"But now we face an enemy that is stronger, better armed and embolden" due in no small part to you David Kilcullen

September 11: Back to square one 20 years after , The Australian, DAVID KILCULLEN, 2:25PM SEPTEMBER 11, 2021 "But now we face an enemy that is stronger, better armed and embolden" due in no small part to you David Kilcullen. "..the Ammam Message initiative of King Abdullah II of Jordan is an extremely important step, bringing together religious and political leaders from across the Islamic world to condemn AQ's heretical takfiri ideology. .. they are much more powerful and credible than Western initiatives.." 'The Accidental Guerrilla' - David Kilcullen, 2009 "petite young officer wearing a hijab on the front line went viral last year, with senior colleagues calling her inspirational-an exemplar of multiculturalism-Words are Dangerous-the ugly face of Western Democracy delusion. "A Muslim police officer hailed as a role model for bravely confronting anti-lockdown protesters was facing an urgent investigation last night after it was revealed ...