Nursery Rhymes on Cultures Knee - Western Version: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Islamic Version: Words, images, body language will ‘provoke’ me to break your bones with swords and guns and I will certainly hurt you.

Western Nursery Rhyme Outcome Islamic Nursery Rhyme Outcome “We are language-using and culture-incorporating entities whose forms of experience, conduct, and interaction take shape in linguistically structured environments and are conditioned by the meanings they bear.” Christians, CG 2007, 'Cultural continuity as an ethical imperative', Qualitative Inquiry, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 437-44. As research and our Western Democratic elite determine, political and security, words strung together by any Culture Ideology are not benign they are always constructed to have an affect, "Words matter.", just as words enable peace words also enable war: "Words are dangerous weapons." New South Wales Attorney-General Gabrielle Upton, 2015. True "Words are dangerous weapons." "words matter" Australian Federal Police Comm...