The Voice and BlackLivesMatter is a demand "Resources-Money for nothing, and respect for free." Racism is an absurd construct and anyone using it should be ignored.

Friday essay: we are the voice – why we need more Indigenous editors Sandra Phillips, Associate Dean (Indigenous Engagement), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Queensland, Fri, 9 September 2022 No, you are a voice like the rest of us Australian citizens you are no more worthy of a louder voice than any other citizen in a Democracy. Respect for nothing and resources for free. It is not fairness its fraud. Respect and increased access to resources have to be earned. You have no more right to a louder voice than I or any other citizen. I was born in this land as you, my ancestors on this earth as long as yours It is scurrilous to suggest advice of a particular biology/culture ideology group will not contain any political content which is seen to be advantageous or gives preference to that group over other biology/culture ideology groups advice which is not given the same privilege. Aboriginals need to understand how the word genocide played out ...