3,000 you say, Mosques celebrating terror you say, a Muslim Doctor celebrating slaughter, vivisection and worse of Other your say, . I just hope the policy makers responsible for this slide into Muslim horror are the first to feal its inevitable claws.


3,000 you say, Mosques celebrating terror you say, a Muslim Doctor celebrating slaughter, vivisection and worse of Other your say,  . I just hope the policy makers responsible for this slide into Muslim horror are the first to feal its inevitable claws.

“Risk information avoidance is widespread and happens in contexts ranging from the personal to civic spheres.”
Planned Risk Information Avoidance, 2019

“There are no safeguards provided by nature against employment of thoroughly inappropriate concepts by communities who are self-harming, apparently wilfully, but actually without realising it.”
 The Future of Strategy, Colin S. Grey, 2015

"Pathological altruism is found in any pattern of altruistic behavior that results in severe harm to oneself or others. However, the pathological altruists thinking is also irrational and distorted. That is to say, his or her thinking appears to be characterised by a suspension of logic and reason and respect to the outcomes of their actions.
Pathological altruism victimizes the altruists themselves, as well as those in their path."
 Pathological Altruism, Oxford University Press, 2012

“The social psychology of genocide and the social psychology of terrorism both teach that murderous movements develop step by step along a continuum of destruction (Kressel, 1996; Staub, 1989). & Kressel, 2016)”
Trends in the Psychological Study of Contemporary Anti-Semitism: 2016

"Not even his intended victims fully recognized the danger. After the summer election of 1932 which left the Nazi as much the largest party, but short of a majority, the (Jewish) editor of the Tagebuch, a left-liberal weekly we took home, published an article whose headline struck me even then as suicidal. ('Why not let him in!')
Source: Diary: Memories of Weimar, Eric Hobsbawn 1931-1933

"The existence of the Jewish colony in China was discovered by the Jesuit Fathers in the seventeenth century, if not earlier; Kaifung, some four hundred and fifty-miles south-west of Peking, being the headquarters of the colony. When Martin visited the place in 1866, he found the synagogue, supposed to be built in 1164, in ruins; the Jews had dispersed, some having become Mohammedans, and not one being able to speak a word of Hebrew. In 1850 certain Hebraic rolls were recovered from the few remaining descendants of former Jews,"
China in Transformation, A. R. Colquhoun, 1898

"I am confident that, liberated from foreign domination and interference, we together will find a way to build an Islamic system in which all Afghans have equal rights, where the rights of women that are granted by Islam — from the right to education to the right to work — are protected, and where merit is the basis for equal opportunity."
 What We, the Taliban, Want, NYT, By Sirajuddin Haqqani, Mr. Haqqani is the deputy leader of the Taliban., Feb. 20, 2020

"Children’s voices are heard “Defend Islam don’t be an infidel”"
Flawed Justice After a Mob Killed an Afghan Woman, New York Times, by Pulitzer Prize winner ALISSA J. RUBIN, DEC. 26, 2015

"Khomeini nonetheless reassured his liberal revolutionary compatriots — just months before the revolution, while in Paris exile — that “women [would be] free in the Islamic Republic in the selection of their activities and their future and their clothing.” Much to its retrospective dismay, a sizable chunk of Iran’s liberal intelligentsia — both male and female — lined up behind Khomeini, some even referring to him as an “Iranian Gandhi.” Shortly after consolidating power, however, Khomeini and his disciples swiftly moved to crush opposing views and curtail female social and sartorial freedoms. “Islam doesn’t allow for people to [wear swimsuits] in the sea,” he proclaimed shortly after becoming supreme leader. We “will skin their hide!”
The Ayatollah Under the Bed(sheets) In the Islamic Republic of Iran, all politics may not be sexual, but all sex is political. BY KARIM SADJADPOUR APRIL 23, 2012

Lakemba Mosque removes Christmas 'fatwa' post 
Sydney Morning Herald Natalie O'Brien and Rachel Olding , December 23, 2012

There will come a time Lakemba Mosque will determine itself politically powerful enough to ignore Western based philosophical outrage at such an attack on Western derived ethics.

What will Australian society be like then? Do you suffer from Future bias? The fact is Lakemba Mosque felt itself politically powerful enough this time to place such views on public display and even communicate directly to the local Muslim population and the world at large the same message. No change in Australian society has occurred to enable them to do this?

More importantly having taken down the material from the web has this changed the minds of those attending the Lakemba Mosque as to the nature of Other?” Mark Smith 2012

"The Australians who joined ISIS and al Qaeda are frighteningly ordinary: typically young men from the suburbs of Sydney and Melbourne, from stable homes, married and with good jobs and no criminal record."
Lowy Institute paper reveals the true traits of Australian Islamic State fighters and jihadis, By Middle East correspondent Adam Harvey, ABC, 21/11/2019

“Dr Ziad Basyouny, who is challenging Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke for his seat in parliament, has been caught sharing social media posts celebrating Hamas' October 7 attack on Israel, including one which described the horrific day as a dream come true.”
“Western Sydney parliamentary hopeful Dr Ziad Basyouny caught sharing posts celebrating Hamas’ October 7 attack, Sky.news.com.au, 5-9-2024

“The time has come for us to be honest with ourselves and indeed each other. The radicalization that breeds terrorism is not conducted in the bush at night. It occurs in the full glare of day in homes, in madrasas and in mosques with rogue imams. Said Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya’s president “Our task of countering terrorism has been made all the more difficult by the fact that the planners and financiers of this brutality are deeply embedded in our communities.” A Garissa-based official said the government was aware Abdullahi, a former University of Nairobi law student, had joined the militant group al Shabaab after graduating in 2013.” Kenya says son of a government official was among gunmen in Garissa attack by EDITH HONAN GARISSA , Kenya — Reuters Published Sunday, Apr. 05 2015

“the ways in which people were killed indicate a high degree of popular participation, and extreme hatred It seems only a minority were shot by the military Most. Were beheaded, stabbed, or had their throats slit with knives or swords (sometimes after they had been tied up), others were hacked to death, strangled, slain with clubs or rocks, drowned, or burned or buried alive. Armed forces delivered victims to their village communities for murder, sometimes starting with the military execution of leaders, or villages traded victims in order not to have to slaughter their neighbors were , for the most part, political or politico-religious parties and groups, youth, and student groups in particular. [...] “More than any other political group, the Nahdelatul Ulama (largest Muslim organization in the world) their youth organization Ansor, and armed wing Baser (all-purpose units) made a mark on the mass killings throughout virtually the entire country. The NU newspaper Duta Masjakarat called for the extermination of Communist as early as October 7, 1965. Three days later, Ansor asked the military in Sumatra for weapons for killing Communist. By October 5, the NU leadership had unofficially encouraged their East Javanese members to “physically eradicate” the Communist. Ansor youth from religious schools were responsible for most of the many murders in Kediri (with NU organizational efforts resulting in low survival rates in the area). They put 3500 people to death within five days in another town in East Java and slew people near Mlaten and, under army supervision, in the district of Banyuwangi. In some areas, Ansor and Banser forced all adults to participate in the slaughter. Religious schools (which students from poor families could hardly afford to attend) instigated the violence. Jusuf Hasjim, a senior NU member who had taken a leading role in setting up Banser said in 1998 that “Hitler's Mein Kampf had provided the inspiration on how to organize the youth.” (Gerlach, 2010, p. 35)
Gerlach, C. (2010). Extremely violent societies: mass violence in the twentieth-century world: Cambridge University Press.

When do we realise denials, apologies from Muslims are meaningless to what happens next not only to us but Other across time and space.

“Minister Nasredin Mofreh also apologized to Sudanese Christians “for the oppression and harm inflicted on your bodies, the destruction of your temples, the theft of your property, and the unjust arrest and prosecution of your servants and confiscation of church buildings”.”
Christmas message: Minister apologizes to Sudan's Christians for their suffering , December 26 - 2019, KHARTOUM

"Haroun, 63, is the youngest of the six women remaining in a community that once numbered 75,000 when the first Arab-Israeli war broke out in 1948."
In a bid to promote diversity, Egypt plans to restore Alexandria synagogue, Religion News Service, By Jacob Wirtschafter, July 27, 2017

"Father Christmas" stabbed to death in Tajikistan Reuters Mon Jan 2, 2012 7:08pm GMT

“Although religious hostilities affect countries throughout the world experience, Muslim-majority countries consistently have higher levels of a range of religious hostilities than other countries and by wide margins. For instance, Muslim-majority countries are more than three times more likely than other countries to have religion-related war, terror or sectarian violence, ...”
Pew Research 2012

"• Parents do not have the confidence to argue against the articulate and forceful activists who seek to impose their views, for fear of being branded as disloyal to their faith or their community." Schools face new curbs on extremism after Birmingham Trojan horse affair Patrick Wintour, Political editor The Guardian, Wednesday 23 July 2014

When in the West did we come to a dangerous state of believing past behavior in no way reflects future behavior?


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