"Mr Frydenberg’s frightening admission" fails to reveal a worse moral failing the West led by the French once again, with Australia being fully cognisant of participating in another Czechoslovakian solution for Europe.

"Treasurer Josh Frydenberg warns President Vladimir Putin’s military advances have an ‘eery similarity’ to Hitler’s prior to WWII", Jack Mahony, March 18, 2022 - 9:25PM, www.skynews.com.au "Mr Frydenberg’s frightening admission" fails to reveal a worse moral failing the West led by the French once again, with Australia being fully cognisant of participating in another Czechoslovakian solution for Europe. The bloody sacrifice of a Nation Ukraine as Czechoslovakia was prior to the public declaration of WWII in the hope of satiating the beast so in turn the rest of Europe would not be devoured. And England and Australia in particular passing over Lest we forget with such ease given they were Ukraine a short time ago leaves me shameful and grief stricken that our elite have been blinded so effectively to reality by an ideological lens which has led to a state of Naivety (Germany's own view of its diplomatic approach and military preparedness) and I would add Unprep...