The search for conflict, the search for minutia, the search for inertia, the search for destruction.

The search for conflict, the search for minutia, the search for inertia, the search for destruction. “Kant and Hegel both speculate that the goal of history is freedom itself.” (Daniels 2021) Freedom to do what to whom for whose benefit? I preface my reflections below by stating it is not that I believe ills even evil do not exist but it is the Don Quixote pursuit of both in making an industry of verbosity reframing history in a never ending pursuit of a new oppression predicated on neotruth that given history is not only a particle but a wave the moral constructs of the past are linked inexorably to the present and become the here and now rather than past practice which either no longer exists or is partially ameliorated by the luxury of a resource rich technological Western society enabling the erudite to suffer us with their inventions. A practice which in seeking to find-address the never-ending ills-evil within a scarce power-resource environment in which no individual...