"After Christchurch: the culture that created evil remains hiding in plain sight" True. -There is no hiding-how high does the Muslim terror-genocide pile of broken bodies and lives have to reach? Effect follows Cause not the otherway around.

Joe Biden confirms Hamas terrorists beheaded children in an atrocity the President says 'exceeds' worst of ISIS The United States President said he has seen confirmed photos proving Hamas beheaded children, after the terrorist group earlier refuted the "unfounded claims and fabrications" "Biden emphasized, "Hamas committed atrocities that make ISIS look more rational."" Biden in Israel: Attack on the hospital was not carried out by Israel Israel National News, Oct 18, 2023 How long ago did someone comment "Taliban committed atrocities that make Al Qaida look more rational." How long ago did someone comment "ISIS committed atrocities that make Al Qaida look more rational." What codex do they all have in common? I mean how long until Waleed cracks surely he is more intelligent than he makes out. So many lone wolf 'radicalised in a living room'. It's Islam Muslim systemic behavior. We determine the validity of evidence ...