The lies Muslim women in the face of absolute infamy assure each other, even as they suffer tragically from their delusion:` “Excuse me, Islam to me is the most feminist religion, right. We got equal rights well before the Europeans.” Ms Abdel-Magied


“Excuse me, Islam to me is the most feminist religion, right. We got equal rights well before the Europeans.” Ms Abdel-Magied and added ““In Sharia it says you follow the law of the land on which you are on.”
‘Your ban got lifted, get over it’: Senator Lambie and Muslim activist Abdel-Magied lock horns on Q&A,, Emma Reynolds, February 14, 2017

"Under the proposed amendments, religious councils of the Sunni and Shia sects of Islam in Iraq would be allowd to establish their own “code of Sharia rulings on personal status matters” within six months of the legislation being passed.

Campaigners fear the changes would lead to the legalising of unregistered marriages - with such unions routinely wielded to dodge child marriage laws, as well as eradicating punishment for adult men who marry children and the clerics who preside over the marriages."

Clearly, some Ms Abdel-Magied are followed which have a catastrophic effect on humanity including Muslims themselves but others supposedly 'good' are so circumscribed that they are not followed in the 'land' within which Muslims exist, nor anywhere else, and clearly feminism other than the postmodernist construct does not exist in fact the evidence proves completely the opposite. one raisin does not make a raisin cake. Ms Abdel-Magied delusion sitting on such a high pile of Muslim and non-Muslim victims of Muslim horror is profoundly delusional.

“The moment she becomes your hostage, you can take her home as your slave.”

Broadcast on Iranian regime state TV.
The same Iranian regime that was recently elected to the U.N. Women’s Rights Commission.
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) September 2, 2021

"ongoing" within the Muslim codex Palestinian socialscape.

Those who support Muslim Palestinians had better check their morality paradigm as it is decaying as it always has and will.

"The UN’s special envoy on sexual violence in conflict has reported “clear and convincing information” that some women and children hostages held by Hamas had been subjected to rape and sexualised torture and that there were “reasonable grounds” to believe such abuses were “ongoing”."
UN finds ‘convincing information’ that Hamas raped and tortured Israeli hostages,", The Guardian, Julian Borger in Washington, Tue 5 Mar 2024

 "In Australia, an estimated 53,000 women have undergone FGM, with Ms Gbla predicting 11 girls a day are at risk.

FGM is illegal in all Australian states and territories and can carry with it 14 years imprisonment.

Ms Gbla said there is “hesitancy” in Australia to address and educate residents about FGM, highlighting that bringing the conversation into the classrooms could be a good place to start.

“People are worried on one end that they’ll be racist and on the other hand assuming it’s our culture,” she said."
Female Genital Mutilation: Underground practice 'alive' in Aus, SBS, 15-12-2020, UPDATED 8/2/2021, BROOKE FRYER

"A mother has been found guilty of forcing her 20-year-old daughter to marry an older man before he murdered the young woman.
Sakina Muhammad Jan, from Victoria's north, faced a two-week trial in the County Court after denying she coerced her daughter into marrying the man from Western Australia in 2019
She was charged with causing a person to enter into a forced marriage.Prosecutors said Ruqia Haidari told her mother she did not want to marry Mohammad Ali Halimi and accused Jan of handing her daughter over to him in exchange for a $10,000 dowry.Halimi killed his new wife at their Perth home in January 2020 and is serving a term of life in prison in WA, with a minimum of 19 years.The young woman was seen to have "lost her value" due to being divorced, when Jan tried to arrange the marriage, prosecutor Darren Renton previously told the jury."

Woman found guilty of forcing daughter into marriage, AAP, Story by Emily Woods 23-5-2024

"At Mahsa Amini's funeral in her hometown of Saqqez, Kurdistan province, women take their headscarves off in protest against Iran's forced hijab law amid "death to the dictator" chants.

Mahsa, 22, died in custody after being arrested by morality
— Shayan Sardarizadeh (@Shayan86) September 17, 2022

"The Iranian government is cracking down on women refusing to wear the hijab

One of the ways it is doing this is by using 'widespread surveillance' to catch women out when they are driving - and then taking their cars as punishment  

Hundreds of thousands of women have received orders to have their cars impounded in Iran as the Iranian government cracks down on women refusing to wear hijabs."
Hundreds of thousands of women have had cars impounded, as Iran uses floggings, fines and other punishments to enforce obligatory headscarf, Story by Jamie Shapiro and Afp, Daily Mail, 7-3-2023

Clearly, relative Freedom for women in Islam is another's Tyranny.

 “The status of women as a free and dignified human being has been restored and all institutions have been obliged to help women in securing marriage, inheritance and other rights.”
Taliban supreme leader: Steps toward ‘betterment of women’ taken in Afghanistan | The Hill, BY JULIA MUELLER - 06/25/23 3:11 PM ET

"With formal schooling on sexuality minimal to nonexistent in much of the Middle East, and a patriarchal culture that has left many Arab women ignorant and ashamed of their own bodies, Ms. Emam and a growing number of activists have built online platforms to try to fill the gap."
Sex Ed, One Instagram Post at a Time, The New York Times, By Mona El-Naggar and Sara Aridi, Nov. 18, 2021

"The deputy head of the Taliban cultural commission: “Islam does not allow women to play sports where they are exposed. We fought, so that Islam is respected"
The deputy head of the Taliban cultural commission: “Islam does not allow women to play sports where they are exposed. We fought, so that Islam is respected. ", Agence France-Presse, Jeanne, 09/09/2021

"The Taliban have so far asked only female health workers to return to work. Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban’s top spokesman, said the decision not to allow other women to start working is “temporary.” He promised that all women would be able to return to their offices once the Taliban trains its fighters to respect women."
‘Don’t be afraid,’ women chant on Afghanistan’s streets in protest against the Taliban., NYT, Sharif Hassan, Sept. 7, 2021

"Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, while addressing a news conference in Kabul in his first public appearance, said women “will be given all their rights within Sharia “the Islamic laws.”  Mujahid also said if women work in line with Sharia they can work freely in media.

Speaking to VOA earlier, Suhail Shaheen declined to clearly state whether Afghan women will be part of the future government.

“About women, we have announced already that they can have access to work and education by observing hijab. Today, you may have seen on (Afghan) TV stations women wearing hijab and doing their job,” he said."
Taliban Vow to Respect Women's Rights 'Within Islamic Law'. VOA, By Ayaz Gul, Ayesha Tanzeem,  August 17, 2021

Taliban kill woman for not wearing burqa on same day it vows to honour ‘women’s rights’,  Jesse O’Neill,, AUGUST 19, 2021

"Gaza City: A Hamas-run Islamic court in the Gaza Strip has ruled that women require the permission of a male guardian to travel, further restricting movement in and out of the territory that has been blockaded by Israel and Egypt since the militant group seized power"
Gaza women now need guardian’s approval to travel, SMH, Fares Akram, February 16, 2021


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