Why? Continuing reflections. Freedom! Freedom! Freedom to do what to whom for whose benefit, for whose detriment? Apologize! Apologise! Apologise for what to whom for whose benefit, for whose detriment. The Freedom-Apologitica Age.

"I left school very anxious, very nervous, very depressed and sad," Rockwell, now 29, recently told the New York Post. "I saw everything through the lens of oppression and bias and victimhood. I came to the school as someone who saw everyone equally. I left looking for injustice wherever I could and automatically assuming that all White men were sexist. My thoughts were no longer my own."(Wallace, 2022)

The age of Progressive Freedom! Apologitica! has proved itself naive where every inequity, every environmental hazard is identified. Western erudite elite blaming and deviant labelling their biology/culture ideology and believe the Kulaks still have grain enough in their cellars.

Freedom! Freedom! Freedom to do what to whom for whose benefit, for whose detriment?

Apologise! Apologise! Apologise for what to whom for whose benefit, for whose detriment?

Anyone claiming to have discerned the reason, cause of why the human species exists, do what they do, offering a golden thread without qualification on every claim they make is a dangerous sociopath.

Marx and Mohammad are certainly two of the many for what have their inventions delivered to humanity? 

The fact they are not alone is no excuse. The fact they have conned so many is no excuse.

Everything in human social life is relative to the degree those surrounding us determine their infallibility.

"People unable to understand one another in the confusion of tongues were bound by a shared fate. Specialists in molecular physics or ancient manuscripts lay on the bedboards beside Italian peasants and Croat shepherds who were unable to sign their names. A man who used to order breakfast from his cook, worrying his housekeeper with his bad appetite, walked to work beside a man who had lived all his life on a diet of salt-cod. Their wooden soles made the same clatter on the ground, and they looked round with the same anxiety to see if the Kossträger were coming round with their rations."(Grossman, 2006)

The cost of our cowardice to face a Truth unless we pre-emptively cull the inoffensive cygnet of a dissimulating flock the Black Swan will have our eyes out. We have to cease thinking the best of human biology/culture ideology groups and the evil they derive from their explicit codex as individual derived outliers when on reflection statistically consistently repeatedly such evil emerge from the whole, there are no innocents. The Wests pretence of being peaceful having others fight our culture ideological preservation-resource wars or the utilisation of in situ facades of the same corrupt biology/culture ideology from which the enemy is derived always leads to future tragic consequence. 

Never provide material, particularly military support for an antithesis ideology internal or external for these resources will in time be utilised to destroy you and yours. Either conquer, assimilate and replace the existing culture ideology with your own or be humiliated defeated wasting precious lives and scarce resources better utilised to create swift signalling retribution against developing not mature antithesis behaviour and strengthen internal institutions to provide a flourishing life for adherents of your own culture ideology, never provide resources for a profligate denigration of your own biology/culture ideology for the loyalty-duty required to defend the continuing existence of your own will be diminished-threatened by inevitable partial-full defection. 

Human groups are not by default more alike than different basing policy in anyway on such a notion leads again and again to the Vasil Grossman, LIFE AND FATE quote above.

How can you determine an antithesis biology/culture ideology? It consistently sends terror into humanities streets informs political tyranny wherever it achieves thresholds of political power, stipulates for you in its codex, internal and external dialogue a categorisation of evil, destined for grievous harm and/or annihilation.

“30th December 1866.-

Scepticism pure and simple as the only safeguard of intellectual independence, -such is the point of view of almost all our young men of talent. Absolute freedom from credulity seems to them the glory of man. My impression has always been that this excessive detachment of the individual from all received prejudices and opinions in reality does the work of only has tyranny. This evening, in listening to the conversation of some of our most cultivated men, I thought of the Renaissance, of the Ptolemies, of the reign of Louis XV., of all those times in which the exultant anarchy of the intellect has had despotic government for its correlative, and, on the other hand, of England, of Holland, of the United States, countries in which political liberty is bought at the price of necessary prejudices and à priori opinions.

That society may hold together at all, we must have a principle of cohesion-that is to say, a common belief, principles recognised and undisputed, a series of practical axioms and institutions which are not at the mercy of every caprice of public opinion. By treating everything as if it were an open question, we endanger everything. Doubt is the accomplice of tyranny.' if a people will not believe it must obey,' said Tocqueville. All liberty implies dependence, and has its conditions; this is what negative and quarrelsome minds are apt to forget. They think they can do away with religion; they do not know that religion is indestructible, and that the question is simply, Which will you have? Voltaire plays the game of Loyola, and vice versa. Between these two there is no peace, nor can there be any for the society which has once thrown itself into the dilemma. The only solution lies in a free religion, a religion of free choice and free adhesion.”
(Amiel, 1909, p. 124)

“The true reason why we know ourselves so little lies in the difficulty we find in standing at a proper distance from ourselves, in taking up the right point of view, so that the details may help rather than hide the general effect. We must learn to look at ourselves socially and historically if we wish to have an exact idea of our relative worth, and to look at our life as a whole, or at least as one complete period of 1life, if we wish to know what we are and what we are not. The ant which crawls to and fro over a face, the fly perched upon the forehead of a maiden, touch them indeed but do not see them, for they never embrace the whole at a glance”
(Amiel, 1909, p. 125)

“Society rests upon conscience and not upon science. Civilization is first and foremost a moral thing. Without honesty, without respect for law, without the worship of duty, without the love of one's neighbour, -- in a word, without virtue, -- the whole is menaced and falls into decay, and neither letters nor art, neither luxury nor industry, nor rhetoric, nor the policeman, nor the customhouse officer, can maintain erect and whole an edifice of which the foundations are unsound.

A State founded upon interest alone and cemented by fear is an ignoble and unsafe construction. The ultimate ground upon which every civilisation rests is the average morality of the masses, and a sufficient amount of practical righteousness. Duty is what upholds all. So that those who humbly and unobtrusively fulfil it, and set a good example thereby, are the salvation and the sustenance of this brilliant world, which knows nothing about them. Ten righteous men would have saved Sodom, but thousands and thousands of good homely folk are needed to preserve a people from corruption and decay.

If ignorance and passion are the foes of popular morality, it must be confessed that moral indifference is the malady of cultivated classes. The modern separation of enlightenment and virtue, of thought and conscience, of the intellectual aristocracy from the honest and vulgar crowd, is the greatest danger that can threaten liberty. When any society produces an increasing number of literary exquisites, of satirists, sceptics, and beaux esprits, some chemical disorganisation of fabric may be inferred. Take, for example, the century of Augustus and that of Louis XV. cynics and railers are mere egotists, who stand aloof from the common duty, and in their indolent remoteness are of no service to society against any ill which may attack it. Their cultivation consists in having got rid of feeling. And thus they fall farther and farther away from true humanity, and approach nearer to the Our demoniacal nature. What was it that Mephistopheles lacked? Not intelligence certainly, but goodness.”
(Amiel, 1909, pp. 177,178)

What “Duty” one asks do the Australian air force men training Chinese pilots owe to their own society? What philosophical paradigm has enabled such ease of defection without possibly recognising it as defection?

“Liberalism, is then, like conservatism, a state of mind. It is optimistic in spirit. It looks forward to an ideal state and is always on the search for abuse is to remedy. Generosity and broadmindedness are the virtues claimed by liberalism. Vagueness, instability and insincerity are its defects. It is sometimes so much afraid of nationalism that its sides with the enemy, out of excess of virtue, and so much opposed to tyranny that it encourages licence and is unjust to the ruling side.

There has always been an “extreme left” party. Formally they were called radicals; now they are socialists or communists. They're people filled with a strong sense of the injustice of existing conditions, with a burning determination to right the wrongs of the “underdog.” they are opposed to the existing order of things, not content with gradual amelioration, but ready to face revolution, if it is necessary to accomplish their ideals. They do not accept the categories of rich and poor, master and man, as part of the immutable order of nature.

Socialism is primarily an economic doctrine, but it has become something like a gospel for many. It holds that all our evils of unequal wealth, some men too rich, and many to poor, spring from unchecked individualism, or competition, which encourages self seeking and greed. It, therefore proposes to nationalise the means of production, transport and exchange. This means that the bulk of the population would be civil servants, drawing standardised wages. Socialist believe that civic patriotism would be a sufficient substitute for the motive of individual gain, and that a great deal of waste might be illuminated by abolishing competition. […]

Socialists are strongly opposed to war and militarism. […] In its intermediate stages it resembles an advanced liberalism; it places more burden on the rich and fosters trade unions. Its attitude towards royalty and state religion is tolerant rather than friendly. Its chief danger would seem to be a levelling down to a drab mediocrity. It does offer a remedy for many admitted evils, but many people think it's full aims to be unrealisable in an imperfect world.”(Stobart, 1933, pp. 101,102)

"Friedrich Merz, leader of the largest opposition party, the center-right Christian Democrats, and Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) came out in strong support for the rearmament of the Bundeswehr. Morals alone will not make the world a better place, he said. "Chains of lights, peace prayers, Easter marches are a beautiful thing. But ethics alone will not make the world around us peaceful.""

"German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announces paradigm change in response to Ukraine invasion", DW, Germany

"And that brings me to my fifth and final point. Putin’s war marks a turning point – and that goes for our foreign policy, too.

As much diplomacy as possible, without being naive – that is what we will continue to strive for.

But not being naive also means not talking simply for the sake of talking."

Policy statement by Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and Member of the German Bundestag, 27 February 2022 in Berlin", The German Federal Government

"Communism, at the moment, is represented in this country only by a small party of “extreme left” or most discontented faction, who would like our “underdogs” to imitate the Russian Revolution. The present Russian state is avowedly based on the economic doctrines of Karl Marx. Like socialism, communism would curtail and eventually abolish private property. But the difference lies in the position of the state. The socialistic state rules everything, directs every human activity. In Bolshevik communism it is intended that the factory should be managed by the workers, the farms by the peasants, and the army by the soldiers. Not only capital and capitalism, but the whole of the employing and most of the professional classes are regarded as the enemy, to be suppressed by any means, violent or otherwise.

The term “bourgeois” it's used to cover anybody in comfortable circumstances, and all such are regarded at least with suspicion. The “proletariats,” a term intended to describe those who subsist by the sweat of the brow as labourers on day wages, are to seize and hold the reins of power by means of a dictatorship. Then the country is governed by local “Soviets” or committees of “workers,” with a central Soviet containing delegates from the local Soviets. So far, it cannot be said that the Russian Revolution has produced national happiness. Indeed, in such matters, which seemed to be elementary state duties, as the protection of health, precautions against family, and the like, the Bolshevik government has been forced to accept foreign charity. It does not seem to be a peaceful element in international life, probably because of its fanatical desire to make proselytes, and so far it has not, if accounts of travellers may be trusted, provided liberty and security and justice for its citizens. It would therefore seem the height of rashness for any country whose condition is not absolutely intolerable to make a similar experiment until the Russian example has proved its success.”(Stobart, 1933, pp. 103-105)

“By despising himself too much a man comes to be worthy of his own contempt.”(Amiel, 1909, p. 180)

“The destruction of the Western hegemony is irreversible," he added, as he neared the climax of his oration. […]

The rest of his (Putin) speech went along well-worn lines, accusing Western countries of imperialism, colonialism, hypocrisy, and historical sins such as the bombing of Hiroshima and Dresden in WW2.”
(RETTMAN, 2022)

The inherent danger in postmodernism and post colonialism is the paradigm of the ‘glance’ rather than the whole, from a perspective of sackcloth and ashes cultural-ideology self-humiliation, submission to a twisted view of historical utility based squarely upon the Marxist worldview of the delineation of an oppressed and oppressor, not self-reflection which enables space for the reality of benefit rather than singular oppression.

"Our problem--to achieve accommodation between the power we now possess, our reluctance to use it positively the realistic necessity for such use, and our national ideals.”
James Forrestal (Under Secretary of the Navy) September 1944(Millis & Duffield, 1951, p. 6)

“In war the military commitment is total, and to strike the "balance" against civil life and resources presents no great difficulty. But peace was approaching; and peace, whatever its shape, would still require the maintenance of sufficient defenses. He was worried, as his letters repeatedly show, over "the dangerous assumptions that because we have finished one war we shan’t have another." But what would be sufficient? What would have to be defended, and why and how?”
(Millis & Duffield, 1951, pp. 5,6)

Our internal conflict resolution methods and conflict categorisation must not be utilised as a basis for inter biology/culture ideology interaction. Each will require a modulated diplomacy based upon the others methods and categorisations not your own no matter how this may conflict with you own internal moral code. For it is an imperative you must meet on the battlefield of ideals holding as a shield and a sword that which holds no doubt for Other your understanding of their dissimulation and what lies beneath.

''The nearer we come· to vanquishing our enemies,'' President Roosevelt declared in his annual message on January 6,1945, "the more we inevitably become conscious of differences among victors. among victors." The differences were by this time threatening to assume formidable proportions; the Russian armies were now deep in Poland, and the Soviet Union was making no secret of its  purpose to seize effective control of all the former border states. Plans for the forthcoming "Big Three" conference, which was {o grapple with this and other  developing issues, were being publicly discussed; but  American policy had not clearly gone much beyond the «unconditional surrender" demand that had been casually announced at the Casablanca press conference two years before.”(Millis & Duffield, 1951, p. 22)


“Criticism become a habit, a fashion, and a system, means the destruction of moral energy, of faith, and of all spiritual force. One of my tendencies leads me in this direction, but I recoil before its results when I come across more emphatic types of it than myself. And at least I cannot reproach myself with having ever attempted to destroy the moral force of others; my reverence for life forbade it, and my self-distrust has taken from me even the temptation to it.

This kind of temper is very dangerous among us, for it flatters all the worst instincts of men,--indiscipline, irreverence, selfish individualism,-and it ends in social atomism. Minds inclined to mere negation are only harmless in great political organisms, which go without them and in spite of them. The multiplication of them amongst ourselves will bring about the ruin of our little countries, for small states only live by faith and will. Woe to the society where negation rules, for life is an affirmation; and a society, a country, a nation, is a living whole capable of death. No nationality is possible without prejudices, for public spirit and national tradition are but webs woven out of innumerable beliefs which have been acquired, admitted, and continued without formal proof and without discussion. To act, we must believe; to believe, we must make up our minds, affirm, decide, and in reality prejudge the question, He who will only act upon a full scientific certitude is unfit for practical life. But we are made for action, and we cannot escape from duty. long as we have nothing but doubt to put in its place, or laugh at Let us not, then, condemn prejudice so long as we have nothing but delta put in its place, all laugh at those whom we should be incapable of consoling! This, at least is my point of view.

Beyond the element which is common to all men there is an element which separates them. This element may be religion, country, language, education. But all these being supposed common, there still remains something which serves as a line of demarcation namely, the ideal. To have an ideal or to have none, to have this ideal or that,-this is what digs gulfs between men, even between those who live in the same family circle, under the same roof or in the same room. You must love with the same love, think with the same thought as someone else, if you are to escape solitude.

Mutual respect implies discretion and reserve even in love itself; it means preserving as much liberty as possible to those whose life we share. We must distrust our instinct of intervention, for the desire to make one's own will prevail is often disguised under the mask of solicitude.

How many times we become hypocrites simply by remaining the same outwardly and towards others, when we know that inwardly and to ourselves we are different. It is not hypocrisy in the strict sense, for we borrow no other personality than our own; still, it is a kind of deception. The deception humiliates us, and the humiliation is a chastisement which the mask inflicts upon the face, which our past inflicts upon our present. Such humiliation is good for us; for it produces shame, and shame gives birth to repentance. Thus, in an upright soul good springs out of evil, and it falls only to rise again.”
(Amiel, 1909, p. 88)


"In my work, in everything I do, I mean to say that we human beings are more alike than we are unalike, and to use that statement to break down the walls we set between ourselves because we are different," she told the Los Angeles Times about the poem at the time. "I suggest that we should herald the differences, because the differences make us interesting, and also enrich and make us stronger. The differences are minuscule compared to the similarities. That's what I mean to say." […] "History," she intoned, "despite its wrenching pain, / Cannot be unlived, and if faced / With courage, need not be lived again."(Brian Resnick, 2014)

“Of course, some did. Hollywood gave us a taste of a global respiratory pandemic in the 2011 film, Contagion.

Some economists saw the unravelling of the financial markets and the ensuing recession long before it happened.

And we should all have seen Vladimir Putin's war coming. He had already annexed Crimea, he massed troops on the border for months and kept warning he would strike.

But even if we should know, we often don't want to know. We certainly don't prepare.

These events are what statistician Nassim Taleb popularised as "Black Swans". Why? Because they are outliers. They have extreme impact. What's more, we are all wiser after the event, concocting explanations that make it all seem so predictable.”
(Grant, 2022)

“For the last 100 years our foreign policy has been on the whole pacific. a great empire cannot be maintained without a certain number of frontier conflicts, but no impartial student can read the history of our foreign policy since the death of pit without seeing that our foreign ministers have been advocates of peace in the councils of Europe, and that we have been averse to bloodshed whenever any other means of settling international disputes has been available. In the case of the great conflict of 1914, it would be easier to convict our ministers of lack of preparation for an inevitable conflict, than of any desire to provoke it. […] if I have a quarrel with my neighbour, am I more likely to reach a friendly settlement by bawling my grievance from the housetop or by inviting him around for a chat and a smoke or at least writing him a private note? It seems that in international relations, British ambassadors are respected not for subtlety but for sincerity.”(Stobart, 1933, pp. 105-107)


It appears for the Western Democracy’s having someone else fight your Great politic wars as the British did by encouraging – giving permission for Japan to attack Russia in Manchuria in the Japanese-Russian War during 1904 and 1905 determines Western pacifist intent mute as we again see the Western Democracies utilising Ukraine to fight their culture ideological wars the first led to tragic consequences not only for the Korean, Chinese peoples but the destabilisation propelled these States inclusive of Russia from a possibly fragile politically managed transition to more democratic forms of Government to the tragedy of Marxist-Communism-Leninism-Stalinism the insane absurdity of a supposed Democratic Dictatorship by proletariat soviets committees of elected-pre-chosen workers, soldiers whose policy options were imposed from above.

This same approach is also reflected in the failed policy of utilising the same members of a biology/culture with at times derived from the same ideological development floors as with Muslim conflicts inclusive of Afghanistan as supposed allies riven with corruption killing you in the trenches as well as those defined as the enemy. Diplomacy-Security internal-external based on resolving conflict by “inviting him around for a chat and a smoke or at least writing him a private note” is based upon a fallacy we as individuals may be more alike than different assume the biology/culture ideology within which individuals exists can be rationally convinced by our degrees of soft-hard power of persuasion to avoid damaging conflict even annihilation. This leads to antithesis Other representatives having power within our fabricated moral guidance-enforcement institutions who clearly only have assumed such positions to dissimulate and utilise such institutions against the West using the Wests own developed denigration of itself. Nationalism rampant in their own space to defend and coerce internal-external adherence respect for their ideals are condemned in the West.

Where is the motivation for citizens to defend what has been defined by the postmodern postcolonial erudite elite as fascist, imperialist, colonialist, racist, social phobic society where a well-trained air force pilot does not think twice about training what is an enemy culture preparing for war against his own biology/culture ideology?


“To Palmer Hoyt, 2 September 1944
I find that whenever any American suggests that we act in accordance with the needs of our own security he is apt to be called a god-damned fascist or imperialist, while if Uncle Joe suggests that he needs the Baltic Provinces, half of Poland, all of Bessarabia and access to the Mediterranean, all hands agree that he is a fine, frank, candid and generally delightful fellow who is very easy to deal with because he is so explicit in what he wants. Hoping you are the same, I am…”
(Millis & Duffield, 1951, p. 14)


“The Under Secretary of State, [Joseph C. Grew, former Ambassador to Japan] speaking for Mr. Stettinius who was absent, said that the State Department proposed to send negotiators who would trade on a quid pro quo basis. I interjected that the military were in accord with that with the qualification that we would like to be sure of getting the quid before we gave the quo. I said it came down to who did the negotiating, and Mr. Stimson supported me in this, saying that the State Department did not normally produce the type of negotiator who dealt in the vulgar language of being sure of what he got before he signed a document.”(Millis & Duffield, 1951, p. 25)


It appears postmodernism, postcolonialism, identity politic, human rights mantra of the individual over the majority prejudice has worked its magic in denying any biology/culture ideology antithesis exists which at their codex core and reflective behaviour-dialogue even before their own eyes-ears wish and are working towards their elimination.

Claiming individuals on their own are not a threat ignores the reality each individual is inexorably connected within a biology/culture ideology rational-behavioural system where the majority of not threatening good enable violence-criminality-terror-war to walk straight from their family, community and institutional development floors.


(Hashimoto, 1954, p. 132)


“The same pupil had now become a sub-lieutenant and yet he couldn't be more than twenty-one or twenty-two. It was very sad to think he was billed for certain death in this attempt to turn the tide of war. Painful though it was to think of sending out these men on such expeditions, the times were such that the number of those who did not return were growing apace in fields quite outside special units, and both old and young alike were departing from this world. In such a situation, sooner or later, their fate was inevitable.”(Hashimoto, 1954, p. 130)


“One of them, Lieutenant Ishikawa, had written the following, just before his torpedo was launched :

The day of decisive action together with three other men on board has arrived. We are all well and in good spirits. Apra (Port Apra, is a deep-water port on the western side of the United States territory of Guam) is going to be amazed. The moon is pale and the stars sparse and distant. In early January, O Miya Island (Guam), appearing to be silent in sleep, floats before me. Who knows the confusion there will be in a few hours' time. of our great country we have come to the place appointed.

Only twenty-two years of life and it is now just like a dream. The meaning of life will be shown to-day. As the point of the decisive fight between Japan and America, just to check in one blow our decline and thus to protect for ever the illustrious three-thousand year-old history of Great Japan.

Great Japan is the land of the Gods. The land of the Gods is eternal and cannot be destroyed. Here after no matter, there will be thousands and tens of thousands of boys and we now offer our lives as a sacrifice for our country. Let us get away from the petty affairs of this earthly and mundane life to the land where righteousness reigns supreme and eternal.

One of the other pilots wrote:

Although there is always Divine Grace over our Imperial country, nevertheless without effort there is no sincerity, without righteousness and honesty there will be nothing of value. Thereafter, even if we vainly rely on the Divine Grace it will still be dangerous. Great Japan is determined to win. The decisive battle has sprung on to the enemy's territory. May the spirits of the departed in Heaven witness our fight to the bitter end.”
(Hashimoto, 1954, pp. 136,137)

“Torpedo I reported 'all well'. The last clamp was let go, her engine started and the weapon was launched. The pilot proceeded on his way, his last contact with us, the telephone, finally severed. There she went in full cry for the enemy ships in the harbour at Guam. At the very last moment, the officer pilot shouted, 'Three cheers for the Emperor'. Number 2 Kaiten (the turn towards heaven) was then launched in like manner. Despite his youth, the pilot was composed to the last and went on his way without uttering a single word. Torpedo 3 was delayed till last, for too much water got into the engine, so 4 was launched third, amid more shouts of, "Three cheers for the Emperor'. Finally Number 3 went off. Owing to a defect in the telephone it was impossible to have a final word with her pilot.”(Hashimoto, 1954, p. 135)


“Half an hour passed, then came the sound of an explosion-perhaps a hit? But ten more explosions followed. Clearly the destroyer had turned about and was making a depth-charge attack. I was very anxious my hands were clammy with sweat. At 6.42 p.m. a large column of water accompanied by volumes of black smoke were seen rising skyward. I unconsciously offered up a prayer. After an instant there was the sound of a single explosion. When the column of water had subsided and the smoke cleared away, there was nothing to be seen of the fleeing merchantman. There was only the destroyer visible, making for the scene of the disaster. One and all experienced feelings of exultation and relief. We prayed for happiness in a future existence of the departed warrior and then surfaced in the gathering darkness and continued our northward progress.”(Hashimoto, 1954, pp. 172,173)

“It is a truism that colonials do not make their own history: it is made for them by the mother country. In the 1840s, when our ancestors were agitating for self-government for the Australian colonies, they decided to settle for a compromise - a measure of self-government, and the retention of Imperial power. This meant that in time we were to be a people in which British influence survived longer than anywhere else in the world save only New Zealand. We also became accustomed to some of the big questions in life being decided for us. That was one of the reasons why we became such a conservative people, because it is the essence of conservatism to leave it to others, to those who know, to decide. We were always in danger of remaining little children for whom mother knew best. When mother became old and decrepit, we promptly found another protective mother. We seemed to prefer the darkness of the womb: we seemed pitifully afraid of the light.”
(Clark, 1976, pp. 30-31)

To claim Australians being sourced from a biology/culture ideology could in anyway separate themselves from the system which created-formed the foundations of their morality and ideals whilst being a much more powerful force relative to Australians own soft-hard power actuality is absurd. It assumes a postmodernism postcolonialism paradigms claim there are only White Europeans particularly English who if they control their imperialist, colonialists tendencies apologise profusely and make significant retribution there will be no rise of antithesis war-terror rising from another biology/culture ideology as surely the Other whose rational think are the same as the WOKE elite.

There is a Greek island in the past who believed the same whilst being bereft of the soft-hard power to prevent itself from being annihilated. Australians have to be conservative because of where they exist geographically, culture ideologically and their resultant relative strength soft and hard power. The fear is not derived from not wanting to take responsibility for learning to walk, to run it is simply in the realpolitik Australians need a powerful paternal protector if they are to survive to believe otherwise is pitiful ignorance based upon an assumption of equal power potential.

Modernism a reactive realisation of a probability universe questioning the quality of the fabric and the applied colour scheme a blurring of underlying reality which postmodernism magnified stuck with a pin to the wall pulling its parts to bits not realising once done it was they who lay vivisected on the floor of history along with the society which inexplicably paid for their own demise.

“Mr Dutton, who served as home affairs minister under the former government, said the decision to allow them back into Australia was putting Australians at risk. He criticised the government for not being transparent about the security arrangements in place.

“What assurances do they have that there’s not going to be a problem?” he told Nine Radio.

“It’s completely unacceptable that local police in the community wouldn’t know that these people are now living within their suburbs.

“The security advice I received when I was home affairs minister was pretty clear – and it was don’t bring these people here. It’s a tough decision that the Prime Minister has to make."(Ransley, 2022)

The instinct for self-preservation is supported by the hypnotic power of world ideologies.

“There is a particular minority which actively helps to create the atmosphere of these campaigns: ideological fanatics; people who take a bloodthirsty delight in the misfortunes of others; and people who want to settle personal scores, to steal a man’s belongings or take over his flat or job. Most people, however, are horrified at mass murder, but they hide this not only from their families, but even from themselves. These are the people who filled the meeting-halls during the campaigns of destruction; however vast these halls or frequent these meetings, very few of them ever disturbed the quiet unanimity of the voting. Still fewer, of course, rather than turning away from the beseeching gaze of a dog suspected of rabies, dared to take the dog in and allow it to live in their houses. Nevertheless, this did happen.

The first half of the twentieth century may be seen as a time of great scientific discoveries, revolutions, immense social transformations and two World Wars. It will go down in history, however, as the time when – in accordance with philosophies of race and society – whole sections of the European population were exterminated. Understandably, the present day remains discreetly silent about this.

One of the most astonishing human traits that came to light at this time was obedience. There were cases of huge queues being formed by people awaiting execution – and it was the victims themselves who regulated the movement of these queues. There were hot summer days when people had to wait from early morning until late at night; some mothers prudently provided themselves with bread and bottles of water for their children. Millions of innocent people, knowing that they would soon be arrested, said goodbye to their nearest and dearest in advance and prepared little bundles containing spare underwear and a towel. Millions of people lived in vast camps that had not only been built by prisoners but were even guarded by them.

And it wasn’t merely tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, but hundreds of millions of people who were the obedient witnesses of this slaughter of the innocent. Nor were they merely obedient witnesses: when ordered to, they gave their support to this slaughter, voting in favour of it amid a hubbub of voices. There was something unexpected in the degree of their obedience.

There was, of course, resistance; there were acts of courage and determination on the part of those who had been condemned; there were uprisings; there were men who risked their own lives and the lives of their families in order to save the life of a stranger. But the obedience of the vast mass of people is undeniable.

What does this tell us? That a new trait has suddenly appeared in human nature? No, this obedience bears witness to a new force acting on human beings. The extreme violence of totalitarian social systems proved able to paralyse the human spirit throughout whole continents.

A man who has placed his soul in the service of Fascism declares an evil and dangerous slavery to be the only true good. Rather than overtly renouncing human feelings, he declares the crimes committed by Fascism to be the highest form of humanitarianism; he agrees to divide people up into the pure and worthy and the impure and unworthy.

The instinct for self-preservation is supported by the hypnotic power of world ideologies.(Grossman, 2006, pp. 197-199)”

We are to assume across the globe from the very beginning of Islam-Muslims as an Ideological construct against all evidence to the contrary as shown to be truth again in the streets of Iran ‘A human who has placed their soul in the service of Islam declares an evil and dangerous slavery to be the only true good. Rather than overtly renouncing human feelings, they declares the crimes committed by Islam to be the highest form of humanitarianism; they agree to divide people up into the pure and worthy and the impure and unworthy.’

“..cultural acceptance of violence, either as a normal method of resolving conflict or as a usual part of rearing a child, is a risk factor for all types of interpersonal violence. It may also help explain why countries experiencing high levels of one type of violence also experience increased levels of other types. Social tolerance of violent behaviour is likely learned in childhood, through the use of corporal punishment or witnessing violence in the family, in the media or in other settings." Changing cultural and social norms that support violence, by World Health Organization - ‎2009

“If the religious leaders compete with the extremists (religious leaders) on Islamic knowledge, I cannot guarantee that they would win. That’s what worries me,” said Adudulkrep, who is also head of the state-run Xinjiang Islamic Institute...."

"• Parents do not have the confidence to argue against the articulate and forceful activists who seek to impose their views, for fear of being branded as disloyal to their faith or their community."

Schools face new curbs on extremism after Birmingham Trojan horse affair Patrick Wintour, Political editor The Guardian, Wednesday 23 July 2014

We see time and again the silence of the so called Muslim mass good creating by their own hands from their Islam-Muslim development floors “ideological fanatics; people who take a bloodthirsty delight in the misfortunes of others”. Yet we turn away from our own complicity of enabling these creatures to be created in our midst by enabling the Muslim mass who create them to go uncensored as a social rationale networked system which always has and always will inform terror, tyranny, war even against their own justified and authorised by their sacred codex just as the socialist Marxists of whatever justify the destruction of millions from a Marxist codex riven with justification authorisation of throwing into the air morals, traditions ,culture and with them necessarily humans.

And here you are delivering into our midst the products of such an ideological machine pure horror because naively as the Germans via their Marxist socialist tendencies convinced themselves we are more alike than different surely rationale argument deriving from such Marx construct of Western democratic prejudices, morals as simply capitalist elite blinders preventing the pestering truth of oppression from penetrating the proletariats consciousness you have imposed forced upon us via a Marxist view the Rurals ignorance requires forced removal to accept without question, to join with the Muslim blasphemous paradigm and the ordinariness of Muslim terror and the inevitable counter-terror as you fail miserably to protect your own, simply manage terror and developing schism into our streets.

"Friedrich Merz, leader of the largest opposition party, the center-right Christian Democrats, and Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) came out in strong support for the rearmament of the Bundeswehr. Morals alone will not make the world a better place, he said. "Chains of lights, peace prayers, Easter marches are a beautiful thing. But ethics alone will not make the world around us peaceful.""

"German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announces paradigm change in response to Ukraine invasion", DW, Germany

"And that brings me to my fifth and final point. Putin’s war marks a turning point – and that goes for our foreign policy, too.

As much diplomacy as possible, without being naive – that is what we will continue to strive for.

But not being naive also means not talking simply for the sake of talking."
"Policy statement by Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and Member of the German Bundestag, 27 February 2022 in Berlin", The German Federal Government 

"We have to grow with the threat, and we have to do it in a confident manner,” Professor Siracusa said. (Human Security and International Diplomacy)

Two Sydney schools in lockdown as police unions call for support against extremists SBS 20 OCT 2015

“We cannot eliminate entirely the risk of terrorism any more than we can eliminate the risk of any serious crime." Malcolm Turnbull
Malcolm Turnbull tells parliament 'ISIL is in a fundamentally weak position' 9 NEWS November 24, 2015   

"..I think it’s blasphemous to the extent that I can comment on someone else’s religion." Director General of ASIO, Duncan Lewis
Terror alert: Australia’s top spy chief warns rift with Muslims could weaken national security December 13, 2015 Samantha Maiden,National Political Editor, The Sunday Telegraph

"The message of Muslims for Progressive Values [MPV] is that all people are equal regardless of race, gender, faith or sexual orientation."
Young Australian Muslims share progressive values, Michael Gorey,  CT, FEBRUARY 3, 2017

To claim to be a progressive Muslim after the genocidal atrocities carried out by Australian Muslims as well as the other historic and current Muslim atrocities against Other and themselves is the same as a Nazi after the Holocaust claiming to be a progressive Nazi, it is be completly insane, undetached from the atrocities to which they themsleves by preserving the very insitutions and adherence to the same codex will alway enable.

All people are not
“equal regardless of race, gender, faith or sexual orientation." as to our relative threat to other human individuals or groups. As everyone informs a behavioural variance indicative of inherent traits, genetically predisposed and socially learnt and enforced so do the biology/culture ideology groups.

"Despite deeply conservative and gendered regulation, brutal violence, and widespread coverage of the group’s use of rape, more than 600 women have left Western countries to join Daesh. Researchers explain this recruitment primarily through women’s desire for romantic adventure, deception on social media, and anti-Western sentiment spurred by discrimination and violence in their home states. Using an original dataset of social media activity from seventeen Western female recruits between 2011-2015, we evaluate these arguments and offer a new explanation centered on a religious and political ideology that necessitates a physical hijra (migration) to Iraq or Syria. We find consistent evidence that anti-Western sentiment and ideological commitment drive women’s migration. This finding has valuable implications for counterterrorism policy and security studies, which tend to treat women’s mobilization as separate from general extremism. Our findings suggest female recruits should be taken seriously as motivated insurgents intent on establishing an Islamic caliphate."
Explaining Extremism: Western Women in Daesh, Meredith Loken University of Washington, Anna Zelenz University of Washington, April 1, 2016

"Syrian state television says a girl about nine years old has blown herself up in a police station in the Midan neighbourhood of Damascus."
Girl suicide bomber in Damascus blast, news.com.au, DECEMBER 17, 2016

Germany Investigates if Boy, 12, Planted Bomb at Christmas Market, NYT, By MELISSA EDDY, DEC. 16, 2016

Girl suicide bombers killed in Nigeria terror attack, witnesses say, Fox News, December 11, 2016

Schoolgirl arrested by counter-terrorism police allegedly enlisted by Islamic State cell to send funds to Syrian fighter, ABC, By Sean Rubinsztein-Dunlop, 23 Mar 2016

"What I say here might seem to be more political than psychological. However, it is my extensive experience in giving therapy to Muslims that has led me to make this statement:  We should not permit the destruction of our cities by lawless parallel societies, with groups of roaming criminal Muslims overloading of our welfare system and the growing justified fear that non-Muslims have of violence. The consequences should be so strict that it would be preferable for any anti-social Muslim to go back to a Muslim country, where they can understand, and can be understood by their own culture."
Muslims and Westerners: The Psychological Differences, by Nicolai Sennels (May 2010)

"The culture in which one is immersed influences how one behaves towards others on all levels: and individual to another individual, as members of a group towards members of another group, as an individual or group member to the institutionalised social will. Implicit default assumptions about others influence individual cultural worldviews and habit which in turn shape the culture of child rearing that adults provide influencing the next generation and so on."
Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality, Darcia Navais, 2014

Police warn of growing role of women in terrorism, Margareth S. Aritonang, The Jakarta Post,

"Women have engaged in terrorism throughout history, but we still struggle to come to terms with the idea of female attackers."

Female terrorists – a surprisingly timeless phenomenon, ResearchGate, by Katherine Lindemann, 21st December 2015

"We were flabbergasted to learn that she had become a fanatic," said Renee Haantjes, a college instructor who recalled her as "a normal Dutch girl."
Terrorists Proving Harder to Profile, By Craig Whitlock, Washington Post Foreign Service, Monday, March 12, 2007

"Muslim women are about as likely as Muslim men to report praying daily as (72% vs. 71%) across 40 countries where data are available."
A religious gender gap for Christians, but not for Muslims, Pew Research, BY CARYLE MURPHY, March 24, 2016

"Results indicated that low maternal care was significantly associated with greater total callous-unemotional traits (CU) traits and uncaring and callousness dimensions, even after controlling for the effects of various types of childhood abuse and neglect. Furthermore, there was a significant interaction between CU traits and care, such that aggression was highest among youths scoring high on CU traits who were exposed to low levels of maternal care. These findings draw attention to the importance of maternal bonding to CU traits and related aggressive behaviors among antisocial youth."
Maternal care, maltreatment and callous-unemotional traits among urban male juvenile offenders callous-unemotional traits, ER Kimonis, B Cross, A Howard - Journal of Youth Adolescence, 2013

"Analyses provided support for a direct influence of maternal hostile attributions on the development of child hostile attributions and aggressive behaviour."
A Longitudinal Investigation of Maternal Influences on the Development of Child Hostile Attributions and Aggression, Sarah J. Healy , Lynne Murray , Peter J. Cooper , Claire Hughes & Sarah L. Halligan,18 Nov 2013

"In the Qur’an, Allah is described as ‘merciful’ and ‘compassionate’. Why do we find no reflection of that among jihadis who claim to struggle in his name? Jihadis only possess a pseudo sense of empathy. They may appear to be empathic but it is a narcissistic empathy, for they are only empathic within their own group; it does not extend anywhere into their external world as evidenced by their murderous destructive behaviors.[1] Their stoic, dissociated affect shows neither compassion nor remorse as their fellow brethren engage in wanton beheadings and executions. In shame honor societies where children are humiliated and laughed at for having feelings and emotionality, it is no wonder that the capacity for empathy did not develop during their early years. Research by neuroscientists and mental health experts has shown strong links between violence and early childhood."
Nobody Born a Terrorist, but Early Childhood Matters: Explaining the Jihadis’ Lack of Empathy, by Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, 2016

Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within hearsay of little children tends toward the formation of character. Hosea Ballou

"..meta-analysis summarizes 113 research reports worldwide (121 cross-sectional and 7 longitudinal studies) on age differences in ethnic, racial, or national prejudice among children and adolescents. Overall, results indicated a peak in prejudice in middle childhood (5–7 years) followed by a slight decrease until late childhood (8–10 years)."
Development of ethnic, racial, and national prejudice in childhood and adolescence: A multinational meta‐analysis of age differences, T Raabe, A Beelmann - Child development, 2011

"A German magazine, citing police sources, has said that a young boy tried twice to set off explosives in his hometown of Ludwigshafen. The child reportedly targeted the town hall and a local Christmas market."
Report: 12-year-old planned two bomb attacks in German city of Ludwigshafen, DW, 16.12.2016

"I see lost, frustrated, suicidal boys, easily manipulated," he (Muslim reporter) said. "I didn't see Islam. Just lost boys for whom life was too great a burden." "For me the principal lesson is, they have no fear," he said. "They are some lost people without reasons to fight and without real ideology." French journalist goes undercover with Islamic State terror cell, ABC, Four Corners By Ruth Fogarty, 11 Jul 2016

"Culture is critical in shaping the manner in which people perceive, evaluate, and choose options for dealing with conflict. Conflict resolution, as a cultural phenomenon, is highly connected with and dependent on a society’s relevant norms, practices, and institutions. Different cultures develop their own formal and informal ways of handling conflict. This fact becomes ever more important when people from different ethnic, religious, racial, and social backgrounds attempt to solve their conflicts."
Cultural variation in conflict resolution: Alternatives to violence, Douglas P Fry, Kaj Bj, Kaj Bjorkqvist, Psychology Press, 2013

Article 16. ...Do not let them ask you for things, since their greed will then make them look upon you only as a cow to milk... T. E. Lawrence 1917

“It seemed that rebellion must have an unassailable base, something guarded not merely from attack, but from fear of it: ... The few ... Granted mobility, security (in the form of denying targets to the enemy), time, and doctrine (the idea to convert every subject to friendliness), victory will rest with the insurgents, for the algebraical factors are in the end decisive, and against them perfections of means and spirit struggle quite in vain.

[…] Pray God that men reading the story will not, for love of glamour of strangeness, go out to prostitute themselves and their talents in serving another race (Biology/Culture Ideology). A man who gives himself to be a possession of aliens leads a Yahoo life, having bartered his soul to a brute-master. He is not them." T. E. Lawrence

“It was the pace of it that surprised us and I don’t think we realised quite what the Taliban were up to. They weren’t really fighting for the cities they eventually captured, they were negotiating for them, and I think you’ll find a lot of money changed hands as they managed to buy off those who might have fought for them.”
‘Everybody got it wrong’ on Taliban strategy, says UK defence chief, The Guardian, Jessica Elgot Chief political correspond

Amiel, H. F. (1909). Amiel's Journal: The Journal Intime of Henri-Frédéric Amiel; Tr., with an Introduction and Notes. Macmillan and Company.

Brian Resnick, N. J. (2014, 2014-05-28). What Maya Angelou's Reading at Bill Clinton's Inauguration in 1993 Meant to Her. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/05/what-maya-angelous-reading-at-bill-clintons-inauguration-in-1993-meant-to-her/454389/

Clark, C. M. H. (1976). A Discovery of Australia (Vol. 1976). The Australian Broadcasting Commission.

Grant, S. (2022). Black Swans are lurking all over the globe — and we can't say we weren't warned. @abcnews. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-30/black-swan-events-war-ukraine-china-taiwan-iran-recession-taleb/101589606

Grossman, V. (2006). Life and Fate (Vintage Classic Russians Series): Vasily Grossman. Random House.

Hashimoto, M. (1954). Sunk: The Story of the Japan-ese Fleet, 1941-1945. Translated by EHM Colegrave. Introduction by Edward L. Beach. NY, Holt, 1-58.

Millis, W., & Duffield, E. S. (1951). The Forrestal Diaries. Viking Press.

Ransley, E. (2022). Peter Dutton: PM ‘playing politics’ with national security concerning ISIS brides and children. Retrieved 2022-11-03, from https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/peter-dutton-pm-playing-politics-with-national-security-concerning-isis-brides-and-children/news-story/62483d2712c2543fac372df0995035e4

RETTMAN, A. (2022). Putin declares holy war on Western 'satanism'. @euobs. https://euobserver.com/world/156188

Solomon, R. C. (2000). No Excuses: Existentialism and the Meaning of Life (Vol. 2022). THE GREAT COURSES. 


Wallace, D. (2022). Mother of NYC heiress paid 'deprogrammer' big bucks after daughter 'brainwashed' by college's woke agenda [Text.Article]. Fox News. https://doi.org/urn:uri:base64:003f7690-4a51-575a-89f4-0b07accdb725


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