A study in the Socialist art of utilising dissimulating-camouflaging Dialectic Emotionalism / "Why is corporate journalism rushing to defend the state instead of the people?” Elon Musk / "So, what should police do, if anything, to counter conspiracy theories?"

A study in the Socialist art of utilising dissimulating-camouflaging Dialectic Emotionalism to hide the truth of their own and their co-conspirators will to power. “.our system of beliefs is shaped through and expressed by words. We are consciously and unconsciously conditioned and controlled by the words we hear and use. Words carry ideology and convey and create meaning.… McGee also suggests that by understanding that a single word can carry ideology and that ideology can be expressed in a single word, we are better able to expose and evaluate ideology and choose to accept or reject such ideology. However, if we fail to recognize the ideographic nature of words, we risk creating and promoting a reality that is removed from our system of beliefs." HOW WORDS CREATE REALITY, ANN SINSHEIMER, 2009 “Those who are most effective in claiming the moral high ground have been able to rally their people, dehumanise the target and take what they want.” The Master Strategist, Ketan J...