Franz Kafka has been relegated to the ordinary. Islam Islamist Dichotomy Paradigm "the paradigms tells us what is real and how it works, to question the paradigm is to question the structure of the world itself"

The same Approach as taken by the First Principles Review, Creating One Defence 2015: "We have taken a total systems approach based on evidence and analysis, sound principles and root causes rather than symptoms." Islam Islamist Dichotomy Paradigm "Execution of VUB professor sentenced to death in Iran "seems inevitable" Le Soir .be, by Belga, 10/12/2017- And this is not enough for the Islam-Muslim Islamist Dichotomy Paradigm Gristmill? “Culture, defined as the meanings we carry in our heads but also the physical objects we use to express and embody them..” (Jasper 2017) "..politics provides the enabling mechanism for community action. Violence organised or other, always everywhere has some political meaning." The Future of Strategy, Colin S. Grey, 2015 (Gray, 2015) “The religiously charged rally that drew hundreds of thousands to central Jakarta in December 2016, has shown the great impact of religion upon politic...