"We cannot forget that the universal values of freedom, liberty, equality and opportunity are fragile, and they must be passionately guarded every day,"

 "We cannot forget that the universal values of freedom, liberty, equality and opportunity are fragile, and they must be passionately guarded every day," – U.S. Army Gen. John Nicholson, commander, Resolute Support and U.S. Forces Afghanistan.


True. But the West including France, Australia, Canada, EU... could not “passionately guard” their dunny door from being caved in. They have failed miserably at great cost in grief and wealth attempting to manage not annihilate emergent horror from Muslim development floors across the globe, preferring to snipe a “contextual” postmodern nihilistic morality, and restrict flows of critical resources to both Ukraine and Israel, who do not have the choice of running away to have the antithesis become stronger, more lethal.


Islam/Muslim Iran a Biology/Culture Ideology is in soft-power dissimulation overdrive mode specifically designed to lower fear thresholds so as to avoid rightful retribution.


Dissimulation the core requirement for any Violent Culture Ideology, to gain the time for adaptation, exploitation, conversion, elimination; coercion and attraction interwoven dependent upon Others gullibility predicated on a false view Islam/Muslim rationale moral templates do not significantly differ from our Western ethic despite continual piles of anomalies such as Oct7th.


The Islam/Muslim Culture Ideology is a most effective tight rationale system where dissimulation the core survival mechanism of any system is very highly developed to terrorize the living life out of any Other Culture Ideology stupid enough to enable it to exist anywhere in its vicinity, and worse its victims current and intended defending its clearly defined terror-genocide codex behaviour which determines individual freedom, liberty, equality and opportunity as an existential threat to its very survival as “contextual”.


 Dissimulation the first priority to the last priority of any living entity wishing to survive be it a complex human system or otherwise. In human complex systems at the Culture Ideology level this means being able to play both ends at once, with one deftly developing deniability, linking into and subverting Other Culture Ideologies ability to hold the many of the attacking Culture Ideology culpable, to account for the few altruists the many create to incrementally gain sufficient power to force Other to convert or have them removed from their political/social space. There are only a few altruists created due to the cost of being one, and the cost of the whole biology/culture ideology turning up at the Other border at the same time.

The few altruists willing to sacrifice themselves for their biology/culture ideology do not create themselves, the few do not imbue themselves with the motivation, justification and authorization nor the political method of terror, the many in families-the parents, communities, and institutions do, and always have; know this to be Truth or have dangerous policy influencers to fellow citizens, as well at inter Nation state levels, such as the following determining such actions as the unfortunate state of our human reality which cannot be challenged, just must be adapted to, compromised with, managed in a 
'confident manner'.


This is what France is demanding of Israel.


The following is the same Marxist postmodern rationale paradigm of assigning victimhood to the perpetrators of crime, and war. One cannot eliminate the threat one has to live with it. Just as long as it is not them. Where those providing anomaly evidence against the not to be questioned paradigm Islam/Muslims are a religion of peace are determined as inciters, deviants.

We have to grow with the threat, and we have to do it in a confident manner,” Professor Siracusa said. (Human Security and International Diplomacy)

Two Sydney schools in lockdown as police unions call for support against extremists SBS 20 OCT 2015


“We cannot eliminate entirely the risk of terrorism any more than we can eliminate the risk of any serious crime." Malcolm Turnbull

Malcolm Turnbull tells parliament 'ISIL is in a fundamentally weak position' 9 NEWS November 24, 2015   

"“I think it behoves Australia and Australians to recognise that the backlash is something that is very, very dangerous. I don’t buy the notion that the issue of Islamic extremism is in some way fostered or sponsored or supported by the Muslim ¬religion. I don’t buy that at all. I think it’s blasphemous to the extent that I can comment on someone else’s religion.’’ AUSTRALIA’S top spy chief Duncan Lewis has warned"

Source:Terror alert: Australia’s top spy chief warns rift with Muslims could weaken national security, Samantha Maiden, National Political Editor, The Sunday Telegraph, December 13, 2015


The reality is as follows:


“Instead of responding to attacks against freedom of expression, voices were raised to decry blasphemy and to propose compromise with terrorism. There is no blasphemy in a democracy,” Mr. Rushdie said. ..

..the writer decried the reluctance of Western governments to use the words “Muslim” or “Islam,” preferring instead to attribute terrorist attacks to “unbalanced” people or to a generic thing like “radicalism” or “extremism,” even when the attackers themselves say Islam is their motive."

‘Satanic Verses’ author Salman Rushdie: ‘Today, I would be accused of Islamophobia, racism’ By Victor Morton - The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 6, 2016


“The religiously charged rally that drew hundreds of thousands to central Jakarta in December 2016, has shown the great impact of religion upon politics and arguably marked a shift on the national landscape of power.”

Understandingthe 212 Movement, JakartaGlobe, Sheany, April 17, 2018


“..terrorists typically are no more religiously devout than are non-terrorists (Atran, 2003), using religion to sanctify terrorism should be useful for generating additional motivational force to impel individual acts of terrorism as well as to sustain collective will for long campaigns of terrorism (Atran, 2003; Juergensmeyer, 2003).

Indeed, means end analysis of terrorism (Kruglanski & Fishman, 2006) implies a role for cultural (including religious) factors that influence many facets of self-regulation, including (a) the goals people select, (b) the motivational force that becomes attached to those goals, (c) error monitoring, (d) self-regulatory strength, and (e) the outputs at people’s disposal for modifying their behavior to maintain progress toward goal attainment. In other words, a self-regulation analysis of religion suggests that religion is well suited to motivate any behavior that is predicated on self-control and self-regulation, whether that behavior is studying hard for final exams or donning an explosives belt and then detonating it on a crowded city bus.”

Religion, self-regulation, and self-control: Associations, explanations, and implications. Michael E. McCullough and Brian L. B. Willoughby - Psychological bulletin, 2009


"'Religion and Violence. Paradoxes of Religious Communication' argues that violence in religious systems is present in at least three forms: It is inherent to communication with the ‘‘sacred,’’ it is generated by processes of inclusion and exclusion, shaping religiously interpreted lifeworlds, and it is motivated or moderated by the respective semantics of religious narratives. The paper concludes that violence as a moment of hierophany is constitutive for the living experience in religious systems and cannot be eliminated entirely by moderating semantics."

'Religion and Violence. Paradoxes of Religious Communication', Ilja Srubar, 2016


The mortal threat to Israel is that you are a Democracy surrounded by Islam/Muslims.


"“Islam cannot be either ‘moderate’ or ‘not moderate.’ Islam can only be one thing,” Erdoğan said in a speech at a program hosted in Ankara by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on women’s entrepreneurship on Nov. 9.

“Recently the concept of ‘moderate Islam’ has received attention. But the patent of this concept originated in the West,” Erdoğan said."
Erdoğan criticizes Saudi Crown Prince’s ‘moderate Islam’ pledge, Daily News, November 10 2017


“After he was shown into the office of the Saudi consul, Mohammad al-Otaibi, the agents seized Mr. Khashoggi almost immediately and began to beat and torture him, eventually cutting off his fingers,…..
But the consul was present and objected, the official said. “Do this outside. You will put me in trouble,” Mr. Otaibi told the agents,

“If you want to live when you come back to Arabia, shut up,” one of the agents replied..”
Audio Offers Gruesome Details of Jamal Khashoggi Killing, Turkish Official Says, NYT, By David D. Kirkpatrick and Carlotta Gall, Oct. 17, 2018


“Our own view is that this variation suggests that Islam is not a sufficient, condition for violence, but it does not refute the claim that, under a certain configuration of enabling conditions, Islam is more likely to lead to violence than are other religions.” 
Anastasopoulos, L. J., Masoud, T., & Zeckhauser, R. (2016). Thou Shalt Kill? Measuring Political Violence in the Bible and the Quran.


“Although religious hostilities affect countries throughout the world experience, Muslim-majority countries consistently have higher levels of a range of religious hostilities than other countries and by wide margins. For instance, Muslim-majority countries are more than three times more likely than other countries to have religion-related war, terror or sectarian violence, ...”
Pew Research 2012


Islam/Muslim Iran attempting to convince Other it means well, brings back pertinent observations regards the success of Nazi German dissimulation masking the threat of the Nazi horror unfolding believed by the very Nations and groups to be its first victims, in fact some of these groups already were subject to disappearance  from the streets as these texts were written.


"Not even his intended victims fully recognised the danger. After the summer election of 1932 which left the Nazi as much the largest party, but short of a majority, the (Jewish) editor of the Tagebuch, a left-liberal weekly we took home, published an article whose headline struck me even then as suicidal. I still see it before me. 'Lasst ihn heran!’ (‘Why not let him in!’). Source: Diary: Memories of Weimar, Eric Hobsbawn


"Experience has taught me that all argument is useless with fanatical young Nazi of this kind, and so I say nothing


the Germans that great unified people are looking for peace and see friendship with Britain as a basis for peace not only for themselves but for everyone else


In fact, if the extremist’s elements had prevailed. I have not the least doubt that disruption would have been more drastic and that we should have real reason by now to fear German aggression from both a military as well as a political point of view.”

Norman Hillson “I speak of Germany”, London 1937


The following just reinforces the point Islam/Muslim promises as to liberty of Other even their own cannot be trusted.


"Khomeini nonetheless reassured his liberal revolutionary compatriots — just months before the revolution, while in Paris exile — that “women [would be] free in the Islamic Republic in the selection of their activities and their future and their clothing.”
The Ayatollah Under the Bed(sheets) In the Islamic Republic of Iran, all politics may not be sexual, but all sex is political. BY KARIM SADJADPOUR APRIL 23, 2012


"To-day psychology alone, and priori, before we had approached the evidence, would predispose us to expect these conclusions. For whatever psychology has, or has not, established, it is certain that the thoughts and actions of men are in great measure determined by their thoughts and actions in the past.


A nation, like man, is the creature of its past."

THE REVOLUTIONARY IDEA IN FRANCE, 1789-1871, By Lord Elton, 1923.


True, unless as Machiavelli advised years ago, and was followed to the letter by the Allies in WWII, you change the nature of the attacking biology/culture ideology by total war to eradicate their war machine, take total control of the landscape and socialscape, redesigning with a codex which assures your security. Until this is complete you remain.



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