If the Soul of the United States be Democracy, Biden and the Democrats have just put a bullet through its heart. Biden is not only wrong he is dangerously so. The speech was not designed to unite it was designed to divide. To do so to retain power and claim to be the good is hypocrisy on steroids.


If the Soul of the United States be Democracy, Biden and the Democrats have just put a bullet through its heart. Biden is not only wrong he is dangerously so. The speech was not designed to unite it was designed to divide. To do so to retain power and claim to be the good is hypocrisy on steroids.

For ostracizing in such a fashion of evil against good determines one significant portion of your citizens evil. These citizens know there is a blatant attempt to determine them deviant and silence their voice by having fellow citizens and the institutions turn on them.

This must lead to reactive violence. I ask social psychologists even though they may be biased towards the US Democrat version of the world to stand and demand the political elite change course for it will inevitably drive what Biden and the Democrats say they are against but have clearly intentionally incited.

I prefer Lincoln’s view of what a Democracy must be to be a real Democracy, not Antifa's 'legalized violence' or Biden Democrats ostracism deviance labelling of fellow citizens with a differing truth as evil to resolve political/social conflict, which is Democracies antithesis, a dictatorship of thought inciting violence.

"Self-defence is legalised violence. With no self defence it's suicide. Communities mobilise to promote self defence and to defeat the far-right." Antifa Australia, Facebook, September 26 at 9:04am

"Those who are most effective in claiming the moral high ground have been able to rally their people, dehumanise the target and take what they want." The Master Strategist, Ketan J. Patel, 2005

".. the character of society flows from the intellectual forms which predominate in it." A Dictionary of Sociology, Oxford University Press, 2009

“It was one of Lincoln’s ways of working out his chief value to the country, and that value was his clear sense from the start it was our democratic scheme that was at stake, and that if it was to be saved, every citizen who could aid must help to give all that was in them.

Lincoln seems to have put it something like this to himself. Everybody in the country has had a part in bringing this thing about; everybody feels they have a right to say how things shall be handled; everybody that is worth their salt is going to exercise that right, and they are going to do it according to the kind of person they are – according to their temperament, their training, their self-control, their meanness, and their goodness. If we are going to put this thing through and prove that citizens can govern themselves, we must get from them what they can give, and we must let them give it in their own way.”
 Source: The Life of Abraham Lincoln, Tarbell, 1917

The golden rule for every citizen in a true Democracy:

"..it is probable I have been more presuming than becomes me. However, upon the subjects of which I have treated, I have spoken as I have thought. I may be wrong in regard to any or all of them; but, holding it a sound maxim that it is better only sometimes to be right than at all times to be wrong, so soon as I discover my opinions to be erroneous, I shall be ready to renounce them." Lincoln

Infallibility informed by ones own cultural codex is a recipe for Democratic disaster be prepared to turn prejudice into acceptance or acceptance into prejudice if and only if the evidence warrants.


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