The search for conflict, the search for minutia, the search for inertia, the search for destruction.


The search for conflict, the search for minutia, the search for inertia, the search for destruction.

“Kant and Hegel both speculate that the goal of history is freedom itself.” 
(Daniels 2021)

Freedom to do what to whom for whose benefit?

I preface my reflections below by stating it is not that I believe ills even evil do not exist but it is the Don Quixote pursuit of both in making an industry of verbosity reframing history in a never ending pursuit of a new oppression predicated on neotruth that given history is not only a particle but a wave the moral constructs of the past are linked inexorably to the present and become the here and now rather than past practice which either no longer exists or is partially ameliorated by the luxury of a resource rich technological Western society enabling the erudite to suffer us with their inventions. A practice which in seeking to find-address the never-ending ills-evil within a scarce power-resource environment in which no individual, group deems themselves as not rightly justified to demand satiation, informs an inconvenient Truth the West is consuming itself into extinction as energies, motivation, resources are not directed towards increasing the propensity for all to move in security and peace to a new generation but redirected satiating burgeoning constructed oppressions.

Oppressions they impose on the whole society tearing at its moral fabric as each new ethic is found wanting -oppressive to this group or that individual encouraging violence as a conflict resolution method as no avenue of dissent is allowed without a deviant paradigm coming in full force removing peoples livelihoods branding them as deviant.

Each biology/culture ideology secular and religious seeks to define the deserving good and the antithesis evil. In doing so one always moves within its realm nothing more or less. There is only ever relative independence of measured form-role-perfomance within ones own codex which can be and are significantly different between biology/culture ideologies.

As we observe with Islam in Iran as well as elsewhere in time and space, "Narendra Modi, India’s prime minister, [...] undertaking a project to imprint a majoritarian Hindu ideology on India’s secular democracy." and those who believe prejudice is necessary in the West suffering for having an opinion certain ideologies represent a threat even terror in the streets, driven by those claiming to be the good the real inherent threat to Western Democracies existence. Each biology/culture ideology cannot survive allowing Other antithisis biology/culture ideologies in the same space. This is the reality and they wonder why in time citizens feel compelled to rebel against or storm the silencing-oppressive institutions of State.

The goal of humans is survival itself, the new generation. There are a very few biology/culture ideologies who have or can afford the luxury of enabling morons to have the time to rip their own apart inventing a non-existent freedom which is only relative independence predicated upon the very wealth they utilise to waste precious resources weaving their dangerous imaginings.

The development of the philosophical definition-categorization of self as an autonomous-sovereign free willed individual whose rights supersede those of the biology/culture ideology within which they are created replicated within upon groups determined as oppressed-marginalized-conflicting and upon minority biology/culture ideology groups rather than achieving justice, peace, equality, equity, freedom has created acceptance of dialectic of antithesis as dialectic of contradiction capable of amelioration,  management, redress. Reframing human history as explicitly exploitative without any redeeming quality. Creating a multiplicity of points of tension-conflict as scarce resources move from preserving the whole to satiation of newly framed oppressed individual, group without any regard for the reality society is consuming itself as investment in its survival, flourishing is fretted away in the never-ending search for the historical selectively oppressed deserving in the here and now. 

Locus of control externalized, the condition of the individual, group no longer their responsibility. The noble savage oppressed rather than the violent ignorant savage saved from themselves. Rather than exploiters of their environment custodians of a landscape they have inexorably changed by burning it continually to the ground. Very few of the original species survive their onslaught reframed as coexistence not extinction and yet we are demanded to pay homage and resources to a nonexistent wisdom of a stone age a biology/culture ideology which by most social measures performs significantly less than fellow citizens to their own significant detriment and for those who have to pay for it to continue.

Aboriginal Australians co-existed with the megafauna for at least 17,000 years, The Conversation, Michael Westaway, Jon Olley, Rainer Grun, 12-1-2017

Where I ask are these Megafauna Australian Aboriginals were given custody of? How did the Australian Aboriginals custodianship work? It’s a lie.

“The place was all surrounded by bush, and hundreds of Gundagai aborigines used to camp close by. And well do I remember many of the fights in which they participated.

About the year 1850 a big battle took place just behind where the old brick mill on Morley’s Creek now stands. One morning we were awakened at daylight by piteous begging of a blackfellow to be let into our house. My husband gave him entry, and then he let a number of others in. They told us the Lachlan tribe had swooped down on them in the night, and had massacred some of the Gundagai tribe. The last black fellow to come in had a long spear sticking out of his stomach-and, really, I wasn’t sorry as he was a cheeky dangerous man. Next morning ??? went to see what the damage was, and found two blacks -Motogee and Mecky, dead while a large number were wounded. A number of gins were speared. One of them Kitty, escaped by swimming Morley’s Creek carrying her two piccaninnies, and […] the ??? Ark, which stood below where […]. The marauding band also speared dogs and did other damage. They took away with them the legs of the dead blackfellows, cutting the limbs off at the thigh. They also carried away the dead men’s kidney fat.

 […] After this slaughter the Gundagai blacks thirsted for revenge. They made elaborate preparations, and, leaving their gins behind, set out to pay back the debt they owed their Lachlan enemies. After being away some days, they returned laden with trophies of war-the most prized of which were the legs and kidney fat of some of their opponents. At night they made a big fire on the Flat, and roasted the flesh of the Lachlan victims, and partook of a cannibal feast.

The blacks never murdered any white folk. I recollect the last big fight between the tribes. An old man named Billy Pemberton was walking down our main street early one morning when a mob of strange blacks accosted him with, ‘’Where blackfellow camped?’’. Billy directed them the wrong way and ran and warned the local tribe. A lot of them raced to our place for shelter. My husband was away at the time-only myself and two babies were in the house. I let a couple of blackfellows in and they got under the bed. Others planted in the outhouse; in Turnbull’s store in Lindley's yard and one got under a cask. But he forgot his dog, which started scratching outside the barrel and when the “invaders” came along the dog's antics directed their attention to the barrel and they hauled out the planted man, and I don’t think there was an inch of his body into which they did not put spears.”
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Sat 18 May 1912 Page 3 Sixty Years Ago.

We can, and must, stop the violence and dysfunction, The Australian, NYUNGGAI WARREN MUNDINE, 11:00PM MARCH 18, 2022

"A 14-year-old girl linked to a terrifying attack on a pregnant Perth mum as she pushed her babies in a pram has been arrested over a separate alleged assault just weeks later."

WA teen linked to terrifying attack on pregnant mum charged over separate alleged assault, 7News, 6-10-2023

"In 2018, she travelled to Canberra to speak to federal politicians about the prevalence of domestic violence in Central Australia.

She spent years campaigning in capital cities and remote parts of the Northern Territory, where domestic violence rates are the highest in the country.
A post-mortem examination revealed Ms Rubuntja had suffered all her limbs being broken, broken ribs, head injuries, fractures to her spine, punctured lungs and abrasions to 40 per cent of her body.

The court heard Abbott had an extensive history of violent behaviour towards women.

In 1997 he was convicted of manslaughter for stabbing a woman in the chest, killing her, and also stabbing a second woman.

He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

In 2009, Abbott was sentenced to another five years in prison for stabbing his then-partner three times.

Abbott was sentenced to 15 months' prison for hitting his sister-in-law, who was also his partner at the time, in 2014.

Four years later, Abbott was handed a twelve-month prison sentence for stabbing his partner and punching her in the lip while holding a sharp piece of metal.

“There are disturbing similarities with the earlier matters of serious domestic violence,” Justice Trevor Riley said during sentencing on Friday."
Malcolm Abbott pleads guilty to murdering his partner who was a prominent anti-domestic violence campaigner
, ABC, By Saskia Mabin, Fri 1 Apr 2022

"Do not underestimate our constitutional peril; and the impact this change would have," Ms Credlin said.

"I can't think of anything we could do to ourselves that would damage our country more than dividing ourselves by race, and then entrenching that division in our founding document."

Citing reports of Labor's Indigenous Affairs minister Linda Burney saying the Voice would play a leading role in treaty negotiations, Ms Credlin explained that the Voice would be much more than an advisory body. 

"It will now also become a treaty council - as the minister has conceded - then a so-called truth-telling council, then inevitably... a reparations council too," she said.

"This is the almost unavoidable consequence of establishing as constitutionally entrenched entity, an entity that only Aboriginal people can vote for, that only Aboriginal people can run for, and that deals with whatever impacts Aboriginal people, which is everything.

"Everything our government does for 100 per cent of the population will have to be negotiated with the Voice, which will represent just four per cent."
Indigenous Voice to Parliament about relieving non-Indigenous people's 'white guilt', says Indigenous Senator Jacinta Price, Skynews, Patrick Hannaford, November 22, 2022

Kant-Marx vision splendid, even after Lenin, Stalin, Mao, XI, Pol Pot, Ruhollah Khomeini, Ali Khamenei, Arab spring, infiltrated the imaginings of the utopian dream turned to bloody nightmare, naivety to the actual never changing state of scarce resources relative to needs-wants fought over for by appropriating, antithesis biology/culture ideologies which are not you who dissimulate reflecting exploiting your social construct of human rights, and equity as they do the opposite and develop the ability to exploit gaining unwarranted power and resources diminishing your own power and resources increasing potential for internal-external schism destruction of you and yours.

The utopian dream of the noble proletariat worker who once in total control of their destiny unencumbered by the bourgeois will equitably distribute the wealth amongst themselves and via their increased dedication to their work be of benefit to all.  

Such is the legacy of the Western philosophical fractal meanderings of the erudite.

As the Islamic Iranian revolution, Arab spring inevitably turned to winter as there is no such thing as freedom of anything so it is the Human spring of the last centuries reframed as winter by our Western intellectuals resulting in the deletion of prejudice and with it our capacity to discern the actual threat of individual within our own or Other Biology/Culture ideologies reflecting back our own values from one end of their moral variance blinding us to the negative inherent in their adherence has humanity naively led to accept Muslim terror and counter-terror as a norm in our streets and to the brink of a nuclear winter.

"Friedrich Merz, leader of the largest opposition party, the center-right Christian Democrats, and Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) came out in strong support for the rearmament of the Bundeswehr. Morals alone will not make the world a better place, he said. "Chains of lights, peace prayers, Easter marches are a beautiful thing. But ethics alone will not make the world around us peaceful.""
"German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announces paradigm change in response to Ukraine invasion", DW, Germany

"And that brings me to my fifth and final point. Putin’s war marks a turning point – and that goes for our foreign policy, too.

As much diplomacy as possible, without being naive – that is what we will continue to strive for.

But not being naive also means not talking simply for the sake of talking."

Policy statement by Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and Member of the German Bundestag, 27 February 2022 in Berlin", The German Federal Government

"I Came to College Eager to Debate. I Found Self-Censorship Instead.", New York Times, By Emma Camp, March 7, 2022

The reconstruction of reality of the oppressed which we are forced to accept on pain of criminal charge, ostracism, self-censorship the Neotruth in blatant contradiction to what we see lying in the streets before us.

A Neotruth man-boy determining themselves a women must be referred to as a woman on pain of being punished as a deviant despite the existence of biological evidence to the contrary.

“Excuse me, Islam to me is the most feminist religion, right. We got equal rights well before the Europeans.” Ms Abdel-Magied and added ““In Sharia it says you follow the law of the land on which you are on.”
Islam not 'most feminist religion', going by Abdel-Magied's, The Australian, 17 Feb 2017

"A Melbourne woman who told how she felt like an "animal" and a "slave" while practising Islam says she hopes she'll inspire other female Muslims to "free themselves" from the religion.

Nadia (last name with held) and her eldest daughter Allawea are now in hiding, after their family turned against them when the pair denounced Islam.

"It is in an honour for them to kill somebody whose turned away from Islam, and their own mother has turned away from Islam so I mean nothing to them," the 40-year-old told A Current Affair.

Things escalated in October last year, when Nadia's two eldest sons turned up at her former home in Melbourne's western suburbs, brutally bashing her new husband.

"They were screaming we're going to kill you, we need you dead," she told ACA.

The young men fled when police arrived, with officers later allegedly finding several rifles in their possession.

The 40-year-old, originally from Bendigo, met her ex-husband when she was in her late teens. She fell head over heels and converted to Islam but "struggled to do daily prayers, daily washing" and "read the Koran".
"I watched my children giving me their seconds off their plate ... and that was okay because I was western and white, and not Muslim," she said.

She claims she denounced the faith after growing concerned about growing anti-western sentiment in the family and discovering her ex-husband had been seeing other women – a move that ultimately led to the October incident.

"Maybe after today, there will be some women who will say 'hey I am human, I'm not an animal' and maybe they will get the chance to be free," she said."

The sons who 'want mum dead' after she left Islam, By Reid Butler, A Current Affair Reporter, Jun 5, 2018

“IRAN's President has warned protestors will be "dealt with decisively" in a chilling message amid a violent crackdown on nationwide anti-government protests that have so far left dozens dead.”
BLOOD ON THE STREETS Iran’s president warns hijab protesters will be ‘dealt with decisively’ as ‘up to 100’ killed in chilling crackdown, THE SUN, Elsa Buchanan, 24 Sep 2022

Taliban kill woman for not wearing burqa on same day it vows to honour ‘women’s rights’,  Jesse O’Neill,, AUGUST 19, 2021

"“We are going to allow women to work and study. We have got frameworks, of course. Women are going to be very active in the society but within the framework of Islam,” Zabihullah Mujahid, the group’s spokesman, said at a press conference in Kabul on Tuesday."
Taliban says will respect women’s rights, press freedom, Al-Jazeera, 17 Aug 2021

“Instead of responding to attacks against freedom of expression, voices were raised to decry blasphemy and to propose compromise with terrorism. There is no blasphemy in a democracy,” Mr. Rushdie said.

..the writer decried the reluctance of Western governments to use the words “Muslim” or “Islam,” preferring instead to attribute terrorist attacks to “unbalanced” people or to a generic thing like “radicalism” or “extremism,” even when the attackers themselves say Islam is their motive."
‘Satanic Verses’ author Salman Rushdie: ‘Today, I would be accused of Islamophobia, racism’ By Victor Morton - The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Daniels, J. (2021). Contingency and historical inevitability. The Routledge Companion to Historical Theory, Routledge: 199-214.


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