Commonsense, Machiavelli, Lincoln, and T. E. Lawrence inform us of a truth, two culture ideologies the antithesis of the Other in the same space will not be reconciled, in the end only one will exist. War has therefore always been inevitable between Western Democracy and Muslim Iran, Muslim-Islam in totality

Intellectual humility: the importance of knowing you might be wrong , Vox, Brian Resnick, Jan 4, 2019 Aristotle’s Four laws of association: • Law of Similarity (e.g. cars and trucks) • Law of Contrast (e.g. black and white) • Law of Contiguity (closeness) (e.g. thunder and lightning) • Law of Frequency (e.g. go together) "An ancient Jewish ghetto, once a vibrant community, has been reduced to a small group of families" Persecution Defines Life for Yemen’s Remaining Jews , The New York Times, Rod Nordland, Feb. 18, 2015 "The maps the researchers have created to identify the camps and ghettos turn wide sections of wartime Europe into black clusters of death, torture and slavery — centered in Germany and Poland, but reaching in all directions." The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking , The New York Times, By Eric Lichtblau, March 1, 2013 Commonsense laws of association , Machiavelli, Lincoln, and T. E. Lawrence inform us of a truth, two biology...