Both Russia and China have been advancing their interests into other people’s territories or contested territories against international law just as others have done before.

Eisenhower's Strategy Legacy of Patience, “change through rapprochement”, albeit for the best of intentions, has enabled Biology/Culture Ideologies to Dissimulate, Adapt, Discover, Improvise and Overcome utilizing economic-military duplicity/blackmail/theft to build soft-hard power=Enlightenments demise. "That longtime approach, known as “Wandel durch Annäherung” (“change through rapprochement”) and developed in the 1960s to ease Cold War tensions, was straightforward. If Germany helped to improve the economy and civil society in Russia, it would modernize and become more democratic and cooperative. Close economic ties would lessen the risk of armed conflict and give Germany political leverage." Is Germany Turning Against Russia? , NYT, Anna Sauerbrey, Oct. 14, 2020 Both Russia and China have been advancing their interests into other people’s territories or contested territories against international law just as others have done before. Both utilising t...