessness, non-progressive, non-modern!” Yet the Labor victory over lack of knowing the full implications of policy settings regards how energy prices were to fall significantly despite the Labor stated intent to invest heavily in renewable energy and not invest in securing the supply of oil and coal, not informing citizens of the return of participants in terror-genocide putting them straight into the Australian communities streets, was achieved as research has shown in the main by engendering hate against one man Scott Morrison, Trotsky would be so lucky.

Labors review informed Scott Morrison’s unpopularity ‘single most significant factor’ behind election win, The Guardian, Katharine Murphy, Mon 5 Dec 2022

I am reminded of New York Times ‘The truth is more important than ever.’

When words become a hypocrite's hyperbole.

Elon Musk slams New York Times for its silence on Twitter censorship report, By Mary Kay Linge, December 3, 2022

Socialists love a show trial, and even better whipping up a witch burning in the town square, at the forefront with their burning torches, pitch forks and knitting. Such are Labor’s principled leadership. I was heartened to see Scott Morrisons colleagues, except one, give deserved support. With smoke burning in their eyes the Australian people placed their trust in a progressive socialist ventriloquist dummy, such is Democracy, and Democracy is indeed precious so long as dissent is heard not silenced.

““We control visibility quite a bit. And we control the amplification of your content quite a bit,” Weiss quoted an unnamed Twitter engineer as saying. “And normal people do not know how much we do.”

Weiss said the most politically sensitive decisions were made by a team known as “Site Integrity Policy, Policy Escalation Support,” which included Vijaya Gadde, the then head of legal, policy, trust and safety, and Yoel Roth, who was global head of trust and safety”

Twitter had ‘secret blacklists’ to limit users, journalist claims, Al Jazeera, 9 Dec 2022

One must look at what has happened to Twitter with the silencing of dissenting voices in a Democracy by supposed Democrats. Citizen blasphemers who dare to challenge progressive socialist paradigms, determined as phobic, prejudiced, hateful, mean, heartless. Silenced in the West not by a sword, not yet, but threatened and actualised deviance labelling, rejection, isolation, removal of means of living, criminalisation, and if the law does not allow utilisation of coercive vilification in the town square and a few taps on a keyboard. Tranquillity of Silence.

“He also insisted he would "not take on second of criticism" from a member of the Opposition as they are "hypocrites".”
Clare O'Neil and Chris Bowen defend return of ISIS wives, children after 'collaborative conversation' with Sydney mayors, Sky news, David Wu, November 25, 2022

Indeed Chris Bowen the Opposition may be "hypocrites" but it does not mean the paradigm you are utilising is not riven with dangerous anomolies which you have ignored to repeat a tragic mistake as it will indeed become. 

“Scientists do not question the paradigm. They teach their students how to act according to it, and challenging it is considered a challenge to rationality itself. Rationality, Kuhn argues, exists only within the paradigm. Because the paradigms tells us what is real and how it works, to question the paradigm is to question the structure of the world itself, according to those within the paradigm that leads to nonsense, to think about the paradigm rather than through the paradigm is not to engage in science but philosophy.

Occasionally, however, anomalies pop-up..."
Professor Steven Gimbel, Professor of Philosophy. Gettysburg College, 2015

“Instead of responding to attacks against freedom of expression, voices were raised to decry blasphemy and to propose compromise with terrorism. There is no blasphemy in a democracy,” Mr. Rushdie said.
‘Satanic Verses’ author Salman Rushdie: ‘Today, I would be accused of Islamophobia, racism’ By Victor Morton - The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 6, 2016

When the head of your security service proclaims blasphemy exists in a Democracy the tragedy of silencing challenge to social-economic-scientific paradigms, the precious hallmark of Democracy which enables it to renew and grow despite the necessary inevitable conflict of hurt feelings, disappointment of not being able to convince others of your point of view, is under dangerous threat.

"..I think it’s blasphemous to the extent that I can comment on someone else’s religion." Director General of ASIO, Duncan Lewis
Terror alert: Australia’s top spy chief warns rift with Muslims could weaken national security December 13, 2015, Samantha Maiden, National Political Editor, The Sunday Telegraph

"Judges who free those accused of blasphemy have been attacked and two politicians who suggested reforming the law were shot dead. Those acquitted have often been lynched."
Pakistani police charge 68 lawyers with blasphemy over protest BY SYED RAZA HASSAN, ISLAMABAD Tue May 13, 2014

"Jakarta. As the panel of five judges delivered the verdict condemning Jakarta Governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama to two years in prison for blasphemy on Tuesday (09/05), they cited firebrand Islamist Rizieq Shihab as a Koranic authority.
Blasphemy Verdict Sinks Jakarta Governor, Elevates Islamic Hardliner, Reuters, 18-5-2017

"Friday, September 30 is International Blasphemy Rights Day, a day to stand in support of the right to question, criticize, and challenge ideas, at a time when blasphemy laws strip that right from millions around the world. The victims are often atheists, but also members of minority faiths, or those in the majority who dare to dissent from prevailing beliefs.

But sometimes it is not the force of law that silences free expression, but the swing of a blade."

Richard Dawkins Foundation, 30-9-2016

In a Democracy the monopoly of coercion resides within the State Institutions circumscribed by the constitution which circumscribes the law which authorises coercion application.

"We have to grow with the threat, and we have to do it in a confident manner,” Professor Siracusa said. (Human Security and International Diplomacy)
Two Sydney schools in lockdown as police unions call for support against extremists SBS 20 OCT 2015

“We cannot eliminate entirely the risk of terrorism any more than we can eliminate the risk of any serious crime." Malcolm Turnbull
Malcolm Turnbull tells parliament 'ISIL is in a fundamentally weak position' 9 NEWS November 24, 2015

"Children’s voices are heard “Defend Islam don’t be an infidel”"
Flawed Justice After a Mob Killed an Afghan Woman, New York Times, by Pulitzer Prize winner ALISSA J. RUBIN, DEC. 26, 2015

"The use of force and violence is more commonplace and prevalent in some families, communities, religions, cultural/ethnic groups and societies based on the views and values about adult prerogatives with children espoused. They may also be based upon the sociopathy of the perpetrators."
Treatment of Complex Trauma Courtois/Ford 2016

“Cultural and social norms are highly influential in shaping individual behaviour, including the use of violence. Norms can protect against violence, but they can also support and encourage the use of it. For instance, cultural acceptance of violence, either as a normal method of resolving conflict or as a usual part of rearing a child, is a risk factor for all types of interpersonal violence. It may also help explain why countries experiencing high levels of one type of violence also experience increased levels of other types. Social tolerance of violent behaviour is likely learned in childhood, through the use of corporal punishment or witnessing violence in the family, in the media or in other settings.”
'Changing cultural and social norms that support violence', World Health Organization 2009

"The culture in which one is immersed influences how one behaves towards others on all levels: and individual to another individual, as members of a group towards members of another group, as an individual or group member to the institutionalised social will. Implicit default assumptions about others influence individual cultural worldviews and habit which in turn shape the culture of child rearing that adults provide influencing the next generation and so on."
Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality, Darcia Navais, 2014

"Results indicated that low maternal care was significantly associated with greater total callous-unemotional traits (CU) traits and uncaring and callousness dimensions, even after controlling for the effects of various types of childhood abuse and neglect. Furthermore, there was a significant interaction between CU traits and care, such that aggression was highest among youths scoring high on CU traits who were exposed to low levels of maternal care. These findings draw attention to the importance of maternal bonding to CU traits and related aggressive behaviors among antisocial youth."
Maternal care, maltreatment and callous-unemotional traits among urban male juvenile offenders callous-unemotional traits, ER Kimonis, B Cross, A Howard - Journal of Youth Adolescence, 2013

"Analyses provided support for a direct influence of maternal hostile attributions on the development of child hostile attributions and aggressive behaviour."
A Longitudinal Investigation of Maternal Influences on the Development of Child Hostile Attributions and Aggression, Sarah J. Healy , Lynne Murray , Peter J. Cooper , Claire Hughes & Sarah L. Halligan,18 Nov 2013

"In the Qur’an, Allah is described as ‘merciful’ and ‘compassionate’. Why do we find no reflection of that among jihadis who claim to struggle in his name? Jihadis only possess a pseudo sense of empathy. They may appear to be empathic but it is a narcissistic empathy, for they are only empathic within their own group; it does not extend anywhere into their external world as evidenced by their murderous destructive behaviors.[1] Their stoic, dissociated affect shows neither compassion nor remorse as their fellow brethren engage in wanton beheadings and executions. In shame honor societies where children are humiliated and laughed at for having feelings and emotionality, it is no wonder that the capacity for empathy did not develop during their early years. Research by neuroscientists and mental health experts has shown strong links between violence and early childhood."
Nobody Born a Terrorist, but Early Childhood Matters: Explaining the Jihadis’ Lack of Empathy, by Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, 2016

Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within hearsay of little children tends toward the formation of character. Hosea Ballou

"..meta-analysis summarizes 113 research reports worldwide (121 cross-sectional and 7 longitudinal studies) on age differences in ethnic, racial, or national prejudice among children and adolescents. Overall, results indicated a peak in prejudice in middle childhood (5–7 years) followed by a slight decrease until late childhood (8–10 years)."
Development of ethnic, racial, and national prejudice in childhood and adolescence: A multinational meta‐analysis of age differences, T Raabe, A Beelmann - Child development, 2011

"Culture is critical in shaping the manner in which people perceive, evaluate, and choose options for dealing with conflict. Conflict resolution, as a cultural phenomenon, is highly connected with and dependent on a society’s relevant norms, practices, and institutions. Different cultures develop their own formal and informal ways of handling conflict. This fact becomes ever more important when people from different ethnic, religious, racial, and social backgrounds attempt to solve their conflicts."
Cultural variation in conflict resolution: Alternatives to violence, Douglas P Fry, Kaj Bj, Kaj Bjorkqvist, Psychology Press, 2013

Article 16. ...Do not let them ask you for things, since their greed will then make them look upon you only as a cow to milk... T. E. Lawrence 1917

“It seemed that rebellion must have an unassailable base, something guarded not merely from attack, but from fear of it: ... The few ... Granted mobility, security (in the form of denying targets to the enemy), time, and doctrine (the idea to convert every subject to friendliness), victory will rest with the insurgents, for the algebraical factors are in the end decisive, and against them perfections of means and spirit struggle quite in vain.

[…] Pray God that men reading the story will not, for love of glamour of strangeness, go out to prostitute themselves and their talents in serving another race (Biology/Culture Ideology). A man who gives himself to be a possession of aliens leads a Yahoo life, having bartered his soul to a brute-master. He is not them."
T. E. Lawrence

"Despite deeply conservative and gendered regulation, brutal violence, and widespread coverage of the group’s use of rape, more than 600 women have left Western countries to join Daesh. Researchers explain this recruitment primarily through women’s desire for romantic adventure, deception on social media, and anti-Western sentiment spurred by discrimination and violence in their home states. Using an original dataset of social media activity from seventeen Western female recruits between 2011-2015, we evaluate these arguments and offer a new explanation centered on a religious and political ideology that necessitates a physical hijra (migration) to Iraq or Syria. We find consistent evidence that anti-Western sentiment and ideological commitment drive women’s migration. This finding has valuable implications for counterterrorism policy and security studies, which tend to treat women’s mobilization as separate from general extremism. Our findings suggest female recruits should be taken seriously as motivated insurgents intent on establishing an Islamic caliphate."
Explaining Extremism: Western Women in Daesh, Meredith Loken University of Washington, Anna Zelenz University of Washington, April 1, 2016

"Syrian state television says a girl about nine years old has blown herself up in a police station in the Midan neighbourhood of Damascus."
Girl suicide bomber in Damascus blast, news.com.au, DECEMBER 17, 2016

Germany Investigates if Boy, 12, Planted Bomb at Christmas Market, NYT, By MELISSA EDDY, DEC. 16, 2016

Girl suicide bombers killed in Nigeria terror attack, witnesses say, Fox News, December 11, 2016

Schoolgirl arrested by counter-terrorism police allegedly enlisted by Islamic State cell to send funds to Syrian fighter, ABC, By Sean Rubinsztein-Dunlop, 23 Mar 2016

"What I say here might seem to be more political than psychological. However, it is my extensive experience in giving therapy to Muslims that has led me to make this statement:  We should not permit the destruction of our cities by lawless parallel societies, with groups of roaming criminal Muslims overloading of our welfare system and the growing justified fear that non-Muslims have of violence. The consequences should be so strict that it would be preferable for any anti-social Muslim to go back to a Muslim country, where they can understand, and can be understood by their own culture."
Muslims and Westerners: The Psychological Differences, by Nicolai Sennels (May 2010)

Once a State gives up monopoly of coercion non-State actors assume power of coercion the Rule Of Law ceases to exist to protect the citizens from themselves and each other.

"The Australians who joined ISIS and al Qaeda are frighteningly ordinary: typically young men from the suburbs of Sydney and Melbourne, from stable homes, married and with good jobs and no criminal record."
Lowy Institute paper reveals the true traits of Australian Islamic State fighters and jihadis, By Middle East correspondent Adam Harvey, ABC, 21/11/2019

“What they described to the ABC was a family they regarded as very normal, recalling how the children played with their own kids in the street, and how they rode bicycles together regularly.
"Mr Dita was kind. Familiar to his neighbours. Socially active. An ordinary person living in a normal neighbourhood," neighbour Binawan Widiarto told the ABC.
Their father, 46-year-old Dita Oepriarto, dropped his wife, 42-year-old Puji Kuswati, and two girls aged 12 and 8 to one church, before driving a car packed with explosives to another, and blowing it up.
At another church across town, the couple's two sons, aged 17 and 15, rode an explosive-laden motor scooter into a crowd and set it off.
The neighbours of the family are in shock at the news Oepriarto, Kuswati, and their four children carried out the attack, saying there were no warning signs of what they were about to do."

Surabaya bombings: Neighbours say family responsible seemed like 'ordinary' people, ABC, By Indonesia correspondent David Lipson, 15-5-2018

"The time has come for us to be honest with ourselves and indeed each other. The radicalisation that breeds terrorism is not conducted in the bush at night. It occurs in the full glare of day in homes, in madrasas and in mosques with rogue imams. We must ask the question — where are the parents and families of those who are being radicalized?" said Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya's president "Our task of countering terrorism has been made all the more difficult by the fact that the planners and financiers of this brutality are deeply embedded in our communities."
 "A Garissa-based official said the government was aware Abdullahi, a former University of Nairobi law student, had joined the militant group al Shabaab after graduating in 2013."

Kenya says son of a government official was among gunmen in Garissa attack, EDITH HONAN GARISSA, Kenya — Reuters Published Sunday, Apr. 05 2015

 4 August 2009        Planned Attack       0          0          Holsworthy Barracks terror plot - Five arrested for an Islamist terrorist plot uncovered in August 2009 targeting Holsworthy Barracks—an Australian Army training area with automatic weapons. Given lengthy prison terms, the judge called them an ongoing threat to society as long as they were unrepentant of their jihadist attitudes. Connected with the Somali-based terrorist group al-Shabaab.

23 September 2014          Stabbing       0 (+1 perpetrator) 2          2014 Endeavour Hills stabbings - 18-year-old Numan Haider stabbed two counter-terrorism officers in Endeavour Hills, a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. He was then shot dead. He had just recently had his passport canceled for fears he would join ISIL. Haider was carrying two knives and the Black Standard flag.

15 December 2014 Hostage Crisis and Shooting       2 (+1 perpetrator) 4          2014 Sydney hostage crisis - Man Haron Monis, a lone gunman, held hostage ten customers and eight employees of a Lindt chocolate café located at Martin Place in Sydney, Australia. The Sydney siege lead to a 16-hour standoff, during which 3 gunshots were heard from inside over a period of time. The first two shots were fired in the general direction of fleeing hostages and were left unopposed by on scene police command, however police officers from the Tactical Operations Unit stormed the café after reports the third shot was the execution of hostage Tori Johnson. Hostage Katrina Dawson was killed by a ricocheted bullet fragment in the subsequent raid. Monis was also killed. Three other hostages and a police officer were injured by police gunfire during the raid.

10 February 2015  Planned Attack       0          0          Fairfield Raids - police in Sydney were tipped off two Islamic jihadists preparing terror attacks, arrested after observed purchasing weapons. They had already made a martyrdom video.

2 October 2015      Shooting       1 (+1 perpetrator) 0          2015 Parramatta shooting - 15 year old Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar, an Iraqi-Kurd, shot dead Curtis Cheng, a civilian employee of the New South Wales Police, before being shot dead by a New South Wales Police special constable during a shootout.

10 September 2016          Stabbing       0          2          2016 Minto stabbing attack - A 22-year-old man inspired by Islamic State stabbed a man before being arrested and charged with attempted murder. He also inflicted minor injuries on a nearby shop owner.

7 April 2017 Stabbing       1          3          2017 Queanbeyan stabbing attacks - On 7 April 2017, a pair of 15 and 16-year-old boys entered a service station in the small town of Queanbeyan in NSW and stabbed 29-year old Zeeshan Akbar of Pakistani descent and Zeeshan soon died at the scene. Three other men were also attacked and injured at the scene. The 16-year old's mother had told police that she believed that her son had been radicalised in recent weeks and that he sympathised with Islamic State and had also posted concerning posts on Facebook.

5 June 2017 Hostage taking, shooting 1 (+1 perpetrator) 3          2017 Brighton siege - Yacqub Khayre shot dead a Chinese-Australian receptionist in a serviced apartment complex and took a sex worker hostage in Brighton, Victoria. Police officers were involved in gunfight with Khayre who was shot dead and three officers wounded. ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull described the incident as terrorism, however Victoria Police warned that there was no evidence to suggest he was acting on orders given from overseas. Khayre had previously been charged in relation to the Holsworthy Barracks terror plot but was acquitted in trial. He had recently been released on parole.

9 February 2018    Stabbing       0          1          Momena Shoma, a Bangladeshi national, stabbed a 56-year-old man in the neck while he was asleep at his Callistemon Rise home in Mill Park, Victoria. She has been charged with engaging in a terrorist act and it's alleged she was inspired by terror group Islamic State.

9 November 2018  Stabbing       1(+1 perpetrator)  2          2018 Melbourne stabbing attack - An attack that took place in Melbourne, when Hassan Khalif Shire Ali set fire to a Holden Rodeo utility on Bourke Street in the city's Central Business District. He then stabbed three pedestrians, killing one and wounding the other two. During the attack, the Holden "exploded" from the fire. Hassan Khalif was shot in the chest by a Victoria Police officer and died in hospital.

2019  Christchurch mosque terror attack 2019

17 December 2020 Stabbing       2 (+1 perpetrator) 0          Raghe Abdi, a Sudanese-Australian radicalised ISIS supporter, murder of an elderly couple in their Brisbane home in Parkinson, Queensland.

And the rest.

The Western Democracies have set themselves on an intellectual self-indulgent, discursive, self-humiliation, self-destruct mode.

Where the universal ‘We are more alike than different and those differences make us stronger’ has terror accepted as normative in our streets, emergence of antithesis biology/culture ideology tyranny enabled Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, …., provided with our own Western knowledge, technology and capital to create soft and hard power with the sole intent of making Western Democracies an historical artifact. The deletion of prejudice, bias via deviance labelling of phobia, bigotry, racism, evil, to blind us to the mortal threat we face internal and external.

Freedom! Freedom! Freedom to do what to whom for whose benefit, for whose detriment?

Apologise! Apologise! Apologise for what to whom for whose benefit, for whose detriment?

I have no need no obligation to be reconciled with any Australian citizen of aboriginal ancestry for what occurred in the historic ideas, ideals, principles context of the time by my ancestors or by Australian citizens of aboriginal ancestry against themselves, demanding reconciliation for something I was not responsible for based on present moral standards is absurd, and worse demanding more power than other citizens is not warrented as no citizen should have more power than another, as it
 will be a malformation of Democracy, Australian democracy of equals ceases to exist.


Our own detriment: (Just one of many) The very nature of Democracy.

"This referendum is not about what politicians do or don't think, it's about the Australian people. And I have faith in the Australian people." Linda Burney, Minister for Indigenous Australians, VOICE
(source: Twitter, Senator Jana Stewart, @JanaStewartVIC, 5:50 PM Dec 4, 2022)

People are Politics, Politics are People. Politics-People are all about doing or not doing. To claim anything else whilst promoting a political paradigm is pure dissimulation of a biology/culture ideology bent on increasing its Freedom (relative independence) to take from other citizens via institutionalised power to affect policy which necessarily impacts on all Australian people. Otherwise, why do it?

A nation ceases to be a nation with divided sovereignty, which is divided loyalty, we are one nation, or we are two. And if two, one or the other cannot expect the other to support their existence, sovereignty means you are totally responsible for the welfare, sustenance of your own, otherwise it is not real or genuine; existing in name only an excuse to freeride on other citizens generated wealth.

No citizen individual or group in a Democracy should have a voice more powerful than any other individual or group. One voice, One vote, One equal power to influence the future of self, family, community and Nation. This is the meaning of Democracy one pebble each

Democracy is not two pebbles for those determined First and only one pebble for those determined Second. There is not First or Second in a Democracy. We cross the line together.

The VOICE will place an extra layer of burden, restriction on policy making across all levels of Government originating from a minority affecting the whole citizens capacity to maximise relative independence financially and socially at significant cost which would be better spent on fixing issues of gaps identified.

How can the Voice of the people responsible as a culture for informing significant negative education, health, violence and sexual predation outcomes by their own behaviour be trusted to realise their own culpability in these areas rather than other citizens, develop appropriate policy which does not fritter away other citizens wealth and avoid perpetuating the problems without external evaluation, demanding more and more resources.

“The place was all surrounded by bush, and hundreds of Gundagai aborigines used to camp close by. And well do I remember many of the fights in which they participated.

About the year 1850 a big battle took place just behind where the old brick mill on Morley’s Creek now stands. One morning we were awakened at daylight by piteous begging of a blackfellow to be let into our house. My husband gave him entry, and then he let a number of others in. They told us the Lachlan tribe had swooped down on them in the night, and had massacred some of the Gundagai tribe. The last black fellow to come in had a long spear sticking out of his stomach-and, really, I wasn’t sorry as he was a cheeky dangerous man. Next morning ??? went to see what the damage was, and found two blacks -Motogee and Mecky, dead while a large number were wounded. A number of gins were speared. One of them Kitty, escaped by swimming Morley’s Creek carrying her two piccaninnies, and […] the ??? Ark, which stood below where […]. The marauding band also speared dogs and did other damage. They took away with them the legs of the dead blackfellows, cutting the limbs off at the thigh. They also carried away the dead men’s kidney fat.

 […] After this slaughter the Gundagai blacks thirsted for revenge. They made elaborate preparations, and, leaving their gins behind, set out to pay back the debt they owed their Lachlan enemies. After being away some days, they returned laden with trophies of war-the most prized of which were the legs and kidney fat of some of their opponents. At night they made a big fire on the Flat, and roasted the flesh of the Lachlan victims, and partook of a cannibal feast.

The blacks never murdered any white folk. I recollect the last big fight between the tribes. An old man named Billy Pemberton was walking down our main street early one morning when a mob of strange blacks accosted him with, ‘’Where blackfellow camped?’’. Billy directed them the wrong way and ran and warned the local tribe. A lot of them raced to our place for shelter. My husband was away at the time-only myself and two babies were in the house. I let a couple of blackfellows in and they got under the bed. Others planted in the outhouse; in Turnbull’s store in Lindley's yard and one got under a cask. But he forgot his dog, which started scratching outside the barrel and when the “invaders” came along the dog's antics directed their attention to the barrel and they hauled out the planted man, and I don’t think there was an inch of his body into which they did not put spears.”
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Sat 18 May 1912 Page 3 Sixty Years Ago.

How can Australian citizens with aboriginal ancestry claim their significant negative behaviour-outcomes relative to other Australian citizens qualifies them in any way to dictate via significantly enhanced power to do so, effective policy affecting not only themselves but other citizens? Given they have not been able to do so already despite the very significant investment already made.

Where is the analysis-evidence education, health, violence and sexual predation arising from the behaviour of the very people who are informing this behaviour will be resolved by an extraordinary power available to no other citizens?

This cannot be done by Australian citizens of aboriginal ancestry alone because they are not paying for it themselves and secondly, they do not have the expertise and depths of institutional knowledge across all these areas to create effective policy themselves nor to implement and evaluate outcomes in a non-biased way.

Australian citizens of aboriginal ancestry have no right to demand a louder voice institutionalised in Government, meaning greater power than every other citizen, to affect their nations policy, resource distribution, future.

It is far better to act now to show the impossibility of the referendum succeeding, and if by image manipulation and continuing misrepresentation this is not about political power, and it were to succeed the permanent damage to our Democratic institutions by giving more weight to a select group of citizens over others will inevitably cause schism not harmony.

Utilise the saved millions in preventing the referendum from going ahead to address the issues together, as to do otherwise reinforces the nocuous first and second, them and us conflict, and justifies demands for the same power and equity by other citizens-groups in society suffering from the same problems in education, health, violence, and sexual predation. Worse, it sets a precedent for any minority group for whatever abstract invention to justifiably claim for themselves similar power.

If the VOICE succeeds it will be a malformation of Democracy, Australian democracy of equals ceases to exist.

I would not call objection to demanding a malformation of Democracy by a select group embedding extraordinary power in Government institutions, greater power than every other citizen pathetic, ugly, and racist, as it is a clear tawdry attempt to freeride on unearned power-wealth.

One can draw their own conclusion:
“This referendum is not about what politicians do or don't think.” Linda Burney, Minister for Indigenous Australians

Politics is a process by which mutually dependent individuals, groups seek resolve differences regards power relationships, distribution of resources, and social abstracts such as ideas, ideals, and principles to enable agreement, compromise to be achieved without the utilisation of force or coercion.

A referendum is a process by which citizens vote for or against a specific political proposition placed before the assembly of citizens by politicians who via a political process determine the nature of the question to be asked. In participating in a referendum citizens themselves are politicians as they are embedded in a political process in which they contribute to resolving the political differences inherent in the referendum question.

The quote “This referendum is not about what politicians do or don't think.” by Linda Burney, Minister for Indigenous Australians presupposes the cognitive knowledge interaction ‘thinking’ has no rightful place in a referendum process from beginning to end, where even a citizens attendance at a voting booth itself is necessarily a political action which must involve political thinking by each citizen in attendance, apart from a citizens public and private dialogue relating to the referendum question which would have to, one would think involve political thinking.

I feel more than uncomfortable at the thought of having such a lack of thinking in the leadership of a select group having more power than I or any other citizen to influence this Nations future.

Nor are my concerns amelorated as to the character and capability of those advancing self-interest over Democracy when they accuse fellow Australian citizens of Aboriginal ancestry of being "coconuts", "uncle Tom", "racist" against themselves, "Traitor".

Progressive socialist institutions such as Labor, Greens, ... do not strongly,  with moral indignation, condemn such Hate, this hypocrisy is the reason why reactive aggression is becoming a security issue in our streets. Social equilibrium does not have to be this costly.

Struggle for the heart of Democracy continues, let’s hope we do not rip it apart in the process. And mean time our enemies grow stronger as we spend time accusing each other of being the worst of humanity.

Wallace, D. (2022). Mother of NYC heiress paid 'deprogrammer' big bucks after daughter 'brainwashed' by college's woke agenda [Text.Article]. Fox News. https://www.foxnews.com/us/mother-nyc-heiress-paid-deprogrammer-big-bucks-daughter-brainwashed-college-woke-agenda


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