How many of our WWI and WWII veterans are we to dig up and remove their medals and unit citations? The defense and political elite failed to inform us killing of listed insurgents unarmed and/or not demonstrating utilization of lethal force was approved policy for Australian soldiers on the ground.


“"Afghanistan was one of the most difficult conflicts imaginable. Our people didn’t know who the enemy was: the farmer by day could be a Taliban terrorist by night.

“Our people were faced by terrible gut-wrenching decisions; people were killed and others were savagely wounded; people buried their friends. And the politicians and generals who sent them to fight took no responsibility whatsoever for events on the ground.”"

Australian soldiers ‘thrown under the bus’ over alleged Afghanistan war crimes, SAS body says, Story by Daniel Hurst and Ben Doherty, 16-52024

"The Taliban drew from their higher echelons to fill the top posts, with an associate of founder Mullah Omar named as prime minister, and an interior minister who is on a US list of wanted terrorists."
Taliban announce interim government for Afghanistan, with the spoils going to old guard, ABC, 8-9-2021

"KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Reminiscent of their previous harsh rule in the 1990s, the Taliban have already begun to wipe out some of Afghanistan’s gains of 20 years. They’ve denied women a seat at the Cabinet, beaten journalists into silence and enforced their severe interpretation of Islam, on occasion violently."
Analysis: Taliban hard-line path worsens Afghanistan dilemma, APA, By KATHY GANNON, 10-9-2021

Woke politic, ASIO, ADF blasphemy paradigm, Is Is-Not Islam-Muslim Dichotomy paradigm/Islamophobia lie at home and in Muslim civil wars, belligerent attacks on citizens bias=Woke manufactured motivation to counter tyranny of silencing and ASIO managing Muslim terror into Australian streets.

Australian defence force chief surprised by speed of Afghanistan’s ‘cascade collapse’ to the Taliba, The Guardian, Daniel Hurst Foreign affairs and defence correspondent, 6-9-2021

Yes 'surprised' as the same paradigm applying to Afghanistan the Politic/security elite apply to Muslims in Australian space, so failure to stop insider killings in the battlefield at home and overseas continues. The Is Is-Not Islam-Muslim Dichotomy Paradigm which the political/military elite operated under blinded them to reality, they believed what they were told by those Muslim Afghans who 'helped' them, whom as subsequent events prove were helping themselves, whilst feeding the political/military whatever fitted into the political/military elite view of reality. Which was not that the ordinary Afghan walked from the exact same biology/culture ideology development floors as the Afghan Taliban and therefore were subject to the same Islamic-Muslim moral scripts, rules and therefore would renege on whatever was promised before as a means to get out of Afghanistan to keep the money rolling in or turning tail and submitting to the dictates of their own culture ideology rather than a tawdry Western identity paid in Western resource and lives.

You learn from history or your buried in it, either in battlefields at home or elsewhere.

The lessons here are:

(a) That once Service strengths have been allowed to run down they cannot be restored quickly.

(b) That the restoration of Service strengths requires much more than giving them the necessary manpower; it requires an immense and sustained effort involving every aspect of national life.

(c) That peace cannot be brought by appeasement; that it is far better in the long-run to challenge at an early stage rather than allow an aggressor to go on from strength to strength until the inevitable war begins with the defender at a dangerous disadvantage.…

If you make the deductions from your intelligence reports fit your preconceived notions about what the enemy is or ought to be doing, you are almost bound to be surprised.”
MIDDLE EAST 1939-43, DIRECTORATE OF MILITARY TRAINING, Military Board Army Headquarters, Melbourne, 31/8/1959

"surprised" you say, "preconceived notions" you say, "appeasement" you say, "strength to strength" you say, "until ... at a dangerous disadvantage" you say, "violent race war rhetoric" you say, "1000" you say, "cultural acceptance of violence" you say, "may also help explain why countries experiencing high levels of one type of violence also experience increased levels of other types" you say, "“defies belief to any normal person” mmm normal WAFSTTS.

New Zealand police shoot dead 'extremist' inspired by Islamic State after stabbing attack at Lynn Mall in Auckland, ABC, 3-9-2021

“..cultural acceptance of violence, either as a normal method of resolving conflict or as a usual part of rearing a child, is a risk factor for all types of interpersonal violence. It may also help explain why countries experiencing high levels of one type of violence also experience increased levels of other types. Social tolerance of violent behaviour is likely learned in childhood, through the use of corporal punishment or witnessing violence in the family, in the media or in other settings." Changing cultural and social norms that support violence, by World Health Organization - ‎2009

"He alone carries the responsibility for these acts." Its impossible. It determines an altruist appears from nothing to perform a biology/culture ideology political action not justified, authorised nor with any intrinsic benefit for the behavior. If you base policy on a lie=

And Islamic State and the Muslim killer, the family of, the community of , the institutions of which have and always will create these Muslim altruists who we know swim so easily in the bloody Muslim conception to death development swamp are inspired/motivated by what common foundation text-language-culture-ideology?

After Christchurch: the culture that created evil remains hiding in plain sight" False.

It is hidden behind the Is Is-Not Islam-Muslim Dichotomy Paradigm façade which proved so effective in Afghanistan as it does in New Zealand, and Australian streets. The war with the Muslim biology/culture ideology continues on our own soil as elsewhere - it has not stopped. Δ the paradigm or Δ nothing.

And the reason Christchurch occurred, utilizing Muslims own conflict resolution method repeated thousand upon thousands of times (Kabul airport Afghanistan) against Other and themselves was because..... terror-extreme violence will rise to ..... when nothing is done to stop the development process causing it to repeat.

"“What happened today was despicable. It was hateful, it was wrong, it was carried out by an individual, not a faith, not a culture, not an ethnicity, but an individual person who was gripped by ideology that is not supported here by anyone or any community.“ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaks during a press conference after a man injured six people at an Auckland supermarket on Friday in a terrorist attack""
New Zealand shooting: man shot dead by police after ‘terrorist attack’ in Auckland, The Guardian, 3-9-2021

Its impossible. Basing policy on a lie working? In Afghanistan? A person is derived from biology/culture ideology.

"Culture is critical in shaping the manner in which people perceive, evaluate, and choose options for dealing with conflict. Conflict resolution, as a cultural phenomenon, is highly connected with and dependent on a society’s relevant norms, practices, and institutions. Different cultures develop their own formal and informal ways of handling conflict. This fact becomes ever more important when people from different ethnic, religious, racial, and social backgrounds attempt to solve their conflicts."
Cultural variation in conflict resolution: Alternatives to violence, Douglas P Fry, Kaj Bj, Kaj Bjorkqvist, Psychology Press, 2013

“It (Damascus-Syria) has seen empires and tyrants come and go; it offers a fantastic object-lesson in how people can live together creatively and in harmony. It is a wonderful city in which to be. …. a fantastic object-lesson in how people can live together creatively and in harmony"
British Historian Dan Cruickshank BBC series "Cruickshank's Adventures in Architecture, Episode 5 - Connections, Syria, Damascus 2008, First aired on BBC Two in April 2008

Denying the politic/military's élites complicity in the nature of derived behavior flowing from placing our citizen troops into a lie of the politic/military elites own making, deviant labeling the tools and inevitable manifestations of their own sickening policy foundation leads to a politic/military's élites manufactured worsening security situation in  Australian streets. As clearly the Is Is-Not Islam-Muslim Dichotomy paradigm/Islamophobia has been made manifest to elite troops where the subtle home front manipulation have no effect, the stark reality of the Muslim culture-ideological threat is infused cognition supercharged with deviance labeling due to the imposed hypocrisy of immersion within a moral antithesis which is the cause of moral shifting. The politic/military's elites response denigrate the tools who are élite delivers of death, increase the number of military elite imbued with more power to enforce a paradigm riven with anomalies WTF do you think is going to happen.

Raising the rank of SAS commanders to deal with Moral Shifting which has everything to do with the biological/culture ideology rationale paradigm political/#ADF elite place our troops into and the degree justification strategy-tactics contradict reality is dangerous delusion.

Article 16. ...Do not let them ask you for things, since their greed will then make them look upon you only as a cow to milk... T. E. Lawrence 1917

“It seemed that rebellion must have an unassailable base, something guarded not merely from attack, but from fear of it: ... The few ... Granted mobility, security (in the form of denying targets to the enemy), time, and doctrine (the idea to convert every subject to friendliness), victory will rest with the insurgents, for the algebraical factors are in the end decisive, and against them perfections of means and spirit struggle quite in vain.

[…] Pray God that men reading the story will not, for love of glamour of strangeness, go out to prostitute themselves and their talents in serving another race (Biology/Culture Ideology). A man who gives himself to be a possession of aliens leads a Yahoo life, having bartered his soul to a brute-master. He is not them." T. E. Lawrence

“It was the pace of it that surprised us and I don’t think we realised quite what the Taliban were up to. They weren’t really fighting for the cities they eventually captured, they were negotiating for them, and I think you’ll find a lot of money changed hands as they managed to buy off those who might have fought for them.”
‘Everybody got it wrong’ on Taliban strategy, says UK defence chief, The Guardian, Jessica Elgot Chief political correspondent, 5-9-2021

"money" was the means to 'convert" such significant numbers of citizens of a nation to "friendliness" to take over a whole country? Surely the dangerous delusion of Is Is-Not Islam-Muslim Dichotomy paradigm from one end of the Muslim behavoral-belief variance closer to a Western world view encouraged by those Muslims who 'helped' themselves to the Wests money may have blinded Western political/military elites to reality, the cause of the existence of all extremists Muslim groups across the world the Muslim development system utilising the Quran as the go to moral script was still firmly in place, so the differences lay in the contradiction of the Islamic true believer status and a Western Façade view of how Muslims should actually live in the world.

“If the religious leaders compete with the extremists (religious leaders) on Islamic knowledge, I cannot guarantee that they would win. That’s what worries me,” said Adudulkrep, who is also head of the state-run Xinjiang Islamic Institute...."

"• Parents do not have the confidence to argue against the articulate and forceful activists who seek to impose their views, for fear of being branded as disloyal to their faith or their community."
Schools face new curbs on extremism after Birmingham Trojan horse affair Patrick Wintour, Political editor The Guardian, Wednesday 23 July 2014

So with the justified and authorised Muslim method of extreme terror to force alignment of believers and to destroy non-believers and the inherent contradiction of a Western façade and more importantly the unchallengeable culture ideology Quran script as the basis for moral determinations for Muslims political/social state, the true believer view had more power wrapped up in dogma and altruistic force. That is why in my opinion the Taliban took weeks not a year or more to take over the cities as well as a significant portion of the country. 

“Our own view is that this variation suggests that Islam is not a sufficient, condition for violence, but it does not refute the claim that, under a certain configuration of enabling conditions, Islam is more likely to lead to violence than are other religions.” (Anastasopoulos, Masoud, & Zeckhauser, 2016)

Anastasopoulos, L. J., Masoud, T., & Zeckhauser, R. (2016). Thou Shalt Kill? Measuring Political Violence in the Bible and the Quran.

"I say, then, that the arms with which a prince defends his state are either his own, or they are those of mercenaries or auxiliaries, or mixed troops. The mercenaries and auxiliaries are useless and dangerous[.]" The Prince, Machiavelli

"The use of force and violence is more commonplace and prevalent in some families, communities, religions, cultural/ethnic groups and societies based on the views and values about adult prerogatives with children espoused. They may also be based upon the sociopathy of the perpetrators." Treatment of Complex Trauma Courtois/Ford @2016

Sociopathy groups of people who adopt belief systems which cause them to behave in a similar fashion. is not aggression which moves armies it is devotion, moreover what brings about such conflicts at its most fundamental level are irreconcilable values, perceptions of a radical different nature, what brings these things about actually is a form of discourse, sometimes we call it propaganda but whatever it is legions are moved by words and symbols… more than the devil made me do it, or instinctually I am like that, people do not go to war because of their evolutionary history they go to war for statable discoverable reasons bound up with politics and culture, civilisation, religious and moral values.. great variety of factors that incline whole peoples to warfare he establishes that these factors are deeply embedded in culture and cultural differences create other differences… 
The lamp of history illuminates what is beyond the readers desk, the readers village the ocean which surround the readers nation. When properly constructed the lamp of history, the study of history, illuminates the very commonalities that constitute human nature itself, what is taught is this wherever you find human beings these lessons are lessons worth learning and no matter how different the language or the culture or the customs or the diet there is a root humanity that is reached by such events that will allow us to predict how we are likely to behave under certain conditions and how those conditions therefore should either be promoted or shunned depending upon whether our behaviour is to be laudable or reprehensible.. .. the cause of war, the casus belli, is a complex of conflicting aspirations, someone is trying to achieve something, some group of people are trying to achieve something, and prepared to risk life and limb to do it and to have others die for it.” 
Professor Daniel N. Robinson, Oxford University, Author of An Intellectual History of Psychology.

Welcome to the real world:

"“We don’t care who is ruling,” Atta Mohammed said from a shaded alleyway next to his home of 46 years. “I just want to be on one side or the other.”"
On Afghanistan’s Front Line, There Are No Good Choices, NTY, By Thomas Gibbons-Neff and Fahim Abed, Photographs by Jim Huylebroek, Aug. 9, 2021

The blame is the philosophy, strategy and tactics of the Woke culturally sensitive political/military élite. Wars are not won with Marxist post-modernist social psychologists marching in columns before the troops spouting-Being much more culturally sensitive=victory! Nor is victory attained by having more military élite blind to the effect of their paradigm, believing an impressive insignia is the answer. Its is not what is on their shoulders it is the cognition between their ears which is the problem. And worse as we saw in Afghanistan the higher the rank the greater the detachment from the life and death consequence and reality on the ground. "Control and command" effect when the paradigm is riven with anomalies will not stop moral shifting, one may suggest the detachment of hierarchy makes it more likely, where the emphasis on rank rather than paradigm, simply moves the reality of antithesis under a heavier cognitive carpet. 
"Nine months after the release of the damning Afghanistan war crimes inquiry, leadership of the regiment is being elevated to a colonel to ensure "sufficient capacity and appropriate oversight" for future complex missions."
SAS gets 'command and control' overhaul following Afghanistan war crime allegations, ABC, Andrew Greene, 1-9-2021

It was a failure of the political/military elites IS IS-Not Islam-Muslim Paradigm, its cultural sensitivity training, attempting to turn antithesis adherent Muslim Cultural-Ideology behavior into a moral palatable form at home and in the Afghan Muslim political space which was-is completely counter to Western morality precepts regards methods of conflict resolution, and trust. It was the duplicity of a Muslim culture ideology seeking to take advantage of the dangerous naivety of a Woke culture ideology within the Western Democratic behavoral variance. For to admit the good Afghan Muslim rationale paradigm in Afghanistan was inherently dangerous meant given the same Muslim culture ideology precepts existed at home both were similarly dangerous.

"Just before the pandemic, I was in Kabul to gather support for Asadullah Haroon, an Afghan who has languished in Guantánamo for the past 14 years. I talked to people from every side of the chaotic political scene. If there was one thing on which everyone could agree, it was that nobody wanted the invaders to remain. Indeed, they did not want them in the first place.

Yet the US invasion happened in 2001. It was always going to be difficult to turn a killing field into anything more than a cemetery. There are few examples in history where the military invaded a country (labelled “the enemy”) and then turned it into a respected friend."
What did the US get wrong about Afghanistan?, Al Jazeera, Clive Stafford Smith, Human rights lawyer, 31 Aug 2021

Are you sure those who helped did not help themselves as Lawrence of Arabia warned they would do. What do we bring into our nation to continue to build the antithesis our soldiers courageously died to hold back, which in fact was an impossible task because the tide was always rushing in from all sides whilst they were encouraged to believe the lie it only came from one direction Not-Islam.

A particular newspaper article claimed our Aussie troops determined they believed the terror-tyranny was coming from the Islam-Muslim development floors, but they were told this was racism and all they needed to be was much more culturally sensitive to win the war. When analyzing insider killings (see below) clearly being sensitive to the surrounding culture-ideologies feelings were much more important than protecting our soldiers’ lives. 

"What have they come up with? America was defeated in Afghanistan because the country and its army had become “too woke”.

The West has lost its spirit to impose order, and its armies have lost their capacity to fight because the latter are giving troops lectures on appropriate use of pronouns, and the West as a whole is so bowed down with guilt over past colonial imperialism that it cannot act in a resolute fashion. It’s a consoling myth that covers the far more complex forces of our recent history, and obscures the paradoxes at the heart of this vast failed mission."
The nowhere war? Why the West has actually gone backwards in Afghanistan, Crikey, Guy Rundle, 25-8-2021

“In fact, if the extremist’s elements had prevailed. I have not the least doubt that disruption would have been more drastic and that we should have real reason by now to fear German aggression from both a military as well as political point of view.” Norman Hillson “I speak of Germany”, London 1937

"(Turkish) President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that Europeans would not be able to walk safely on the streets if they kept up their current attitude toward Turkey, his latest salvo in a row over campaigning by Turkish politicians in Europe."
Toksabay, E. G., Tuvan (2017). Erdogan warns Europeans 'will not walk safely' if attitude persists, as row carries on. Reuters, Thompson Reuters.

""It's unwinnable. NATO's a joke. Nobody knows what they're doing," the SEALs told Trump, according to Bergen's book. "We don't fight to win. The morale is terrible. It's totally corrupt.""
'I don't want any officers' — Trump held private meetings with enlisted troops to candidly discuss the war in Afghanistan, David Choi, Business Insider, December 25, 2019

“The service member, whose identity has not yet been released, is the sixth American to be killed in Afghanistan this year, according to a statement from the NATO-led coalition in Afghanistan, Resolute Support. The wounded service member is in stable condition, according to the statement.

"The sacrifice of our service member, who volunteered for a mission to Afghanistan to protect his country, is a tragic loss for all who knew and all who will now never know him," the US and allied commander, Army Gen. Scott Miller, said in the statement. "Our duty now is to honor him, care for his family and continue our mission."

Miller officially assumed command of the forces at a ceremony in Kabul on Sunday, taking over the role from Army Gen. John Nicholson.”
US service member killed in apparent insider attack in Afghanistan, Jennifer Hansler, CNN, September 3, 2018

“U.S. military officials say ISIS has now been driven out of 98 percent of the territory it once controlled. But the group has reappeared in central Iraq, carrying out attacks in what The Washington Post described as “chillingly reminiscent of the kind of tactics that characterized the … insurgency in the years before 2014.” All this despite the billions the U.S. and its allies have spent to bolster Iraq’s security, its civic institutions, and its infrastructure.

This week’s suicide attack in al-Qaim, a district in Anbar province that is near the border with Syria, killed at least eight people. Separately, a suicide bombing in Kirkuk killed two police officers. ISIS is active in both areas.

“ISIS never went anywhere. It’s still on ISIS 1.0,” Michael Knights, an expert on Iraq at the Washington Institute, told me. “All they did was in every area where they lost the ability to control terrain, they immediately transitioned to an insurgency.”

"Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai and the chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation, Abdullah Handler, met with Abdul Rahman Mansour, the acting governor of Kabul for the Taliban.

“We discussed the security of the citizens of Kabul, and reiterated that protecting the life, property and dignity of the citizens of the capital should be prioritized,” Abdullah said on Saturday in a post on Twitter."
Former Afghanistan government leaders meet Taliban officials, ALARABIYA, 21 August 2021

"Peter Dutton has accused some of the former Afghan guards and interpreters who worked with Australia of shifting their allegiance to the Taliban or al-Qaeda, and denounced critics of the Morrison government’s response as “lounge chair experts”."
Peter Dutton suggests some former Afghan guards and interpreters could pose security risk to Australia, The Guardian, Daniel Hurst, 20-8-2021

"“Gareth (Gareth Parker 6PR Perth) you can understand the desire to keep safe as possible the Australians involved in the operation, but was this the right judgement given there are some that are going to be left behind?” Host, David Speers, Insiders, ABC

“I don’t know what the prime minister and the Australian Government could do in terms of the operation it was plain they were entirely reliant on the American security operation and what we have learned about the American security operation was that it was entirely reliant on the Taliban holding up their end of the bargain. I did find it extraordinary on Thursday morning I spoke with Andrew Hastie the assistant defence minister on my 6PR program in Perth and it was one of those moments when it stops you in your tracks when Andrew Hastie said “Look we have intelligence that there will be a suicide bombing imminent.” it was in terms as clear and as plain as that and tragically thirteen, fourteen hours later that’s exactly what happened. If that was the intelligence, they were prepared to talk about publicly it does make you wonder how they got into that situation where there was no ability to prevent that from happening then of course Peter Dutton on Frida saying that we shouldn’t be too hard on the Americans that those thirteen Americans have lost their lives did so to safeguard the way for Australia to get four thousand out. I think there are big questions about the manner and the nature and the competence of the Biden withdrawal and certainly the advice, and the tactical plans on the ground from the US military because clearly, they were totally misconceived about the true nature of the security situation and the Afghan forces, and if that has been a pattern for twenty years it has been continual over optimistic assessment by the Americans on the ground running the show. Yes, there will be people left behind, but what credibly more could Australia do in its position I am not sure.”" Gareth Parker 6PR Perth 
Insiders, ABC, Host, David Speers, 29/8/2021

''Democracy is like a streetcar. When you come to your stop, you get off.''
Erdogan The Erdogan Experiment, NYT, By DEBORAH SONTAG, MAY 11, 2003

““Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has a pan-Islamic project that is contrary to our European values,” the French president had said.”
Ruling AKP slams French President Macron over his Turkey remarks, ANKARA – Anadolu Agency, August 30 2018

“But the incident also exposed something else: Turkey’s complicated relationship with Kosovo and the wider Balkan region. Analysts say the Balkans play an important role in Erdogan’s goal of maximizing Turkey’s global influence and reviving the glory days of the Ottoman Empire. Kosovo, which declared its independence just 10 years ago, has appeared to go along with this to an extent, in part because it views Turkey as an important strategic partner.”
‘Turkey’s Puppet’: How Erdogan’s Anti-Gulenist Campaign Is Roiling Kosovo, Pulitzer centre, September 12, 2018, BY A.J. NADDAFF

“The violence is not easing. Civilian deaths and injuries have hit record highs. Casualty figures for the conflict, which began in 2001, are the highest since the UN started keeping records in 2009.”
Afghanistan: Kabul suicide bomber kills dozens at gathering of clerics, BBC, 21-11-2018

Do you not notice a pattern?

"Taliban fighters entered Aibak, the capital of Samangan province, without a fight after community elders pleaded with officials to spare the city from more violence following weeks of clashes on the outskirts, Sefatullah Samangani, deputy governor of Samangan province, told the AFP news agency.

“The governor accepted and withdrew all the forces from the city,” Samangani added, saying the Taliban were now in “full control”."
Germany rejects calls to send military back to Afghanistan, Al-Jazeera, 9-8-2021

"Women: “If the Taliban take over, I lose my identity,” Wahida Sadeqi, 17, said. The group will likely strip women of their rights and crack down on education for girls. On Sunday, in Kabul’s city center, people painted over posters of women at beauty salons, apparently preparing for a fundamentalist takeover."
Afghanistan falls to the Taliban, NYT, 16-8-2021

"“If the #Taliban takeover, I lose my identity,” Wahida Sadeqi, 17, said."

Other should not pay in scarce resources & precious lives so Muslim women & men do not lose a Western derived "identity". Muslim women & men are responsible for what walks from their Islamic codex floors - fix it.

So we fought for women's rights for what outcome-you left the Islamic codex in place so women clearly did not all agree what women rights were in fact rights.

“Britain's leading Muslim bodies say they are fighting extremism. In one of our most respected mosques (“the mosque in Regent’s Park”), Sara Hassan came face to face with hardline female preachers of separatism. Here, she reports on the shocking results of her investigation

What should be done to a Muslim who converts to another faith? "We kill him," she says, "kill him, kill, kill…You have to kill him, you understand?"

Adulterers, she says, are to be stoned to death - and as for homosexuals, and women who "make themselves like a man, a woman like a man ... the punishment is kill, kill them, throw them from the highest place".

These punishments, the preacher says, are to be implemented in a future Islamic state. "This is not to tell you to start killing people," she continues. "There must be a Muslim leader, when the Muslim army becomes stronger, when Islam has grown enough."

A young female student from the group interrupts her: the punishment should also be to stone the homosexuals to death, once they have been thrown from a high place.

These are teachings I never expected to hear inside Regent's Park Mosque, which is supposedly committed to interfaith dialogue and moderation, and was set up more than 60 years ago, to represent British Muslims to the Government. And many of those listening were teenage British girls or, even more disturbingly, young children.

Friendship with non-Muslims is discouraged because "loyalty is only to the Muslim, not to the kaffir [disbeliever]".

A woman who was friendly with a non-Muslim woman was heavily criticised: "It's part of Islam, of the correct belief, that you love those who love Allah and that you hate those who hate Allah."

One preacher even says Muslims shouldn't live in Britain at all: "It is not befitting for Muslims that he should reside in the land of evil, the land of the kuffaar, the land of the disbelievers."

Another, Um Saleem, says Muslims should not take British citizenship as their loyalty is to Allah.

"Some conditions can take you into disbelief, to take the British citizenship, whether you like it or not, for these people, you are selling your religion, it's a very serious thing, it is not allowed to give allegiance to other than Allah."

Regent's Park Mosque has a major interfaith department, which arranges visits from the Government, the civil service, representatives of other religions and thousands of British school children a year.

I watched as an interfaith group was brought in to meet the mosque's women's circle for a civilised exchange. But when the interfaith group wasn't there, the preacher attacked other faiths, and the very concept of interfaith dialogue.

One preacher said of Christians praying in a church: "What are these people doing in there, these things are so vile, what they say with their tongues is so vile and disgusting, it's an abomination." As for the concept of interfaith live-and-let-live: "This is false. It does not work. This concept is a lie, it is fake, and it is a farce."
Preachers of separatism at work inside Britain's mosques, Sara Hassan, The Telegraph, 31 Aug 2008

Nor the Islamic-Muslim leaders who define human rights deviance within an Islamic-Muslim behavoral variance as to the nature of women's place within. Our precious soldiers lives were sacrificed on which Moral alter?

“The moment she becomes your hostage, you can take her home as your slave.”

Broadcast on Iranian regime state TV.

The same Iranian regime that was recently elected to the U.N. Women’s Rights Commission.

— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) September 2, 2021

"One retired senior Australian Army figure, who spoke to the ABC on the condition of anonymity, said veterans were watching on in horror as their former enemy recaptured territory where they once served.

The conflict in Afghanistan saw 41 Australian soldiers die while serving, and many more were injured.

"Tarin Kowt is surrounded and most likely will fall soon, so will Kandahar," the Afghanistan veteran lamented.

"So much promised and taken all coming to nothing. Our treachery and abandonment watched closely but from afar," the former officer added."
Fear as deadly advance of Taliban across Afghanistan intensifies, government organising to remove Australians. ABC, By defence correspondent Andrew Greene, 13-8-2021

The "treachery and abandonment" has already happened by lying to Australian citizens and troops it was all about creating a humane environment particularly for women, which was impossible because there was no intention to change the codex from which the Islamic-Muslim scripts and roles=behavior are derived, creating Muslim terror and political tyranny against Other, and Muslims themselves, particularly women.

It’s not "treachery and abandonment" of Afghanistan they happily took advantage of Western largesse inclusive of Western lives sacrificed for nothing, to achieve a relative peace they simply cannot achieve on their own.

We cannot across the world keep pouring scarce resource and lives of our citizens into a Muslim sinkhole just to protect Muslims from each other - against us yes because that's inevitable but being sucked into the continual Muslim civil wars where scarce resources are wasted,  and results in a death sentence psychologically and physically for most involved at the sharp end is pure policy madness.

Democracy has to be so much more than a mark on a piece of paper, for Democracy to continue to survive against the force of the tyranny of one thought, complete certainty and the inevitable blasphemy paradigm to have the 'good' the 'moderate' continue to create evil claiming innocents regards what they systemically deliver into humanities streets.

"Two days ago I had to flee my home and life in the north of Afghanistan after the Taliban took my city. I am still on the run and there is no safe place for me to go."
‘Please pray for me’: female reporter being hunted by the Taliban tells her story. Guardian Australia, 12-8-2021

Praying to the same God which created the Afghan-Taliban does not appear to be a rational response. The notion some in the Australian military and others utilised to justify their presence, as every other claim fell bloody beside them, that they were saving Afghan women failed to understand a significant number of Muslim women enough to keep those seeking to throw off their culture ideology in their culture ideological political space were ever present. Trying to alter one facet of a non-contradictory rational system and leaving the rest intact to return with a vengeance to enforce culture ideology scripts and rules is arrogance personified. Machiavelli told us change the whole culture ideology to your own or expect defeat - so what happens?

"As for the murder charge, Swedish prosecutors said Noury is suspected of “intentionally killing, together with other perpetrators, a large number of prisoners who sympathized with various left-wing groups and who were regarded as apostates." Under the Swedish Penal Code, these are not considered to be related to an armed conflict and so the charge is different, the prosecution said."

Iranian stands trial in Sweden for 1980s war crimes, murder, AP, 9-8-2021

"The French strategy has been to hold off the jihadis to allow the states in the region to develop the capacity to see to their own defense. The longer they stayed, the French sought to “internationalize” their involvement, seeking the participation of other EU states—the motivation behind Takuba—to complement Barkhane and MINUSMA, the UN peacekeeping force in Mali, and emphasizing that the lead should be taken by the African governments under threat. Successive Washington administrations have supported the French approach and provided logistical assistance. The strategy has not been successful, with jihadi groups seeming to go from strength to strength. In 2021, the jihadi threat is more extensive than in 2013, causing anxiety even in Ivory Coast and Senegal. In hindsight, the French military presence has been too small in a vast region to be transformative. The governments which the French support are largely run by elites isolated from the populations they ostensibly govern, leading to coup attempts, including two successful attempts in Mali in the last year. Domestic security services are regularly accused of human rights abuses."
French President Macron Expands on Sahel Drawdown Plan, July 14, 2021, Council on foreign relations

As France has had to face an inconvenient truth in the Sahel so has the US in Afghanistan, the “violent, radical, fanatical, nihilistic” Jihadists are ordinary Muslims walking increasingly from Muslim family, community and institution development floors as they always have and will. Jihadists are not a “faction” they are integral to the very political fabric of the whole Muslim rationale system from which they emerge. How can it be otherwise for so many altruists to be activated across time and space? For any Other to be sucked into a Muslim conflict paradigm thinking they are protecting the good when it is the good creating the very violent conflict resolution method to keep them aligned to script and to eliminate Other is delusionally perverse. The enemy in reality for even Muslims themselves therefore is ....

"It is very clear what I mean, which is that there is a violent, radical, fanatical, nihilistic interpretation of Islam by a faction … within the Muslim community that is our enemy, and that has to be defeated." Obama: To Stop Terrorism Islam Must Reconcile Itself To Modernity April 4, 2016 by Michael Stone

Is it any wonder Western troops sent into such an antithesis paradigm told they are fighting for good suffer severe moral injury as a result.

How many of our WWI and WWII veterans are we to dig up and remove their medals and unit citations?

“The remainder of the Japanese were dealt with by machine guns and hand grenades. The Australians were at the top of their form and seemed to enjoy the clash. They threw their grenades into the massed enemy infantry, yelling” Take that, you b----s.”. One man walked calmly to the top of the cutting and, dropping a grenade into the midst of a number of cowering Japs, said in a lady like tone, “Ere you are, luvvy.”.

The company conservatively estimated killing more than 500 Japs. Some said 800. Our losses were extremely light.

Having completed their task, both portions of the gallant company set off for their lines.”
Soldiering On, p 38, 1942

“These documents detailed a secret, unaccountable process for targeting and killing people around the world, including U.S. citizens, through drone strikes,” she said.
Ex-Intelligence Analyst Is Sentenced for Leaking to a Reporter, NYT,  Julian E. Barnes, July 27, 2021

"However Patricia Gossman of Human Rights Watch says that revenge killings have been committed by all sides during Afghanistan’s decades of war.

“The war, all 43 years of it, has a revenge-driven dynamic,” she said in an interview on Tuesday.

“Revenge for past wrongs, including terrible atrocities, committed by one side or the other has been a mobilising factor for all the various armed forces.”"

Taliban admits to killing Afghan comic, to try alleged killers, Al-Jazeera, 29-11-2021

"However, for anyone who served in Afghanistan, as did I twice between 2009 and 2011, the war is anything but a distant memory, so intense were its experiences and so persistent are lingering questions involving the troublesome word success.3 For many, despite the equipping and training of the Afghan National Security Forces, the reopening of schools in some areas, polio vaccinations, or baby steps taken on the road to democracy and the rule of law, there is little doubt that the mission, which has cost trillions of dollars and countless lives, remains a failure and that any attempt to frame it otherwise is disingenuous.4 Common criticisms include not having a coherent geopolitical strategy from the onset, which propagated confusion, corruption, and nepotism; that the Pashtuns, at 40 percent easily the dominant ethnic group, were mistakenly marginalized in the creation of a Kabul government; that the international community failed to co-opt former Taliban leaders after the 2001 Bonn Conference; that members of the Taliban were permitted sanctuary and time to reconstitute in Pakistan after the United States shifted its attention to Iraq in 2003; and that the pervasiveness of non-Taliban insurgent groups, criminal networks, and other destabilizing nonstate actors was terribly underestimated.5 Argues former US Ambassador

'the COIN [counterinsurgency] surge plan for Afghanistan rested on three crucial assumptions: that the COIN goal of protecting the population was clear and attainable and would prove decisive, that higher levels of foreign assistance and support would substantially increase the Afghan government’s capacity and legitimacy, and that a COIN approach by the United States would be consistent with the political military approach preferred by Afghan President Hamid Karzai. Unfortunately, all three assumptions were spectacularly incorrect, which, in turn, made the counterinsurgency campaign increasingly incoherent and difficult to prosecute. In short, COIN failed in Afghanistan.6'

British MP Rory Stewart provides an equally scathing assessment of the mission:
Policymakers were captivated by the promises of “counterinsurgency” and “state-building” doctrines and by the idea that there were professionals who “knew” how to do these things. In reality, such “doctrines” were flimsy edifices, often based on selective evidence, misleading historical and geographical comparisons … and flawed logic … In the villages where 80 percent of Afghans lived … counter-insurgency called for secure borders, the consent of the local population, and credible government. Did any of these exist? … Only our fantasies, our fears, and our guilt prevented us from seeing the truth of the situation, and they prevent us now from acknowledging our failure, and our shame.7

Common to such critiques is that the international community, and ISAF among it, were incapable of sufficiently grasping the unique cultural nuances that characterize Afghanistan; nowhere is this more accurate than in the conservative, overwhelmingly rural, agrarian south: the birthplace of the Taliban and the locus of a complex, cryptic tribal culture unlike anything most ISAF soldiers had ever seen."
Culture and the Soldier, 7 Connected and Alone: Cultural Dislocation and Moral Injury of Canadian Soldiers in Afghanistan, Andrew Belyea, UBC Press 2019

"After the insider attack, Hekmatullah’s name was immediately was immediately added to the top of the JPEL. As journalist Chris Masters notes, ‘Kinetic strikes on the JPEL objectives did not require the targets to be armed or to demonstrate lethal intent."
Failures of Command, The death of Private Robert Poate, Hugh Poate, 2021

The defense and political elite failed to inform us killing of listed insurgents unarmed and/or not demonstrating utilization of lethal force was approved policy for Australian soldiers on the ground. Australian soldiers under the definition of Western constructs of murder were already authorised to do so. Give the abrogation of leadership both political and military and the clear complicity of not only ANA soldiers in the killing of Australian soldiers, the prevalent methods of killing to create fear by the Muslim Taliban themselves i.e. slitting the throat's of children is it any wonder as the father of Robert Poate clearly moral shifts from Western definitions of murder to agree with such a construct for the killer of his own son in his book Failure of Command 2021, how much more likely having already been authorised to kill within an Afghanistan Muslim context of extreme violence and murder under a Western construct will those having to deal with the stark reality of what works as the prevailing methodology to secure security, already authorised, continue due abrogation of leadership and the actual events on the ground to moral shift and reflect back a Muslim religious authorised extreme violent means of converting subjugating Other? It has occurred in our own space because of a failure of command in determining a lie Muslim cultural behavoral variance is a good and does not deliver systemic violence against Other despite the evidence across Muslim generations since the 7th century.

Muslim Hekmatullah is another example that the concept of the Muslim lone wolf nothing more to fear is devoid of truth.

I think everyone is looking at the war crimes now and we’re trying to reverse engineer 'how did we get to this point?' I think an important question to ask is 'how did we stay so long and get to a point where we cared a lot less about the people we were meant to protect?'”
This former Australian soldier fought the war in Afghanistan. Now he says it wasn't worth it, SBS, BY AARON FERNANDES, 4-3-2021

Why? Because "the (Muslim) people" adhere to a Muslim culture-ideology which at its core seeks the conversion or annihilation of Other, which necessarily due to the inherent Muslim construct of Other includes Muslims themselves as victims of their own culture-ideology, morals, and scripts. Why? Because our elite military, political, intellectual are imbued with a dangerous lie the Muslim behavioural variance does not inherently inform a dire threat to Western civilization and freedom of religion developed under the assumption of a view we are more alike than different, within a Christian dominated space and therefore in time we can coexist with antitheses cultures is a dangerous lie. Muslims never signed onto this agreement and in fact even in the United Nations delineated Islam-Muslim culture from the precepts which underlay the original agreement Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.

"Robbie's funeral was held on Wednesday 12 September 2012. I knew Robbie would have wanted Padre Fry to have a role, so I asked the school chaplain whether this would be possible. Padre Fry is Catholic but Robbie was Anglican, and Canberra Grammar is an Anglican school. The school chaplain said he would seek permission from the archbishop. It was granted immediately. The school chaplain and Padre Fry jointly conducted the funeral service.
I could not help thinking of the contrast between the cooperative effort by ministers of religion from two different Christian denominations, and the two main branches of Islamic faith -the Sunni and the Shia - in which the fundamentalists were killing each other. It is also difficult to understand that Robbie had been killed in Afghanistan simply because he was a non-Muslim, an infidel in an Islamic country. I cannot imagine a more undignified way for a proud and highly skilled young soldier to die."
Failures of Command, Hugh Poate, 2021

"“This fight is not to share power. This war is for religious purposes in order to bring an Islamic government and implement Islamic law,” said the commander, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media." With U.S. withdrawal delay likely, and new peace proposal on the table, Taliban faces inevitable crossroads, The Washington Post, 27-3-2021, Susannah George

“On 15 July 2012, Hekmatullah was assigned to the 4th Brigade, 6th Kandak (Battalion), 2 Tolay (company). Six weeks later he would murder our son, Robbie, and his fellow Brothers by Choice, James Martin and Rick Milosevic.” Page 55

[…] So nothing has changed. It really comes down to people with rank who never actually led men or leave the wire and being scared about hurting civvies. It is time they hardened up, accepted some responsibility and leave command decisions to the commander on the ground!

[…] You can slowly see now why we don’t want anything to do with being an officer, as there is too much bullshit involved and they spend more time screwing people over than helping or getting into the action. Over here, you really see how little officers actually do in terms of leadership and decisions. I can honestly confidently say that I make more decisions on the ground that affect the entire patrol than they do, and I’m only a Private. The real leaders and decision makers are the Corporals and Sergeants.” From: Robert Poate, Date: 20 August 2012, To Hugh Poate page 51-52

“[…] in Afghanistan the enemy did not did not wear uniforms and were not easy to identify. IA farmer on Monday could be a Taliban insurgent on Tuesday.  An ally in the ANA mentored by Australian soldiers could be an inside attacker waiting for an opportunity to strike. Furthermore, rules of engagement placed our soldiers at a distinct disadvantage relative to tactics of the enemy.  One veteran later said to me with characteristic directness ‘There was nothing worth dying for in Afghanistan, other than your mates you were fighting with.’” Page 23

“Robbie thought he would go up to the man and shake his hand.  That was typical of Robbie-he considered everybody to be his friend. However, that he got close to the old man and extended his arm for a handshake, the man spat at him.

Robbie said, ’They just don’t like us being in their country.’

On another occasion when he called, it was obvious from the tone of his voice that he was feeling despondent. He said his patrol had passed through a village where the Taliban had cut throats of five children the night before. The Taliban had done this because they thought the parents of these children had colluded with Security Assistance Force (ISAF) soldiers.”  Page 48

“We would later learn that Hekmatullah came from Ghazni Province, which was Taliban controlled, and his father was a Muslim Imam and Taliban supporter. On the day of the incident, Hekmatullah told the ANA cook on the base of his plans to attack the Australians. That evening when he was due to go guard duty, he went into armoury and told the Afghan soldier in charge of the weapons armoury that he wanted a belt-fed PKM 7.26-calibre machine gun to attack the ‘foreign infidels. The Afghan soldier refused his request, but Hekmatullah replied that he would attack them anyway with the M-16rifle he was issued with to go on duty. Neither the cook nor the soldier in charge of the armoury told any superior ANA officer of Hekmatullah’s intentions. Nor did they take any action to stop him.

[…] Hekmatullah phoned his mother to proudly tell her what he had done.” Page 69-70

“The names of all high-value insurgent targets were placed on the Joint Priortized Effects List, known as the JPEL. After the insider attack, Hekmatullah’s name was immediately was immediately added to the top of the JPEL. As journalist Chris Masters notes, ‘Kinetic strikes on the JPEL objectives did not require the targets to be armed or to demonstrate lethal intent. ‘Therefore, it is unfortunate that our soldiers did not locate Hekmatullah before he left the base, let alone before he was squirrelled out of Afghanistan. He could have been shot on sight, whether armed or not, under the rules of engagement at the time.”
Failures of Command, The death of Private Roberrt Poate, Hugh Poate, 2021

The Muslim ideology is a political tract determining government must derive from its ideological frameworks and behaviors within, which at the very least circumscribe Democracy and at its worst eliminates Democracy, with the exclusion, subjugation of Other.

Also, the hypocrisy manifest in "the crimes of the warlords, who - backed by the Americans (Australians)- now ruled the country. ..., their crimes were almost as bad as those of the hated Taliban, yet the West (Australia) seemed content to support them as part of its realpolitik approach to Afghanistan." With manifest subjugation of and violence against women, such as the brutal attack against a woman, body bashed and burnt in the streets whilst the good Muslim children sing “Defend Islam don’t be an infidel”. It is called moral shifting; all humans are subject to moral shifting dependent upon context - "the meaning and significance of any given phenomenon depends on the relational context in which it is embedded.(Causadias, 2017)"

The answer to the “Why” question is Muslim-Islamic monstrous context, so what will happen, what has already happened, and who put these soldiers in such a context under the manifest monstrous lie of the Muslim-Good Islamist-Evil Dichotomy Paradigm, the Australian military, government, and intellectual elite. They are the ones who should be removed from their positions and subjugated to deviance labelling and action.

"Children’s voices are heard “Defend Islam don’t be an infidel!”" [...] Hundreds of other men watched, holding their phones aloft to try to get a glimpse of the violence, but never making a move to intervene. Those standing by included several police officers. [...] then the enraged men below her picked up poles and planks of wood, and hit at her until she lost her grip and tumbled down.” Flawed Justice After a Mob Killed an Afghan Woman, New York Times, by Pulitzer Prize winner ALISSA J. RUBIN, DEC. 26, 2015

A World Health Organisation (WHO) study has found if one segment of society is allowed to deliver violence as a conflict resolution method Other in time will respond with the same, fear works, those who have not, as most in Australia have not, experienced extreme fear as a conflict resolution method on a mass culture ideology scale, and the inherent reactive response need to simply reflect on why and the tragic inevitability of Christchurch and Afghanistan.

“..cultural acceptance of violence, either as a normal method of resolving conflict or as a usual part of rearing a child, is a risk factor for all types of interpersonal violence. It may also help explain why countries experiencing high levels of one type of violence also experience increased levels of other types. Social tolerance of violent behavior is likely learned in childhood, through the use of corporal punishment or witnessing violence in the family, in the media or in other settings." Changing cultural and social norms that support violence, by World Health Organization - ‎2009

The streets of Australia continue to experience terror but at a level out of all proportion to those we send into Afghanistan,  the nature of what is considered normative in just Muslim society, kicking  and burning to death a women for objecting to certain men's actions with children singing “Death to the Infidel” let alone in the war existing with no front, where even the children are considered more dangerous than adults with little or no differentiation between combatant and non-combatants, where even the concept of attempted differentiation leaves annihilation as a real possibility.

An ethical antithesis space where rules scripts roles behaviors beliefs are not only alien but dangerously so, where the hypocrisy of engagement of elite Democratic sourced troops in such a context supporting the very Muslim culture-ideology they are fighting against is as evident to some Afghans as it has to be to those from biology/culture-ideologies with diametrically opposed moral precepts and associated scripts.

"Malalai Joya has been described as the bravest woman in the world. As a teenager she worked as a women's rights activist under the Taliban, running underground classes and clinics in her native Afghanistan that would have resulted in her torture and execution if she'd been caught. After the fall of the Taliban, Malalai was elected as one of the few women to represent her province at the first assembly to frame a new Afghan constitution. Here she dared to speak out against the crimes of the warlords, who - backed by the Americans - now ruled the country. To her, their crimes were almost as bad as those of the hated Taliban, yet the West seemed content to support them as part of its realpolitik approach to Afghanistan."
Raising My Voice, By Malalai Joya, 2009

So what do we expect to happen, and worse what will continue to happen as we enable the continuance of the Muslim biology/culture ideology families, communities and institutions development complex rationale system to create their altruist terrorists here and overseas?

"Makassar, Indonesia | A suicide bomber blew himself up outside a packed Roman Catholic cathedral on Indonesia’s Sulawesi island during a Palm Sunday Mass, wounding at least 14 people, police say." The Australian, 27-3-2021

July 2013:
"As tears poured down his face, this former junior commander said, ' I grew a deep hatred for the people of Afghanistan, the men, women and children, I hated them all. I hated them as a people and thought of them less than human. They were animal, filth, worthless-nothing more. This was not an uncommon perception of the Afghans by Australian soldiers who had seen combat, particularly by those who served multiple tours of duty."
Failure of Command, Hugh Poate, 2021

"A farmer on Monday could be a Taliban insurgent on Tuesday. An ally in the ANA mentored by Australian soldiers could be an inside attacker waiting for an opportunity to strike. Further the rules of engagement placed our soldiers at a distinct disadvantage relative to tactics of the enemy. One veteran later said to me with characteristic directness, 'There is nothing worth dying for in Afghanistan, other than your mates you were fighting with. [...]

Insurgents, enemy, Taliban, whatever you like to call them, are not conventional soldiers they wear no uniforms and cannot easily be identified as an enemy combatant. The arrogance of command where they believe they will sweep through the valleys and 'engage and capture' the enemy is absurd."
Failure of Command, Hugh Poate, 2021

If we send our troops into a Western rationale ethical framework one expects less moral shifting but into a Islamic-Muslim rationale ethical framework and expect our troops to maintain a Western ethical core and not moral shift, in the face of killings at home as well as overseas where war is as much at home as over there you have got to be kidding. Alas your policy is to manage Muslim terror, and not stop it, with no end in sight of course citizens and troops will deliver in time outlier like for Muslim conflict resolution normalcy. Why? This is the conflict resolution method, extreme terror, Muslims have been morally shaped to accept, which will, in the end, lead to conversion, the founder of the text Mohammad knew fear works if the terror is extreme enough.

"According to veterans and clinicians, particular vulnerability to mental health problems following exposure to potentially morally injurious events was associated with younger age at the time of the event, exposure to multiple traumatic events, and more senior rank (i.e. senior officers were more likely to have moral injury due to feelings of personal responsibility for events). In addition, both clinicians and veterans perceived that moral injury-associated psychological distress seemed to increase on leaving the AF." Moral injury in UK armed forces veterans: a qualitative study, 14 Jan 2019

Our troops are not to blame for utilising the very behaviour they know is the conflict method of the Muslims with whom they are engaged, we are sending them into a Muslim ethical antithesis maelstrom under the insane Islam Islamist Dichotomy paradigm and we expect our troops and even our citizens at home experiencing Muslim terror not to inform the same, as the elite refuses to acknowledge Muslims are Islamists, Islamists are Muslims, “not as exclusive contradictions as in the split epistemology but as differentiated polarities (i.e., coequals) of a unified (i.e., indissociable), inclusive matrix – as a relation.(Causadias, 2017)”

"There can be no long-term peace in Afghanistan while US troops are present and they should leave as quickly as possible, according to a celebrated activist who made history as a female member of parliament.

Malalai Joya says even though the security situation in the country may get worse in the short term as Taliban forces seize more territory, the American military is the root cause of many problems and act as a “cancer” to her country.

“History shows no nation can donate liberation to another nation – they come to Afghanistan for their own interests,” Joya tells The Independent.

Speaking from an undisclosed location in Kabul Joya, who has survived at least four assassination attempts, says she has repeatedly urged US forces to depart with “all their lackeys”.

“Get rid from my country. They are a cancer in the body of my society, in the body of my beloved country,” she says. “They are like Covid-19.”


“[The process] not only failed to bring peace but created doubt and ambiguity,” Afghanistan’s president, Ashraf Ghani, told parliament

Joya dismissed Bush’s comments, saying he was a warmonger who could not be trusted.

“The catastrophic situation of women was a very good excuse for the US and NATO to occupy our country, and replace the barbaric regime of the Taliban with the warlords,” she says. ...

Estimates suggest at least 250,000 Afghans lost their lives during that period, with 3 million displaced internally and 2.1 million leaving the country.

Has there been any positive element about the US military presence – for instance, the expansion of education for women and girls?

“For [the] justification of the occupation, they did some humanitarian projects, especially in big cities like Herat, Kabul, Mazar-i-Sharif, Jalalabad… they built some schools, some hospitals, some roads. But it was for justification of their occupation,” she says. “And in rural areas and most part of Afghanistan, they did almost nothing.”

She says the US also oversaw the installation of a corrupt “puppet” system, which resulted in “artificial schools” that did not exist and where the money set aside for such projects went to “the pocket of the corrupt warlords”.

“Millions of dollars come under the name of women’s rights projects, [the] reconstruction of Afghanistan, [and] education,” she says. “But most of this money goes to the pockets of corrupt people.”

She says the population has suffered from decades of angst and war, most recently with the US occupation. Now the US had done a deal with the Taliban, claiming they could be trusted, while it was obvious to Afghan people they had not changed whatsoever.
“Imagine if all the population of our country was educated; they do not do self-immolation, they will not be disappointed, they will not allow these extremists to continue their barbarism.”"

‘We cannot have long-term peace while American troops are here,’ says celebrated Afghan activist Malalai Joya Interview: No nation can gift liberation to another, ex-MP tells Andrew Buncombe, 7-8-2021

The French understand Muslims are the source of the terror that haunts humanity's streets and demand Muslims conform to the core values of Democracy, otherwise Muslim culture-ideology will be further restricted to eliminate terror-walking from their good floors. China determines the same truth and as it does not have a Western ethical developed base of the individual but the steppe ethics of the group its methodology is different. See the ethic of the individual is a fleeting luxury few can afford if survival has any meaning.

“Relationism is a metatheory that incorporates contextualism and organicism to approach scientific problems from four major principles (Overton, 2010).
First, the holism principle indicates that the meaning and significance of any given phenomenon depends on the relational context in which it is embedded (Overton, 2010). In the cases of culture and biology, holism invites us to acknowledge that even if we focus on just one component of each system – a single gene, a single cultural trait – we also need to recognize that these units must be contextualized because they operate as part of systems that function as wholes (e.g., genome, brain, cultural self, organism, community, population).”

Second, the identity of opposites principle “establishes the identity among parts of a whole by casting them not as exclusive contradictions as in the split epistemology but as differentiated polarities (i.e., coequals) of a unified (i.e., indissociable), inclusive matrix – as a relation”
Causadias, Jose M., Eva Telzer, Nancy Gonzales. The Handbook of Culture and Biology. Wiley-Blackwell, 2017-08-30.

It is my view Brenton Tarrant would not have come into existence if the Australian elite did not lie about the culpability of Muslims as a complex rationale system for the systemic Muslim terror-genocide which walks straight from Muslim development floors and act accordingly. Citizens will therefore take it upon themselves as individuals or groups to seek to counter the Muslim terror-genocide being clearly managed into, not stopped in their streets, as the Government has broken its contract with their citizens to protect them, instead manages Muslim terror into their streets saying it is simply bad luck for the victims being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Would anyone dare to say the same regards the death of a black person in custody, just bad luck? More road accidents than black deaths in custody, and simply fail to investigate why? And worse knowing why do nothing to stop it, simply say it’s inevitable, a management issue?

Brenton Tarrantis is no hero, nor any other citizen intent on utilising the same Muslim conflict resolution method of extreme terror within a Democratic context space, Tarrantis' actions require condemnation for terror-violence-fear carried out in a Democratic context space, such behavior is counter in my view to the very fabric of Democracy but when you start to regard terror as a normal albeit unwanted nature of existence in any society, which is a lie, have your citizens subject to the same it will be reflected back in reactive aggression-violence at the very least commensurate with that of the attacking biology/culture ideology, reap what you sow.
French government unveils new law tackling Islamist extremism, FRANCE24,09/12/2020 - 08:21

Accept terror walks straight from good Muslim floors to perpetrate horrors more unimaginable than the last where al-Qa’ida becomes conservative or yes some of us alas will return the same. We cannot afford to become what we fight so hard against but if the fight entails you enabling the enemy to continually reappear from your very own streets you can punish the emergent artifacts of your own policy or change your policy which inevitably creates them.

Does anyone believe the Wests moral strategy “as a cow to milk”, has worked on either Muslim side which is in essence, from a biology/culture ideology perspective one and the same, or in Australian streets? Overarching strategy of passive resistance, passive to the extent nothing is done to remove the Muslim-Islam ideology culture driving the many to create the few terrorists to enforce internal compliance and external terror? Patient and persistent diplomacy has worked where? With Russia, with China, with Islam, Western values of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity are so obvious they will eliminate any other culture-ideologies definitions of the same words inclusive of Democracy when Western power-influence soft-hard over foreign space and even their own dwindles?

Turkey withdraws from European treaty protecting women from gender-based violence, ABC,Posted Saturday 20 March 2021 at 11:25pm, updated Sunday 21 March 2021 at 1:15pm

'Democracy is like a streetcar. When you come to your stop, you get off.''
Erdogan, The Erdogan Experiment, NYT, By DEBORAH SONTAG, MAY 11, 2003

"The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets, and the believers our soldiers." Erdogan, December 1997

“Our God commands us to be violent towards the kuffar (infidels). Who are we? The ummah [nation] of Mohammed. So [God] also commands us to be merciful to each other. So, we will be merciful to each other. And we will be violent to the kuffar. Like in Syria.”
Erdogan: “Our God commands us to be violent to the kuffar”, Arutz Sheva 7, Uzay Bulut, 15/11/19

"“Islam cannot be either ‘moderate’ or ‘not moderate.’ Islam can only be one thing,” Erdoğan said in a speech at a program hosted in Ankara by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on women’s entrepreneurship on Nov. 9.
“Recently the concept of ‘moderate Islam’ has received attention. But the patent of this concept originated in the West,” Erdoğan said."
Erdoğan criticizes Saudi Crown Prince’s ‘moderate Islam’ pledge, Daily News, November 10 2017

"Individuals distribute themselves in a socially constructed ecology, adopt institutionally appropriate identities and roles by defining their situations, are motivated and guided in the performance of their roles by the basic human impetus to maintain affective meanings and apply internalized scripts and habits in order to achieve desired outcomes. Language is crucial in many of these processes because it implicitly carries knowledge about society."
Cultural Meanings and Social Institutions, Social Organization Through Language. Language and Social Institutions, David R. Heise, 2019

“Barnett Pearce and Stephen Littlejohn, two well-known communication scholars, point out that our values tend to be embedded in clusters and are essential to our sense of order and function in the world, essential to holding communities and cultures together. ... A challenge to any one value in such a cluster threatens to unravel the whole."
Moral and Cultural Conflicts, Michael Dues, Senior Lecturer in Communication University of Arizona

Of course, Australian troops started to utilise methods, moral shifted-"bartered his soul" for effect “to instil horror and authority”, which would be understood as a real threat by the Taliban. It is not that we have not been warned about becoming involved either in defense of a Muslim cluster whilst attacking another cluster of the same Islam-Muslim biology/culture ideology, particularly in Afghanistan or outside it, nor of the propensity of Muslims to deliver terror-genocide across time and space, which from a Western moral framework beggars’ belief as even worse atrocities of once unimaginable horror pile into humanity's streets.

“More than any other political group, the Nahdelatul Ulama (the largest independent Islamic organization in the world), their youth organisation Ansor, and armed wing Banser (all-purpose units) made a mark on the mass killings throughout virtually the entire country. The NU newspaper Duta Masjakarat called for the extermination of Communist as early as October 7, 1965. Three days later, Ansor asked the military in Sumatra for weapons for killing Communist. By October 5, the NU leadership had unofficially encouraged their East Javanese members to “physically eradicate” the Communist. Ansor youth from religious schools were responsible for most of the many murders in Kediri (with NU organisational efforts resulting in low survival rates in the area). They put 3500 people to death within five days in another town in East Java and slew people near Mlaten and, under army supervision, in the district of Banyuwangi. In some areas, Ansor and Banser forced all adults to participate in the slaughter. Religious schools (which students from poor families could hardly afford to attend) instigated the violence. Jusuf Hasjim, a senior NU member who had taken a leading role in setting up Banser said in 1998 that “Hitler’s Mein Kampf had provided the inspiration on how to organise the youth.” (Gerlach, 2010, p. 35)

"[...] with entire families slain, and involving mutilations with penises, heads, human limbs, or torsos being displayed at roadsides and in squares. In parts of East Java, it seems that such cruelty by civilian gangs serve to inspire awe in the early weeks of the massacres, while later killings happened less publicly and with fewer mutilations because these were no longer necessary to instil horror and authority. Near Kediri, and Ansor squad used to lead crowds of 3000 villages attacking other villages. Throughout Indonesia, many of the locations of killings also indicate a degree of planning rather than uncontrolled rage, as the victims were transported (often in trucks) mostly in small groups to their deaths at sites such as forests, remote plantation grounds, wells, cemeteries, riverbanks, and sea beaches.”(Gerlach, 2010, pp. 41-42) Extremely Violent Societies: Mass Violence in the Twentieth-Century World, Christian Gerlach, Cambridge University Press, 14 Oct 2010

And it continues not only in Australian streets but elsewhere as it always has and will.

“At least 13 people were killed and more than 40 injured when the group targeted Sunday Mass congregations in the country's second-largest city. …
He said the family's father carried out one of the attacks by exploding a car bomb, while the man's two sons, aged 18 and 16, used a motorbike in their attack. Their mother carried out another attack with her two children, aged 12 and nine.”
Indonesian church bombings carried out by one family, police say, ABC, 14-5-2018

We are not more alike than different our Biology/Culture Ideology makes sure of that and some are so much more dangerous than others. We are not them.

"The use of force and violence is more commonplace and prevalent in some families, communities, religions, cultural/ethnic groups and societies based on the views and values about adult prerogatives with children espoused. They may also be based upon the sociopathy of the perpetrators." Treatment of Complex Trauma Courtois/Ford 2016

"Culture is an abstraction, yet the forces that are created in social and organisational situations that derive from culture are powerful. If we don't understand the operation of these forces, we become victim to them."
The Concept of Organisational Culture: Why Bother?, Edgar H. Schein, 2004

Clearly the Australian military, Government and intellectual elite “don’t understand the operation” of the Islam-Muslim biology/culture ideology rational system “forces we become victim to them.". Not only from direct attack but development of inevitable reactive violence mirroring Muslim method because the elite refuse to recognise their ignorance relabelling it as wisdom.

What a load of self-serving crap=
"General Campbell believes such behaviour stems from “a self-centred warrior culture” within the Special Air Service Regiment.

“A misplaced focus on prestige, status and power, turning away from the regiment’s heritage of military excellence fused with the quiet humility of service,” he told reporters in Canberra today.

“The report notes that the distorted culture was embraced and amplified by some experienced, charismatic and influential non-commissioned officers and their proteges who sought to fuse military excellence with ego, elitism and entitlement.”"
"Profound betrayal": War crimes report refers Australian soldiers to police over Afghan murders, SAS unit disbanded, Thursday, Nov 19, 2020,

The "Profound betrayal" is the blaming of SAS soldiers for the success they achieved by having  by necessity to utilize tactics required to gain success on the battlefield whilst the Military leaders, politicians and intellectual elite lied to them about the true nature of the moral peril they were being thrown into. The moral peril being the dangerous assumption the nature of the context of Afghanistan was a reflection of the elites invalid political-social view one has to simply pander to the Muslim-Islam general population, provide the security for Western mores to flourish without as Machiavelli warned removing completely the existent antithesis cultural-ideology of the existing population- i.e. utilisation of pacification by infrastructure, roads, education facilities and protection for the idea women were equal partners, economically and politically, and the notion of democracy where conflict resolution was not fear of extreme violence but based upon rational scientific dialogue - all an antithesis to Muslim-Islam aspirations as to what pertains to a good societal construct and its enforcement internal and defense external. Where the very means of our soldier’s destruction and in time possibly in our own streets delivered to our antithesis culture-ideology.

"[...] ANA forces mentored by Australia during the war would by now have complete knowledge of all our field tactics, techniques and procedure, because that is what we had been teaching them as supposed allies during the mentoring process. In fact, these tactics, techniques and procedures were used to great effect by the murderer, Hekmatullah. Furthermore, during the 12 years of war, the ANA was experiencing significant attrition and some of those who absconded joined the Taliban, taking their Australian training with them."

Where murdering of our own Australian citizens by Muslims in our own streets and mates in the battlefield by children and adults will engender hate and if not dealt with truthfully i.e. admitting the Muslim-Islamic culture is a proven systemic threat in our own streets or anywhere it exists, and more importantly policy is created which seeks to ameliorate this threat the rational anger engendered and hate will manifest itself as a reflection of Muslim-Islam's own extreme conflict resolution tool - extreme violence. The military elite must have known should have known citizens at home and particularly soldiers at the sharp end could see the hypocrisy the disconnect between fairyland chocolate bar thinking and reality and this must lead to moral injury, resulting from betrayal by those who created and enforced a policy lie Muslim-culture ideology must be treated with respect because we are more alike than different, and the realty of the extreme violence by children as well as adults derived from the very Muslim religious-political floors they were told they were protecting.

"..the child bomber detonated his explosive vest about three metres away from Mr Savage, who was critically wounded.[...] now confined to a wheelchair."
FAILURE OF COMMAND, Hugh Poate, 2021.

"We gasp: "Can that succeed?" "In all history it has never failed," he (Ghandi) replies calmly. "You of the West have been taught that it is violent power which wins. The truth is it is passive resistance which has always won." We ask for an illustration. He replies: "The victory of the Christian Church over the Roman Empire. Non-resistance is invincible. As long as we do not let our fight drop to the plane of violence, we cannot lose. ... We need a plurality party composed of all creeds and races. We are getting it, in spite of the common lazy common dismissal of our program as hopelessly idealistic. See this man is a high Muslim scholar, and we trust one another. Perhaps you have gained an inkling of the remarkable breakdown of cast taking place over India."
THE REVOLT OF ASIA, Upton Close, 1927

391 AD:
“Theophilus Patriarch of Alexandria released his monks to attack pagans who had occupied the Serupium, temple to Serapis, centre of an important library and lecture halls the museion, academy of arts and sciences founded in the 3rd century BC by King Ptolemy I. The Monks attacked the pagans, the argument was the pagans were secretly worshiping in underground sanctuaries, and this was against the laws recently passed by the Emperor Theodosius I. […] The result of this attack on the Serupium and museion was that classical Alexandria was essentially destroyed and Christian Alexandria emerged. Scholars and popular writers have viewed this destruction as a turning point, and there is a good reason to do so, the pagans that witnessed it, witnessed this destruction were absolutely intimidated and there are reports of conversions on the spot. […].. The Christians finally destroyed the pagan sanctuaries, where essentially between 391-414 wiped out that elite class that provided the neo-platonic philosophers.”
The Fall of the Pagans and the Origins of Medieval Christianity, Professor Kenneth W. Harl

"Haroun, 63, is the youngest of the six women remaining in a community that once numbered 75,000 when the first Arab-Israeli war broke out in 1948." In a bid to promote diversity, Egypt plans to restore Alexandria synagogue, Religion News Service, By Jacob Wirtschafter, July 27, 2017

"The Indian Independence Bill, which carves the independent nations of India and Pakistan out of the former Mogul Empire, comes into force at the stroke of midnight on August 15, 1947. The long-awaited agreement ended 200 years of British rule and was hailed by Indian independence leader Mohandas Gandhi as the “noblest act of the British nation.” However, religious strife between Hindus and Muslims, which had delayed Britain’s granting of Indian independence after World War II, soon marred Gandhi’s exhilaration. In the northern province of Punjab, which was sharply divided between Hindu-dominated India and Muslim-dominated Pakistan, hundreds of people were killed in the first few days after independence."
THIS DAY IN HISTORY, AUGUST 15, 1947, India and Pakistan win independence

"Some say the caste system would have disappeared by now if the fires were not regularly fanned by politicians.
At elections, many caste groups still vote as a block and are wooed by politicians looking for electoral gains.
As a result, what was originally meant to be a temporary affirmative action plan to improve the lot of the unprivileged groups has now become a vote-grabbing exercise for many politicians."
What is India's caste system?, BBC, Published19 June 2019

"The existence of the Jewish colony in China was discovered by the Jesuit Fathers in the seventeenth century, if not earlier; Kaifung, some four hundred and fifty-miles south-west of Peking, being the headquarters of the colony. When Martin visited the place in 1866, he found the synagogue, supposed to be built in 1164, in ruins; the Jews had dispersed, some having become Mohammedans, and not one being able to speak a word of Hebrew. In 1850 certain Hebraic rolls were recovered from the few remaining descendants of former Jews,.."
China in Transformation, A. R. Colquhoun, 1898

"The Mohammedan religion was spread in Central Africa to a great extent by travelling Arab merchants, who were welcomed everywhere at the negro of semi-negro courts, and who frequently converted the pagan kings by working miracles-that is to say, by means of events which accidentally followed their solemn prayers, such as healing of disease, rain in the midst of drought, or a victory in war. But the chief instrument of conversion was the school. It is much to the credit of the negros that they keenly appreciate the advantages of education; they appear to possess an instinctive veneration and affection for the book. Wherever Mohammedans settled the sons of the chiefs were placed under their tuition. The machinery of the old pagan court might still go on; the negro chief might receive the magnificent title of sultan; [...] But the Arab or Moorish sheikh would be in reality the King, deciding all questions of foreign policy, of peace and war, of laws and taxes and commercial regulations, [...] And when the Mohammedans had become numerous, and a fitting season had arrived, the sheik would point out a well-known Koran text and would proclaim war against the surrounding pagan kings. And so, the movement which had begun by the school would be continued by the sword."
THE MARTYRDOM OF MAN, William Winwood Reade, 1872

"The report placed the most responsibility on a small number of midlevel sergeants and their protégés for instigating and covering up the wrongdoing. It suggested that their motives included a desire to outscore other patrols in the number of enemy combatants killed, to clear at all costs the battlefield of people believed to be insurgents and to initiate new soldiers into a brotherhood of combat.

Higher-level commanders bore responsibility for the culture that developed and for the abuse that happened on their watch, but criminal behavior was largely concealed from them, the report said.

Professor Blaxland said the report’s findings reflected an ill-conceived national policy governing Australia’s involvement in Afghanistan that bred cynicism among some soldiers.

Australia had committed “military forces to open-ended missions without compelling strategy that made an erosion of moral compass possible,” he said.

“Of fundamental importance is the recognition by Australian politicians and the public writ large that we cannot take a cavalier approach to the deployment of armed forces and expect to sustain that over a decade without moral injury,” Professor Blaxland added."
Blood Lust and Demigods: Behind an Australian Force’s Slaughter of Helpless Afghans, NYT, By Yan Zhuang and Thomas Gibbons-Neff, Published Nov. 18, 2020, Updated Nov. 27, 2020

2 Squadron SASR needs to be reconstituted and its record cleared of error, for it is the elite who forced these soldiers into a monstrous Islam-Muslim context wherein time moral shifting had to be regarded as, if not inevitable highly likely as the nature of Islamic-Muslim conflict resolution method, what Muslims believe to be in the end-game the only successful tactic, violence-terror, as clearly the Muslim Taliban do to take societal minds and space, would be utilised reactively by Other in an attempt to negate and deter the Muslim Taliban successfully moving into space against a failed patient diplomacy and passive resistance pitted against a proven Muslim conflict resolution methodology of extreme violence.

"He said his patrol had passed through a village where the Taliban had cut throats of five children the night before."

"A private school graduate who police feared was an extremist Islamic State supporter has been linked to the double murder of an elderly couple.

Police fatally shot 22-year-old Raghe Abdi, when he lunged at them with a knife on the Logan Motorway in Brisbane at about 6am on Thursday.

Body camera footage is said to show him screaming 'Allahu Akbar' as he went to attack the officers while on bail after being arrested by counter-terrorism officers."
Private schoolboy turned wannabe ISIS terrorist shouted 'Allahu Akbar' before he was shot dead by cops on a busy motorway - as police probe whether he slaughtered an elderly couple found dead just 3km away, By LOUISE AYLING FOR DAILY MAIL AUSTRALIA, PUBLISHED: 02:39 AEDT, 18 December 2020

Twitter removes a tweet by Malaysia's former PM Mahathir Mohamad, accusing him of “glorifying violence” for saying that Muslims had a right “to kill millions of French people,” shortly after a knife-wielding (Muslim) man killed three people in a church in #Nice.

If we had one citizen suffering from moral injury generated by Muslim violence-terror against Other reflecting back Muslim terror from within the relative safety of a Western Democracy, how is it our also wise and morally magnificent Military, Political, Intellectual elite did not consider how much more likely at the very grim face of what Muslims can do to Other and each other within an actual Muslim-Islam dominated space they did not think gosh these soldiers will see Muslim-Islam for the threat it really is to themselves and their culture-ideology and that the strategy, and tactics are pure shite and putting them in danger firstly by having soldiers think the many are good and therefore the threat is minimal-manageable when in fact the many were creating the terror-violence from their very floors and worse expecting soldiers to utilise Western military morals to defeat  a Muslim culture-ideology which has no such boundaries and does exactly what Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli said was essential remove completely the antitheses Culture-Ideology with your own or forget it. Yes, our soldiers started creating security by utilising the methodology used against them, extreme-violence in part approved by their own military élite in the form of targeted killings be they unarmed or not, be they tilling the fields or not. The trouble is the many were still creating the few and the Taliban simply rerouted them through the ANA had them trained and then ... You lied to them gave them an impossible task within the paradigm you created in a Muslim-Islam space they had no chance of morally coming to terms with.

When they told you they believed Muslim-Islam was responsible you told them what?

"The vast majority of Australian Defence Force personnel believes the Muslim religion promotes ­violence and terrorism,"
Most Australian Defence Force (ADF) soldiers ‘believe Islam promotes violence and terrorism’ THE AUSTRALIAN, Ean Higgins, JUNE 9, 2016

““The Taliban can and does punish people who are perceived to have acted inconsistently with their ideology and objectives,“ he said.
“Your Honour only has to read almost any book about Afghanistan or the Taliban or look at anything on the internet about the Taliban to see time and time again what a horrifying prospect it is, both in terms of the cruel and barbaric nature of punishment they can mete out and the complete disregard for the rule of law.””
Fears of Taliban retribution raised in Ben Roberts-Smith defamation case,, MAY 7, 2021 6:04PM

“rule of law” shows a deep contempt for truth Western Democratic notions of law do not apply within a Muslim-Islamic context where the approved conflict resolution method, justice is what is termed within Western Democracies as “cruel and barbaric … punishment”. Also the absurdity of claiming the four Afghans are at risk from the Taliban when these Muslim Afghans are seeking to discredit the very soldier who sought the Taliban’s demise, when the reverse would have to be true the four Afghans can logically seek a reward and protection from the Taliban for seeking to destroy the reputation of the Infidel who killed Taliban and prevented the Taliban in part from being able to metre out “cruel and barbaric … punishment” and at the same time discredit as morally suspect the Australian nation which sent their soldiers to fight against the Taliban. The only reason these claims are being made by the prosecution is because they want the four Afghanis, as well as the four Afghanis themselves to seek to make out there is no connection to the Taliban, and are not being utilised by the Taliban to achieve a political discrediting of the morality of the infidel. In fact anyone with an ounce of sense would determine the Taliban would be less than happy if these four Afghans ceased to make these accusations, the four Afghans therefore would have more to fear from the Taliban for not continuing with their accusations.

IF IT DOESN'T ADD UP SPEAK UP: The Threat to the Security of Australia are the very citizens given the task to formulate and implement security policy based upon a lie Muslims in general are not a threat to humanity inclusive of Muslims themselves

"The Australian defence force may delay holding individual military commanders accountable for the cultural failings exposed in the Brereton war crimes inquiry until after prosecutions of alleged perpetrators have concluded."
Serious action’ needed on Australian military culture but commanders may not be held accountable for years. The Guardian, 5-8-2021, Daniel Hurst and Christopher Knaus

The propensity to moral shift is a facet enabled by every biology/culture ideology within which each of us is created. For so many of any biology/culture ideology to moral shift to such an extent away from their normative boundaries means those who did shift beyond these boundaries clearly were subject to a culture ideology paradigm which also lay far outside their own culture ideology moral context otherwise such behavior would never have occurred. It is therefore not the individual military commanders nor soldiers who exhibited this behavior but those who sent them into moral harm’s way lying to them that they could survive intact psychologically behaviourally when confronted with such extreme antithesis to their own Western Democratic moral foundations. In fact, betrayed our soldiers at the sharp end by claiming no such extreme moral antithesis existed and then when the inevitable moral shifting occurred to deal with reality on the ground blamed the instruments of their policy settings rather than themselves. Its war in a completely Western Democratic moral antithesis so you expect Western Democratic ethos to apply = appalling delusion.

"Related: ‘It’s awful’: expert whose work triggered Australian war crimes inquiry says abuse taking personal toll"
Serious action’ needed on Australian military culture but commanders may not be held accountable for years. The Guardian, 5-8-2021, Daniel Hurst and Christopher Knaus

"Expert"? ‘It’s awful’: To determine such a person an expert with the skills to examine the social psychology of war when any sociologist knows rationale systems create individual-group-institution behaviours and where there is a breakdown from a rationale systems internal codex perspective inevitably external rational system forces are the cause where individuals-groups-institutions interface with the external rationale system particularly where they have to survive in the face of a dangerous antithesis reality. Worse is when your own rationale system which includes this so-called expert deny the external rationale system is so inherently dangerous to survive you may rationally be forced to moral shift outside your own normative boundaries into the accepted antithesis boundaries of the external rationale system you are being forced to deal with to achieve goals set by your own biology/culture ideology.  Our troops were set an impossible task lied to, betrayed, subject to hypocrisy and so-called friendly biology/culture ideology on both sides which determined them infidel and rightfully subject for grievous harm which resulted in insider killings and the continual threat of the same let alone dealing with the atrocities both sides daily perpetrated against each other, not only in the field of battle but also in ordinary interactions. What was inevitable and not only regards our own Australian troops? This "expert" needs to review her postmodern feminist Marxist power constructs for deriving social psychology outcomes.

Will we open the secret file held by Australian Defense Force which contains actions by Australian troops in WWII? Why shouldn't the ADF leadership trash their standing in the community completely so internal critics and external politic can really drive home the stake. War is War each have their own rules each goes beyond what was regarded as the worst of human nature, we have short memories. It is not a matter of excuse, it’s if the abnormal reflects normal, reactive rather than the origin.

“The fact is that no-one, right, left or centre, got the true measure of Hitler’s National Socialism, a movement of a kind that had not been seen before and whose aims were rationally unimaginable. Not even his intended victims fully recognised the danger. After the summer election of 1932 which left the Nazi as much the largest party, but short of a majority, the (Jewish) editor of the Tagebuch, a left-liberal weekly we took home, published an article whose headline struck me even then as suicidal. I still see it before me. ‘Lasst ihn heran!’ (‘Why not let him in!’). Source: Diary: Memories of Weimar, Eric Hobsbawn  

“The cleansing is continuing, and we remain very determined,” President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a speech late Wednesday. He described a “virus” within the Turkish military and state institutions that had spread like “cancer.”
Cunningham, E. N., Hugh (2016). Turkish authorities granted emergency powers amid ‘cleansing’ after failed coup. Washington Post. Washington, US, Washington Post Co.

We assure ourselves “tyrants come and go” and what we are providing support for, integrally embedded in and dying for “offers a fantastic object-lesson in how people can live together creatively and in harmony”.

"When the work is done,
Everyone says
We just acted naturally"
Tao Te Ching

“It (Damascus-Syria) has seen empires and tyrants come and go; it offers a fantastic object-lesson in how people can live together creatively and in harmony. It is a wonderful city in which to be. …. a fantastic object-lesson in how people can live together creatively and in harmony"
British Historian Dan Cruickshank BBC series "Cruickshank's Adventures in Architecture, Episode 5 Connections, Syria, Damascus 2008, First aired on BBC Two in April 2008 

"ISIS-K: Biding its time, the ISIS offshoot that thinks the Taliban is too soft" - Too soft you say? Not Extreme enough you say? Afghanistan just wasn’t worth it you say? Clearly the philosophy-policy paradigm dealing with Muslim behavior is dangerously flawed.


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