Commonsense, Machiavelli, Lincoln, and T. E. Lawrence inform us of a truth, two culture ideologies the antithesis of the Other in the same space will not be reconciled, in the end only one will exist. War has therefore always been inevitable between Western Democracy and Muslim Iran, Muslim-Islam in totality

Aristotle’s Four laws of association:
• Law of Similarity (e.g. cars and trucks)
• Law of Contrast (e.g. black and white)
• Law of Contiguity (closeness) (e.g. thunder and lightning)
• Law of Frequency (e.g. go together)

"An ancient Jewish ghetto, once a vibrant community, has been reduced to a small group of families"
Persecution Defines Life for Yemen’s Remaining Jews, The New York Times, Rod Nordland, Feb. 18, 2015

"The maps the researchers have created to identify the camps and ghettos turn wide sections of wartime Europe into black clusters of death, torture and slavery — centered in Germany and Poland, but reaching in all directions."

The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking, The New York Times, By Eric Lichtblau, March 1, 2013
Commonsense laws of association, Machiavelli, Lincoln, and T. E. Lawrence inform us of a truth, two biology/culture ideologies the antithesis of the Other in the same space will not be reconciled, in the end, only one will exist. 

How many times, and how many Other individuals and biology/culture ideologies do you need to hear Muslims in their hundreds of thousands shout 'Death to ...!' and the contiguity of Death of the same.... Millions have died and continue to do so by the imbued hands of the Muslim Culture Ideology codex as with the Nazis for exactly the same reason, its insanity to say adherents of one are evil, heinous and the other adherents good, peaceful.  

Unintentional is stepping on someone's toes not triggering two, three, .. surface to air missiles.

To accept the Muslim-Islam Iranian excuse of unintentional is a terrible mistake for it is behavior which is not an outlier, as the terror-genocide Muslim-Islam Iran has is and will be directly involved in clearly demonstrates. Ask yourself which of these other acts of terror-genocide are unintentional?

"Ali Abedzadeh, head of Iran's national aviation department, said that by law there is “full coordination” between the country's air defenses and the civil aviation system. He said it is “absolutely impossible” that the armed forces would shoot down a civilian plane."
Iran demands US, Canada release data on plane allegation, NASSER KARIMI and JOSEPH KRAUSS, Associated Press, 11-10-2020

one  “absolutely impossible”, two, three .......

"CAIRO – 13 January 2020: reported Monday that a Qatari civil aircraft miraculously survived an Iranian missile mistakenly launched on Wednesday, Jan. 8.

The Qatar Airways plane flew on the same route of the Ukrainian flight, according to its flight map, which is available online.

Flight number QR491 was aboard a Boeing jet that took off at 4:45 a.m. on Wednesday from Ayatollah Khomeini Airport, and arrived at 6:25 a.m. at Doha Airport, 13 minutes before the Ukrainian plane took off from the same Iranian Airport to the capital Kiev."
Qatari plane miraculously survives Iranian missile, By: Egypt Today staff, Mon, Jan. 13, 2020

Three missiles or more clearly reveals a Muslim Iran intention to bring down an aircraft, in its own space where it could control the story, as the missile missed Qatar's plane, and after thirteen minutes no explosion from a suspect cruise missile occurred surely its an incompetence of such depth to claim unintentional is beyond belief.

"Iran immediately knew Ukrainian jetliner had been hit by a missile, recordings show", ABC, 3-2-2020

Note: Why I utilise Muslim-Islam Iran rather than Iran is because as with Nazi Germany last century wars are fought between Biology/Culture Ideologies, not Nations. For wars exist because of core codex Culture Ideology antithesis imbued within the adherents and the degree of deviance categorization of Other inherent in the codex. It just needs one Culture Ideology codex to contain a terror-genocide categorisation of Other coming in contact with Other to start the development of terror, war.

The Muslim-Islam codex as the bodies across the centuries even in this one prove the Muslim-Islam codex contains an explicit terror-genocide construct of Other exactly the same but with more vitriol and explicit method to be rid of Other, able to be analogised into horror before humanity, than Mein Kampf. And that is some sickening achievement which Muslim-Islam adherents need to face along with the victims Muslims continually create as Nazis did for exactly the same reason.

Iran gets away with it. When one looks at the plane targeted does it not strike you that some political-strategic thought had to have gone into which plane would be targeted to minimise International repercussions from United Nations Security Council which matter to Muslim-Islam Iran? Ukranian plane passengers, Canadian passengers, Iranian own citizens being killed anyway determined as martyrs to the cause. Able to transfer blame the US for the accident due to heightened tensions causing the 'mistake' 'unintentional' as we are seeing on media such as twitter.

'It's less the fault of Iran than it is Trump and his henchmen.' Twitter


'It's less the fault of Germany than it is Winston Churchill and his henchmen.'

The lies we tell ourselves.

"It's good that they've apologised. The most important thing now is that tensions in the region calm down," UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson added.
Iran plane downing: Person who filmed video arrested, BBC, 15-01-2020

The truth: video of the attack which so happened to be videoed in precisely the most appropriate position to capture the flight of the missiles and the plane being destroyed.

"#Iran's #IRGC Aerospace Force commander (visiting the family of a victim in plane crash): #IranPlaneCrash was something that the enemy imposed on us, and it was done by the enemy...We'll surely take revenge for the blood of those who lost their lives in #UkrainianPlaneCrash." Twitter

The 'apology' is an Muslim Iranian Aerospace Force commander admittance Muslim Iran military purposefully pressed the trigger due to
"something"-Assassination of General Qassim Suleimani as an 'imposition', seeking to blame Trump "the enemy" because of heightened security concern of fictitious cruise missile strikes by the US, having already missed the Qatar plane, the Iranian military made sure with the second attempt. 

The Muslim Iranian Aerospace Force commander further emphasizing 'the enemies' Trump's responsibility rather than the Muslim Iranian military by assuring the victim's family "We'll surely take revenge for the blood of those who lost their lives in #UkrainianPlaneCrash." as if it were Trump, the US who triggered the missile attack.

This is not an apology, this is blame-shifting accepted and used against Trump, not Muslim-Islam Iran who have knowingly murdered its own citizens, by Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau the devout Islamist Islam Dichotomy Paradigm enabler of terror-genocide increasing not diminishing.

The absurdity is the Muslim Iranian terror act worked, the keyed-up Muslim Iranian military reflecting the charged
"Death to ...!"  vitriol of its leaders to make the US and allies pay, and knowing full well the cruise missiles Iran sent into attack US bases were meant to miss, needed an action which represented a real cost to the West and pressure on the US whilst dissimulating behind a deniability wall.

From the Iran military perspective, the missile strike was to be caused by the US heightening tensions and controlled in their own political geographic space, not due to the Muslim Irans military's own purposeful actions.

From an Iranian elite perspective knowing the video had been released of the missile strikes, or even having it made themselves for release, were immediately able to fall back on rogue elements, which included the person who videoed the tragedy thereby washing the Muslim Iranian political elites hands of their own complicity in either inciting-approving indirectly or directly the Muslim Iranian military to devise and carry out an act which could be denied as the actual responsibility of the Muslim Iranian State as a whole or the Muslim military apparatus as a whole.

I am fairly certain the US assassinated the wrong Muslim Iranian strategist. I doubt this was a spur of the moment tactic this could have been a thought out option on the books for some time.

The missile attack by Muslim-Islam Iran is symptomatic of the Muslim-Islam rationale system, extremists as SS Nazis emerge from moderate Muslim development floors imbued with prejudice & the justification and authorisation of Death to_ emerging from families, communities and institutions the missile attack was inevitable, not unintentional.

Article 16. ...Do not let them ask you for things, since their greed will then make them look upon you only as a cow to milk.. T. E. Lawrence 1917

“Pray God that men reading the story will not, for love of glamour of strangeness, go out to prostitute themselves and their talents in serving another race (Biology/Culture Ideology). A man who gives himself to be a possession of aliens leads a Yahoo life, having bartered his soul to a brute-master. He is not them." T. E. Lawrence

“The outstanding feature of the opening phase of the Middle East (WWII) was the unreadiness of both sides to undertake operations. This dangerous state of affairs had been forced on the British Service authorities by Government policy, which resulted in the first instance from general public apathy towards defence, and secondly from the attempt to appease the imperialistically minded dictators by weakly acquiescing in the early acts of aggression.

The lessons here are:

(a) That once Service strengths have been allowed to run down they cannot be restored quickly.

(b) That the restoration of Service strengths requires much more than giving them the necessary manpower; it requires an immense and sustained effort involving every aspect of national life.

(c) That peace cannot be brought by appeasement; that it is far better in the long run to challenge at an early stage rather than allow an aggressor to go on from strength to strength until the inevitable war begins with the defender at a dangerous disadvantage.

"Mr Trudeau said. "This may well have been unintentional."
"It does not suggest that this was intentional," Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said.
"Somebody could have made a mistake," Mr Trump told reporters at the White House."
Justin Trudeau says intelligence shows Iran shot down Ukrainian plane, footage emerges of midair explosion, ABC, 10-1-2020

Iran admits 'unintentionally' shooting down Ukrainian plane, SMH, By Nasser Karimi, January 11, 2020  )
If you make the deductions from your intelligence reports fit your preconceived notions about what the enemy is or ought to be doing, you are almost bound to be surprised.”
MIDDLE EAST 1939-43, DIRECTORATE OF MILITARY TRAINING, Military Board Army Headquarters, Melbourne, 31/8/1959

War has  always been inevitable between Western Democracy and Muslim Iran, Muslim-Islam in totality, in fact, if honesty truth prevailed this is a war started when Mohammad walked out of that cave.

The Western Democracies have to be prepared to preempt, in strength and intelligence as the resources, experience, and lives
'milked' by Muslim-Islam biology/culture ideology are inevitably turned almost certainly in concert with Russia and China. The strategy is to keep the West sacrificing much more than wealth, to "allow an aggressor to go on from strength to strength until the inevitable war begins with the defender at a dangerous disadvantage." is working for them.

When the moment comes the current strategy will engender nothing but the confusion of a hundred leaders, a hundred generals, a hundred accountants by then it will be too late, the
"dangerous disadvantage" you created will be upon us all. If as you know at the individual adherent level you cannot determine your own safe, believing this does not hold at the biology/culture ideology family, community, institution-level is a terrible mistake. The strategy has to based upon the inevitable, this could spin on a seconds notice as, "deductions from your intelligence reports fit your preconceived notions about" not "what the enemy is or ought to be doing," but what those you determined as your confederates "is or ought to be doing, you are almost bound to be surprised.”.

Federal probe sparks push to boot multiple Saudi military students, Eric Tucker, The Associated Press and Michael Balsamo, The Associated Press, 14-1-2020

Western Democracy Pathological altruism albeit based upon the noblest intentions, believing dialogue, cooperation, joint exercises will work with Culture Ideologies an antithesis of your own, to hopefully accept you as worthy of continuing as a Biology/Culture Ideology, intent on your destruction subjugation, even detailing how this will come to pass, ie China detailing how it intended to wipe out the US, Iran Isreal, Turkey the Kurds, ... is...  

Qassem Soleimani: Inside the twisted, terrible reign of Iran’s top general,  New York Post, Kenneth R. Timmerman, January 4, 2020

The evolving US justification for killing Iran's top general, Analysis by Zachary B. Wolf and Veronica Stracqualursi, CNN, January 7, 2020

Iran crisis: missiles launched against US airbases in Iraq, The Guardian, Julian Borger in Washington and Patrick Wintour in London, 7 Jan 2020

China is the only one who has been honest, Muslim-Islam is a systemic threat to any Culture Ideology it comes into contact with, seeking to solve the terror, by dealing with systemic symptoms of altruist terrorist, individuals, and groups, involving yourselves in Muslim civil war on one side or the other simply enables the Muslim-Islam Biology/Culture Ideology in its totality of sects to Dissimulate, Discover, Adapt, Overcome.

The tragedy for Western Strategists and intellectuals is they confuse Muslim-Islam Dissimulation with a real chance for assimilation within a Western Democratic modernity rationale system, the lulls between terror against Other inclusive of Muslims themselves, the Muslims reflecting back Others own values from one end of the Muslim-Islam behavioral variance, are taken as evidence Muslim-Islam can be harmonious with Other, as the conflict schism intensifies, as history clearly provides evidence it is dangerous delusion. Other individuals and groups alas inevitably utilize the exact same terror method in response-whole societies fall apart. As 
“Intense violence against groups of people almost always evolves progressively. People learn by doing. Their own actions change individuals, institutions, the norms, standards, and morality of a society or a dominant group in it."  

A Death to ...... culture ideology will never accept a Liberty, Equality, Fraternity culture ideology in the same space.

You learn from history and social psychology or your God(s) will be buried with all the other defunct God's.

"Ghaani made his own threat in an interview with Iranian state television aired Monday. "God the Almighty has promised to get his revenge, and God is the main avenger. Certainly actions will be taken," he said."
Iran’s Khamenei leads sea of mourners in prayer at Soleimani’s funeral, France24, 5-1-2020

So God Himself has promised revenge, and God we are told is the main avenger. God is to come down to earth after such a proclamation to commit continuing murder in accordance with Soleimani’s strategy and tactics, surely such a God needs to be targeted by a drone as He is a dangerous shite worse than Soleimani, nothing to brag about. Religion does not inform, justify, authorise violence? A peaceful Death to ..... religion, you say.

Given Muslim systemic terror, as Muslims murder Other they shout God is Great, even Muslims killed in greater numbers than Other by Muslims shouting the same in a public space would flinch, nothing to brag about if your faith instills rational fear. And an indicator along with the broken bloody bodies such a culture ideology in your space equals inevitable violent schism. War.

When is a foreign official who is a terrorist, not a terrorist? It appears you can be a megalomaniac foreign official Nazi and you can be justifiably targeted, but you cannot justifiably target a Muslim megalomaniac foreign official carrying out terror-genocide.

The twisted logic enabling-managing Muslim terror into our streets where Nazi terror is stopped at its source as it should is a sickening indictment of the insanity passing itself off as good policy.

“There are no safeguards provided by nature against employment of thoroughly inappropriate concepts by communities who are self-harming, apparently wilfully, but actually without realising it.”
The Future of Strategy, Colin S. Grey, 2015

"Pathological altruism is found in any pattern of altruistic behavior that results in severe harm to oneself or others. However, the pathological altruists thinking is also irrational and distorted. That is to say, his or her thinking appears to be characterised by a suspension of logic and reason and respect to the outcomes of their actions.

Pathological altruism victimizes the altruists themselves, as well as those in their path."
Pathological Altruism, Oxford University Press, 2012

Khayat brothers sentenced to 40 years, 36 years in prison over meat grinder bomb plot, ABC, Jamie McKinnell, 17 Dec 2019

Enabling the Islam Islamist Dichotomy Paradigm citizen Muslim "meat grinder" to continue by providing logistic, military resources, and training external and internal moral, financial, support and legal protection to a Culture Ideology the antithesis of your own is a very dangerous strategy. For what always happens? It is not as if you have not had any warning.

“It seemed that rebellion must have an unassailable base (Islam Islamist Dichotomy Paradigm), something guarded not merely from attack, but from fear of it: ... The few ... Granted mobility, security (in the form of denying targets to the enemy), time, and doctrine (the idea to convert every subject to friendliness), victory will rest with the insurgents, for the algebraical factors are in the end decisive, and against them perfections of means and spirit struggle quite in vain.
“Pray God that men reading the story will not, for love of glamour of strangeness, go out to prostitute themselves and their talents in serving another race. A man who gives himself to be a possession of aliens leads a Yahoo life, having bartered his soul to a brute-master. He is not them." T. E. Lawrence

Welcome to the real world:

Surah 9 At-Tawbah
The Repentance
27 Again will Allah, after this, turn (in mercy) to whom he will: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.....
29 Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Prophet, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

"The Taliban have been describing the deal as a victory on social media, and reportedly told their soldiers it is just a tactical pact they can break at will, citing religious precedent.

“There are warning signs. Some of the Taliban social media accounts are quite jubilant about this ‘win’, as they see it,” said Kate Clark, co-director of the Afghanistan Analysts Network. “One of the things that makes me worried is that if the Taliban leadership were serious about negotiations, you would expect them to be preparing the troops for a different stage in ‘the struggle’, and that doesn’t seem to be happening at all.”""
US and Taliban sign deal to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan, The Guardian, Emma Graham-Harrison, Dan Sabbagh, Akhtar Mohammad Makoii and Julian Borger, Sun 1 Mar 2020

There will always be in a Biology/Culture Ideology wishing to survive from one generation to the next the affable, professional, friendly reflecting back your values as valid, even believing such values are valid, it is what always happens in time and space, and which is systemically happening now, in the exact same culture ideology behavioral variance, as well as the historic moral shifting of the same which are the true measure of threat to you and yours, and whether or not you provide any resources whatsoever in the lives of fellow citizen or wealth better spent on flourishing lives rather than wasted on fortressing society and informing broken bloody bodies internal and external to your own Culture Ideology societal space.

"Communities tend to be guided less than individuals by conscience and a sense of responsibility. How much misery does this fact cause mankind! It is the source of wars and every kind of oppression, which fill the earth with pain, sighs and bitterness." (Albert Einstein, 1934) 

“..the (German) lieutenants regiment arrived on the borders (Poland and Russia) as part of the 9th Panzer division. After the war he wrote, next to us was a SS Unit the commander asked us “Do you want to see a Jew?” He made it a sign and a soldier brought over a little man, “How many people have you stolen from today?” The man didn’t reply. “Beat him ten times with a stick.” We were appalled. So, this was the occupation of Poland. We had heard vague stories of cruelty but it was impossible to know really what was going on. The country had become the country of silence. We didn’t know this was the beginning of the genocide to which we would lend our hands and our courage.” Apocalypse: World War II

"Not even his intended victims fully recognised the danger. After the summer election of 1932 which left the Nazi as much the largest party, but short of a majority, the (Jewish) editor of the Tagebuch, a left-liberal weekly we took home, published an article whose headline struck me even then as suicidal. I still see it before me. 'Lasst ihn heran!’ (‘Why not let him in!’). Source: Diary: Memories of Weimar, Eric Hobsbawn

"Culture is an abstraction, yet the forces that are created in social and organisational situations that derive from culture are powerful. If we don't understand the operation of these forces, we become victim to them."
The Concept of Organisational Culture: Why Bother?, Edgar H. Schein, 2004

This is not, as Albert Einstein from personal experience determines, about individuals within a Biology/Culture Ideology, for it does not matter how many good moderate exist within, it is if the good moderate sacred codex text and exemplar template behavior obtained from the exact same source as the non-good non-moderate sacred codex text and exemplar template behavior provides the good moderate the justification, authorization power to overwhelmingly, and effectively cancel out violent deviant categorisation of internal (defectors, free-riders,..blasphemer)-external(Other-nonbeliever) out-groups and importantly prevents the good moderate from moral shifting to stand in majority in silence or in full participation with blood up to their elbows. If not, as with the Nazis good moderate lending their hands to the inevitable development of terror-genocide, the Muslim good moderate delivering terror-genocide from their development floors are culpable and will continue to deliver the same no matter how many good moderate 'individuals guided by conscience and a sense of responsibility' for internal-external out-groups may exist.

"• Parents do not have the confidence to argue against the articulate and forceful activists who seek to impose their views, for fear of being branded as disloyal to their faith or their community." Schools face new curbs on extremism after Birmingham Trojan horse affair Patrick Wintour, Political editor The Guardian, Wednesday 23 July 2014

“If the religious leaders compete with the extremists (religious leaders) on Islamic knowledge, I cannot guarantee that they would win. That’s what worries me,” said Adudulkrep, who is also head of the state-run Xinjiang Islamic Institute...." CHINA LOSING BATTLE AGAINST EXTREMIST ISLAMIC TEACHINGS, SAYS MUSLIM OFFICIAL MARCH 30, 2015

“Our own view is that this variation suggests that Islam is not a sufficient, condition for violence, but it does not refute the claim that, under a certain configuration of enabling conditions, Islam is more likely to lead to violence than are other religions.” 
Anastasopoulos, L. J., Masoud, T., & Zeckhauser, R. (2016). Thou Shalt Kill? Measuring Political Violence in the Bible and the Quran.

If you cannot "incite serious contempt, revulsion or severe ridicule of" a Muslim biology/culture ideology which systemically creates altruists authorised, justified with the method of extreme violence, which clearly includes beheading, the law is contemptible, revolting, and deserving of severe ridicule for the law is a danger to citizens

“It seemed that rebellion must have an unassailable base (Islam Islamist Dichotomy Paradigm), something guarded not merely from attack, but from fear of it: such a base as we had in the Red Sea Ports, the desert, or in the minds of the men we converted to our creed. It must have a sophisticated alien enemy, in the form of a disciplined army of occupation to small to fulfil the doctrine of acreage: too few to adjust number to space, in order to dominate the whole area effectively from fortified posts. It must have a friendly population, not actively friendly, but sympathetic to the point of not betraying rebel movements to the enemy. Rebellions can be made by 2 per cent active in a striking force, and 98 per cent passively sympathetic. The few active rebels must have qualities of speed and endurance, ubiquity and independence of arteries of supply. They must have technical equipment to destroy or paralyse the enemy’s organised communications, in its extreme degree, of attack where the enemy is not. In fifty words: Granted mobility, security (in the form of denying targets to the enemy), time, and doctrine (the idea to convert every subject to friendliness), victory will rest with the insurgents, for the algebraical factors are in the end decisive, and against them perfections of means and spirit struggle quite in vain.” 
Evolution of a Revolt, – T. E. Lawrence, 1920

"A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other.” ― Abraham Lincoln

"For always, no matter how powerful one’s armies, in order to enter a country one needs the goodwill of the inhabitants. It was for these reasons that Louis XXII, King of France, speedily lost it. On the first occasion Ludovico’s own forces were enough to take the city from him, because the people who had opened the gates to him, finding they had deceived themselves in their expectations and as regards the benefits they had anticipated, could not stand the affronts they received from the newcomer.
When states are acquired in a province differing in language, in customs, and in institutions, then difficulties arise; and to hold them one must be very fortunate and very assidious. One of the best, most effective expedients would be for the Conqueror to go to live there in person. This course of action would make a new possession more secure and more permanent; and this was what the Turk achieved in Greece. For all the other measures he took, had he not gone to settle there he would have found it impossible to hold the state. Being on the spot, one can detect trouble at the start and deal with it immediately; if one is absent, it is discerned only when it has grown serious, and it is then too late. And besides, this policy prevents the conquered territory from being plundered by one’s officials. The subjects are satisfied because they have direct recourse to the Prince; and so they have more reason to love him, if they want to be good, and to fear him, if they want to be otherwise. Anyone wishing to invade the state has to think twice about it. So if he settles there the ruler can lose his new state only with the greatest difficulty.
And here it has to be noted that men must be either pampered or crushed, because they can get revenge for small injuries but not the grievous ones. So any injury a prince does a man should be of such a kind that there is no fear of revenge. If, however, instead of establishing settlements the Prince sends in troops, expenses are far higher, as all the revenues have to be devoted to the defense and the gain becomes a loss. The Prince does far more injury, because he harms the whole state by billeting his army in different parts of the country, everyone suffers from this annoyance, and everybody is turned into an enemy. And those who grow hostile can do him harm, because they remain, defeated, in their own homes. In every way, therefore, this means of defense is as useless as colonisation is useful.”

The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli, written 1513

“Establishing and maintaining cooperation on the level of the group would require individuals to engage not only in prosocial behaviour towards others, but also retribution for of uncooperative behaviour on the behalf of others, at a cost to themselves (“costly punishment”; see Henrich et al., 2006) in order to enforce fair and recipricol behaviour on the part of everyone (Fehr & Gachter, 2000; 2002.) Therefore, the enforcement of cooperative societies pivots on the willingness of individuals to engage in “altruistic punishment, “ or punishment of those who violate social norms without the incentive of material gain or even a cost to the punisher (Fehr & Gachter, 2002). Without altruistic punishment, norms of cooperation will be eroded by the unscrupulous, self-interested behaviour of free riders, cheaters, and defectors (Henrich et al., 2006)" 
The Oxford Hand Book of Prosocial Behavior, 2015, p151

“Intense violence against groups of people almost always evolves progressively. People learn by doing. Their own actions change individuals, institutions, the norms, standards, and morality of a society or a dominant group in it. The evolution is facilitated by the passivity of bystanders, both the witnesses within that society and in the outside world. There is usually only limited resistance in the course of increasing devaluation, hostility, discrimination, and violence against groups of people, whether it be a racial, religious, ethnic, or political subgroup of society that ultimately becomes the victim of extreme violence. There is usually little or no early response by outside groups and nations. Many internal and external bystanders may become complicit, going on with business as usual, cooperating and doing business with a dominant group or government in the course of the evolution of increasingly harmful actions against a targeted group. But when a genocide begins, when people are actually killed, a few people in the society become rescuers, endangering themselves, and often their families, to save lives (Staub, 1989, 2011).”
The Roots of Helping, Heroic Rescue and Resistance to and the Prevention of Mass Violence: Active Bystandership in Extreme Times and in Building Peaceful Societies, Ervin Staub, 2015

Surah 60 Al-Mumtahanah
The Examined One
1 O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends (or protectors)-offering them (your) love, even though they have rejected the Truth that has come to you, and have (on the contrary) driven out the Prophet and yourselves (from your homes), (simply) because ye believe in Allah your Lord! If ye have come to strive in My Way and to seek My Good Pleasure, (take them not as friends), holding secret converse of love (and friendship) with them: for I know full well all that ye conceal and all that ye reveal. And any of you that does this has strayed from the straight path.
2 If they were to get the better of you, they would behave to you as enemies, and stretch forth their hands and their tongues against you for evil: and they desire that ye should reject the Truth.”

"Everyone called him “Abs.” He gave out Halloween candy to children and taught them how to play Ping-Pong. He invited his neighbors to a barbecue."
‘I Trusted Him’: London Attacker Was Friendly With Neighbors, By CAMILLA SCHICK and STEPHEN CASTLE, JUNE 5, 2017

Surah 58 Al-Mujadilah
The Pleading

Section 3
14 Turnest thou not thy attention to those who turn (in friendship) to such as have the Wrath of Allah upon them, and swear to falsehood knowingly.

19 Satan has got the better of them: so he made them lose the remembrance of Allah. They are the party of the Satan. Truly, it is the Party of the Satan that will perish!
20 Those who resist Allah and his Messenger will be among those most humiliated.
21 Allah has decreed:’It is I and my Messengers who must prevail’: for Allah is One full of strength, able to enforce His Will.
22 Thou will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving those who resist Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred. …

The tragedy of those Iranian and millions of Other Muslims slain by the hands of fellow Muslims is their very oppressors-enforcers-killers walk from their very own Muslim-Islam Biology/Culture Ideology codex family, community, institution development floors.

"She claims she denounced the faith after growing concerned about growing anti-western sentiment in the family and discovering her ex-husband had been seeing other women – a move that ultimately led to the October incident.

"Maybe after today, there will be some women who will say 'hey I am human, I'm not an animal' and maybe they will get the chance to be free," she said. "

The sons who 'want mum dead' after she left Islam, By Reid Butler, A Current Affair Reporter, Jun 5, 2018

“I have often said that Australia is the most successful multicultural nation in the world.

Our success has been firmly based on integration.”

Building on Australia’s migrant success story, The Hon Alan Tudge MP – Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, 2 July 2018

“It (Damascus-Syria) has seen empires and tyrants come and go; it offers a fantastic object-lesson in how people can live together creatively and in harmony. It is a wonderful city in which to be. …. a fantastic object-lesson in how people can live together creatively and in harmony"
British Historian Dan Cruickshank BBC series "Cruickshank's Adventures in Architecture, Episode 5 Connections, Syria, Damascus 2008, First aired on BBC Two in April 2008

“It will be challenging to redirect those who identify with the IS ideology from violent extremism. Any program to redirect or divert young people must have realistic objectives, the most critical being to disengage IS supporters from violence rather than de-radicalise them.” Clarke Jones 2014

"Experience has taught me that all argument is useless with fanatical young Nazi of this kind, and so I say nothing
the Germans that great unified people are looking for peace and see friendship with Britain as a basis for peace not only for themselves but for everyone else
In fact, if the extremist’s elements had prevailed. I have not the least doubt that disruption would have been more drastic and that we should have real reason by now to fear German aggression from both a military as well as a political point of view.”
Norman Hillson “I speak of Germany”, London 1937

“He (Rudolf Höss a Nazi German SS-Obersturmbannführer (lieutenant colonel) and the longest-serving commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp) struck me as a normal person, that is the horrible thing about it. If he had been a monster you know, if he had come in there and say “I did this ... to all these people who were terrible and I was happy about it... He was cool, objective, matter of fact “This was my war duty, I did my war Duty”.

It was like I had to go out and cut down so many trees and so I went out and took my saw and cut the trees down. He acted like a normal unimportant individual he ...simply answered questions... and as far as I could tell told what happened without emotion, without emotion and without a sense of guilt. Not in the slightest apologetic, not in the remotest degree was he apologetic. In a sense he was I think showed a certain pride in his accomplishment.”

Auschwitz: The Nazis and the Final Solution, 2005, Docudramatizing history on TV: German and British docudrama and historical event television in the memorial year 2005

“Ordinary housewives suddenly wore fur coats, traded coffee and jewellery, and had imported antique furniture and rugs from Holland and France.... Some of our regular readers were always telling me to go down to the harbor if I wanted to get hold of rugs, carpets, furniture, jewellery, furs. It was possibly stolen from Dutch Jews who, as I learned after the war, had been taken to the death camps. I wanted nothing to do with this. But in refusing, I had to be careful around those greedy people, especially the women, who were busily enriching themselves. I couldn’t let my true feelings show.”
Librarian Gertrud Seydelmann, after the war.

“Enormous amounts of property such as houses, furniture, vehicles, wet and dry rice fields, fish ponds, or radios were either confiscated by the authorities or appropriated by individuals, with no chance in practice for the owners to get them back later and dim prospects for ex-prisoners to their village (in Indonesia).”
Extremely Violent Societies, Christian, Gerlach, 2010

"Article 11. The foreigner and Christian is not a popular person in Arabia. However friendly and informal the treatment of yourself may be, remember always that your foundations are very sandy ones. ...

Article 21. ...Islam is so all-pervading an element that there is little religiosity, little fervour, and no regard for externals. Do not think from their conduct that they are careless. Their conviction of the truth of their faith, and its share in every act and thought and principle of their daily life is so intimate and intense as to be unconscious, unless roused by opposition. Their religion is as much a part of nature to them as is sleep or food. ...
27 Articles – T. E. Lawrence, 1917

"Religion had played a major role in violent conflicts in Indonesia since the 1950’s, especially in the Darul Islam rebellion that affected multiple regions. Yet those clashes had taken place between Islamicists and representatives of the secular state, whereas communists had hardly been victimised at all. Now, the alleged despising of religion by leftists provided one of the major arguments for murder in varying contexts. Islamic leaflets blemished communists as “anti-religion and anti-god” and “devils”. The killing in Pasuruan, East Java, started with incitement by the central mosque announcer. In several locations, including Kediri, East  Java, the killers were blessed by Islamic leaders or a fatwa was issued. The fact that the majority of the – compared to land struggles – rare previous conflicts with religious connotation on record in East Java before the coup were related to folk theatre would suggest the communist provocations were innocuous.
… Many ludruk theatre actors in East Java had their throats cut by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) members…

Extremely Violent Societies, Christian Gerlach, Cambridge University Press, 2010

"I was a cog in a machine and directly after the war everybody who had been in Auschwitz no matter in what position as an officer, as a guard or as somebody who threw in Zyklon B into the hatches, everybody had a feeling that it would be best not to draw to much attention to it. We obviously know that things that happened there did not necessarily comply with human rights.”

Auschwitz: The Nazis and the Final Solution, 2005, Docudramatizing history on TV: German and British docudrama and historical event television in the memorial year 2005

'Normal' people are not a lone-anything, they are  embodied Culture Ideology codex creating and participating 'cogs' within emergent organisational machinery, imbued with the knowledge of roles, scripts and the rationale justification for moral shifting. Be it Nazi or Muslim, this rationale system machinery because of the inherent categorisation of internal-external Other will deliver terror-schism. It is inevitable rebellion, insurgency, terror leading to all-out war is the consequence of allowing the Nazi and the Muslim biology/Culture Ideology to flourish. 

Learn from history or you're buried in it.

I wish it were different and once believed dialogue, redemption, re-education, a white picket fence, a job, family and the wonderful nature I believe is inherent in Democracy would in time have the Muslim violence diminish it did not with murder in Australian streets as elsewhere continuing Muslim political/social oppression of Other inclusive of their own, I believed the individual was a paramount measure, one individual or more are good likable normal, friendly surely there is hope, I checked my assumptions they were built on lies as well as the increasing pile of victims.

It was inevitable it is inevitable:
“This (multicultural) approach has failed, utterly failed,” Merkel told the meeting in Potsdam, south of Berlin."
Merkel says German multiculturalism has failed, Sabine Siebold, Reuters, 17-10-2019

War has therefore always been inevitable between Western Democracy and Muslim Iran, Muslim-Islam in totality. Unless Muslims Defect or Other Defects the later means terror-genocide is still guaranteed.

‘We haven't eaten for days’: Afghan soldiers suffer amid widespread corruption, France24, AFGHANISTAN / ARMY, 02/18/2020


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