It is not a matter of irrational prejudice, based upon reality across the world until Islam as a cultural ideology template justifying a conflict resolution method of extreme terror to maintain internal control of adherents and force Other to align to its political goals is removed from the world's socialscape humanity will continue to suffer a terrible cost in lives and propensity to improve the human condition.

It is not a matter of irrational prejudice, based upon reality across the world until Islam as a cultural ideology template justifying a conflict resolution method of extreme terror to maintain internal control of adherents and force Other to align to its political goals is removed from the world's socialscape humanity will continue to suffer a terrible cost in lives and propensity to improve the human condition. “Although religious hostilities affect countries throughout the world experience, Muslim-majority countries consistently have higher levels of a range of religious hostilities than other countries and by wide margins. For instance, Muslim-majority countries are more than three times more likely than other countries to have religion-related war, terror or sectarian violence, ...” Pew Research 2012 “I came to the absolute conviction that it is impossible…impossible…for any human being to read the biography of Mohammed and believe in it, and then emerge a psychologically...