Do Not Agree to a Referendum it is based on a Lie. Do Not Create a First and Second Citizen, Nor Grant Indigenous Citizens Political Privilege No Other Citizen or Citizen Group Will Possess, For it Means the Destruction of Equal Voice to Power Democracy, Increasing Schism and Demand for More Power and Resources.

"“I think it will get up, but I don’t think it means that much. I don’t believe it will change the lives of Aboriginals living in Yuendumu and outlying settlements. I don’t think their lives will change at all,” Mr Richardson told Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell" The cost of failure, costly new bureaucracy in wealth, schism and destruction of Equal Voice to Power Democracy. VOTE NO. When a beggar confronts you in the street hold out their hands blackmailing you with emotionalism begging "Release me from my " despair and hopelessness. Hand over your power and wealth". Telling you such a gracious and generous request on their part and your positive compliance will ameliorate your conscience and fill your "spiratual emptiness" a ccusing you of being totally responsible for the persons behavior which placed them in such a condition not their own negative behavior, requiring your repentance when the person begging is Stan Grant, Noel Pearson, L...