Dear Peter Dutton, General Angus Campbell:Australian defence force chief surprised/‘Everybody got it wrong’ on Taliban strategy, says UK defence chief/New Zealand police shoot dead 'extremist' ... in Auckland/Insider killings continue-to surprise, where ‘Everybody got it wrong’- What does it take?


Dear Peter Dutton, General Angus Campbell

The time has come for us to be honest with ourselves and indeed each other.

© Maryam EL HAMOUCHI Map showing zones of influence by armed groups in the Sahel.
A Islam-Muslim Biology/Culture Ideology Behavioral Variance in Action ALL sourced from the same moral codex
This is a visual depiction of the danger Muslims hold for humanity it is their inherent behavoral variance as a group not their individual behavoral variance which must be the basis for policy.

“Tribune. While the United States is preparing to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001, in France, the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015 begins. "War" in the respective collective memories.

While in September 2001, neither the President of the Republic, Jacques Chirac, nor the Prime Minister, Lionel Jospin, had used this term to designate the fight against terrorism, in 2015, semantic caution did not survive to tragedy. The "war" has become the key to interpretation and the main argument of the French government's response.

Until then, this struggle was characterized by its judicialization and the rejection of any form of military approach. But in 2015, the scale of the toll, the images of the carnage, the weapons used, the type of injuries caused, everything contributes to justify this representation. Politically too, the use of the word war takes on its full meaning.

War, a political weapon

A war calls for a military response. In Mali from 2013, then in the whole of the Sahel today, in Iraq or in Syria yesterday, the French army is carrying out counterterrorism actions. In France, several thousand soldiers from Operation “Sentinel” are deployed in the streets. A war calls for a national mobilization.

National union, although increasingly precarious, is claimed after each attack by all parties. A war destroys individual freedoms. The state of emergency has contributed to limiting the freedoms that are the basis of our democracy: domination of the administrative authority over the judiciary, restriction of freedom of movement or assembly, etc.

Resorting to the warrior lexicon constitutes an attempt to reinstate ritualization. To prevent the disorder of the attack from causing disaffection among citizens by revealing its powerlessness, the State responds with a demand for order. If the “war” remains largely metaphorical, in the sense that it participates in a strategy of dramatization of the traditional aims of the anti-terrorist discourse (national unity, firmness), the semantic rupture of the discourses of 2015 justifies a political rupture.

This strategy of exceptionality thus legitimizes the use of exceptional measures such as a state of emergency. It is these different opportunities that the use of the word war offers to political power. However, this usage also has weaknesses, since it tends to mask rather than reveal the complexity of the current situation. The problem is not so much in the use of the word war as in the precise characterization of the type of war that we have been facing for several years now. […]”
The "war on terrorism": "Politically, the use of the word" war "takes on its full meaning", Le Monde, Tribune, Julien Fragnon, Associate researcher at IRSEM and lecturer at Sciences Po Lyon / University of Lyon, 10-9-2021

We are more alike than different, our differences make us stronger. Is it true? should such a view be the basis for inter biology/culture ideology policy? Did it work? How many times are we to be surprised by our own dangerous ignorance of reality?

These so called "at-risk Afghans seeking refuge" were the very adherents of a culture ideology which deluded you, General Angus Campbell into thinking they were helping rather than helping themselves to the exit, when inevitably cultural sensitivity=defeat.

Australian defence force chief surprised by speed of Afghanistan’s ‘cascade collapse’ to the Taliban, The Guardian, Daniel Hurst Foreign affairs and defence correspondent, 6-9-2021

Yes 'surprised' as the same paradigm applying to Afghanistan the Politic/security elite apply to Muslims in Australian space, so failure to stop insider killings in the battlefield at home and overseas continues. The Is Is-Not Islam-Muslim Dichotomy Paradigm which the political/military elite operated under blinded them to reality, they believed what they were told by those Muslim Afghans who 'helped' them, whom as subsequent events prove were helping themselves, whilst feeding the political/military whatever fitted into the political/military elite view of reality. Which was not that the ordinary Afghan walked from the exact same biology/culture ideology development floors as the Afghan Taliban and therefore were subject to the same Islamic-Muslim moral scripts, rules and therefore would renege on whatever was promised before as a means to get out of Afghanistan to keep the money rolling in, a less impoverished demanding way of life, or turning tail and submitting to the dictates of their own culture ideology rather than a tawdry Western identity paid in Western resource and lives.

You learn from history or your buried in it, either in battlefields at home or elsewhere.

The lessons here are:

(a) That once Service strengths have been allowed to run down they cannot be restored quickly.

(b) That the restoration of Service strengths requires much more than giving them the necessary manpower; it requires an immense and sustained effort involving every aspect of national life.

(c) That peace cannot be brought by appeasement; that it is far better in the long-run to challenge at an early stage rather than allow an aggressor to go on from strength to strength until the inevitable war begins with the defender at a dangerous disadvantage.…

If you make the deductions from your intelligence reports fit your preconceived notions about what the enemy is or ought to be doing, you are almost bound to be surprised.”
MIDDLE EAST 1939-43, DIRECTORATE OF MILITARY TRAINING, Military Board Army Headquarters, Melbourne, 31/8/1959

"surprised" you say, "preconceived notions" you say, "appeasement" you say, "strength to strength" you say, "until ... at a dangerous disadvantage" you say, "violent race war rhetoric" you say, "1000" you say, "cultural acceptance of violence" you say, "may also help explain why countries experiencing high levels of one type of violence also experience increased levels of other types" you say, "“defies belief to any normal person” mmm normal WAFSTTS.

New Zealand police shoot dead 'extremist' inspired by Islamic State after stabbing attack at Lynn Mall in Auckland, ABC, 3-9-2021

“..cultural acceptance of violence, either as a normal method of resolving conflict or as a usual part of rearing a child, is a risk factor for all types of interpersonal violence. It may also help explain why countries experiencing high levels of one type of violence also experience increased levels of other types. Social tolerance of violent behaviour is likely learned in childhood, through the use of corporal punishment or witnessing violence in the family, in the media or in other settings." Changing cultural and social norms that support violence, by World Health Organization - ‎2009

Article 16. ...Do not let them ask you for things, since their greed will then make them look upon you only as a cow to milk... T. E. Lawrence 1917

“It seemed that rebellion must have an unassailable base, something guarded not merely from attack, but from fear of it: ... The few ... Granted mobility, security (in the form of denying targets to the enemy), time, and doctrine (the idea to convert every subject to friendliness), victory will rest with the insurgents, for the algebraical factors are in the end decisive, and against them perfections of means and spirit struggle quite in vain.

[…] Pray God that men reading the story will not, for love of glamour of strangeness, go out to prostitute themselves and their talents in serving another race (Biology/Culture Ideology). A man who gives himself to be a possession of aliens leads a Yahoo life, having bartered his soul to a brute-master. He is not them." T. E. Lawrence

“It was the pace of it that surprised us and I don’t think we realised quite what the Taliban were up to. They weren’t really fighting for the cities they eventually captured, they were negotiating for them, and I think you’ll find a lot of money changed hands as they managed to buy off those who might have fought for them.”
‘Everybody got it wrong’ on Taliban strategy, says UK defence chief, The Guardian, Jessica Elgot Chief political correspondent, 5-9-2021

"money" was the means to 'convert" such significant numbers of citizens of a nation to "friendliness" to take over a whole country? Surely the dangerous delusion of Is Is-Not Islam-Muslim Dichotomy paradigm from one end of the Muslim behavoral-belief variance closer to a Western world view encouraged by those Muslims who 'helped' themselves to the Wests money may have blinded Western political/military elites to reality, the cause of the existence of all extremists Muslim groups across the world the Muslim development system utilising the Quran as the go to moral script was still firmly in place, so the differences lay in the contradiction of the Islamic true believer status and a Western Façade view of how Muslims should actually live in the world.

“If the religious leaders compete with the extremists (religious leaders) on Islamic knowledge, I cannot guarantee that they would win. That’s what worries me,” said Adudulkrep, who is also head of the state-run Xinjiang Islamic Institute...."

"• Parents do not have the confidence to argue against the articulate and forceful activists who seek to impose their views, for fear of being branded as disloyal to their faith or their community."
Schools face new curbs on extremism after Birmingham Trojan horse affair Patrick Wintour, Political editor The Guardian, Wednesday 23 July 2014

So with the justified and authorised Muslim method of extreme terror to force alignment of believers and to destroy non-believers and the inherent contradiction of a Western façade and more importantly the unchallengeable culture ideology Quran script as the basis for moral determinations for Muslims political/social state, the true believer view had more power wrapped up in dogma and altruistic force. That is why in my opinion the Taliban took weeks not a year or more to take over the cities as well as a significant portion of the country.

The Is Is-Not Islam/Muslim Dichotomy Paradigm enabling Muslim insider killings outside and inside Australia the blinder guaranteeing the political/military/social elite ‘are … bound to be surprised’ by terror rising in both directions under their enablement.

So specific IS literature was in every Afghan Muslim individual, family, institution room where they were locked into their PC viewing macabre Muslim behaviour for a week or did they simply have the Quran on the bookshelf dusty or not, subject to a birth to death normal Muslim rationale system development process, which exists in Australia’s and New Zealand societal space to increasingly inform the same? We’re not in a war already, seriously? As COVID has no boundaries neither does the Islam-Muslim culture ideology altruist communication which will result in terror and inevitable counter-terror if not recognised as an inherent threat of the Muslim parents, families and institutions that have already and will in the full glare of day, and not some hole in a wall with a PC YouTube channel strapped to their eyeballs, create the radicalised Muslim altruist.

"The time has come for us to be honest with ourselves and indeed each other. The radicalisation that breeds terrorism is not conducted in the bush at night. It occurs in the full glare of day in homes, in madrasas and in mosques with rogue imams. We must ask the question — where are the parents and families of those who are being radicalized?" said Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya's president "Our task of countering terrorism has been made all the more difficult by the fact that the planners and financiers of this brutality are deeply embedded in our communities."

 "A Garissa-based official said the government was aware Abdullahi, a former University of Nairobi law student, had joined the militant group al Shabaab after graduating in 2013."

Kenya says son of a government official was among gunmen in Garissa attack, EDITH HONAN GARISSA, Kenya — Reuters Published Sunday, Apr. 05 2015


“A nation, like man, is the creature of its past."
THE REVOLUTIONARY IDEA IN FRANCE, 1789-1871, By Lord Elton, 1923.

“In an effort to open up new lands for cultivation, the Chinese were continually pushing into the territories of these foreign tribes, spurring them at times to armed resistance. Thus, as in the preceding Shang, The ruler and his barons were frequently engaged in warfare with enemies abroad or with insurgents within the realm.”
LAO-TZU, Tao Te Ching, Hackett Publishing Company, 1993

”What should our policy be toward non-Marxist ideas? So far as unmistakable counter-revolutionaries and wreckers of the socialist cause are concerned, the matter is easy; we simply deprive them of their freedom of speech.”

“China’s rise is explained as much by its long and deep historical and cultural experience as it is from deliberate actions taken by those recent and current leaders most identified with its ascendance to great power status. Sino-centrism has framed Chinese thinking for centuries. It is embodied in the belief that China is a superior civilization with a legitimate claim as the cultural center of the world. In Mandarin, China’s name literally translates to “Middle Kingdom.” Thus, China’s renewed activist strategy to ascend to great power is rooted in the idea of assuming its rightful place in world affairs.”
OUTPLAYED: REGAINING STRATEGIC INITIATIVE IN THE GRAY ZONE, A Report Sponsored by the Army Capabilities Integration Center in coordination with Joint Staff J-39/Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment Branch, 2016

Hitler's Oath:
"I swear to God this sacred oath that to the Leader of the German Empire and people, Adolf Hitler, supreme commander of the armed forces, I shall render unconditional obedience and that as a brave soldier I shall at all times be prepared to give my life for this oath." 1934

XI's Oath:
“The Chinese military will be absolutely loyal, pure, reliable and resolutely follow the orders of Central Military Commission (CMC) Chairman Xi Jinping,” China’s highest military authority has said."
Chinese military pledges total loyalty to Xi, BEIJING, NOV 6, 2017

"..many South & East Asian countries have significantly more men than women. For example, China is likely to have around 48 million more men than women by 2045. This could lead to social challenges, particularly as male-dominated societies tend to be more authoritarian and more prone to violence."
Strategic Trends Programme, Global Strategic Trends - Out to 2045, Ministry of Defence UK

“You see, man is a contentious animal. He is always likely to apply force to the resolution of social conflict. The fact that he gets better at killing isn’t likely to make him stop.”..

“There is a rough and uneasy parity between the two major alliances in weaponry,” he explains. “Anything which changes this to destabilise the international situation brings conflict closer. I am as deeply concerned as anyone that there shouldn’t be a nuclear war but I discern in what the so-called peace movements are doing, a destabilising influence which could be highly dangerous if it was successful. It is not for nothing that the Soviet Union is so much in favour of Western peace movements.”

Does that make peace movement supporters Soviet tools?

“Well, Lenin himself invented the phrase ‘useful fools’. There are a lot of useful fools in the peace movement.”
The General (Sir John Hackett) and the Future War, the age, 15th October 1983

The lessons here are:

(a) That once Service strengths have been allowed to run down they cannot be restored quickly.

(b) That the restoration of Service strengths requires much more than giving them the necessary manpower; it requires an immense and sustained effort involving every aspect of national life.

(c) That peace cannot be brought by appeasement; that it is far better in the long-run to challenge at an early stage rather than allow an aggressor to go on from strength to strength until the inevitable war begins with the defender at a dangerous disadvantage.…

If you make the deductions from your intelligence reports fit your preconceived notions about what the enemy is or ought to be doing, you are almost bound to be surprised.”
MIDDLE EAST 1939-43, DIRECTORATE OF MILITARY TRAINING, Military Board Army Headquarters, Melbourne, 31/8/1959

You learn from history or your buried in it, either in battlefields at home or elsewhere.

We are not more alike than different, and it is the differences which inform threat unless its a dance move or a recipe for a pie.

I could be mistaken all is right with the world.


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