
Is it true that Labor turns blind eye to menace of Islamist extremism? Are they alone?

 Is it true that Labor turns blind eye to menace of Islamist extremism? Are they alone? “Opinion: Far from being harmless, ‘soft Islamism’ sets the mood music to which Jihadis dance. […] That was first and foremost because the so-called “soft Islamists” do not only preach that the West, and everything associated with it, is corrupt and hence “haram,” that is, prohibited, to righteous Muslims.” Labor turns blind eye to menace of Islamist extremism, The Australian, Henry Ergas, October 25, 2024 US diplomats' in Canberra 2011 agree "US diplomats' in Canberra expressed concern that moderate Australian Muslims could be harbouring extremist views." (BBC US & Canada 2011) President ErdoÄŸan of Türkiye agrees. "“Islam cannot be either ‘moderate’ or ‘not moderate.’ Islam can only be one thing,” ErdoÄŸan ErdoÄŸan criticizes Saudi Crown Prince’s ‘moderate Islam’ pledge, Daily News, November 10 2017 Erdogan: ““Our God commands us to be violent towards the kuffar. Who are we...

I owe my existence as do hundreds related to me to an old Wiradjuri woman known by the family ascribed name Bessie

I owe my existence as do hundreds related to me to an old Wiradjuri woman known by the family ascribed name Bessie, who came to warn my GG Grandmother at Gobarralong in1852 the Murrumbidgee flood was to rise much further and faster than previously experienced. “Missus…Get up hill, fast”, she insisted they must leave immediately to higher ground to save her 10 children with one on the way, two dogs, a cat, a cow, and a horse. It was said my GG Grandmother “had been on the Murrumbidgee for ten years. They knew you had to trust the aborigines. Especially about the weather and the river.” They took what they could in a wheelbarrow and a bucket of hot coals. Through the darkening drizzling sky, ankle deep in squelching mud, apart from a toddler being dropped twice, “Blessed Mary!”, “Holy Mother of God!”, grabbed, “Thank God!” in a flowing waist deep creek crossing they made it to high ground. The house was washed away. GG grandfather who had gone to Gundagai approximately 54 kilometres down...

3,000 you say, Mosques celebrating terror you say, a Muslim Doctor celebrating slaughter, vivisection and worse of Other your say, . I just hope the policy makers responsible for this slide into Muslim horror are the first to feal its inevitable claws.

  3,000 you say, Mosques celebrating terror you say, a Muslim Doctor celebrating slaughter, vivisection and worse of Other your say,   . I just hope the policy makers responsible for this slide into Muslim horror are the first to feal its inevitable claws. “Risk information avoidance is widespread and happens in contexts ranging from the personal to civic spheres.” Planned Risk Information Avoidance, 2019 “There are no safeguards provided by nature against employment of thoroughly inappropriate concepts by communities who are self-harming, apparently wilfully, but actually without realising it.”   The Future of Strategy, Colin S. Grey, 2015 "Pathological altruism is found in any pattern of altruistic behavior that results in severe harm to oneself or others. However, the pathological altruists thinking is also irrational and distorted. That is to say, his or her thinking appears to be characterised by a suspension of logic and reason and respect to the outcomes of...

"We cannot forget that the universal values of freedom, liberty, equality and opportunity are fragile, and they must be passionately guarded every day,"

  "We cannot forget that the universal values of freedom, liberty, equality and opportunity are fragile, and they must be passionately guarded every day,"  – U.S. Army Gen. John Nicholson, commander, Resolute Support and U.S. Forces Afghanistan.   True. But the West including France, Australia, Canada, EU... could not “passionately guard” their dunny door from being caved in. They have failed miserably at great cost in grief and wealth attempting to manage not annihilate emergent horror from Muslim development floors across the globe, preferring to snipe a “contextual” postmodern nihilistic morality, and restrict flows of critical resources to both Ukraine and Israel, who do not have the choice of running away to have the antithesis become stronger, more lethal.   Islam/Muslim Iran a Biology/Culture Ideology is in soft-power dissimulation overdrive mode specifically designed to lower fear thresholds so as to avoid rightful retribution.   Dissimulat...

Counterinsurgency lessons from Iraq By Bing WestMay 5, 2009

  Counterinsurgency lessons from Iraq By Bing WestMay 5, 2009 The military war in Iraq ended in 2008, although political conflict among Sunnis, Shi’ites, and Kurds will continue for decades. At the same time, the war in Afghanistan has heated up, with more American troops committed to battle. This article, based on 15 extended trips I made to Iraq and interviews conducted with 2,000 Soldiers and Marines, reviews the causes of the turnaround in Iraq and their importance for doctrine development and for success in the war in Afghanistan. A Two-Front War Imperiled From 2003 through 2008, two separate fronts accounted for about two-thirds of all American fatalities. In the west, the Sunni province of Anbar emerged as the heartland of a sectarian resistance that was gradually taken over by Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). Anbar accounted for 42 percent of all U.S. fatalities in Iraq from 2004 through 2006.(1) To the east, the Baghdad region accounted for 27 percent of the fatalities in 2004-2006...