“Open the Gates!” “Look it is an open-hearted, generous, reconciliation gesture.” “Simple” “Open the Gates!” Simple we are told. Simplicity mantra of a scam artist

“Open the Gates!” “Look it is an open-hearted, generous, reconciliation gesture.” “Simple” “Open the Gates!” Simple we are told. Simplicity mantra of a scam artist. “Keep the Gates Closed!” “Look it is a dangerous scam necessitating being hidden behind the usual open-hearted, generous, reconciliation gesture facade” “Simple” “Keep the Gates Closed!” VOTENO. When anyone says, ‘Simple just sign yes here, you do not have to worry about the fine print or future consequences that will sort out by themselves. This is just a simple change to your foundation document the constitution.’ Citizens are seriously advised to say No. For under every such simplicity resides a shark fest of complexity. To claim any change to our constitution is simplicity should immediately have the fire bells ringing. Being first over a geographical line, being resident in one place for a million years or a month and being subject as we all have to colonisation does not bestow inalienable rights to anything....