“To make one exception means to make them all.” - Clothing such as the Muslim headscarf, hijab, burqa... is a political cultural statement and informs adherence and respect for the ideological constructs attached to it which hold tragic consequences for women.

“To make one exception means to make them all.” The same Islamic Construct of Women informs both outcomes as it must - Own it. "“I’ve seen the Taliban, I’ve been speaking to the locals who have seen them kill people, beat people up for not wearing burqas or for wearing eyeliner or mascara,” Mr Routledge told The Spectator after he was safely evacuated to Dubai in 2021. " Three British nationals including ‘danger tourist’ held by Taliban in Afghanistan , Independent, Eleanor Noyce, 2-4-2022 In any biology/culture ideology codex does it say a particular sexs sexuality-reproductive function has to be controlled to create as many new adherents as possible as an imperative and as a drive to do so requires the satiation of the sexual innate desires-drive of one particular sex which would also tend to attract-retain more non-adherants of that sex for conversion due to the increased relative access to sexual intercourse of multiple partners relative to Other ...