‘Set prices’ for coal is ‘literally what communist states do’: Matt Canavan on coal price caps(Credlin, 2022)

‘Set prices’ for coal is ‘literally what communist states do’: Matt Canavan on coal price caps(Credlin, 2022)

Here we go again. 
“A nation, like man, is the creature of its past."
THE REVOLUTIONARY IDEA IN FRANCE, 1789-1871, By Lord Elton, 1923.

“Price changes, or the lack thereof, were an important factor in determining living standards and influencing politics throughout the history of the Soviet Union and 20th century Russia.  In fact, the Soviet Union was both founded and dissolved in the midst of high inflation. The Bolsheviks took over after high food prices helped bring down the previous governments.  However, their initial policies led to Russia
s first hyperinflation, widespread suffering, and domestic unrest, so they had to stabilize the ruble and the economy in order to remain in power. 

After Stalin took charge, the Soviet economy struggled with inflation for two decades, until a currency reform in 1947 finally established a stable monetary system based on fixed prices.  Although price controls prevented inflation, they also created persistent shortages of food and consumer goods, which were the most common complaints about the economy by Soviet citizens.

Finally, Gorbachev
s efforts to save the Soviet economy from shortages and stagnation resulted instead in another hyperinflation and the Unions collapse.  The inflation and chaos of the early 1990s has made Russians skeptical of democracy and free markets, and voters have repeatedly chosen stability at the expense of political and economic freedom.

Inflation first started in the Russian Empire during the First World War and led to higher food prices in the cities, which were major factor in creating urban discontent and bringing down both the imperial and provisional governments.

However, when the Bolsheviks took over, they made living conditions even worse by trying to create a moneyless economy.  This attempt, known as war communism, created hyperinflation, a major famine, shortages of goods, and rebellions by peasants and sailors. 

The Bolsheviks were forced to establish a stable currency and 8 allow some market activity in order to keep from being overthrown like the two governments before them.  They managed to stabilize the ruble by balancing their budget and backing the currency with gold.  The economy made an astounding recovery in the 1920s under the New Economic Policy, but industrial prices rose much faster than agricultural prices on the open market.  The Bolshevik leaders responded by crowding out private merchants and re-imposing price controls.  They also continued to purchase grain from the peasants at artificially low rates, which made them reluctant to sell.  These factors inspired the decision to proceed with full-scale state industrialization and collectivization
.”(Efremov, 2012)

So when we see a Socialist Government impose price controls we are set for a transition economic/social of severe consequences which if the past is any indication may have us sacrifice whatever political and economic freedom we now have for stability. It is not a fanciful proposition when one reflects on history. “It cannot happen here.” has been an often repeated confident refrain throughout human time. It is a matter of knowing this stopping it dead at the start.

Nationals Senator Matt Canavan not so “remarkable” with a government of University dialectic materialist brainwashed disciples of a Marxist Leninist Socialist Dictatorship of the Proletariat, who initially purloined the qualifier Democratic reimaging Socialists to mask the connection to their first bloody authoritarian tyranny failure, finding Democracy of equals were allowing the ignorant rurals, in fact the working class they had claimed to protect, and free from the cognitive bonds of capitalism, to hold to their ignorant prejudices, bias, phobias, ideas, ideals and principles necessitated a new qualifier Progressive, reimaging Socialists as progress modern wholly incompatible to the traditional which from the beginning was to be thrown into the air, for who can argue against progress and a reimaged dialectic materialism, hidden behind dialectic emotionalism “hope-love against hate”, “kindness and compassion” against meanness and heartlessness to delude and drive over the strongly earned/learned/held prejudice, beliefs, morals, values, institutions of fellow citizens.

We all know Labor as an identifier is a shameful admittance of the irksome genetics of socialism as a religion, Labor-Socialists have mutated marginally as dissimulation only away from the Russian context for as we see an ideology, like a person, is a creature of its past.

To “set prices” for coal is exactly what communist states do as well as shift blame for their lies and failures, and yes reimaging they are experts. If they reimaged Anthony Albanese any more than the advertising agency have, he would squeak each time you shook his hand. Maybe he does but everyone is too polite to mention it.

We see now even the nature of Democracy itself is in mortal danger of reimaging for there is nothing the Progress and dialectic emotionalism lens cannot determine as oppression, racist, sexist, prejudiced, biased. We have gone past the big picture of dialectic materialism to the minutia of the same paradigm in every corner, crack of Western Capitalist Democracies, no evil too small until we have eaten ourselves inside out, self-humiliated until there exists no assimilation, nationalism which will save us from ourselves.

In regards to Democracy if it is to remain as such, my belief is the Democracy definition needs to remain aligned to the following:

No one individual or group in a Democracy should have a voice more powerful than any other individual or group. One voice, One vote, One equal power to influence the future of self, family, community and Nation. The meaning of Democracy one pebble each.

I could be over optimistic humans fooled once cannot be fooled again. Alas.

Credlin, P. (2022). ‘Set prices’ for coal is ‘literally what communist states do’: Matt Canavan on coal price caps. Retrieved 2022-12-07, from https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/peta-credlin/set-prices-for-coal-is-literally-what-communist-states-do-matt-canavan-on-coal-price-caps/video/9f2e4004d395f9a60227bd3cc477fe5b

Efremov, S. M. (2012). The role of inflation in soviet history: Prices, living standards, and political change East Tennessee State University].



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