Rudd your yellow star Chinese cheer squad spankies are showing and now you give us your wisdom on how it all came to pass.
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Rudd your yellow star Chinese cheer squad spankies
are showing and now you give us your wisdom on how it all came to pass.
first absolute for biology/culture ideology survival is dissimulation, without
dissimulation, discover-adapt-overcome is not possible for antithesis
biology/culture ideologies. You have ‘to be sure of getting the quid before you
give the quo’. Creating naive diplomats-politicians who assume we are more
alike than different, that there is a universal proletariat with common needs,
wants, methods and particularly definitions and categories is a dangerous
“A nation, like man, is the creature of its past."
THE REVOLUTIONARY IDEA IN FRANCE, 1789-1871, By Lord Elton, 1923.
The return of Confucius and the Russian Orthodox church did not make it
blindingly obvious?
Taliban to impose their interpretation of Sharia law in Afghanistan, By Sahar Akbarzai, Shafi Kakar and Rhea Mogul, CNN, 15-11-2022
'What Have We Done With Democracy?’ A Decade On, Arab Spring Gains Wither, NYT, By Vivian Yee, Oct. 10, 2021
"Khomeini nonetheless reassured his liberal revolutionary compatriots — just months before the revolution, while in Paris exile — that “women [would be] free in the Islamic Republic in the selection of their activities and their future and their clothing.”
The Ayatollah Under the Bed(sheets) In the Islamic Republic of Iran, all politics may not be sexual, but all sex is political. BY KARIM SADJADPOUR APRIL 23, 2012
“…Deng was the proposer and decision maker of enacting martial law in parts of
Beijing in 1989,” Mr. Wu wrote. “And he gave the final approval to the ‘ground
clearing’ operation in Tiananmen Square on June 3.”(Wines & Jacobs, 2010)
After the failure of Marxist-Leninism in China, the Marxist stage of
proletariat dictatorship failing as in Russia to deliver sustainable growth,
instead delivering millions purged starved, worked to death with the
proliferation of gulag concentration camps of the. ignorant, the defectors,
Deng-China fell back to the Marxist bourgeois stage of capitalist development.
Deng had no intention of relinquishing Marx’s the end justify the means. The
capitalist bourgeois inclinations of the Chinese people themselves, embedded in
all humanity to improve their life condition-survival for themselves and their
own family, community circle, would be incited to greed-wealth as would the
external Western holders of the keys to China’s modernisation, both would be
exploited to propel China to a modernised state of soft-hard power able to
challenge the dominance firstly of Western Democratic international
institutions imposing adherence to Democratic ideals to gain access to the
appropriate intellectual, investment capital which China deftly sidestepped to
obtain the intellectual property, to make its own, sending its sons and
daughters out into the Western centres of knowledge to learn, steal from the
self-defined capital imperialists and return to develop the spear to be
directed at its heart.
Or is the above made up interpretation of human events the very reason we have
allowed antithesis biology/culture ideologies to grow out of our
self-humiliation, genuflecting to their every wish only to find we are faced
with our own annihilation. Could it be Emperor Deng realised Marx was a load of
crap and the only way was to re-establish the emperor’s court of powerful
advisors with greater access to resources was to appeal to the greed of the
masses and to only too willing Western self-defined imperial capital exploiters
and slavers of the world?
“To Palmer Hoyt, 2 September 1944
I find that whenever any American suggests that we act in accordance with the
needs of our own security he is apt to be called a god-damned fascist or
imperialist, while if Uncle Joe suggests that he needs the Baltic Provinces,
half of Poland, all of Bessarabia and access to the Mediterranean, all hands
agree that he is a fine, frank, candid and generally delightful fellow who is
very easy to deal with because he is so explicit in what he wants. Hoping you
are the same, I am…” (Millis & Duffield, 1951, p. 14)
“The Under Secretary of State, [Joseph C. Grew, former Ambassador to Japan]
speaking for Mr. Stettinius who was absent, said that the State Department
proposed to send negotiators who would trade on a quid pro quo basis. I
interjected that the military were in accord with that with the qualification
that we would like to be sure of getting the quid before we gave the quo. I
said it came down to who did the negotiating, and Mr. Stimson supported me in
this, saying that the State Department did not normally produce the type of
negotiator who dealt in the vulgar language of being sure of what he got before
he signed a document.”(Millis & Duffield, 1951, p. 25)
"Our problem--to achieve accommodation between the power we now possess,
our reluctance to use it positively the realistic necessity for such use, and
our national ideals.” James Forrestal (Under Secretary of the Navy) September
1944(Millis & Duffield, 1951, p. 6)
“In war the military commitment is total, and to strike the "balance"
against civil life and resources presents no great difficulty. But peace was
approaching; and peace, whatever its shape, would still require the maintenance
of sufficient defenses. He was worried, as his letters repeatedly show, over
"the dangerous assumptions that because we have finished one war we shan’t
have another." But what would be sufficient? What would have to be
defended, and why and how?”(Millis & Duffield, 1951, pp. 5,6)
“By despising himself too much a man comes to be worthy of his own
contempt.”(Amiel, 1909, p. 180)
“The destruction of the Western hegemony is irreversible," he added, as he
neared the climax of his oration. […]
The rest of his (Putin) speech went along well-worn lines, accusing Western
countries of imperialism, colonialism, hypocrisy, and historical sins such as
the bombing of Hiroshima and Dresden in WW2.”(RETTMAN, 2022)
The inherent danger in postmodernism and post colonialism is the paradigm of
the ‘glance’ rather than the whole, from a perspective of sackcloth and ashes
cultural-ideology self-humiliation, submission to a twisted view of historical
utility based squarely upon the Marxist worldview of the delineation of an
oppressed and oppressor, not self-reflection which enables space for the
reality of benefit rather than singular oppression.
"Scholars and political leaders describe increasing concerns about Chinese
government influence over teaching and research in the U.S. and
China’s ‘Long Arm’, INSIDE HIGHER ED, By Elizabeth Redden, January 3, 2018
“The Chinese in ancient times referred to themselves as the Hua, the “Flowery”
– or “Splendid” people, a designation that even today constitutes part of the
official name of China. They also spoke of their country as Chung–kuo, or the
Middle Kingdom, picturing themselves as occupying a bright plateau of
civilisation that sloped off sharply on all sides into barbarian darkness. In
these dark outer regions lived various non-Chinese peoples, differing from the
Chinese in language and habits and in many cases pursuing nomadic or hunting
and gathering mode of life, in contrast to the overwhelming agricultural
In an effort to open up new lands for cultivation, the Chinese were continually
pushing into the territories of these foreign tribes, spurring them at times to
armed resistance. Thus, as in the preceding Shang, The ruler and his barons
were frequently engaged in warfare with enemies abroad or with insurgents
within the realm.”
LAO-TZU, Tao Te Ching, Hackett Publishing Company, 1993
“China’s rise is explained as much by its long and deep historical and cultural
experience as it is from deliberate actions taken by those recent and current
leaders most identified with its ascendance to great power status.
Sino-centrism has framed Chinese thinking for centuries. It is embodied in the
belief that China is a superior civilization with a legitimate claim as the
cultural centre of the world. In Mandarin, China’s name literally translates to
“Middle Kingdom.” Thus, China’s renewed activist strategy to ascend to great
power is rooted in the idea of assuming its rightful place in world affairs.”
by the Army Capabilities Integration Centre in coordination with Joint Staff
J-39/Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment Branch, 2016
Gosh who would have foretold the obvious, the truth of our human circumstance.
We are survivalist hypocrites by necessity nothing can be made relatively
secure for ourselves, families, communities, Institutions wealth which are our
biology/culture ideology artifacts without a common-biology, common culture,
common ideology and a nationalism equal to the wars in progress and those to
come, as wars will, to protect and enhance what we have. There is no real human
destiny of heaven, paradise, utopia, rights, equity, equality, freedom,
dialectic materialism they are made up tools as one has a saw to cut ones wood
for a house, they are used to build justification authorisation for why we can
keep what we own and take from others what our power enables.
XI China could care less for Rudd’s socialist babbling. There is no socialist
vision of “common prosperity” it's survival of the court and dominance of China
to the degree it prevents defection. Full stop. Which means destruction of
Western Democracies.
The following reminds me of what passes for art on the floor of our postmodern
post-colonial art galleries.
“Under XI, ideology drives policy more often than the other way around.”
“XI’s rise has meant nothing less than the return of the Ideological Man.”
No wonder we are in such a shit hole with these types of diplomats running our
Western Democracies.
Get with the program we start in the Western Democracies respecting majority
prejudices, we stop providing universities resources to train people to
denigrate their own societies to such an extent we reduce our defence resources
and consume ourselves to death by believing there is still grain in the Kulaks
cellars and attempt to ameliorate every societal ill so there are insufficient
resources for infrastructure and productivity of wealth to sustain these never
ending ills.
Democracy within any political space does not mean every evil, every inequity,
every prejudice will be stopped, every minority be given equal power to the
Democracy means every citizen will be given an opportunity to vote in representatives who they perceive with the limited cognitive-knowledge ability
they possess, fellow citizens that will manage their affairs in such a way as
to defend the Democratic institution first, then judge what scarce resources
exist for internal security and productivity and make sure what we derive from
that productivity we do not utilise to consume ourselves to death.
I prefer Lincoln’s view of what a Democracy must be to be a real Democracy, not
Antifa's 'legalized violence' or Biden Democrats ostracism deviance labelling
of fellow citizens with a differing truth as evil to resolve political/social
conflict, which is Democracies antithesis, a dictatorship of thought inciting
"Self-defence is legalised violence. With no self-defence it's suicide.
Communities mobilise to promote self-defence and to defeat the far-right."
Antifa Australia, Facebook, September 26 at 9:04am
"Those who are most effective in claiming the moral high ground have been
able to rally their people, dehumanise the target and take what they
want." The Master Strategist, Ketan J. Patel, 2005
".. the character of society flows from the intellectual forms which
predominate in it." A Dictionary of Sociology, Oxford University Press,
“It was one of Lincoln’s ways of working out his chief value to the country,
and that value was his clear sense from the start it was our democratic scheme
that was at stake, and that if it was to be saved, every citizen who could aid
must help to give all that was in them.
Lincoln seems to have put it something like this to himself. Everybody in the
country has had a part in bringing this thing about; everybody feels they have
a right to say how things shall be handled; everybody that is worth their salt
is going to exercise that right, and they are going to do it according to the
kind of person they are – according to their temperament, their training, their
self-control, their meanness, and their goodness. If we are going to put this
thing through and prove that citizens can govern themselves, we must get from
them what they can give, and we must let them give it in their own way.”
Source: The Life of Abraham Lincoln, Tarbell, 1917
The golden rule for every citizen in a true Democracy:
" is probable I have been more presuming than becomes me. However,
upon the subjects of which I have treated, I have spoken as I have thought. I
may be wrong in regard to any or all of them; but, holding it a sound maxim
that it is better only sometimes to be right than at all times to be wrong, so
soon as I discover my opinions to be erroneous, I shall be ready to renounce
them." Lincoln
It is about biological/culture ideology survival in the moment not some great
historical struggle with these bloody evils we invent. Which turn out to be
each other and Other destined for grievous harm and elimination so we can
preserve what we have and take what they have. To the extent we do the later
and the methods we utilise depends upon the nature of our codex, our destiny
our obligations as adherents and Other are contained within.
Nationalism, assimilation are not crimes they are survival absolutes.
"A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government
cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union
to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will
cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other.” ― Abraham
The German Chancellor admitted being naïve be a brave boy Rudd admit the same
before digging us deeper into your Marxist socialist dialectic hole. It doesn’t
even have shadows.
Amiel, H. F. (1909). Amiel's
Journal: The Journal Intime of Henri-Frédéric Amiel; Tr., with an Introduction
and Notes. Macmillan and Company.
Millis, W., & Duffield, E. S. (1951). The
Forrestal Diaries. Viking Press.
RETTMAN, A. (2022). Putin declares holy
war on Western 'satanism'. @euobs.
M., & Jacobs, A. (2010). Deng Is Said to Have Backed Tiananmen Violence
(Published 2010). Retrieved 2022-11-12, from
"When states are acquired in a province differing in language, in customs, and in institutions, then difficulties arise; and to hold them one must be very fortunate and very assidious. One of the best, most effective expedients would be for the Conqueror to go to live there in person. This course of action would make a new possession more secure and more permanent; and this was what the Turk achieved in Greece. For all the other measures he took, had he not gone to settle there he would have found it impossible to hold the state. Being on the spot, one can detect trouble at the start and deal with it immediately; if one is absent, it is discerned only when it has grown serious, and it is then too late. And besides, this policy prevents the conquered territory from being plundered by one’s officials. The subjects are satisfied because they have direct recourse to the Prince; and so they have more reason to love him, if they want to be good, and to fear him, if they want to be otherwise. Anyone wishing to invade the state has to think twice about it. So if he settles there the ruler can lose his new state only with the greatest difficulty.
And here it has to be noted that men must be either pampered or crushed, because they can get revenge for small injuries but not the grievous ones. So any injury a prince does a man should be of such a kind that there is no fear of revenge. If, however, instead of establishing settlements the Prince sends in troops, expenses are far higher, as all the revenues have to be devoted to the defense and the gain becomes a loss. The Prince does far more injury, because he harms the whole state by billeting his army in different parts of the country, everyone suffers from this annoyance, and everybody is turned into an enemy. And those who grow hostile can do him harm, because they remain, defeated, in their own homes. In every way, therefore, this means of defense is as useless as colonisation is useful.”The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli, written 1513
As in Japan one has to stay in the same space bending the culture ideology to ones own, altering belief, institution systems until it represents no antithisis to your codex, evil no longer exists.
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