Julia Kloeckner and Angela Merkel Pathological Altruistic Plan A2 & Plan A are tearing Europe apart as it is a logic which determines a cat of any type represents the same inherent risk, it is a dangerous stupid view.

Enabling a Culture Within Your Societal Walls With Significantly Different Value Systems Will Split the Walls Asunder "Speaking to a meeting of young members of her Christian Democrats (CDU), Merkel said allowing people of different cultural backgrounds to live side by side without integrating had not worked in a country that is home to some four million Muslims. “This (multicultural) approach has failed, utterly failed,” Merkel told the meeting in Potsdam, south of Berlin." Merkel says German multiculturalism has failed, Sabine Siebold, Reuters, 17-10-2019 Gosh "failed, utterly failed". Merkel said this. WHY? "Pathological altruism is found in any pattern of altruistic behavior that results in severe harm to oneself or others. However, the pathological altruists thinking is also irrational and distorted. That is to say, his or her thinking appears to be characterised by a suspension of logic and reason and respect to the outcomes of their actions. ...