If truth is now more important than ever why is it we continue to put up with this lie, that Islam-Muslims are not an inherent threat to Western Democratic citizens including Muslims themselves?

"Shaima Dallali has been suspended from her role while QC Rebecca Tuck completes inquiry into antisemitism within the National Union of Students - but Muslim student body brands decision 'Islamophobic'"
NUS president suspended during investigation into antisemitism claims, Jewish News, By LEE HARPIN, September 3, 2022

"After his release, the Australian teacher converted to Islam and has previously praised the work of the Taliban."
Australian academic Timothy Weeks, once held captive by the Taliban, praises regime on return to Afghanistan, ABC, By political reporter Stephanie Borys

"During their rule from 1996 to 2001, the Taliban enforced a strict interpretation of Sharia, or Islamic law,[85] and were widely condemned for massacres against Afghan civilians, harsh discrimination against religious and ethnic minorities, denial of UN food supplies to starving civilians, destruction of cultural monuments, banning of women from school and most employment, and prohibition of most music. {...] The Taliban returned Afghanistan to many policies implemented under its previous rule, including requiring women to wear head-to-toe coverings such as the burqa, blocking women from travelling without male guardians, and preventing women from attending school past 6th grade." Taliban, From Wikipedia

Timothy Weeks converted Islam. It is claimed by the élite and Muslims Islam is a peaceful ideology and does not inform terror or tyranny. Yet here we are.

If truth is now more important than ever why is it we continue to put up with this lie, that Islam-Muslims are not an inherent threat to Western Democratic citizens including Muslims themselves?

How high do you want this pile to grow, including the inevatable counter-terror because you do nothing but manage.


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