Julia Kloeckner and Angela Merkel Pathological Altruistic Plan A2 & Plan A are tearing Europe apart as it is a logic which determines a cat of any type represents the same inherent risk, it is a dangerous stupid view.

Enabling a Culture Within Your Societal Walls With Significantly Different Value Systems Will Split the Walls Asunder
"Speaking to a meeting of young members of her Christian Democrats (CDU), Merkel said allowing people of different cultural backgrounds to live side by side without integrating had not worked in a country that is home to some four million Muslims. “This (multicultural) approach has failed, utterly failed,” Merkel told the meeting in Potsdam, south of Berlin." Merkel says German multiculturalism has failed, Sabine Siebold, Reuters, 17-10-2019 

 Gosh "failed, utterly failed". Merkel said this. WHY?

"Pathological altruism is found in any pattern of altruistic behavior that results in severe harm to oneself or others. However, the pathological altruists thinking is also irrational and distorted. That is to say, his or her thinking appears to be characterised by a suspension of logic and reason and respect to the outcomes of their actions.

Pathological altruism victimizes the altruists themselves, as well as those in their path."

Pathological Altruism, Oxford University Press, 2012

Before proceeding it is of importance framed by Liberty and Equality for 'you to put together  a picture first of what a secure, flourishing, healthy, wholesome human life looks like' and the required political and social system to promote such a state then as you proceed reflect if such a life can be, has been in the past, enabled by having the Islamic/Muslim political and social attractors/constructs increasingly reflected into a societies public and private spheres. 


Dr. August Hanning former director of Germany’s foreign intelligence service said Merkel created a "security crisis” for Germany and the other member states of the European Union with her decision to allow unfettered immigration.

"...we have 300,000 people in Germany whose identities we cannot be sure of. That’s a massive security risk.”

“We have seen the consequences of this decision in terms of German public opinion and internal security. WE EXPERIENCE PROBLEMS EVERY DAY" 

Why do so many of our politicians and so much of the media fail to learn from experience elsewhere?

Reflect as the argument proceeds if Freedom of Religion is any longer affordable in terms of the brutalised lives it informs with significant redirection of scarce resources simply to protect ourselves from the symptoms of a cultural religious codex/ideology rather than enabling a secure, flourishing, healthy, wholesome human life for all citizens.

the plan of Chancellor and CDU leader Angela Merkel to solve the refugee crisis at European level, is correct remains"  Julia Kloeckner
Klöckner-Vorstoß zur Flüchtlingspolitik: Wer A2 sagt, muss nicht B sagen Von Björn Hen gst SPIEGEL ONLINE

It is a logic which determines a cat of any type represents the same inherent risk it is a dangerous stupid view. It is the fact that a cultural codex construct of Other can inform terror-genocide in the first place not all cultures inform the same relative risk therefore must if one has any commonsense be treated differently.

“Far-right demonstrators clashed with leftist protesters in the eastern German city of Chemnitz on Monday after an Iraqi and a Syrian were arrested over a fatal stabbing that had triggered violent demonstrations

Police said they brought in water cannons after fireworks were thrown from both sides, causing injuries.

State and local officials appealed for calm as thousands of people took to the streets and Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman said Germany would not tolerate "vigilante justice".

The unrest reflected a growing schism in German society after Merkel's government allowed about 1 million asylum seekers to enter the country in 2015, triggering a shift to the right in German politics.”

German far-right protesters clash with leftists after fatal stabbing, France24, 2018-08-28

"Links between terrorist attacks and humanitarian intake

The document cites links between terrorist attacks on Australian soil and its humanitarian intake, pointing to the Martin Place gunman Man Haron Monis, Parramatta police shooter Farhad Jabar and the Melbourne knife attack by Abdul Haider.

It points out that all were either refugees or dependents of recent migrants.

There are also specific concerns raised about the 12,000 additional Syrian refugees the Federal Government announced it would take in September last year.
The document says "it is expected some refugees from this conflict will bring issues, beliefs or associations that lead them to advocate or engage in politically motivated or communal violence".

"Australia's historical experience with the Sunni Lebanese community illustrate potential community safety and national security risks associated with unsuccessful integration," it said."
Leaked Government document outlines tougher migration program, increased monitoring of refugees Lateline By political correspondent David Lipson 5-2-2016

The use of force and violence is more commonplace and prevalent in some families, communities, religions, cultural/ethnic groups and societies based on the views and values about adult prerogatives with children espoused. They may also be based upon the sociopathy of the perpetrators." Treatment of Complex Trauma Courtois/Ford 2016

Sociopathy: groups of people who adopt belief systems which cause them to behave in a similar fashion.

"..children raised in religious households, who are perceived to be more empathetic and sensitive to justice, are in fact less altruistic to their own class mates .... children from religious households also differ in their ratings of deserved punishment for interpersonal harm (F(2, 847) = 5.80, p < 0.01, h2 = 0.014); this was qualified by significantly harsher ratings of punishment by children from Muslim households than children from non-religious households (p < 0.01). There were no significant differences between children from Christian households and non-religious households.".
The Negative Association between Religiousness and Children’s Altruism across the World, November 05, 2015

“I came to the absolute conviction that it is impossible…impossible…for any human being to read the biography of Mohammed and believe in it, and then emerge a psychologically and mentally healthy person.”
- Syrian Psychiatrist Dr. Wafa Sultan

Muhammad Anwar, 15, was attending a sermon when the cleric asked if anyone present was not a true lover of the prophet. The boy misheard the question, and enthusiastically raised his hand, causing the others to accuse him of heresy, police chief Mehr Nausher Ahmad Kathia told dpa. He was told that he had joined enemies of the prophet by raising his hand, so he vowed to remove the hand, Kathia said."
Pakistan teen chops off own hand for blasphemy smh, January 16, 2016

"A survivor hidden in a tree says he watched Boko Haram extremists firebomb huts and heard the screams of children burning to death, among 86 people officials say died in the latest attack by Nigeria's homegrown Islamic extremists."

Boko Haram Burns Kids Alive in Nigeria, 86 Dead: Officials By ISMAIL ALFA AND HARUNA UMAR, ASSOCIATED PRESS DALORI, Nigeria — Jan 31, 2016

This is a Theory not a Hypothesis: The Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM), Islamic Council of Victoria and Vehid Causevic Need to Accept Culpability For Muslim Terror and Stop Shifting Blame For Their Own Evil To Other

"The time has come for us to be honest with ourselves and indeed each other. The radicalisation that breeds terrorism is not conducted in the bush at night. It occurs in the full glare of day in homes, in madrasas and in mosques with rogue imams. We must ask the question — where are the parents and families (communities, education and religious institutions) of those who are being radicalized?" said Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya's president "Our task of countering terrorism has been made all the more difficult by the fact that the planners and financiers of this brutality are deeply embedded in our communities."

"A Garissa-based official said the government was aware Abdullahi, a former University of Nairobi law student, had joined the militant group al Shabaab after graduating in 2013."
Kenya says son of a government official was among gunmen in Garissa attack
by EDITH HONAN GARISSA, Kenya — Reuters Published Sunday, Apr. 05 2015

If the religious leaders compete with the extremists on Islamic knowledge, I cannot guarantee that they would win. That’s what worries me,” said Adudulkrep, who is also head of the state-run Xinjiang Islamic Institute...."


rogue = "a dishonest or unprincipled person",
dishonest = "deceitful, fraudulent, knowingly intending to mislead",
unprincipled = "not acting in accordance with moral principles",
principles = "(of a system or method) based on a given set of rules - in accordance with morality and showing recognition of right and wrong",
extreme ="furthest from the centre",
extremist = "a person who holds extreme political or religious views, especially one who advocates illegal, violent, or other extreme action."

Do the statements by Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya's president, does the evidence even the logic of Adudulkrep's (head of the China Xinjiang Islamic Institute) statement determine as extreme, furthest from the centre/mean of Islamic/Muslim ethics-methodology-set of rules in accordance with Islamic/Muslim morality, existing outside the non radicalised, 'moderate' law abiding families (parents-homes), communities, institutions (mosques) development process infant-child-adolescent-adult, the Islamic/Muslim imams or other Muslims determination terror-genocide against Other is justified and authorised?

Can the 'extremist' view be regarded in all honesty as extreme, furthest from the centre/mean of Islamic/Muslim ethics-methodology, given Adudulkrep's (head of the China Xinjiang Islamic Institute) statement 'I (Adudulkrep) cannot guarantee that they (so called 'non-extremist' religious leaders-imams with Islamic knowledge) would win (against so called 'extremist' 'rogue' religious leaders-imams with Islamic knowledge).'?

Surely reflection therefore determines the cultural knowledge creating the conduct-principles forming the Islamic governance political and social system of the so called Islamic/Muslim extremist is if not at, close enough to the Islamic/Muslim cultural ethical-belief centre/mean to enable their winning the argument for their world-view of what it means to be a true Muslim? There are therefore no 'rogue', 'extremist' 'hate-preacher' imams determining violence against Other are justified and authorised by Islamic/Muslim knowledge they are simply Muslim imams reflecting real-true Islamic/Muslim ethics-beliefs.

Even given so called 'Islamic/Muslim extremists who are anything but given Adudulkrep's statement are furthest from the Islamic/Muslim cultural knowledge-ethical methodology mean ,does it in fact matter a wit, is it a sufficient enough excuse for the Islamic/Muslim culture systemically informed burning buildings, broken bodies and lives to utilise such an argument 'Look how far from the centre/mean of Islamic/Muslim ethics-methodology-set of rules in accordance with Islamic/Muslim morality the Islamic/Muslim extremist knowledge and informed behavior are.". How 'far' in reality is 'far' if this Islamic/Muslim terror-genocide behavior can be proven as it can to be endemic from generation to generation within Islamic/Muslim culture?

r the Islamic/Muslim knowledge to inform so called 'extremists' at such a level of cultural justification and authorisation as we can prove by simple observation of the daily piles of tragedy comprised of men, women and children before us, 'far' clearly in cultural behavioral variance terms is not 'far' enough if Other cultures determine security and harmony as a desired facet of life.

Vast resources need to be diverted simply not only to protect Other cultures from the Islamic/Muslim culture but given the Islamic/Muslim terror-genocide construct of Other simply to even protect Muslims from each other - this is an ideological construct worthy of inclusion within a liberal democratic space? What are the Islamic/Muslim political and social attractors/constructs, desired worldview which enables the Islamic/Muslim culture to support twenty-first century developed liberal democratic definitions of liberty, equality, fraternity without informing bloody bodies in humanities streets as the Islamic/Muslim culture has since the seventh century? What are they?

Logically, rationally the existence of such systemic Islamic/Muslim terror-genocide behavior across centuries and the empirical evidence of preaching by imams, leaders of Islamic/Muslim culture who are not merely generic 'rouge' extremist without Islamic/Muslim hierarchy status, determines 'Islamic knowledge' exists to inform conduct, to the inform the Islamic/Muslim governing principles which are integral to the Islamic/Muslim culture whole.

Muslim parents who would wish to oppose extremist knowledge therefore have 'no confidence to argue against' the so called Islamic/Muslim extremists because the extremists are 'articulate and forceful', not because of their innate rhetoric skills nor their propensity for violence or the threat thereof but because of the simple fact the so called extremists hold the Islamic/Muslim ethic-belief center/mean ground are not extremists in a Islamic/Muslim rational system sense and therefore have the appropriate and sufficient Islamic/Muslim knowledge justification and authorisation to support their conduct and world-view as to the 'true' Islamic/Muslim governing principles and methodology and enough Muslim parents have 'confidence' the so called Islamic/Muslim extremists are the 'true believers' as they are that humanity continually to this very day ends up with infamy blamed on the 'few' who continually are derived from the ranks of the blameless 'many'.

Parents do not have the confidence to argue against the articulate and forceful activists who seek to impose their views, for fear of being branded as disloyal to their faith or their community."
Schools face new curbs on extremism after Birmingham Trojan horse affair Patrick Wintour, Political editor The Guardian, Wednesday 23 July 2014

To determine one is not culpable for the evil ones culture informs even though in participating as a member of the culture one enables the existence of the 'few' to inform evil, and claim that bit of the codex I do not follow but in following it at all you enable that part which you do not follow to be followed by others to inform evil is to determine a human person modularised and the leg completely disconnected in function from the torso. It determines a humans evil, behavior is not their responsibility only the good they do.

It is rather astonishing from the same lips determining 'no responsibility' as a culture is the determination Western cultures actions, the US etc are sole cause of Islamic/Muslim cultures violence. Though some have realised very quickly the logic trap and are now saying it is not the people of a culture causing infamy it is the leadership of the culture who have been put there by who - yes the people of the culture for the culture.

As a psychological phenomenon, narcissism acquires political significance to the extent that it is recapitulated within political systems characterized by the concentration of authority within a very limited number of individuals. This approach can explain much about the nature of authority with regard to the deeply rooted human needs it satisfies. In this context narcissism is a defining feature of all concentrated and consecrated forms of political authority (Schwartz 1989, 266-267).”
Prosocial Dr. Jekyll, meet Deviant Mr. Hyde: Exploring the Confluence of Other-oriented Public Values and Self-centered Narcissism, RK Christensen, J Stritch, 2016, cord.asu.edu

"Pathological altruism is found in any pattern of altruistic behavior that results in severe harm to oneself or others. However, the pathological altruists thinking is also irrational and distorted. That is to say, his or her thinking appears to be characterised by a suspension of logic and reason and respect to the outcomes of their actions.

Pathological altruism victimizes the altruists themselves, as well as those in their path."

Pathological Altruism, Oxford University Press, 2012

Angela Merkel 'is showing signs narcissism' over her 'stubborn' refusal to reverse her migrant policy, warns celebrated German psychiatrist Dr Hans-Joachim Maaz

thout the ceaseless pulsating heartbeat of our categorization engine, we would understand nothing around us, could not reason in any form whatever, could not communicate to anyone else, and would have no basis on which to take any action.
every culture constantly, although tacitly, reinforces the impression that words are simply automatic labels that come naturally to mind and that belong intrinsically to things and entities"

SURFACES AND ESSENCES, ANALOGY AS THE FUEL AND FIRE OF THINKING, Douglass Hofstadter (American professor of cognitive science), Emmanuel Sander (French Psychologist-Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology), 2013

"Every set of beliefs introduces its own logic and its own constraints."

Distinguishing Spiritual from Temporal Power, Inventing the Individual, The origins of Western Liberalism, Larry Siedentop, 2014

“When we describe one of our friends as rational, we often want to imply that they are dispassionate, logical, thoughtful, and in control of their actions.

However, to a decision scientist, “rational” means “consistency with some model.” Rational decisions are not necessarily dispassionate, nor well-reasoned, nor selfish. They aren’t even necessarily good decisions, from others’ perspectives. They simply are consistent.

Rational choice models do not assume anything about what a decision maker prefers; they only state that those preferences consistently lead to choices.

Rational does not mean that a decision was generated by a conscious or logical or reasoned process. Instead, rationality refers to the outcome of decisions."
Behavioral Economics: When Psychology and Economics Collide, S. Huettel, 2014

"Culture, of course, is related to violence in general and not only to structural violence. For example, culture influences the determination of "thresholds" which pressure on a person must overcome in order to move that person from being controllable, or even positive, to being negative (that is, into violence)."
The Culture of Violence, Chp 3. On the relationship between violence and culture - Galtung's 

Migrant rape fears spread across Europe: Women told not to go out at night alone after assaults carried out in Sweden, Finland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland amid warnings gangs are co-ordinating attacks By TOM WYKE and JAY AKBAR FOR MAILONLINE and ULF ANDERSSON IN SWEDEN FOR MAILONLINE and NICK FAGGE AND SARA MALM IN COLOGNE FOR MAILONLINE, 9 January

"A 15-year-old boy, described as Somalian, is being held on suspicion of murder, and prosecutor Linda Wiking is expected to announce the official arrest on Wednesday. 
Officers in Molndal say they have had to ignore lesser offences such as drug-dealing because they are so overrun by migrant crime, with gang fights and violent assaults.
And in capital Stockholm police this week warned that the capital's main train station was 'overrun' by gangs of Moroccan street children 'stealing and groping girls'.
Swedish police revealed they have sent plain-clothes officers to monitor swimming baths in Stockholm after increased reports of sexual harassment of girls and women.
Last night it was also claimed police had been forced to flee after being attacked by a mob of asylum seekers as they tried to relocate a ten-year-old boy amid allegations he had been 'raped repeatedly' at a refugee centre."
Swedish police quiz Somali boy, 15, over knife murder of refugee worker as her heartbroken mother says: 'This country is no longer safe' By SAM GREENHILL IN GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN, FOR THE DAILY MAIL and ULF ANDERSSON and NICK FAGGE IN GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN FOR MAINONLINE, 27 January 2016

This is a Theory not a Hypothesis: “To make one exception means to make them all.” - Clothing such as the Muslim headscarf, hijab, burqa... is a political cultural statement and informs adherence and respect for the ideological constructs attached to it which hold tragic consequences for women.

"According to the Pew Research Center, religious hostilities reached a six-year high in 2012, with a third (33%) of countries in the high category, up from 20% just six years earlier.

The Islamic world is disproportionately affected. More than one-in-two (57%) Muslim-majority countries have high religious hostilities, more than double that of other countries (25%), as shown in the chart to the left.

Although religious hostilities affect countries throughout the world experience, Muslim-majority countries consistently have higher levels of a range of religious hostilities than other countries and by wide margins. For instance, Muslim-majority countries are more than three times more likely than other countries to have religion-related war, terror or sectarian violence"

09/22/2014 Source data PEW Research Center - Commentary Weekly Number Brian J. Grim, Ph.D.

You are asking fellow citizens to 'grow confidently' with another cultures terror-genocide I for one believe such a request is sickening and dangerous.

Have you checked how the Islamic inclusion under UN human rights actually aligns with Liberal Democratic principles - why do you think social hostility rises with bloody bodies in our streets?

“Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of the word liberty.” ― Abraham Lincoln

"A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other.” ― Abraham Lincoln

“The Declaration (Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam 1996 – adopted by The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (56 Member States)) is inconsistent with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in that all rights and freedoms it stipulates are ‘subject to the Islamic Shari’ah’, which is to be the ‘only source of reference for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles (Article 24 and 25). Shari’ah is based on the holy books of the Islamic religion, as well as interpretation by imams, or ministers of religion. This makes the Cairo Declaration a religious document, despite some liberal language. It is based on inequality between men and women (Article 6), denies belief rights (Article 22) and limits free speech (Article 22).
By recognizing the Cairo Declaration, the UN appeared to give credence to contradictory statements of rights, thus undermining the integrity of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (UDHR). The Cairo Declaration is considered to be a valid statement of human rights by its signatories, presumably supplanting contrary principles of the UDHR and ICCPR.”

Freedom From Religion – Rethinking Article 18, Meg Wallace, 

"As part of the plans, ministers will pledge to outlaw gender segregation in public buildings amid concerns that some Muslim organisations are forcing women to sit separately."

UK PM David Cameron will back Muslim veil ban The Age, Peter Dominiczak and Steve Swinford, January 19, 2016,

"The tormented final hours of Farkhunda Malikzada, a 27-year-old aspiring student of Islam who was accused of burning a Quran in a Muslim shrine, shocked Afghans across the country. That is because many of her killers filmed one another beating her and posted clips of her broken body on social media. Hundreds of other men watched, holding their phones aloft to try to get a glimpse of the violence, but never making a move to intervene. Those standing by included several police officers."
Flawed Justice After a Mob Killed an Afghan Woman NYT, By ALISSA J. RUBINDEC. Dec 26, 2015

"The head imam at Lakemba, Sheikh Yahya Safi, had told the congregation during prayers that they should not take part in anything to do with Christmas.

The fatwa, which has sparked widespread community debate and condemnation, warns that the "disbelievers are trying to draw Muslims away from the straight path"

It also says that Christmas Day and associated celebrations are among the "falsehoods that a Muslim should avoid ... and therefore, a Muslim is neither allowed to celebrate the Christmas Day nor is he allowed to congratulate them.

"The fatwa quotes the teacher Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim as saying that congratulating disbelievers for their rituals is forbidden, and if a "Muslim who says this does not become a disbeliever himself, he at least commits a sin as this is the same as congratulating him for his belief in the trinity, which is a greater sin and much more disliked by Almighty Allaah than congratulating him for drinking alcohol or killing a soul or committing fornication or adultery”.

No merriness here: mosque puts fatwa on Christmas Sydney Morning Herald, Natalie O'Brien, December 23, 2012

“The Islamic Party of Australia Hizb-ut Tahrir posted their draft Islamic Constitution of Australia

1 – The articles of this constitution are characterised by the fact that they are exclusively and purely Islamic opinions and thoughts. They contain nothing whatsoever that is non Islamic, nor are they influenced by anything that is non-Islamic. They are rather Islamic in every sense and nothing else, and they are based upon nothing but the foundations and texts of Islam."

Draft Islamic Constitution of Australia

..it is not aggression which moves armies it is devotion, moreover what brings about such conflicts at its most fundamental level are irreconcilable values, perceptions of a radical different nature, what brings these things about actually is a form of discourse, sometimes we call it propaganda but whatever it is legions are moved by words and symbols… more than the devil made me do it, or instinctually I am like that, people do not go to war because of their evolutionary history they go to war for statable discoverable reasons bound up with politics and culture, civilisation, religious and moral values.. great variety of factors that incline whole peoples to warfare he establishes that these factors are deeply embedded in culture and cultural differences create other differences… 
The lamp of history illuminates what is beyond the readers desk, the readers village the ocean which surround the readers nation. When properly constructed the lamp of history, the study of history, illuminates the very commonalities that constitute human nature itself, what is taught is this wherever you find human beings these lessons are lessons worth learning and no matter how different the language or the culture or the customs or the diet there is a root humanity that is reached by such events that will allow us to predict how we are likely to behave under certain conditions and how those conditions therefore should either be promoted or shunned depending upon whether our behaviour is to be laudable or reprehensible.. .. the cause of war, the casus belli, is a complex of conflicting aspirations, someone is trying to achieve something, some group of people are trying to achieve something, and prepared to risk life and limb to do it and to have others die for it.” Professor Daniel N. Robinson, Oxford University, Author of An Intellectual History of Psychology.

Under Islamic/Muslim cultural conditions what 'historic illuminated' systemic behavior are to be found in time and space within the Islamic/Muslim behavioral variance which determines whatever the derived Islamic/Muslim sect the resultant behavior is 'reprehensible', and
therefore such a human-derived condition should be 'shunned'.
"The findings of the study indicate that citizens (Hofstede and Hofstede (2005)) of Islamic countries share similar cultural values that vary significantly with those of the Western countries."
Conceptualizing the Islamic Personality Model, Abdul Kadir Othman, Muhammad Iskandar Hamzah, Nurhazirah Hashim, Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 42300 Puncak Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

 Prime Minister, David Cameron, is to announce the moves today in a blistering attack on the “passive tolerance” of discriminatory practices inflicted on female members of the country’s Muslim communities.
In a move to confront men who exert “damaging control over their wives, sisters and daughters”, he will announce a review of the role of Britain’s religious councils, including Sharia courts."

British PM David Cameron lashes Muslim practices acting against women FRANCIS ELLIOTT, THE TIMES, JANUARY 18, 

"“We said before the extraordinarily harsh criminal charges, pretrial arrest, and now the prosecution's call for life sentences raise serious concerns about Turkey's commitment to fundamental principles of freedom of expression, of democracy, of due process, and judicial independence,” Toner said in a forceful statement."
US: Serious concerns over Turkey’s commitment to democracy Today's Zaman January 28, 2016, MAHIR ZEYNALOV | WASHINGTON

it worth just one child's life to have the Islamic/Muslim cultures methodology of achieving Islamic/Muslim cultural 'aspirations', political and social constructs determined by human experience to be pure infamy particularly for women, noted for informing increasing social hostility which crushes a human capacity to achieve a flourishing life, within humanities public and private spheres? Are we prepared to have our children forever to be run down in our school yards to be shot in the head or murdered in university commons as a worthy price for including the Islamic/Muslim culture in our midst?

No, I don’t see a coming together of the United States and Iran. Iran remains the world’s chief sponsor of terrorism,” Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir said at a joint news conference with US Secretary of State John Kerry."
US aware of Iran mischief Saudi Gazette Jan 24, 2016

Why Does the U.S. Support Saudi Arabia, A Country Which Hosts and Finances Islamic Terrorism? On Behalf of Washington? By Washington's Blog Global Research, January 25, 2015

How Saudi Wahhabism Is the Fountainhead of Islamist Terrorism 01/20/2015 06:01 pm ET | 
Updated Mar 22, 2015

"Fatah claimed that the social media campaign that praises Hamas fighters who died in the incident as "tunnel fighters" is lead by a group of "war merchants who know nothing but burying their young people in ashes.""
Fatah lashes out at Hamas 'war merchants' after 7 killed in tunnel collapse The Jerusalem Post, 28/1/2016

"Fatah Central Committee member Amal Hamad sang the praises of Dalal Mughrabi, the deputy commander of the 1978 Coastal Road attack on an Israeli bus, in which 38 Israelis were killed.

She also praised other female Fatah suicide bombers, such as Wafa Idris and Ayat Al-Akhras."

Fatah Member Praises Palestinian Terrorists Who Killed Dozens of Israelis Algemeiner 22 Jan, 

have to grow with the threat, and we have to do it in a confident manner,” Professor Siracusa said.
Two Sydney schools in lockdown as police unions call for support against extremists SBS 20 OCT 2015

"Banda Aceh: Indonesia's conservative Aceh province has enacted a strict Islamic criminal code, officials said late on Friday, criminalising adultery, homosexuality, and public displays of affection outside of a legally recognised relationship, with penalties that include public whippings with a thin rattan cane....

The sharia law comes after Aceh's government said several Christian churches would be shut down, just days after a mob burned down a church earlier this month, killing one person and injuring several others."

Indonesia's Aceh province enacts Islamic criminal code smh October 24, 2015

"All signs point to these being north Africans and people from the Arab world.

"Based on what we know now from the investigation, asylum seekers who arrived in the past year are among the suspects."

Although no formal charges have been laid, Mr Jaeger said the attackers emerged from a group of more than 1,000 "Arab and North African" men who gathered between the main railway station and the city's iconic Gothic cathedral during the year-end festivities"

Cologne attacks: Minister says people 'of foreign origin' behind nearly all New Year's Eve criminal acts ABC Updated 11 Jan 2016

argument has never been about an attack upon multiculturalism, upon diversity nor upon race this would be ridiculous, for in this globalized world of course many cultures need to exist in the same space and most cultures do but tragically some not only do not live harmoniously with Other they cannot due to their cultural codex construct of Other.

Please Explain: Nazi (Hitler-Mein Kampf) & Muslim (Mohammed-Quran) Cultural Codex Construct of Other. Why it is One Is and One Is-Not. Yet both = "I don't mean participated, I mean observed."

It can no longer be a matter of 'educating' citizens as to their responsibilities and behaviours regards each other as individuals in Democracies which necessarily contain many cultures due to our globalized world, as cultures set the behavioral variance within which their adherents exist it is a matter of reviewing what a cultures responsibilities and behaviours regards each other culture in their same space have to be and abide by for any culture to be accepted to and remain in a Democratic multicultural space.

"Now that Germany is actively taking part in the war, it is of course being seen in the same light as the USA, France and so on. But we do not see the danger, which was already big anyway, increasing due to this," he (Hans-Georg Maassen the head of Germany's BfV domestic security agency) added."

 the continuing acceptance of Freedom of Religion under Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (‘UDHR') as a good protecting a culture informing terror-genocide and misogyny within humanities midst with the incumbent political elites "habit of sloth" regards any of its sacred totems "immunized against critical thought and its challenges" killing any gadfly which dares challenge the political elite and cultural perpetrators 'rational' system and legitimacy of the ethics-beliefs justifying the rationale is a sickening indictment of the accommodation of cultural infamy rather than striving for improvement of the human condition which has seen the golden thread discarded in a vain hope hand in hand with the Minotaur a way out of the labyrinth may be found despite the evidence such an approach leads inexorably to the brutal death of many more of Others sons and daughters.

My view is there is a fatal assumption inherent in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (‘UDHR”) and it is this.

After each inevitable atrocity delivered by such a political paradigm which protects the real culprits the Islamic/Muslim culture and dangerous inept cultural gatekeepers and their 'experts', the 'good', stand upon each inevitable new pile of broken bodies and lives and the ocean of unfathomable grief into which they sink screeching across at those who demand it stop "Bigots, racists, xenophobes, hateful ignorance, hysteria, trolls, islamophobes, blasphemy, LOVE!". The Islamic/Muslim cultural derived terror-genocide and misogyny continues to march across their victims unimpeded even enabled by State resources and political protection. This is civilisation.

Is one just one child's life worth the price, just one - you think many, many more must be sacrificed to a fallacious vision of cultural harmony which includes within its definition burning buildings broken bodies and lives.

Of course countries, Other cultures object to any culture inclusive of the Nazi crossing their borders without permission to deliver terror-genocide, subjugation of women and with it rising social hostility to their streets - Denmark and other nations response to do whatever they can to halt a diabolical culture which has a proven inherent terror-genocide construct of Other and misogyny is rational and ethically-morally right in that it determines no one can simply knock down the door of your house and demand they not only move in but you supply them with your own resources to do so and at the same time they kill and rape members of your family as well demand to have their cultural anti-liberal-democratic judicial and political constructs imposed upon your society.

"“We have to understand: An attack on one faith is an attack on all our faiths,” Obama said. He said it fell on all Americans to speak up."

Is this what civilisation has come to?

We have a knowledge, conduct and governance ideological recipe which  informs infamy, has informed infamy since its conception derived directly from its messianic political and social codex constructs of Other and women and we can no longer determine such a ideological construct should not, due to the systemic infamy it informs and can be proven to do so by simple observation, demand it be removed from public and private spheres so as not to have such a culture continue to inform the same. 

It is a logic which determines the Nazi non radicalised 'moderate' law abiding 'many' creating the 'few' to become the managers and perpetrators of infamy must not be held culpable for the human misery they inform by their very own cultural creations. Pure insanity.

The law abiding 'good' helping the law abiding 'kind-hearted' 'good' just asserting the right to 'Freedom of Religion' doing 'humanitarian work' - "He just cleaned the toilets, dealt with the clothing, changed the bandages he did not participate in the terror-genocide practiced by the organization he joined." :

"Jack Letts labeled by some newspapers as “Jihadi Jack” left the UK to join the terrorist group when was 18. His parents were arrested after he reportedly sent money for Jack for his expenses including buying new glasses.

Letts' parents have acknowledged that their son had converted to Islam. They, however, dismissed the claims that he had joined terrorists and insist he traveled to the region for "humanitarian purposes".

"He has the freedom to practice whatever he wants, that’s British values. It’s so unfair, but if there is any evidence that he’s done anything violent, if you can show me any of that I’ll be the first to believe it and I’ll be the first to report it,” Jack’s mother Sally said

Speaking to British media last week, Sheikh Ramzy, director of the Oxford Islamic Information Centre also described Jack as kind-hearted but said he had lost contact with him in 2014."

Brit parents arrested for sending money to ‘Jihadi Jack’ Press TV

Joining a Islamic/Muslim culture with a terror-genocide-humanitarian construct what do you expect to happen peace and security?

"In 2015, the number of people seeking asylum in Europe skyrocketed. However, asylum applications were mainly concentrated in a few destination countries such as Germany, Austria, or Sweden. After the so-called EU-Turkey deal, asylum rates quickly dropped in subsequent years. I examine how these developments affected public opinion from both a static and a dynamic comparative perspective. The rapid and largely unpredicted rise in refugee numbers and their prominence in public debates make demographic changes potent drivers of out-group hostility. The analysis of data from over 50,000 individuals in 22 countries contained in the seventh and eighth waves of the European Social Survey shows that attitudes toward refugees do not simply follow trends in asylum applications. Significantly lowering refugee numbers, hence, did not counter anti-refugee sentiments in the European public. Based on intra-country variation over time, the model rather predicts an increase in negative attitudes during times of considerable demographic shifts. Deeper analyses reveal that this effect is stronger for conservative Europeans as well as for those who distrust EU-politics. Moreover, while a general willingness to help is associated with more openness toward refugees, actually experiencing foreigner inflow diminishes this link, suggesting limitations of humanitarian concerns. Results are stable across various modelling and sample choices and not driven by individual countries. In sum, these findings demonstrate the importance of temporal dynamics for the formation of attitudes toward refugees in contemporary Europe and point to potentially polarizing effects of immigration along ideological lines."
Christian S Czymara
Social Forces, Volume 99, Issue 3, March 2021, Pages 1306–1333, https://doi.org/10.1093/sf/soaa055
Published: 24 June 2020


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