If I am right we are going to be very fortunate to survive this diplomacy. Naïve, Unprepared, Unwilling, cudgelling ourselves with our own sanctions, sanctimonious as we sacrifice human beings on our doorstep to our imbued WOKE Culture Cancel blindness.

If I am right we are going to be very fortunate to survive this diplomacy.

The WOKE Culture Cancel paradigm Diplomacy underwritten by dangerous lies: 

  • We are more alike than different in a holistic sense and those differences make us stronger, that 
  • Individuals must be perceived detached from their Biology/Culture Ideology bonds only if they’re not conservative, white, that 
  • Individual’s behaviour must be disconnected from the group development floors they emerge from, that 
  • Biology of an individual and group cannot be utilised to correlate potential negativity/benefit for the individual and groups themselves nor their impact on Other, that 
  • Perceived extremists from Western perspective, leaders and citizens are determined as being significant minority brainwashed or doing the brainwashing it is seen by the West as a simple case of taking out the network node leader and the 'good' will prevail. An assumption the misinformed when told the Western version of the Truth or knowing it already will reset their behavior to the desired Western model.
    The reality, those reflecting Western version of Truth internally determined as the good and in terms of real power no matter the number due cultural alignment forces have little to no influence on policy direction.
  • Individuals-Groups Locus of control is externalized to the victim’s group or the authority tasked with nullifying the individuals-groups negative behaviour in doing so the West has lost the ability to develop rational prejudice-bias to determine threat level and to develop policy to nullify the threat. 
"as Putin brainwashes the Russian people through the ruthless control of information while using batons to quell dissent."
The Times, Our democracy is chaotic, shrill and utterly terrifying to autocrats, Matthew Syed, 27-3-2022

There is a not to be asked question of the WOKE policy decision paradigm which in Germany's own words is Naïve, the lens by which they and the West have viewed and interacted with the world politic.

"Barsky also addressed how the U.S. has handled Russia and argued the foreign policy of the Obama administration particularly was naive in thinking it could play "nice" with Putin."
Former Russian double agent on Putin's invasion of Ukraine: 'No way' intel was unaware of circumstances, By Bailee Hill, Fox News, 27-3-2022

"Friedrich Merz, leader of the largest opposition party, the center-right Christian Democrats, and Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) came out in strong support for the rearmament of the Bundeswehr. Morals alone will not make the world a better place, he said. "Chains of lights, peace prayers, Easter marches are a beautiful thing. But ethics alone will not make the world around us peaceful.""
"German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announces paradigm change in response to Ukraine invasion", DW, Germany

"And that brings me to my fifth and final point. Putin’s war marks a turning point – and that goes for our foreign policy, too.

As much diplomacy as possible, without being naive – that is what we will continue to strive for.

But not being naive also means not talking simply for the sake of talking."
"Policy statement by Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and Member of the German Bundestag, 27 February 2022 in Berlin", The German Federal Government 

What is that not to be asked question? Who ''brainwashed'' Putin? It is impossible for Putin to create himself-cognitively, emotionally, categorizations of Other, Culture Ideology imperatives. What is the reason in his own culture ideology Putin has not been already determined a defector from the core Russian Culture Ideology labelled a deviant and removed from office?

The quote above ignores a truth regards emerging entities from a Biology/Culture Ideology system network behavioural variance, it is not unusual in fact expected for dissimulation that their tends to exist what Other would determine as the 'good' in any Biology/Culture Ideology system network behavioural variance along with the WOKE defined "opposites" extremists, and neither due to the codex development process by which all are created and move in the world can exist without the other.

“Relationism is a metatheory that incorporates contextualism and organicism to approach scientific problems from four major principles (Overton, 2010).
First, the holism principle indicates that the meaning and significance of any given phenomenon depends on the relational context in which it is embedded (Overton, 2010). In the cases of culture and biology, holism invites us to acknowledge that even if we focus on just one component of each system – a single gene, a single cultural trait – we also need to recognize that these units must be contextualized because they operate as part of systems that function as wholes (e.g., genome, brain, cultural self, organism, community, population).”

Second, the identity of opposites principle “establishes the identity among parts of a whole by casting them not as exclusive contradictions as in the split epistemology but as differentiated polarities (i.e., coequals) of a unified (i.e., indissociable), inclusive matrix – as a relation”
Causadias, Jose M., Eva Telzer, Nancy Gonzales. The Handbook of Culture and Biology. Wiley-Blackwell, 2017-08-30.

Reality 3 vs 20

"The council condemned her comments, with 20 out of 23 deputies voting to expel her from the council’s ethics committee and to ask law enforcement officers to assess her speech. Members of her own party were among those who voted against her."
More Russian politicians dare to speak out, The Times, Tom Ball, Felix Light, 26-3-2022

You therefore cannot determine a Biology/Culture Ideology is not a threat because you are aware of individual members of that groups who reflect back your own values be it one or even an unspecified majority of the population because the nature of the system enforcement mechanisms inherent in the jointly held codex of the Biology/Culture Ideology may be hard enough to prevent defection on a scale which would make any difference to the threat, beliefs in part or in whole, nor that the group in any significant way can change policy direction.

The WOKE have created the delusion of a magic pudding of unending resources which must be utilized to advance groups identified via the WOKE fabricated Marxist dualism, postmodernism, liberty ideology, identity politic, environmental activism reducing the scarce resource means to advance and protect their own societies, at the same time setting strategic goals to defend, maintain strengthen antithesis biology/culture ideologies as in Afghanistan, Mali, ... who gladly absorb the sacrificed lives and significant resources while the WOKE leave a fellow Democracy Ukraine to be slaughtered on their WOKE doorstep.

What enemy?

There are no enemies simply individuals who can be reasoned with despite the Truth we as biology/Culture ideology groups can at times and do operate within antithesis rationale paradigms to other groups which may and do seek our destruction, or simply inform significantly higher rates of crime and social schism. 

War in modernity is therefore "inexplicable", "impossible". Diplomacy works as we are dealing with rational individuals despite the Truth their version of rational can be and are significantly different, War a group activity does not as it involves overt-covert groups which can only be subjugated by violent force.

History is buried in a mishmash of Western imperialist verbiage, war-mongering military establishment, liberalism, Liberty Ideology, identity politic, phobias.

Our Western Universities are responsible for creating generations of dangerously deluded policy makers labelled the morally good and anyone else deviants, phobia ridden to be silenced criminalized.

You base your policy on false ideological assumptions the victims of this dangerous WOKE lens will come back to haunt you. And for starters they will be the ghosts of the Ukrainian peoples we sacrificed on our doorstep to our unity in West-NATO-US WOKE derived Naivety-Unpreparedness-Unwillingness to defend our own.

Bidens-Wests Diplomacy is more than chaotic it’s downright dangerous, it enables antithesis Biology/Culture Ideologies to dissimulate with ease until they are ready or never held culpable for their behavior. 


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